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*Spoilers* SW Story question


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Hi there.


I just finished my SW's class storyline at level 47 and am about to start questing on illum. The ending of the storyline left me with a question however.

Sometime after you are contacted by the Empero's Hand and do their missions, Baras contacts you through your holocom and tells you that the Emperors Hand are not whom they tell you they are.


I was kinda confused about this since the storyline doesn't seem to elaborate on this. So I'm wondering if Baras said this only to confuse you and buying himself some more time to prepare before confronting you or is the Emperors hand that you talk to indeed not the real Emperors hand and if not who are they?


I'm totally at loss with this so I thought to ask here on the forums :p



Baras needs a serious buff both to his stats and abilities. He is totally worthless. Worst boss so far. When the Avatar of "forgot his name" is outmatching the endboss in your storyline then there is something terrible wrong with your boss design. And his motives are just... Baras needs to learn from Thanaton


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This is left ambiguous. What I hate about Act 3 is that players are almost never given reliable confirmation that their questgivers are in any way legit. I hated this about the Smuggler and Sith Warrior.


I consider Baras less reliable than

a pair of total strangers who look and talk like drugged cultists, so for now I'll believe them.


Edited by bright_ephemera
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This is left ambiguous. What I hate about Act 3 is that players are almost never given reliable confirmation that their questgivers are in any way legit. I hated this about the Smuggler and Sith Warrior.


No, it's not left ambiguous at all. You ARE the Emperor's Wrath. That's a fact. The Voice of the Emperor that you defeat on Voss even confirms that Servants 1 & 2 are the Emperor's Hands. No ambiguity here.


Darth Baras lied to you in a vain attempt to manipulate you more, but at that point in the story you're already wise to his scheming.

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This is left ambiguous. What I hate about Act 3 is that players are almost never given reliable confirmation that their questgivers are in any way legit. I hated this about the Smuggler and Sith Warrior.

I consider Baras less reliable than

a pair of total strangers who look and talk like drugged cultists, so for now I'll believe them.


No, it's not left ambiguous at all. You ARE the Emperor's Wrath. That's a fact. The Voice of the Emperor that you defeat on Voss even confirms that Servants 1 & 2 are the Emperor's Hands. No ambiguity here.


Darth Baras lied to you in a vain attempt to manipulate you more, but at that point in the story you're already wise to his scheming.


Ok but it's badly written then. Say that Baras lied to you so what? You are already force to kill him. The problem with the SW storyline is that it's very badly done.

Baras betrays you and you are able to get away. Why would you even care at that point about revenge and why care anyway since Baras is such a non powerful character?


The storyline tries to back up argumetns to your revenge spree based on that you are the wrath of the emperor and you work for him but this is not very well done since you have too little connection to the emperors hand to even care about the emperor.

Act 3 is just extremely badly written comparing this to the inquisitor storyline where your reason for vengeance is because you yourself are a power hungry psychopath who want unlimiiiiiteeeed pooooowaaaaah and Thanadon stands in your way to get the power your crave.


What makes the SW story so terribad is that you never do anything because you yourself are a homicidal maniac who wants to rule everything and why you are doing anything I dunno. The storyline doesn't start like the Knights where you either can fight for the good or fall to the dark sid no, the SW storyline is where you are a slave who constantly works for other goals.


When you meet Baras you kill him and you are immediatly the man lol. No collecting of ancient powerful relics, ghost or anything to boost your power.

You are just so OP urself that you just slaughter Baras though he iswielding the Voice of The Emperor (how does he even has this power since he is not the voice of the emperor) without breaking any sweat whatsoever. Really dissapointed with the SW story.

Edited by redsovereign
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Baras betrays you and you are able to get away. Why would you even care at that point about revenge and why care anyway since Baras is such a non powerful character?


The storyline tries to back up argumetns to your revenge spree based on that you are the wrath of the emperor and you work for him but this is not very well done since you have too little connection to the emperors hand to even care about the emperor.




What makes the SW story so terribad is that you never do anything because you yourself are a homicidal maniac who wants to rule everything and why you are doing anything I dunno. The storyline doesn't start like the Knights where you either can fight for the good or fall to the dark sid no, the SW storyline is where you are a slave who constantly works for other goals.


Wasn't this Darth Vader's entire post-op career? And Darth Vader is objectively awesome.


I'd say there's plenty of motivation to avenge yourself on Darth Baras. I mean, he's a bossy jerk and as long as he lives he's going to be tugging strings on deep cover agents placed near everything you love.


It really, really bothers me that the cabal of Act 3 guys has all these assertions with no...well...proof. Even Vader got his orders direct. I think that's going to keep bothering me for quite a while.


I guess the power-gaining the Warrior does is all that practice with killing everything in sight. A few people on Korriban point out that you're terrifyingly powerful for a student to begin with, and then you spend the entire game doing nothing but assassinations (or outright massacres). None of these piddling artifacts or rituals.

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Wasn't this Darth Vader's entire post-op career? And Darth Vader is objectively awesome.


I'd say there's plenty of motivation to avenge yourself on Darth Baras. I mean, he's a bossy jerk and as long as he lives he's going to be tugging strings on deep cover agents placed near everything you love.


It really, really bothers me that the cabal of Act 3 guys has all these assertions with no...well...proof. Even Vader got his orders direct. I think that's going to keep bothering me for quite a while.


I guess the power-gaining the Warrior does is all that practice with killing everything in sight. A few people on Korriban point out that you're terrifyingly powerful for a student to begin with, and then you spend the entire game doing nothing but assassinations (or outright massacres). None of these piddling artifacts or rituals.


The difference is that just like you mentioned Vader works directly besides Sidious and furthermore also that when Anakin loses against Obi Wan and kills Padme in rage he has nothing left to live for. The only thing he has left fueling his existence is his deep hatred for his old Master Obi Wan and the jedi order who according to Anakin himself betrayed him.


In the SW storyline you are not a fallen jedi, you do not work alongside the Emperor (why would u even care) and you do not seek personal power like the Inquisitor does. Badly written storyline that's all and to pour more salt into the wounds in the end when you kill Baras and you tell the council (the most powerful siths in the academy) that you are their king now. I just lmfaod because there is no way whatsoever that my toon is stronger then Thanadon, Ravage, Marr or anyone of the other hotshots

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In the SW storyline you are not a fallen jedi, you do not work alongside the Emperor (why would u even care) and you do not seek personal power like the Inquisitor does. Badly written storyline that's all and to pour more salt into the wounds in the end when you kill Baras and you tell the council (the most powerful siths in the academy) that you are their king now. I just lmfaod because there is no way whatsoever that my toon is stronger then Thanadon, Ravage, Marr or anyone of the other hotshots


Yet you could take Baras handily in single combat, and Vowrawn was afraid when you showed up on Corellia. But the reason the DC are listening is that you have the Emperor behind you, potentially, as well as being ****** in your own right. And none of them want to take on the Emperor, openly at least, so they'll play along.


Anyhow, your revenge on Baras is because he's not going to stop trying to kill you until one or the other of you is out of the way permanently. The fact you have a grudge against him also doesn't hurt, but it's in your best interests to put him down as fast as possible, plus you'll be able to claim his powerbase (which hopefully you'll get to do in the continuing storyline) and spy network. Since he's a DC member by the end of the plot, it's an open question as to whether you inherit that also or not.

Edited by Spinks
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Yet you could take Baras handily in single combat, and Vowrawn was afraid when you showed up on Corellia. But the reason the DC are listening is that you have the Emperor behind you, potentially, as well as being ****** in your own right. And none of them want to take on the Emperor, openly at least, so they'll play along.


Anyhow, your revenge on Baras is because he's not going to stop trying to kill you until one or the other of you is out of the way permanently. The fact you have a grudge against him also doesn't hurt, but it's in your best interests to put him down as fast as possible, plus you'll be able to claim his powerbase (which hopefully you'll get to do in the continuing storyline) and spy network. Since he's a DC member by the end of the plot, it's an open question as to whether you inherit that also or not.


I get what you are saying but compare this to the Inquisitor story where you not only want to kill Vash to gain more power but you want to take down one of the most powerful sith Thanadon to further increase your power. You increase your power by trapping spirits inside of u and manipulate them to get poooowaaaaah unliiiimiteeeeeed!!! Whereas as SW you are 90% just a drone running around and doing things for the empire as a Inquisitor you do everything to boost ur own sick fantasies of the power to rule em all :D

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I've played all of the SW story and about halfway through chapter 2 of the SI story and I honestly enjoyed the SW more, especially since I started the SI one first and dropped it to level a SW mostly because I was watching my husband play one and Quinn. :o


What I found with the SW is that you start out as already a powerful student, and Baras even mentions when choosing between the SW and their rival (I forget his name) that even though you are equals at this moment, the SW has the potential to become even more powerful. Furthermore, the Wrath doesn't necessarily tell the Dark Council that their in charge and it always seemed to me that the Wrath was a separate sort of control-tool that the Emperor would have in case any of the Dark Council decided to get too uppity. Is Baras not powerful? I doubt it, since he became a member of the Dark Council, and it seems that the Council can collectively or singly put down any upstarts. These are the most powerful Sith Lords in the Empire which is why they get to rule as a group.


With the SI, I found I was more involved in collecting stuff and ghosts, which is where I'm at, so I can't speak to how the rest of the story progresses though I have seen the ending where you beat on Thanaton. From what I remember of the class story and I'll admit it is a bit hazy, I felt the SI was always being treated as a child or belittled whereas with the SW the others characters you came into contact with either respected or feared you, and even though at first you start as a little more than a gopher, you're a gopher with a lot of power.


Mind you I did play both my SW and SI as more light sided/ neutral leaning so I didn't have too much of the power hungry rawr! thing going for me. Just my take on the stories. I'll have to finish the SI once I'm done my IA though.

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I get what you are saying but compare this to the Inquisitor story where you not only want to kill Vash to gain more power but you want to take down one of the most powerful sith Thanadon to further increase your power. You increase your power by trapping spirits inside of u and manipulate them to get poooowaaaaah unliiiimiteeeeeed!!! Whereas as SW you are 90% just a drone running around and doing things for the empire as a Inquisitor you do everything to boost ur own sick fantasies of the power to rule em all :D



Actually, in both cases in the SI story you're killing them before they kill you. Vash wanted your body, so she tried to take it by force and you stopped her. Thanaton wanted to destroy you because he wanted to destroy everything related to Vash's powerbase (as per Sith traditions). The tapping of the spirits was thrown in because in the story, you weren't powerful enough to face Thanaton yet. Killing Vash and Thanaton to gain "more power" wasn't a main plot point, it was more of a side effect.


Edited by Zellfel
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I like to think of the Sith Warrior (especially in the early levels on Korriban and Dromund Kaas) as a big fish in a small pond. The Sith Warrior is a shark, pure and simple.

He/she doesn't need to try and grab power like the Inquisitor does, because they already have it. The Sith Warrior is born in the Empire's elite and is considered to be the cream of the crop, the best of the best. You start out as a prodigy in the Force, then you're asigned to be an apprentice of a very influential Sith and then you become the second most powerful person in the whole Empire - at the end, you're basically this empire's Darth Vader, answering to nobody and outside of normal authority. You never have to fight for prestige; figuratively said, prestige walks after you and begs you to take it in your arms.


That's the main theme of the Warrior's story, really - domination. He/she is a dominant individual who is way above anyone else, and that's regardless of alignment and decisions. At the end, you stand tall and everyone else looks at you from below. The Dark Council itself is wary with you and they don't dare to boss you around. I'm very interested in how they are going to continue that storyline.


As to Baras, you have to remember that he's a liar and a manipulator who dares to conjure up amazingly brazen schemes. That's established as early as Dromund Kaas. He's one of those characters that manage pursue their goals with success because no sane person would actually dare to go where they go. I mean,

Baras was scheming against the Emperor. Forget the usual Sith power struggles. He was commiting the highest form of treason possible, and he did it in the faces of the Dark Council. On theory it looks like he was insane to do that, and yet if it wasn't for the Sith Warrior, he may have got away with it for quite a long time.

So you have to take everything he says with a grain of salt. Or a truckload, more likely.

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The sith warrior is an enforcer and apprentice of darth Baras at the star of the story and he betrays you because he fears of your power and that means no matter what he is going to keep trying to kill you as long as he fears you. And its also normal for the apprentice to kill the master its supposed to be like that to keep the sith strong.
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At first I always thought that call Baras makes was just BS meant to confuse you so I dismissed it, but looking back I wonder if the emperor's voice is trapped on Voss and it is implied he has been "out of contact" for some time then


Jedi Knight Spoilers



Who exactly is who you fight at the end of chapter 2 with the Jedi Knight? in there you are part of a strike team that infiltrates the emperor's base and meet the emperor who proceeds to own you and your team and you lose



That makes me think there might be some truth to Baras claim, I am certainly intrigued to see what will happen next on the SW story when they add more story content :D

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Hi there.


I just finished my SW's class storyline at level 47 and am about to start questing on illum. The ending of the storyline left me with a question however.

Sometime after you are contacted by the Empero's Hand and do their missions, Baras contacts you through your holocom and tells you that the Emperors Hand are not whom they tell you they are.


I was kinda confused about this since the storyline doesn't seem to elaborate on this. So I'm wondering if Baras said this only to confuse you and buying himself some more time to prepare before confronting you or is the Emperors hand that you talk to indeed not the real Emperors hand and if not who are they?


I'm totally at loss with this so I thought to ask here on the forums :p



Baras needs a serious buff both to his stats and abilities. He is totally worthless. Worst boss so far. When the Avatar of "forgot his name" is outmatching the endboss in your storyline then there is something terrible wrong with your boss design. And his motives are just... Baras needs to learn from Thanaton



The Avatar of Sel-Makor. Sel-Makor is the "Dark Side" of Voss. But, that boss is a cakewalk for a Commando, didnt need any use of defensive CD's, nor medpacks. BTW, it was with a healer companion.But (again...) I *think* its a little harder for Imperials


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Jedi Knight Spoilers



Who exactly is who you fight at the end of chapter 2 with the Jedi Knight? in there you are part of a strike team that infiltrates the emperor's base and meet the emperor who proceeds to own you and your team and you lose

I haven't played that far as a Jedi Knight, but after I finished the Sith Warrior's story

I got a mail from the Hand in which they said that a Jedi has managed to face off and kill the Voice (the true Voice, not Baras). As a result, the Emperor was left weakened and I, as his Wrath, was told to stand by and wait further orders. I'm guessing the Jedi mistook the Voice for the Emperor (which is not as obvious a blunder as it sounds, the Voice is a part of the Emperor, after all).



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