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End Twi'lek Oppresion!


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My green, blue, red, and yellow brothers and sisters! I call you today to end the tyranny of the republic!


Call your senator and demand that they repeal Senate Bill 21354.32 known more commonly as the NaboO Headware Authorization and Taxation bill, NOHAT. This unlawful and despicable bill restricts our right to freedom of expression through headgear under the guise of protecting the health of our Lekku (that is, our head tails for the ethnocentric humans)! And it is not just Twi'leks! We reach out in solidarity to our Miraluka comrades, who have been stripped of their headgear in a feeble attempt to preserve "cultural unity".


Stand against the human majority so they will respect our rights as citizens! If we do not stand here, then how far will you let them push us? Will you stand when they force us into an alien registry? Will you stand when they confine us to Ghettos on the Telos for our 'protection'? Will you stand when they seek to take our very children?!


Already the signs are clear. The republic is becoming more like the empire every day! Just yesterday I saw a Chiss on fleet allowed to move *un-escorted* in our most secure areas while we Twileks are marginalized and forced to dance for Hutts! It's speciesism!


No more, I say! We shall not go quietly into the night! Who's with me!?

Edited by Lightspectre
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*clears throat*


Coming from a prominent Chiss family. with brothers and sisters serving the Republic and Imperial, doing the bidding of various lords and masters to forward their greedy political and military ambitions.


I can clearly sympathize with your plight. Why just recently i found that my little friend from Tatooine also shares your desires, the simple creator given rights to all sentient,and non sentient beings to choose what you use to keep the cosmic rays off of your colorful heads.


I will be notifying my extended family members to whisper a word or two into their respective employers,masters,commanders ears, stalks, nodes. And since I have had the pleasure of making acquaintances with several of your species, one female in particular has caught my fancy, and she too has complained about your plight.



Good luck in your endeavors, and please realize that all Chiss are not to be feared, just respected for our strong sense of loyalty and family.


May the Fourth be with you.....always.

Edited by Muertepk
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cant bear to even look at my shadow atm without his goofy hat, so i cant knock off the last couple planets and roll my bh twi. having to be satisfied with a mirialan sith: all the other sith start screaming into space or seething, i just quietly sit down, meditate and gain a nice healthy glow.

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*raises stubby hands in anger*


I had beautiful Denebrillan Star Silk headdresses made for my lovely slave-girls and a mean group of Republic lawyers came and took them away! Now they look like ordinary slave-girls, sad and pitiful. I demand the safe return of my property and the right for my ladies to wear them!

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I too, share the desires of the twi'lek. sith purebloods have no right to be denied appealing head coverings due to our absurd face spikes. just because i have the force does not mean i don't need a head covering! and even more bizzare, even when i attempt to wear one, though i do not, it still manages to garble my voice!
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As a respected and productive Miralukan (and a representative member of the Galactic Association of Hatters), I am appalled that such gross injustices might be heaped and piled upon our various kinds. There should be no reason to restrict the headwear of these good people-- none but a misguided attempt to set good and unassuming individuals apart, to say this man may wear a hat but this one may not!


Each of the species represented in this fair thread have a long and storied tradition of hattery-- to make this bald attempt at ending these important cultural institutions is to make a direct attack upon the sovereign peoples themselves!


Do not forget the many profound contributions our various hattery traditions have shared between themselves. Time and again fashion draws upon the innovations of one species' hattery techniques to create wonderful new designs that ALL species may enjoy.


If not for the Twi'leki, humans would not be able to enjoy the free-flowing fall of hair afforded by the popular Twi'leki Tailgaps (sold in various retailers across the galaxy)!


But for the Miralukans, the galaxy would be bereft of glorious ballmasked headpieces, which have for hundreds of years been THE thing to wear at official balls (remember to ask your tailor about the newest styles)!


And as for the Sithi, why, look no farther than the terrible-to-behold mask-and-helms ever so popular today among evil and treacherous Sith everywhere!



And do not forget the poor, dear Trandoshan, or the Gand, or the Weequay, the Devaronians, the Chagrian, the Togruta, the Duros, the Sullustan, the Mon Calamari, the Wookiee, the Ortolan-- all unjustly denied their traditional headcoverings because of this heartless and petty action by the governing bodies of our fair Galaxy. This is a speciesism-driven policy that would be shocking enough for the cruel and unjust Empire to undertake, but for the Republic to simultaneously adopt the same policy begs the question: is the Republic truly different from the Empire?


Save these respected traditions! End this unjust policy which has devastated and undermined the Hatter's trade!

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