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Keybind Suggestions

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Hey, currently leveling my sentinel, lvl 39 and im finding that there are SOOOO many abilities needing keybinding/attention in a pvp environment that its almost impossible to utilize all of your skills effectively with the limit of only 2 quickbars. I still dont even have Awe, Dispatch, Inspiration, or Valorous call yet and im completely full... Any suggestions?
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Hey, currently leveling my sentinel, lvl 39 and im finding that there are SOOOO many abilities needing keybinding/attention in a pvp environment that its almost impossible to utilize all of your skills effectively with the limit of only 2 quickbars. I still dont even have Awe, Dispatch, Inspiration, or Valorous call yet and im completely full... Any suggestions?


You will need all 4 action bars, man. I personally use a Nostromo and a Naga (Naga is for def. cooldowns and trinkets/stims/adrenals and Nostromo is for everything else).

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Stop quoting the op right after it has been posted.


Anyway, no need for those addons, assuming that's what they are? Just enable the other two bars in the UI editor. I made the 4th bar a small 4x4 box for things like throw huttball (bound to B), vehicle mount (bound to V), class buff, the two quick travels, etc.


For the 1st bar I placed the primary attacks in some sort of order that makes sense to me using the number buttons. The buttons that get mashed all the time are lower numbers.


For the 2nd bar I placed a lot of follow up attacks, those which chain off a previous ability, and situational attacks here. Binding them all to alt numbers. Alt + 1, alt + 2, etc.


At very end of bars 1 and 2 I have all my defensive abilities there.


For the 3rd bar I placed other follow up attacks, using shift numbers. Shift + 1, shift + 2, etc.


For me it really helps to recognize like abilities between various classes, such as the cc escape ability. I place that on alt + 1 for every toon. Whatever ability is the interrupt, I place it on the same hotkey for all my toons. Depending on what spec you use there is always a rotation, or chain of attacks, that'd laid out for you in your chosen skill tree. Example: use X attack to reduce target's armor by 100%. Use Y attack to deal 700 physical damage. Obviously you want to deal all of attack Y's 700 damage so you would first use attack X. With that in mind I would have attack X bound to 4 and attack Y bound to alt + 4. That way things are easier to memorize, especially if you play more than one class, and combat is more streamlined with our keyboards. The key is to just know your rotation and most used abilities, group the utility abilities, recognize the ability patterns, and keep like abilities hot keyed the same for every toon.


Bars 1, 2 and 3 I have stacked in order on top of each other so that each number lines up vertically with the alt and shift versions. Also, get rid of riposte.

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P.S.: take a flathead screwdriver and pop off BOTH Windows buttons. You will find this reduces your blood pressure. If you don't already do it, learn to use both sides of the main portion of the keyboard. As in both the left and right alt buttons, and the left and right shift buttons.
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I utilize my keyboard in a different way than most people do...I'm not a wasd mover...I use arrow keys and Holding down both mouse buttons when in pvp combat.


My bindings are:


1. Force Leap

2. Strike

3. Slash

4. Cauterize

5. Merc Slash

6. Overload Saber

7. Zen

8. Transcendence


then I move down a row for more bindings.


Q. Zealous Strike

W. Master Strike

E. Force Sweep

R. Blade Storm


and also have Dispatch binded to my Middle Mouse Button.


other than that..With my relics, adrenals, defensive cooldowns, interupt, Force Camo and Resolute I usually click on those. Don't have them bound to anything.

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I like this setup:


WASD move


Main bar

1 - Blade storm

2 - Zealous Strike

3 - Force Sweep

4 - Strike

5 - Slash

6 - Master Strike

7 - Force Stasis

8 - Med Pack

9 - Resolute

0 - Hutball



2nd bar

Q - Force leap

E - Dispatch

R - Force Kick

T - Zealous leap

F - Force exhaustion

G- Crippling Throw

Z - Awe

X - Force Camouflage

Mouse 3rd button - Guarded by the force

Mouse 4th button - Rebuke

Mouse 5th button - Saber ward


Side bar left

(only 2 slots, make it really big)





Side bar right

Buffs and adrenals

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I have very good keyboard coordination. I came up with a general formula that I try to follow:


1-Defensive cooldowns are Shift binds (Shift+whateverbutton)


2-Main attacks are 1-7


4-Utility attacks (snares, knockbacks, etc) are mouse bound. I use a Logitech gaming mouse (exact model escapes me atm; I'm at work)


5-Spammable AOE is bound to F


6-Activated Relics are Shift bound to 1 and 2


7-I unbind game menus to make room for additional keybinds and re-map cosmetic binds (Sit, Sheath Weapon)


8-CC binds depend on the CC type


9-Interrupt is Middle Mouse click

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I guess the OP didn't play AION when he's already whining about the few skills we have in SWTOR :D


Anyway there are really small programms that doesn't need installation to deactivate the windows key or capslock while your game is on.


I prefer using my most important skills with keys that are very easy to reach.

As a WASD player I binded q,e,r,t,f,g,x,c,v,b with my main offensive abilities.

Defense stuff are on **** + 1 - 5, medpacks and buffs on F1 - F4 and the rest on normal 1 - 6 and mouse buttons.

No need for macro keys or a Naga, it can be helpful tho. I have a G500 calling my own.

8 Skills are binded to her.


The thing with keybindings is that you have to find YOUR OWN configuration until its comfortable for you.

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