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My Impressions of GW2 vs. SWTOR


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So people know you're a troll and you are judging a game before even playing it.


Ahhh good one. What part of my OP did you miss? You should take off your defensive glasses and put your hurt feelings aside, and re-read.


I said GW2 was superior to SWTOR in terms of technical achievement and gameplay. SWTOR has the edge in story and art style. How is this a troll post?

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considering it literally took me 2 seconds to reach the datacrons on the sandcrawler in the dune sea... thanks to a friendly sage.... yes, yes indeed it is much, much better.


That's because you got lucky. That was intended as a huge time sink and you know it. You are trying to push an agenda so you won't admit it, but you know it.

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Ahhh good one. What part of my OP did you miss? You should take off your defensive glasses and put your hurt feelings aside, and re-read.


I said GW2 was superior to SWTOR in terms of technical achievement and gameplay. SWTOR has the edge in story and art style. How is this a troll post?


derrr. everybody knows it's perfectly fine to bash and mourn a game on the offical forums but you better not dare point out where said game is actually better than the next 'best game ever' :rolleyes:

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That's because you got lucky. That was intended as a huge time sink and you know it. You are trying to push an agenda so you won't admit it, but you know it.


I didn't 'get lucky' at all. I pushed that datacron deep into the back of my mind and actually waited for someone offering to pull people up. you know, you could do the same! do you have not a single trooper on your friendslist that could push you up there? nobody in the guild? nobody on the opposing faction that might be willing to? really now, people make the balloon ride way more than it really is.


pushing an agenda. damn you are one paranoid fellow.

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i loved playing pvp in GW, and will try GW2 for the same reason

i want to play vs ALL the good players/guilds, not like here only vs few decent ones, and dont want to keep facing same ppl over and over again

also all players in gw had same gear, so skills mattered more, not gear grind fest

Edited by lemur_cro
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I didn't 'get lucky' at all. I pushed that datacron deep into the back of my mind and actually waited for someone offering to pull people up. you know, you could do the same! do you have not a single trooper on your friendslist that could push you up there? nobody in the guild? nobody on the opposing faction that might be willing to? really now, people make the balloon ride way more than it really is.


pushing an agenda. damn you are one paranoid fellow.


No, I'm not, I'm just calling you out on your BS. Long boring time sinks are crap in any MMO. This one, GW2, Tera, WoW, all of them. You only make your "LOL" comment on the GW2 long boring time sink like GW2 is the only one that has one and ToR is perfection. You're agenda is to troll and to trash another game and pretend that ToR is totally free of the same type of crap you trash the other game for, which it is clearly not. And now when some one points out that Tor has just as much long boring time sink as that other game, you do you're all to minimize that fact.

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I found GW2 very pretty and loved the amount of detail I say in the world. Not to be nitpicky but the few areas I explored, I found they had quite a bit of atmosphere. Loved some of the Nord areas and especially the huge lodge. I also loved the human city. I'm slightly missing my more traditional fantasy setting. Although I do like the graphic style of SWTOR, I have to admit that the more stark futuristic look bores me after awhile. After going into my 100th warehouse, bunker, etc, things tend to blur together after awhile.


The character models in GW2 did bug me a bit. They have a bit of an Aion feeling to me although the GW2 world isn't as anime as Aion. At least the music is lovely and reminded me of the Elder Scrolls games which I adored. Finding a character that didn't look like a preteen girl was a bit challenging. Just as I couldn't stand some of the starter gear of some of the classes. What is it with short skirts and garter belts for the females? I think it is a bit stupid but it won't keep me from playing GW2. Hopefully if I do play a class like an elementalist, I can find some gear that isn't as trashy looking and covers my booty a bit more.


With that said, I can adapt. I loved WoW and though the graphics were quite lovely and charming in their own way. WoW had atmosphere and I have high praise for the artists in that game. I found Rift's graphics lovely and very realistic but rather dreary in many of the zones so super realistic graphics doesn't always do it for me either.


Dunno, it is all a matter of taste and preference. If you can't be tempted to play a game because of the graphics style, I can certainly understand. For me, I'm willing to adapt and just enjoy myself. Now if my GW2 character can never find a piece of gear that doesn't look like a Victoria's Secret discount item, I will be disappointed but it won't be game breaking.

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Ahhh good one. What part of my OP did you miss? You should take off your defensive glasses and put your hurt feelings aside, and re-read.


I said GW2 was superior to SWTOR in terms of technical achievement and gameplay. SWTOR has the edge in story and art style. How is this a troll post?


Didn't actually read all of your post, it is a very misleading post with what you said in the last paragraph. I wouldn't say GW2 is 'cartoony' anyway, if it is, then so is SWTOR.


Thing is, the most important part of a game is gameplay. Maybe not for you, but for the mass it is.


Story doesn't keep you playing a game (as there can only be so much), quality gameplay does.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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one thing for sure..


BIOWARE raised the bar on 'how to wave story in your mmo quests' .. never again would i want to play another MMO without SWTOR's style of questing (cutscenes, voiceovers, choice of conversations).. for those of you who say 'big deal, i just press SPACE for everything', its your loss..


i have 8 imps and 8 reps all AC , Light and Dark equal numbers and i enjoy the stories , so much so that the only thing i regret in SWTOR is that there is no RECORD YOUR CLASS STORY button. But thats easily remedied by 3rd party video recorder.


After checking questing style in Mist of Pandaria BETA, Guildwars 2 BETA, TERA Online and The Secret World , there still nothing that immerse me in the story like SWTOR's missions. The Secret World come close but they got no choice in conversations so there is lack of roleplaying here ( i love to play good character on my main and bad chararacter on my 2nd main)


I hope any FUTURE mmo will adopt this bioware system.. as it is, i wont play GW2 after i checked a lot of reviews and videos and seeing their wonky animation, boring combat and dreaded underwater zones.. ugh not for me..


TLDR : My impression of GW2 = The most overhyped game ever , wont buy it and planning to stay in SWTOR until there's new SCIFI MMORPG on the market (not another fantasy mmo)

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Didn't actually read all of your post, it is a very misleading post with what you said in the last paragraph. I wouldn't say GW2 is 'cartoony' anyway, if it is, then so is SWTOR.


Thing is, the most important part of a game is gameplay. Maybe not for you, but for the mass it is.


Very misleading? My last sentence I say GW2 would have been epic if only they had used a different art style...

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So really, IMHO, the biggest advantages SWTOR has over GW2 are story, more "grown-up" art style, and the Star Wars license. I give the nod to GW2 as far as gameplay, PvP and technical fluidity of the game engine. But why, WHY do game developers continue to design games as if they are meant for children, with overly cartoonish characters? Imagine GW2 with D3 art style...now that would have been epic.


Actually, most people would say the opposite, ie: GW2 art style has it all over TORs.


And, indeed, when it comes to high end armour, the choices in TOR look like they were designed by someone with only a passing knowledge of the films, ie: high end armour in TOR is so un-Star Wars, it's not even funny.

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To be perfectly honest, I hated the thought of GW2 from the start, being a SWTOR "Fanboy". However, as I heard more and more about GW2, it sounded pretty cool. The videos got me intrigued. And after testing it out, frankly, everything about GW2 somehow seems somehow..."smoother" or more "fluid." I almost wanted to say more "WoWish" but I won't use that phrase. The gameplay mechanics and features...SWTOR has a lot it can learn from it. In fact, after watching Game of Thrones, this whole "fantasy" setting which I got so sick of after games like WoW/Dragon Age/Witcher/Fable, actually started appealing to me again.


If I may quote General Akbar, "Its a trap")


They all seem great when marketed. However, I would venture over to their game boards. You will find the same vitriol and discust among the posters there as one may find here, the wow boards, or any other online game. They are basically all similar.


What I've found is that the games are fun, but for long term enjoyment it is a good guild of good friends that raise the bar to unsurpassed levels, not the game per se.

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Actually, most people would say the opposite, ie: GW2 art style has it all over TORs.


And, indeed, when it comes to high end armour, the choices in TOR look like they were designed by someone with only a passing knowledge of the films, ie: high end armour in TOR is so un-Star Wars, it's not even funny.


The armor in SWTOR does need improvement. But I mean the more mature, realistic style.


Can we all agree, that the D3 or ME3 or Skyrim art style is the standard all MMO/RPG games should aim for?

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As much as i love SWTOR's storytelling mission style, i have to say that before SWTOR, its Blizzard's STARCRAFT 2 cutscenes that draw me to that game, not that i love RTS per-se but the story omg.. its the story that made the game.. not the other way around..

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There's a reason why Avatar is on the top of All-time highest grossing movies, people enjoy going off into a fantasy world, breaking away from the reality of real life and experiencing a world that you've only dreamt of. It's ridiculous to say "I'm not going to play this game because the graphics are not realistic enough." Myself and I'm sure most other gamers play these games to take a break from reality and experience a different type of world, a fantasy world.
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Actually, most people would say the opposite, ie: GW2 art style has it all over TORs.


this is a question of taste.. GW2 Art style is worse than SWTOR or WOW in my opinion.. but your opinion might differ


and yes i agree the armour design in SWTOR republic side can be better

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this is a question of taste.. GW2 Art style is worse than SWTOR or WOW in my opinion.. but your opinion might differ


It's not just me. The original GW was widely regarded as one of the best looking MMOs of its era. Compared to anything else released 7 years ago, it blew minds. And GW2 builds on that with an art style that is truly painterly in a way that TOR couldn't hope to replicate. And it gives me no pleasure to say that, but it's the truth.

Edited by blur
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There's a reason why Avatar is on the top of All-time highest grossing movies, people enjoy going off into a fantasy world, breaking away from the reality of real life and experiencing a world that you've only dreamt of. It's ridiculous to say "I'm not going to play this game because the graphics are not realistic enough." Myself and I'm sure most other gamers play these games to take a break from reality and experience a different type of world, a fantasy world.


Dude even Avatar actually had big similarities to the real world. The fauna and animals, while of a completely different nature, at least didn't look out of proportion or cartoonish. You could actually imagine that a world like that would exist - everything in there in some way seemed to comforn to the laws of physics - the flying creatures have wings, there is gravity, plants need water, trees catch on fire, etc. etc. Even the way the Navi moved and hunted - it was very "human" and realistic.


In GW2, look at the architecture and structure. In what world would a castle designer decide to make his fort look that bulby and rounded? What vilages would look like that? Nothing. It's all cartoonish. The creatures don't move like you imagine they would either. They all kind of bounce around.

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Yeah, because waiting around for a blimp for over an hour doing absolutely nothing desperately hoping that the blimp would not de-spawn so you would not have to wait around for another hour doing nothing so you can get a datacron is much, much better.


Because comparing something that is intended to be baseline content to something that is intended as an easter egg hunt isn't stupid at all.

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Well, I can already imagine the complaints about GW2, they have no customizable UI at this point, it's not really easy to understand without tutorial, grouping was nearly impossible in the last beta due to the overflow servers. So, at release people will be complaining like they do here, but still play it, because it also has a lot of nice features (their story sucks compared to SWTOR btw). I'll play it also as long as I enjoy it, like I will play SWTOR as long as I enjoy it.
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I'm kind of staggered by anyone who calls TOR's art style "realistic" when even TOR's own artists refer to it as a STYLISED art form.


If anything, GW2 and TOR's art styles are more similar than disimilar. GW2's are just a lot better.

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I'm kind of staggered by anyone who calls TOR's art style "realistic" when even TOR's own artists refer to it as a STYLISED art form.


If anything, GW2 and TOR's art styles are more similar than disimilar. GW2's are just a lot better.


It's about scale and proportions. SWTOR matches. GW2 does not.

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