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PVP weekly reward the same as daily??


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So I just managed to complete the pvp weekly, win 9 warzone matches, and I was thoroughly excited and amazed... wait, make that shocked and dumbfounded, to find that the reward for the weekly is the same as the daily.


Granted the weekly isn't (normally) hard to complete, since you just really need to complete the daily three times and voila, but still, isn't it usual for weekly quests to offer a bit more reward than the dailies?



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So I just managed to complete the pvp weekly, win 9 warzone matches, and I was thoroughly excited and amazed... wait, make that shocked and dumbfounded, to find that the reward for the weekly is the same as the daily.


Granted the weekly isn't (normally) hard to complete, since you just really need to complete the daily three times and voila, but still, isn't it usual for weekly quests to offer a bit more reward than the dailies?




3 wins in one day is arguably harder than 9 wins in 7 days.


The old weeklies did have better rewards, but if you were Battlemaster those 2 extra champ bags were basically useless.


I will grant you that the War Hero gear is quite a grindfest right now. I really wish they would bring back the Play 10 and Play 50 daily/weekly.


By the way, your post is extra humorous in light of your signature.

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By the way, your post is extra humorous in light of your signature.


Lol, fair point. I was just a bit frustrated because on the server I'm currently playing on, neither are particularly easy to complete at all. It's so low-pop that both factions have at most 10-12 people over 50 that pvp, each, so it's hard to even get any matches, let alone get any wins. I mean, there were 46 republic players on the whole server last night during prime time.

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they really should make it a medals earned for the daily/weekly quest.. that way people have to play the entire match and participate.. they're already keeping track of medals in the pvp queue window so it shouldn't be that hard to implement.
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So I just managed to complete the pvp weekly, win 9 warzone matches, and I was thoroughly excited and amazed... wait, make that shocked and dumbfounded, to find that the reward for the weekly is the same as the daily.


Granted the weekly isn't (normally) hard to complete, since you just really need to complete the daily three times and voila, but still, isn't it usual for weekly quests to offer a bit more reward than the dailies?




Consider this though, you didn't have to actually DO anything to complete the weekly. Think of it as a "bonus" that gets completely automatically while doing your regular dailies. In that light, it makes perfect sense that the reward is low.

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