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Everything in this game is to expensive.


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To which MMO or MMOs are you referring? The ones that just give you in-game currency for not doing anything? Wait, you're not counting Farmville, are you?

swg free to equip appearance, everquest free to equip appearance items.

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Allot of use work for a living. we cant sit in our moms basements and grind for 3-4 hours every day..lol


Well, then it will take you longer to get what you want.


The point of a monthly fee mmo is to get people to play for a long time... not a long time every day, but a long time as in months and years. So they make you take a long time to do stuff. Just because you can't put the same amount of time in the game as others doesn't mean BW should lower the cost of stuff so you can get it in a week.


Get used to it.

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Last time I checked on Dromond Kaas I didn't see anything like that. I'll have to go check when I log in to the game later. I'm presuming that I'm looking at the correct vendors (only ones I've found).


They are just outside the market place on the east side of the city... just north of the steps that lead up to the market... there are 4 of them, one for each class. Highlight vendors on your map to find them.

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They are just outside the market place on the east side of the city... just north of the steps that lead up to the market... there are 4 of them, one for each class. Highlight vendors on your map to find them.


kk, then those are the one's I've been looking at then.

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Allot of use work for a living. we cant sit in our moms basements and grind for 3-4 hours every day..lol


If I lived in my mother's basement, I might actually be offended by that.


And it's "a lot', not 'allot'. And I think you meant to type 'us', not 'use. There's more, but I doubt I have the time required to address your third-grade language skills. Then again, since I'm apparently someone who doesn't work...


Anyhow, if you don't have the time or dedication to obtaining certain in-game things, how is that anyone else's problem?

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Here's another way to make nearly effortless credits:


1. Check the GTN for crafting materials

2. Find the stack that someone threw up on the market at lowball suggested price without checking sells first

3. Buy it out and re-list for +10% to +1,000% more than you bought for

4. ???

5. Roll in silly amounts of money

Edited by Malecasta
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My only character on Shadow Hand is a level 27 Jedi Consular with almost 500k credits.

I already have a speeder and I have purchased up to the 50k inventory expansion. I've also bought a bunch of gear for myself and companion from the GTN.


Seems just fine.

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Everything in this game is to expensive. It cost almost 2 mill to change out all your mods. Everything form learning a new skill to legacy items and speeder training is just outrageously priced. I can see why the credit sellers are spamming us every day. They must be making a fortune. I am mainly a pvp player on a pvp server and i cant afford to buy jack. The only good stuff I have I got with pvp coms cus I sure as S&^% cant afford to buy anything good. SWG, everquest and wow have a better economy than this game. Everything in this game has a credit price attached to it. for example in swg and everquest you could equip a appearance at no cost. this game almost 2 mill credits.


I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine.

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swg free to equip appearance, everquest free to equip appearance items.


Star Wars Galaxies went under, if you hadn't noticed. People disliked the game from day one, and the only ones who still played it for the last few years of its life were a hard-core, dedicated group that were willing to over look its many, many flaws and downfalls. Even the devs knew it was a terrible game. It limped along, barely able to survive, until it was mercifully laid to rest.


Did appearance items change your stats? Did they provide some kind of benefit other than looking different? If so, other games can keep them. SWTOR items provide benefits, actual in-game mechanical benefits. You want to have the set that you think looks cool, you have to pay a little. You want it to look cool AND provide all the bonuses of your modded set? You're going to have to pay a lot.


If you really want it, quit complaining and go out and earn it.

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I dont know what the reason is, i just know that dailys are the most moronic thing ever made.


Its not gameplay, its work, it really is that simple, do the same thing day in, day out.


I allready do that from 9 to 5, 5 days a week, i dont want to come home to do a second job, atleast on my real job i get paid real money.






I do not know what kind of moronic chap had the ridiculous idea of turning fun into work.

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Here's another way to make nearly effortless credits:


1. Check the GTN for crafting materials

2. Find the stack that someone threw up on the market at lowball suggested price without checking sells first

3. Buy it out and re-list for +10% to +1,000% more than you bought for

4. ???

5. Roll in silly amounts of money


For most of the people complaining, this sounds a little too complicated. Something along the lines of '1) Walk along; 2) Trip over security chest full of credits' seems more their speed.


My server's too low-pop to effectively play the GTN. Not that this keeps me from making a few million credits a week...

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I get a decent crew skill combo, craft some high level items, then sell them on the GTN. Makes decent credits if you know what your doing. In fact, it wouldn't be a bad idea to add something like the stock market to see whats in high demand and what not...
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I dont know what the reason is, i just know that dailys are the most moronic thing ever made.


Its not gameplay, its work, it really is that simple, do the same thing day in, day out.


I allready do that from 9 to 5, 5 days a week, i dont want to come home to do a second job, atleast on my real job i get paid real money.



Hate to break it to you, but it's still gameplay. Games should not just hand you everything you want; they should reward extra effort. I'm fine with a game making me work for something and I just don't understand this "WHAAAAAAA! I WANT IT GIVE IT TO ME!" attitude. If you don't have the time or inclination to work towards something, in real life or in a game, then you shouldn't have the same chance to get it that someone who will work towards it does.

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I get a decent crew skill combo, craft some high level items, then sell them on the GTN. Makes decent credits if you know what your doing. In fact, it wouldn't be a bad idea to add something like the stock market to see whats in high demand and what not...


Yeah, the GTN needs serious work. I come from EVE Online, and comparatively, the GTN is like a child's crayon drawing of a market. hard as hell to browse/search, no way to place WTB orders, no way to see price histories, it's craziness. Of course, that also means prices are really easy to manipulate. :D


Still, if all you do is run gather missions and sell on the GTN, you will not be poor.

Edited by Malecasta
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Everything in this game is to expensive. It cost almost 2 mill to change out all your mods. Everything form learning a new skill to legacy items and speeder training is just outrageously priced. I can see why the credit sellers are spamming us every day. They must be making a fortune. I am mainly a pvp player on a pvp server and i cant afford to buy jack. The only good stuff I have I got with pvp coms cus I sure as S&^% cant afford to buy anything good. SWG, everquest and wow have a better economy than this game. Everything in this game has a credit price attached to it. for example in swg and everquest you could equip a appearance at no cost. this game almost 2 mill credits.


For removing battlemaster level gear from one piece armor, it cost around 120,000. So I disagree with you there. What they need is more perks in this game. Why is everyone so impatient?

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I know this would get trolled by all the crafters. They seem to be the only ones making money.


Really- you knew that people would tell you that to earn money, you have to have a profession?


You occupied Wall Street, didn't you?

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Hate to break it to you, but it's still gameplay.


I don't understand why people are so against dailies, it's not like you have to do them really. You can get better gear doing the FP's and such. Now with the recruit PvP gear you can simply buy a full set of stuff that's only slightly worse then a full set of oranges with daily mods in them.


If you don't like doing dailies then don't do them, but to try and claim they are somehow not game play is simply nonsense. I run around and wack things with my saber, just like I did for the first 50 levels of the game.

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For most of the people complaining, this sounds a little too complicated. Something along the lines of '1) Walk along; 2) Trip over security chest full of credits' seems more their speed.


My server's too low-pop to effectively play the GTN. Not that this keeps me from making a few million credits a week...


^ This. Games should be about effort and reward, so many 'gamers' these days want all the reward with as little effort as possible, perhaps movies would be a better suit for them. You get all the pretty cinematics and explosions and you can just sit down and do next to no work ;D.


The answer to this whine is simple, if you don't want to put in the work you don't get all the rewards, welcome to reality where those who put in more work get more reward, this isn't "happy fun land where everyone is equal and gets all the same stuff", and I'm glad it isn't because that would be boring. This game already gives almost everything to you with very little effort, there are a couple of things you have to put a little bit of work in to and you complain, there really is no helping some people.

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^ This. Games should be about effort and reward, so many 'gamers' these days want all the reward with as little effort as possible, perhaps movies would be a better suit for them. You get all the pretty cinematics and explosions and you can just sit down and do next to no work ;D.


Alternatively, I'd like my effort to not be spent doing the exact same thing every day.


City of Heroes turned gained XP to money at max level, which meant that you could earn money for doing practically anything in the game, or by mentoring down and helping lower level friends level their characters without destroying their XP gain.


SWTOR gives us a grand total of 23 quests you can do every day.


That's not effort, that's tedium.

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Alternatively, I'd like my effort to not be spent doing the exact same thing every day.


City of Heroes turned gained XP to money at max level, which meant that you could earn money for doing practically anything in the game, or by mentoring down and helping lower level friends level their characters without destroying their XP gain.


SWTOR gives us a grand total of 23 quests you can do every day.


That's not effort, that's tedium.



If SWTOR turned exp into credits at max level, the price of expensive items would increase and we'd still have people complaining about the cost. Not to mention that you'd still be running around killing things for xp/money, meaning that the grind would still be there. Different grind, same tedium.


Unless, of course, they kept the prices the same, which would instead mean the prices on the GTN would skyrocket (of course, were money that easy to get, this would happen anyway) and there would be no reward for people willing to put in extra effort.


No thank you, I prefer a game where you have to earn the nicer things.

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If SWTOR turned exp into credits at max level, the price of expensive items would increase and we'd still have people complaining about the cost. Not to mention that you'd still be running around killing things for xp/money, meaning that the grind would still be there. Different grind, same tedium.


Unless, of course, they kept the prices the same, which would instead mean the prices on the GTN would skyrocket (of course, were money that easy to get, this would happen anyway) and there would be no reward for people willing to put in extra effort.


No thank you, I prefer a game where you have to earn the nicer things.


The point is that they could have set up a system where there were more ways than "run the dailies" to earn credits.

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The answer to this whine is simple, if you don't want to put in the work you don't get all the rewards, welcome to reality where those who put in more work get more reward, this isn't "happy fun land [heaven forbid! we wouldn't want players to be happy or have fun in SWTOR!] where everyone is equal and gets all the same stuff", and I'm glad it isn't because that would be boring. This game already gives almost everything to you with very little effort, there are a couple of things you have to put a little bit of work in to and you complain, there really is no helping some people.


This is a game, not work. I do work for money, not for fun. No decent game should require anything that could be considered "work." MMOs have devolved to such a state where it is accepted and even praised for the amount of tedious work they require in order to gain rewards, and this is why they constantly fail.

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