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Darth Malgus


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Is probably the most hideous Darth I've seen. Couldn't they have given us a cool Sith Lord like in KOTOR and KOTOR 2? Revan and Malak were both cool as hell looking. Nihilus was pretty damn sweet too. Malgus is just straight up hideous. I think it would have been better publicity if the sith lord for TOR wasn't so bad looking. Usually the story characters are people you wish you could look like. Who didn't want to be Illidan or sylvanis, or even Thrall? Malgus is just an ugly bastard that I want to kill.
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Is probably the most hideous Darth I've seen. Couldn't they have given us a cool Sith Lord like in KOTOR and KOTOR 2? Revan and Malak were both cool as hell looking. Nihilus was pretty damn sweet too. Malgus is just straight up hideous. I think it would have been better publicity if the sith lord for TOR wasn't so bad looking. Usually the story characters are people you wish you could look like. Who didn't want to be Illidan or sylvanis, or even Thrall? Malgus is just an ugly bastard that I want to kill.


Personal conjecture and subjective ideology

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Is probably the most hideous Darth I've seen. Couldn't they have given us a cool Sith Lord like in KOTOR and KOTOR 2? Revan and Malak were both cool as hell looking. Nihilus was pretty damn sweet too. Malgus is just straight up hideous. I think it would have been better publicity if the sith lord for TOR wasn't so bad looking. Usually the story characters are people you wish you could look like. Who didn't want to be Illidan or sylvanis, or even Thrall? Malgus is just an ugly bastard that I want to kill.


He looks quite a bit like Malak actually. Is it because he's rendered in High Definition and you can see all of the pock marks and Sith Corruption?


Sorry but, I never wanted to look like Nihilus with his kabuki mask. Nor did I want to look like Revan. I'd take Darth Maul's look though.


Darth Malgus is every bit as intimidating as Vader was. Moreso if you read Deception. His power is actually frightening. He's got the physical strength and domination factor of Vader while displaying more power than Dooku seemed to be capable of. Turning three Jedi into ash while dueling others is just scary.

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Darth Malgus is barely a character. He was not created as a person, he was created as concept art for Sith Warrior armour types. He got to kick *** in an early CGI trailer and suddenly EA and Bioware are basing all the launch marketing around him.

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Seeing how Malgus is basically DS5 only in high-res, your argument is invalid cause this is pretty much the way human males should look sporting DS5 (the bald ones at least). Edited by gibmachine
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Darth Malgus is barely a character. He was not created as a person, he was created as concept art for Sith Warrior armour types. He got to kick *** in an early CGI trailer and suddenly EA and Bioware are basing all the launch marketing around him.


Pretty much, that's why in the Sacking of Coruscant video he was accompanied by "Not-Vette" and the Jedi master he duels was assisted by "Not-T7-01".

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Pretty much, that's why in the Sacking of Coruscant video he was accompanied by "Not-Vette" and the Jedi master he duels was assisted by "Not-T7-01".


Actually.. That droid was T7-01.. The Jedi master Malgus fights is Van Zallow and T7-01 used to serve Master Van Zallow.

Edited by Salabadon
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Actually, i found many who do want to look like Malgus. Myself included. However i do wish Dark 5 made you look as, as you say, "hideous" and deformed as Malgus/Palpatine.


Not a fan of the cartoony zombie look Dark 5 currently has.

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Darth Malgus is barely a character. He was not created as a person, he was created as concept art for Sith Warrior armour types. He got to kick *** in an early CGI trailer and suddenly EA and Bioware are basing all the launch marketing around him.


Yes, he started out like this but he was shaped into a character by Paul S. Kemp.


Go look at the Wookiepedia page. There's plenty of stuff about him adding onto what he already represents in the game.

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I find Malgus so damn hot and sexy! Epic. Amazing. Powerful. Crazy. Smart. Intelligent.



Look at this pic, man:




I want to be just like him when I grow up. I want a movie about him. I can't wait for the next book.

There are so many people on my server who are after Malgus' look. One guy even bought Malgus' gear, has blue Vette, bold character and /walks on Imperial Fleet. How can someone hate on Malgus, hey!!!!?!?!!:confused::mad:

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I think whole point of him was to bridge the gap between the old republic Sith and Darth Vader's era. Plus, BWneeded a DS poster boy Judt like how Zallow is their LS poster boy even thgh he's not even in game.
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I think whole point of him was to bridge the gap between the old republic Sith and Darth Vader's era. Plus, BWneeded a DS poster boy Judt like how Zallow is their LS poster boy even thgh he's not even in game.


Zallow isn't in the game because he's dead by the time the events of the game begin. Republic got a poster girl instead, because they knew people wouldn't bother rolling Republic otherwise :p

Edited by Distracted
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Mate, I rate Malgus for the way he looks way above Vader or any other darths... Maybe my imagination of Darth Bane could match the amount of intimidation and terror Malgus oozes


I disagree about the being more intimidating than Vader part. There are only four people in all of Canon who did not fear the visage of Vader once truly meeting him. Palpatine, Tarkin, Marek, and Luke. Palpatine for the simple fact that he knew he was and always would be more powerful than Vader. Tarkin due to the fragile defense he had for being Vader's peer as far as authority went. Marek feared Vaders power, not his look. And once he had been betrayed for the last time, he didn't even fear his power any longer. Luke only saw the killer of his mentor when he looked at Vader, he saw the man he intended to kill...until he found out that Vader was his father, then he saw the man he intended to redeem.


I do agree with the person you feel would be his peer as far as intimidation goes. In my opinion, the three are the most intimidating characters in the entirety of the Star Wars canon. You have to actually look into the Sith Emperor's eyes before you get the intimidation factor from him. Darth Jadus' intimidation factor comes from an aura he intentionally radiates. Darth Krayt doesn't seem intimidating to me. He seems like Cable from the X-Men to me. Stuck with this affliction, the armor given to him by the Vong, that he has to constantly battle, without which he might actually be a damn powerful character.

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Malgus is more intimidating than Vader ever was because you can SEE the evil in Malgus' eyes, you can SEE the hate and anger. He is ugly, for sure, but I dont think Sith Lords really give a damn about their appearance.


There's actually something to be said about Vader's mask. They have tried numerous times to capture the same effect it had, Revan, Nihilus, and now Jadus, Baras, and Kallig. You didn't have to see the hate and anger in his expression to be intimidated, the fact that you couldn't see the expression on his face as he Force Choked you to death was far more intimidating. It's almost like looking into the face of a sociopath as they repeatedly stick a knife in you, you kind of wish there was some sort of emotion there. At least then you could put some rhyme or reason to it.

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I don't mind Malgus.


But to be honest I don't know a thing about him (ever any significant back story told?).


He looks fairly standard for a Sith (Palpatine / Vader), but I do like the fact he plays his cards close to his chest and isn't foaming at the mouth constantly.


- Arcada

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Malgus seems pretty intimidating to me. An intriguing character in the book Decieved, a being who cares only for murder in the game. He destroyed the Jedi Temple, killed Master Zallow, and electrified three Jedi at once. I would also add killing his master to his list of deeds, but that appears to be a rite of passage for most Sith.
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I don't mind Malgus.


But to be honest I don't know a thing about him (ever any significant back story told?).


He looks fairly standard for a Sith (Palpatine / Vader), but I do like the fact he plays his cards close to his chest and isn't foaming at the mouth constantly.


- Arcada


Read the novel deceived.

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Malgus seems pretty intimidating to me. An intriguing character in the book Decieved, a being who cares only for murder in the game. He destroyed the Jedi Temple, killed Master Zallow, and electrified three Jedi at once. I would also add killing his master to his list of deeds, but that appears to be a rite of passage for most Sith.


His master was mortally wounded, disarmed, and paying more attention to the Sith Fleet than Malgus. Not much of a challenge.

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