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Sith Pureblood Masks Should Be Visible.


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I don't know whose idea it was to decide to stop letting us Purebloods display awesome masks, but since it's done, I'm doing as suggested by BW and posting a suggestion to fix this issue IMMEDIATELY.


Rebreathers are by far the best looking helms in the game IMO. Especially for Marauders who have pretty much no other option unless we want to wear that awful looking spaceman hat. You know the one.


Why was this even disabled? Did it not fit properly on some sith faces due to tendrils poking out? Well, who cares? I'd rather have my tendrils poking out of the bottom of my mask than lose the option to even have one on. There is a hide helmet function for just such a purpose, isn't there? Is it the facial piercings? Again, I'd rather see a rebreather plastered on my face than lose the option entirely. AGAIN, if players don't like the look of the helmet, then they should just hide it. ISN'T THAT THE POINT OF THE HIDE HELMET FUNCTION?


Oy. I don't get it. Just give me my mask back please.

Edited by Thraze
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Well said sir! But I am curios though as to why before they said it was a bug that they are looking into and now its a feature:


Greetings UGunaLOSE and Graograman,


We have seen reports from some customers reporting this issue. This is currently under investigation.


Please submit a bug report in game and include the following information to assist us with our investigations(UGunaLOSE it is not necessary for you to submit another ticket):


  • Server (ie Cosmic Turbine / Darth Malak)

  • Character Name

  • Character Level / Class / Advanced class

  • Detailed description of the issue

Thank you for your assistance.


Hello Berserkmode,


we are sorry to inform you that the rebreather and some similar looking helmets for the Sith Pureblood not showing up is working as intended. We know that it is a disturbing factor for some of our customers and would like to point you to the Suggestion Box. There all concerns and ideas will be collected and forwarded to the development team.


Thank you for your understanding.


Bioware either way you look at it whether it be a bug or a feature, your fans would much rather have you give us our helmets and let those that don't want them to hide it with the hide helmet "feature"

Edited by UGunaLOSE
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Imo this is not "working as intended". They broke it and dont want/care to fix it at this time. If I cant "wear" it then please remove the digitized voice. Sad that "we" ,(paying customers), have been told to come here and "suggest" it be "put back in the game". My suggestion is to put the Sith Pureblood helm/helms "where they are able to be seen back into the game". Edited by EdratLightindark
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Almost fell out of my chair when I read that this was working as intended. If it was intended why no mention in patch notes, and why does it still sound like I'm wearing one? Put it back the way it was BW.
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This is a serious load of bo llo xx if this is working as intended. I don't get pissed off over things easily but c'mon.

If we wanted to hide our helm we would tick the box. What is the reason to hide it????

I need it to finish my look off, after all, you want us to look the way we want right?

FFs Bioware sort your **** out seriously!!!!!

Edited by Sireene
lang & use of retarded
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I agree completely with the OP. But it's not just Sith masks that aren't showing. Twi'leks also had all of their Tionese/Columi/Rakata helms display removed in 1.2. I'm suggesting that all the helms be put back to how they were before 1.2, if people don't want the helm they will tick the Hide Helm Slot box. Simple as that.
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Well they said in an email that I has received a couple of hours ago that they may be looking into the matter of changing it. For the time being I will be taking that with a grain of salt, but I do believe that if enough of this is an issue, regardless of it being a bug or a feature like I mentioned earlier, It will be changed and we will get back what we has pre 1.2.
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And the bad news it's not just the rebreather masks that don't work, but other helmets as well. For example, if through legacy you make a Republic Pureblood, certain consular helmets and smuggler masks (those with a pilot cap and bandana) don't show either, and they also make your character bald.

Also, combining helmets like Vendetta headgear with any hooded chestpiece, results in a bald character as well, no matter the race.


This really, really needs to be fixed... or.. re-implemented, or whatever.


It's really frustrating not to be able to wear your favorite helmets.

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I'm seeing too many "working as intended" responses to issues that clearly aren't, which tells me BW must be using an outsourced company to handle tickets, one that's more concerned with quantity than quality.


They even told my guild leader to delete and remake his level 44 toon because it was bugged at the last chapter two mission and they said they couldn't do anything about it.

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I'm seeing too many "working as intended" responses to issues that clearly aren't, which tells me BW must be using an outsourced company to handle tickets, one that's more concerned with quantity than quality.


They even told my guild leader to delete and remake his level 44 toon because it was bugged at the last chapter two mission and they said they couldn't do anything about it.


Crossed my mind as well. If it really was working as intended this whole time, gotta wonder why BW bothered to ask for more information on the problem in response to tickets and didn't just say "Working as intended ****."

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The amount of headgear that has been broken in 1.2 and not fixed is simply laughable.


I WOULD give BW the benefit of the doubt and say it is because us Purebloods have specialized faces, so maybe clipping issues? But the fact is the helmets that DO show now clip more than they EVER have in the past, and our facemasks ALWAYS clipped in the past.


There is no logical, sensible, explainable reason to suddenly and arbitrarily deprive one playable race headgear when we had it before. It completely ruins the look of my character, and staggers me that they can break such a simple thing so easily, not notice it in test center, have the audacity to let it go live with all the other broken headgear, and THEN claim its working as intended?


Patience is wearing thin, Bioware. It isnt working as intended, its broke. Admit it, patch it, fix it.


Way to p*** people off over something that should be a no brainer.

Edited by Exen_Dar
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Wow, and I thought RPers were usually the vain crowd.


Perhaps these things ~are~ working as intended because much like how hoods don't show on Twi'leks, perhaps they decided to stop these masks from showing because realistically speaking, the Sith Purebloods with spiked eyebrows and with more spikes growing out of their jaw wouldn't be able to wear those masks to begin with?

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Wow, and I thought RPers were usually the vain crowd.


Perhaps these things ~are~ working as intended because much like how hoods don't show on Twi'leks, perhaps they decided to stop these masks from showing because realistically speaking, the Sith Purebloods with spiked eyebrows and with more spikes growing out of their jaw wouldn't be able to wear those masks to begin with?


Twi'leks have never been able to use helms such as that... even though my twi'lek sorc could use/see the helm you get from your ancestor...


Doesn't change the fact that BEFORE 1.2 there were no problems with Sith True Bloods wearing ANY headgear, I know for a fact on my female marauder was wearing a helm that covered her entire head, was a smooth all around helm... when I logged in after 1.2 her eyebrows and jaw struts were sticking out of the helm... AFTER THE PATCH...

Again, before the patch NO PROBLEMS... after the patch clipping and just flat out NO HELMS for sith pure bloods... and most importantly NO MENTION IN ANY OF THE PATCH NOTES OR ON ANY FORUM... yet it's suppose to be 'working as intended'?? Yeah right, it's just yet ANOTHER bug they refuse to fix, address, or patch, because of their laziness towards their game!!


Lets recap, worked fine pre1.2, after 1.2 there was clipping after 1.2.x NO Sith Pure Blood can display any helm... also no mention of any patch notes or on any forum posts...


^^^ Is pure laziness... unintentional or not, at least freaking TELL the people PAYING YOU MONEY *** you're doing!!!!!





Every MMO has done this and it has ALWAYS pissed off the community as a whole... You change things and don't even discuss it, tell anyone about it, then act surprised with the community questions you about it... Yet, you idiots keep on doing it over and over and over, then ask the literal insane question of, Why are we losing subscriptions? Well, maybe it's because you've done nothing but lie to the people paying you money and they finally said enough enough and were tired of taking your **** and ruining their experience of the game by continually purposely making it worse and worse for NO GOOD REASON...


They also said such things as, hey look rated PvP! oh, sorry we're taking that away

Hey look here's orange items you can discover by RE'ing items! oh, sorry we're taking that away

Hey look here's some very cool Legacy stuffs that you'll have in 1.2! oh, sorry they're not in yet



How many times do people have to be lied to about things before they wise up and say screw it, not worth my time, not worth my money!!


They took what could have been the best MMO every made, spent 300 Million Dollars on it, 6 years developing it, left out MANY BASIC things that ALL MMO's currently have, and have had for YEARS now, said here you go, here's your ****** game with lightsabers and lightning, enjoy! Here's some other stuff that we're not going to let you enjoy either, but we'll say we're gonna put it in the game though!!


Guys, enough is enough already, THIS many mistakes and the game hasn't even been live for 6 months yet?!

Gimme a freaking break!!

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This needs to be reintroduced as soon as possible. As mentioned before, if you don't like it, you can just "Hide Head Slot"


I find it hard to believe it's "working as intended"; there was no notification on this matter in the patch notes and the voice of your character changes when the mask is equipped, even though it's not visible.

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My guess is it was related to trying to get the hoods&helmet thing working. I'd rather just hide the head slot if it looked wrong than to have it auto-hidden for me. I actually intentionally picked a PB face that didn't have chin-tendrils at creation because I didn't want them clipping with the rebreather mask.
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My guess is it was related to trying to get the hoods&helmet thing working. I'd rather just hide the head slot if it looked wrong than to have it auto-hidden for me. I actually intentionally picked a PB face that didn't have chin-tendrils at creation because I didn't want them clipping with the rebreather mask.


Exactly what I did, shouldn't have bothered.

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