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Gender Roles And The Classes


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Plus the female smuggler gets to sex up two of the chapter villains if you chose and it's so freaking hilarious when you do (especially Skavik).




I was tempted to see what happened if I got with Skavak, but...the dude stole my ship. I was homeless and unemployed because of him! So I just killed him.


That was one of the things that made me think maybe that class skews a little bit toward the guys.

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Ha, my husband was actively annoyed with me for not taking that option (we duo a lot and so he was in spectator mode because he wanted to see if anything was different from his dude smuggler) because he wanted to see what happened, and I was like, "Honey, I understand, but you know very well why I said no." And he admitted that's a pretty good reason to be grossed out by the very thought.


My smuggler may not have high standards, but she has SOME standards.

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Ha, my husband was actively annoyed with me for not taking that option (we duo a lot and so he was in spectator mode because he wanted to see if anything was different from his dude smuggler) because he wanted to see what happened, and I was like, "Honey, I understand, but you know very well why I said no." And he admitted that's a pretty good reason to be grossed out by the very thought.


My smuggler may not have high standards, but she has SOME standards.


Hell, with the backstory I made up for my smuggler she essentially has zero standards and she was still like "uh, nope lol".

Edited by elliotcat
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Wait, I could have slept with Skavik? I was too busy being pissed off at him to notice. I am kind of sad I didn't now, though.



Yeah, at the end of chapter 1. Honestly, I was CONVINCED that he was going to come back after that. I was kinda sad cause I wanted to kill him twice.


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The character I most identify with is Corso. Southern accent, idealist, clingy... As far as the farmboy, growing up we did raise chickens and grow a lot of our own food, but that's about it.


I now know how much fun my ex-girlfriends were having by treating him like crap myself on my female smuggler. Damn, we don't learn.


I don't know how the male smuggler is, but I'll bet the female is as good or better a storyline, just from who you can mess with.


(The return to Nar Shadaa (Heist of the Millenium) and catching the Imperial cargo hold guy with his pants down... after YOU took his pants down...)





My female BH's story was... meh. Agent as well (female.) Same with Sith Assassin (female again- but all have nice rear ends to look at for hours.) My Juggernaut, male, has some other interactions, but none as good as the smuggler has been.


I have problems, though, (as a male!) with female companion love interests... who came up with these fools? My BH absolutely rejected Torian. She's a wealthy independant woman who deserves more than someone who looks and acts like his most gainful employment (other than running in the woods with the boys) would be operating a ski lift. And trying to impress her with his cooking skills? "Wow, fire and skillet, who would have thought?" Please.


My agent may be body type one and she has her own mosquito bites. She doesn't need a bug man. Someone pass the DEET. Quit scenting the crew chamber and eat your own jelly.


Sorceror- the one I've relented on, and I rue it- "I'm your man!" Where are the Empire's divorce lawyers?


Trooper, I gave up on. I couldn't stand her overcompensating voice. (I don't care who's behind the voice, it's -just-not-right.- I did find that her romance companion was... HAHAHA... no.


For me, voices matter as well. There is none better for me than the female BH voice. Dayuuum. Even the trite responses "Let's not waste any more time." sound shmexy. (Body type 2, face 2, hair 21, hair color auburn, eyes dark green, complexion 39, skin tone 18) and the voice just fits. The smuggler is her sister, and has brown hair and slightly darker skin tone, and that works as well. My agent and assassin are body type 1 and the lighter voices work well with them too. (I know this is a tangent, but some voices don't work right. Again, the trooper female voice. I can't see it in anything but a body type 3 and just begs a backstory of trying to live up to her father's expectations. If her father was a John Wayne fan. And John Wayne fans often give their sons the middle name "Wayne." Now cross reference middle name "Wayne" with mass murderers and people who've had their things amputated and thrown into the gutter by wives and you'll see where I'm coming from.)


Umm... what's was the topic again?

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I feel like Zash's interaction with the Inquisitor Character was designed with a female toon in mind. I just can't imagine it with a male...it seems out of place.


Being a guy definitely made the end of Chapter 1 about twice as awkward.


Attempted gender-bender much?:p:eek:


For similar reasons, I hope that when they add the SGRAs that female Inquisitors get some flirt lines with Zash. Pile ALL the subtext onto the "I (literally) want your body" plot-twist!;)


On the other hand: Rylee Dray. 'Nuff said.;)

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Wait, I could have slept with Skavik? I was too busy being pissed off at him to notice. I am kind of sad I didn't now, though.



Oh yes. And then you can insult his prowess in bed (he gets totally outraged) and follow it up by killing him. Honestly, it was one of the most amusing moments I've ever had in a video game. Priceless.



As far as Vette goes, from what I've seen so far (DS female warrior in her late teens), I don't like her very much. Mostly because she seems so calculated to appeal to players and push certain romance buttons that I find her rather annoying. But again, it's a personal taste issue and maybe I'd feel different if my SW wasn't a complete psychopath.

Edited by Prisoner
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Oh yes. And then you can insult his prowess in bed (he gets totally outraged) and follow it up by killing him. Honestly, it was one of the most amusing moments I've ever had in a video game. Priceless.

Ok, now I am actually sad that I missed that and not just kind of sad.

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