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Clearing Trash in HM's & FP's


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What's the best way to help the group when killing the normal and silver mobs in between each boss? I usually charge in, smash, battering assault something, then do as many sweeping slashes as I can (which is only like 2-3). After that I can only assault/massacre or assault/vicious slash the the nearest mob. This feels really weak compared to other AoE's like oribital strike or lightning storm. Is there a better way that is faster for killing groups of normals/silvers?
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What's the best way to help the group when killing the normal and silver mobs in between each boss? I usually charge in, smash, battering assault something, then do as many sweeping slashes as I can (which is only like 2-3). After that I can only assault/massacre or assault/vicious slash the the nearest mob. This feels really weak compared to other AoE's like oribital strike or lightning storm. Is there a better way that is faster for killing groups of normals/silvers?


Marauders are not the best trash-clearing class in the game.


We tend to be at our best, trash-wise, on Strongs and Elites, because there's more opportunity to sustain DPS.

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Charge > Deadly Saber > Battering Assault/Assault > Smash > Hit every mob once with the DoT, maybe Rupture an Elite/Strong, then time to spam Sweeping Slash.


Even then, we are really bad at this compared to other classes. :p If the situation allows and if the other players can kill the hard-hitting standard mobs in a HM quickly enough, then you might as well focus on an elite to begin with.

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This is interesting. Normal mobs can usually be one-hit by using the slow+kick combo (ok that is 2 hits) but strongs need more time. The key for the marauder is to have rage at all times to keep giving out serious damage. Attacking the elite imeediately seems like an interesting approach.
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