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UI Feature Feedback Request


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  • Control over art/skin. Able to remove or change the art around the UI. Players need the option for minimalistic interfaces, removing the art off all the panels and quickbars leaving only the useful elements would be a step towards it.
  • Change the hue of art/skin for aesthetic purposes, such as having a dark purple on inquisitor, red on warrior, blue on sage, etc...
  • Manipulation of bars. Health bars and power bars need the ability to be manipulated both in width/length and scale/alpha. For example i want my health bar to be fat and wide in the lower-middle of the screen with a small energy bar above it closer to the center.
  • Manipulation of numbers. Able to move the numbers such as health or power around. Having the option between "absolute/max", "absolute", "absolute/percentage", etc... Able to place them in any place around the screen. For example on my agent i would kill to have the energy amount as a number in the middle of the screen so i don't have to always be looking at the UI and miss half the battle. Use the same logic as the tooltip: either dock it to the parent bar or let it move freely.
  • Options for Portraits. Hide/Show per element, square/round, scale, etc...
  • Manipulation of nameplates. Ability to Show/Hide each individual element on a per-actor basis (friendly, hostile, npc, player). An example would be having a healing player to have healthbars on friendly players with everything else hidden and having enemy players with the class icon and names only.
  • Marks on Nameplates. Currently nameplates overlap the marks and it's impossible to see which targets have marks. Add marks to nameplates.
  • More nameplate options such as Stacking, Overlapping and Spreading. Also nameplate distance (hide them over 50 yards?) and scale sliders.
  • Chat bubbles. Simple as that. Obviously having a variety of options would be nice such as size/alpha, timing and On/Off switch.

--- KEYBINDS ---

  • Keybinding profiles. Having UI profiles without keybinding profiles is very annoying with over 50 remapped keybinds every time. Or simply include the keybinds into the .xml of the UI profiles.
  • Add at least two more quickbars.
  • Able to bind and allocate spells into a quickbar and then hide/disable the bar while still having it function. Any minimalistic interface requires this function where all spells are properly bound and simply having them hidden while still functioning.
  • Bind spells instead of buttons. Instead of mapping the buttons why not map the abilities directly? Opening the "spell book" there would be a checkbox, checking it would allow to mouseover each spell and bind a button combination to it.


  • Simple macro system with limited use to avoid the "Rift Macros" problem of stacking many abilities on one button:
    /cast Aimed Shot
    /cast [modifier:Shift]Leg Shot
    /cast [modifier:Alt]Reload

    Only one ability will be performed per keypress but able to do various abilities with different combinations of buttons.
    It would realy improve my gameplay and UI by having different spells on the same button (each with a modifier), especially for healing classes. Each button combination will allow for only one spell but the effect would be to have several button combinations in one macro such as F, Shift+F, Ctrl+F and Alt+F in one macro with 4 spells in it.

  • Mouseover function as a global option (On/Off) and individually within macros. Should work both on party/raid frames and on nameplates.


  • Generally speaking you should simply copy ALL the functionality of Auctionator addon in WoW. There is no point in listing all the changes since the current implementation lacks ALOT of them. Current use of the GTN is a pain without any streamlined process and ease of use. Just. Copy. Auctionator.


P.S.: Having all these options configurable through the .xml file only would be enough. I understand that implementing new options into the game UI takes time both in coding and Q&A up to the standarts of quality but being able to edit them in the .xml file as a "beta version" at our own risk would be amazing.

Edited by celldoom
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My primary request is in regards to chat filters. Can all the forms of looting be split into their own types of filters?


I always have one chat tab that contains only conversations. Loot spam makes this useless, as the massive amount of looting text (rolls for everyone and who received the item) makes it impossible to follow conversations. Chat text gets lost and/or shoved off the chat pane and must be searched for amidst all the looting messages.


Can looting of all types be set aside to their own filters, please? All types of looting: solo, grouped, ops, etc. Or at least allow the various looting rolls to be filtered out?

Edited by Shaz
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Operations Frames

- allow companions to be displayed in player slots & be selectable (mouse & Fkey)

- allow the player slots to stack horizontally (4W x 1H / 4W x 2H / 4W x 4H)


Companion Frame

- give it the same configuration options in the editor as Player Frames


Player Frame

- allow party companion frames to be undockable from their player frames & configurable in the editor


Frame Portraits

- allow them to be sized seperately from their host frames & togglable on/off


World Map

- allow the map to be scrolled by holding down a mouse click and dragging


Mailbox Screen

- allow returned attachment and its returned reply mail to reside in one mail message



- allow the chat window to be movable in the editor

- allow camera distance setting to persist through load screens and instance changes

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I thought of another thing I would like to see added to the UI. I want to ability to zoom in on the character preview window. It is very difficult to see what some of the headbands look like in the current preview window, the ability to zoom in at least on the head would be helpful. Also a bigger preview window with a higher resolution render would be nice.
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I've seen so many great ideas for fixes/improvements to the UI customization that there's nothing new I can add... all I can do is just nod along to the more acutely observant players' ideas. Now, out of all the wonderful ideas I've read in this thread, this one's the best: Open up the game so third parties can make these changes themselves, and for all of us!! Like one of the posters said, it takes work off your shoulders, and lets ALL these wonderful ideas instantly come into the game!!


...This would allow you more time to focus on other important things like that blasted hood toggle that should've been implemented ages ago!!

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I'd really like the Crafting skills to keep whatever sorting method I selected instead of continually defaulting back to Difficulty every time I ride an elevator, change zones, switch characters, etc. I prefer my recipes to be sorted by Level most of the time. I don't mind what the default is, but why oh why does the UI not simply persist my choice from zone to zone?


Very frustrating.

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Needs more action bars a minimum of 2 rows to catagorise different skills etc. i hate clutter on an action bar... Not everyone likes a mix mash of random skills all sqaushed together.


You have to remember that players are using gaming mouses these days so we can spread out our keybinds.


The customization of the ui is great. But the lack of action bars to go with it is terrible.

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It is OK. It does what I need it to now and that is all that matters for me. I know my better half wanted a bit more customization in the way of coloring cast bars to differentiate between her bar, companion's, enemies, but that is because of they way she plays. She likes the set up to be orderly...cast bars all in one area, hotbars, so on and so forth.
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I would like more options regarding the enemy plates. I want to be able to see my debuffs/bleeds/resolve bar/thread/class. In case you are wondering what I am talking about, think of the Tidy Plates addon from WoW.


Better buff/debuff visualisation in general. Most importantly, I want to be able to see whether that dot/debuff on the enemy is from me or the other guy with the same AC as mine


Better tracking of procs- think of the Power Auras addon from WoW, but not necessarily to that extend complexity.


Make keybinds persist for all your characters. You already give the option to do so with the UI customisation.


Many thanks

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So far I would call it a step in the right direction..


In parties, companions that are taking a player spot need to have their own player frame and not just stuck under their masters frame.. This is mostly for healers.. We need to be able to detach them if needed..


I would also like a way to populate frames with buffs so I can see how far up or down a cast bar needs to be and not block buffs and debuffs..


All button bars needs to be expanded in size.. Currently max is 12, I would like to see this doubled..


Raiding guilds need an ingame calander and a ready check system added.. I am sure this is comming in the future however.. I guess any group would need this and not just raiding guilds..

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Please allow us to remove the "Unlock Bars" and 'Customise UI" buttons from the interface entirely, so they can't be accidentally clicked on.


Make them accessible from the Esc menu or from keybinds.

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Mostly I think the changes thus far have been great, but the following are really important to me.


Fisrtly, buffs and debuffs.

These need to be able to do the following for each unit frame block. By each unit fram block I mean, your bar, target, targets target, focus, focus target and raid/party frame.


1/ Filters so you can show or not

a/ long buffs

b/ short buffs 5min <

c/ Your buffs, others buffs

d/ Debuffs


2/ Resize any selected item independantly.

So for instance on my own bar I could have long buffs quite small, short buffs by me Really large and short buffs by others medium size. On the raid frame I could then be able to resize so I can actually see debuffs, and my stacks of SRMP on my healers. This raid frame issue is a major one.


3/ Moveable seperate bars for each category of buff on the frame, plus be able to independantly change the opacity.

Basically I would love to create a bar of short buffs through the centre or just below my character, give it say 50% opacity and quite a large size so I can see important abilities, procs and charges...without taking my eyes off the action. A HuD in otherwords.


2ndly, things that would be nice are.


a/ Colour reskin for the UI, so I can change from blue to red or green or any of x number of skins.

b/ Option to get rid of character portraits.



Thanks for listening, and great job with the UI customization thus far..still more to go as this request and its replies show.


Almost forgot.


Please put in an option for a stealth bar asap. OMG there is a cover bar, but no stealth bar....

It would go a great way to tidying and providing room for abilities. Especially ones that i can only use in stealth which otherwise clutter up my keybinds. To be clear, a stealth bar replaces the main No1 bar when in stealth (didnt want to assume you knew this, but I would certainly hope so lol).


On a related note, additional bars would also be good, one or 2 more bars would be a great option regarding placement etc.

Edited by Sildanar
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  • Ability to emphasize my debuffs and buffs – and track the time left on them
  • Separate frames for buffs and debuffs
  • Option to remove borders and portraits
  • Option to hide selected frames in combat
  • Target-of-focus (or even acquire target of focus) option
  • More bars!


No modding, please. I fear it will slip quickly from customization to “must-have” programs that play the game for you. Keep your game unique ;)

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Make all position and size settings save as relative to screen resolution. Currently it's terribly chaotic. When I launchgame(on screen with resolution 1366x768) nameplates move closer to each other than I expand it to fit screen(leave bars on top and bottom, only loses some height, width should remain same).

But when I launched it on second screen, 1280x1024, all hell broke loose. Player Frame and Target Frame are on top of each other, and huge. Castbars messing up are obvious, but there is also issue with secondary windows. Some appear just fine, like inventory or crew management, but some of those that appear on center are shifted. Skill tres and legacy window for example. But Interface Editor or menu appear properly on middle.


Before 1.2 without customization it worked perfectl/

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Do not know if this has been added, but here goes.


The chat boxes, have a lot of dead space and poor layout of controls, along the left and bottom. Maybe reduce the chat frame to a simple wire frame with little buttons in one corner or along an edge for functionality and the chat window tabs along the top or side, user selectable. Of course allow the chat windows to be fully scalable.

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I think I started posting this one back maybe January or so.......


Let me deselect the fly txt for the combat error messages in the central part of my screen .. for the love of GOD please.


The center of my screen is a maze of red rapidly scrolling txt because I chose to use my programmable mouse and keyboard for prioritization macros ( like Rift). I litterally cannot see my character or the enemies around me while I fight. For a game that is said to be so visually advanced this is pathetic now that we have UI editor. just put this in a mini patch like todays. Do not wait for 1.3....

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Allow re sizing of unit frames not just scaling.

Allow sizing/ordering of health/mana bar

Allow selection of colors for bars

Toggle for bar filling/depletion

Buff/debuff sizing and filtering

Option to color unit frames differently based on type of debuffs

Health bars that chang color bases on % of health remaining

Scrolling text for gained buffs/debuffs and buff fading alerts

Alerts for special abilities that require target incapication for example

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I'm a healer and would like target of target of target- it may sound really meta, but generally I'm healing somebody who's fighting the boss, and I would like to know who the boss is about to hit so I can protect them appropriately. This means I would always be effectively able to see the tank- whether they're being the tank on purpose or not- and I wouldn't need to wait for the boss to actually hit somebody else to know when their target's changed.


Also the companion customizations don't change their portraits in the UI. It can get confusing for those who don't know some of the default looks and their customizations.

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