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Rage pve?


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from what ive researched Vengeance is the most popular way to level right now. (although not sure why). but looking over the Rage tree, it looks pretty awesome as well. (mostly soloing pve) does or has anyone lvled as rage? or give me some feed back.
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from what ive researched Vengeance is the most popular way to level right now. (although not sure why). but looking over the Rage tree, it looks pretty awesome as well. (mostly soloing pve) does or has anyone lvled as rage? or give me some feed back.


The only reason to spec rage in PvE is if you were primarily going after large groups of <strong mobs. Since Juggernauts generally don't have an issue with weak/normal mobs, Rage doesn't make a lot of sense in PvE.


High-end PvE usually consists of boss fights, so a Juggernaut is either going to be in a tanking role or a single target high-damage role, neither of which Rage is well-suited for.


To put it simply, Vengeance is better in all respects unless you are consistently engaging multiple high-HP grouped targets, which rarely happens in PVE.

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rage could probably be leveld with..


but its alot of gamble in the low lvl with vicous slash.

50 / 50 it cost 1 rage (good) cost 3 rage (terrible).


if you dont crit it cost 3 rage, and will throw you off your "rotation".


iam rage specc.. and i dont even have it on my bar.

But most sad part is.. you have to spend about 4 points into it... in case you want to try and play with it.

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