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Only one chance each to trigger companion romances?


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(I asked a more specific version of this on the Inquisitor board the other day, but realized it would fit better here.)



Simple question: How many chances do you generally get over the course of a companion's affection conversations to initiate a romance arc (if there is one)?


For example, I wasn't too keen on most of the [Flirt] lines in the fourth conversation with Ashara Zavros ("Familiarity"), so I only picked the first one and figured I'd wait until later to trigger the romance provided that that one line wasn't enough by itself (it wasn't). Problem is, ~3000 affection and four or five conversations later and I'm starting to think that there is no "later," seeing as there have been no new [Flirt] lines in sight and there's only so many conversations I have left with her.


So did I, in fact, completely miss the boat with Ashara because of a single screw-up, and if so is it generally possible for the same thing to happen with other companions?

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I fear this as well.

I got one conversation with Nadia Grell in which my character suddenly had a chance to either propose to her, or to say something useful. I took the useful line, and she hasn't spoken to me since.

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Well I have followed the romance with Mako leading up to the convo that she tells me she loves me and we get decide to get married all that stuff, but it just cut off. The conversations with BH have to be bugged because I have played the BH story in full before and explored all the conversations and know the out come.
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Urgh I wish Bioware would go back to doing conversations like they had in Dragon Age: Origins... you know where you could walk up to a companion and talk and weren't constantly waiting around and hoping they'd initiate something. It'd be great for this MMO thing where we could seriously have these companions for years - giving us the freedom not only to initiate but also to end things if we wanted to.


Also we'd get the charming DA:O stuff like talking to them just to get a kiss, tee hee.

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Urgh I wish Bioware would go back to doing conversations like they had in Dragon Age: Origins... you know where you could walk up to a companion and talk and weren't constantly waiting around and hoping they'd initiate something. It'd be great for this MMO thing where we could seriously have these companions for years - giving us the freedom not only to initiate but also to end things if we wanted to.


Also we'd get the charming DA:O stuff like talking to them just to get a kiss, tee hee.


I would /sign this petition any day.

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So did I, in fact, completely miss the boat with Ashara because of a single screw-up, and if so is it generally possible for the same thing to happen with other companions?


You did. My understanding of how (most) romances work is that you just have to choose a flirt a option with the companion before their first romance dialogue can be triggered. With Ashara.....I believe she only has a single flirt in the entire game outside of her romance track.....so yeah you get the picture.


Note: I have not extensively tested this and have no desire to do any such testing becuase it would be tedious and quite annoying. As a safe rule of thumb always choose the flirt option just to be on the safe side in case it turns out I am wrong and you need to flirt at a specific time.


Second Note: There are some romances which I know do not follow the pattern I describe above. Specifically, Nadia's romance. With her you have a single dialogue choice where two optiions start the romance and one kills it(and I believe it gives an affection loss). None of which are labeled as flirts.

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You did. My understanding of how (most) romances work is that you just have to choose a flirt a option with the companion before their first romance dialogue can be triggered. With Ashara.....I believe she only has a single flirt in the entire game outside of her romance track.....so yeah you get the picture.


Note: I have not extensively tested this and have no desire to do any such testing becuase it would be tedious and quite annoying. As a safe rule of thumb always choose the flirt option just to be on the safe side in case it turns out I am wrong and you need to flirt at a specific time.


I kind of wish someone would test this actually! I get the impression that every romance companion indeed has only one "make it or break it" conversation where the path diverges to either romance or not. And we've got players now on both sides of the spectrum occasionally upset or disappointed because they either accidentally didn't trigger it, or accidentally did. If someone could put together a list of the "triggering" conversation pieces, then both sides could be happy. (Assuming they wanted to know this beforehand and not be surprised.)


I've found myself choosing almost every flirt I get with my romance companions because I'm afraid of accidentally missing the boat. This stinks because some of the flirts I just didn't like at all - didn't suit my character, were way over the top, or just flat-out painful. (Female Agent's romance I'm looking at YOU.) I would refrain from picking most of the non-flirts until I got that first kiss and knew I was on the right track.


From scouring the boards I think it's been determined what those "make or break it" conversations are with Corso and Aric. Still not sure about the others though.

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You did. My understanding of how (most) romances work is that you just have to choose a flirt a option with the companion before their first romance dialogue can be triggered. With Ashara.....I believe she only has a single flirt in the entire game outside of her romance track.....so yeah you get the picture.


Note: I have not extensively tested this and have no desire to do any such testing becuase it would be tedious and quite annoying. As a safe rule of thumb always choose the flirt option just to be on the safe side in case it turns out I am wrong and you need to flirt at a specific time.


Second Note: There are some romances which I know do not follow the pattern I describe above. Specifically, Nadia's romance. With her you have a single dialogue choice where two optiions start the romance and one kills it(and I believe it gives an affection loss). None of which are labeled as flirts.


Well that bites.:mad: Her non-romance character arc is still interesting enough so far if I'm really stuck with it, but my wallet is most definitely crying (un-romanced Ashara is the worst gift-taker in the game).

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Really depends on the companion in my experience. I know I skipped some flirts with Dorne, but still got the romance rolling. I skipped one flirt with Ensign Temple, and that romance was evidently gone forever (which was OK by me, as it turned out). Kaliyo seemed to have a lot of opportunities to get it started, but I skipped them all. Doc, I suspect, is similar to Kaliyo, while it sounds like Ashara is more like Temple. Etc.
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Well that bites.:mad: Her non-romance character arc is still interesting enough so far if I'm really stuck with it, but my wallet is most definitely crying (un-romanced Ashara is the worst gift-taker in the game).


Try being a female SI trying to gift give to Ashara.... WORST taker EVAR! :mad:

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I seriously don't know what they were thinking with that. I thought Qyzen was annoying with nothing he loves, I had no idea how good I had it until I found out about HER.


If I hear the words "That's quite nice" ONE more time... *sigh*

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