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UI Feature Feedback Request


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crew crafting

- ability to put on/off the mission description... all im interested about is the mission grade ( rich/bountyfull ) and what im going for

-having click on mission lv instead of the drop down box we have now


UI color option


abiliy to layout the quick bar the way i want... i have a logitech G13m id like to place my Quickbar 7/7/5/3 from top to botom, + more on the side for clicking & mouse button


beter schematic reserch option, right now all schem are greeen or blue, why no orange schem for the custom item. and beeing able to put something to differenciate republic, imperial and for everyone schem

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I want more customization with the chat boxes. Just like everything else. Be able to flip it horizontally, the size of it in general. (more then you are able to now.) etc.


When separating the tabs (ex. having general chat in the top left and say combat info/Loot roll info in the bottom right) I want to be able to mark a certain tab as default for typing. As of right now it seems to always go to the tab I pull off. So i am typing in the loot roll tab (bottom right) and it is showing up in the general tab (top left). very annoying.

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In all honesty my suggestion may have been mentioned elsewhere in another post. However, the movement of the unlock/lock the quickslot bar. WHy not put it in the setting menu or at least move it to a less obtrusive location.
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Something like Icehud would be awesome:



I would love to be able to track the following things all in one place (Sith Warrior): Health, Rage, Fury stacks, companion health, cast bar(self), castbar Enemy. A hud style could put all these bars in an easy to see format without filling the screen with stuff that blocks your view of the action.


Also an individual font scale for unit frames. I like minimalistic frames, but when I make them smaller, I can't read the text anymore.

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First, I want to say that I've thoroughly enjoyed playing SWTOR thus far, and look forward to continuing to enjoy it for some time. I intend to see all 8 class stories at the very least.


Virtually everything that has been said is a great idea. I'd like to add a few that I think are both incredibly useful, and long overdue:


1) Macros. I would kill a panda for macros (ok, not really. But you get the idea). I know this isn't strictly a UI element, but even just having simple shift/ctrl/alt modifiers for abilities would help clean up the UI tremendously. For example: I play an Assassin tank and use "R" for Wither. I would like to be able to use a "Shift-R" macro to activate Spike. I understand that currently I can do this by binding Spike to a separate slot in the quickbars and re-binding that slot as Shift-R, but this is messy, and causes my UI to take more room than it needs to.


2) A floating element similar to Power Auras. Again, playing an Assassin tank, I have to track stacks of Harnessed Darkness. To be completely frank, the purple shadows that show on the 3rd stack around the character are cute, but not useful at all.


3) A much more robust Nameplate interface. This includes basic things like clickable Nameplates, but also things like customizable Buffs/Debuffs showing on the nameplate. For example, using my Assassin tank again, I'd like to be able to set it to show my Wither and Discharge debuffs on the enemy nameplate, preferable with countdown timers.


4) Optional keybind importing to other characters.

Edited by Modyn
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Just a few things to say about the UI; both what works and what is missing.


First things that are missing.


  1. You must always be able to set the scale for each individual item.
  2. More bars - (It is something that has been said is in the plans, just reinforcing that it is needed.)
  3. Buff/Debuff bars that can be moved and repositioned.
  4. We need the ability to name and save API and share them account wide with all our characters. (If the UI API could be exposed and a programming language added so that players can develop a way to do this. )
  5. Add the ability to hide each UI element based on being in combat or not.
  6. Add the ability to show only ground or space elements. Right now it is very confusing to configure the space elements.



What I like.


  1. I use a game keypad to do the button pressing. I can now make the bars look like the keypad to remind me what buttons to press.
  2. Most elements can be relocated so that I can make it look like other games that I play. This means that I do not have to relearn the key parts of the screen to watch. I can put those elements in the same screen location and off I go.



I have read several suggestions by others and I know many in WoW and other games where players can modify the UI using LUA where much of what they are asking for is possible. I do know some that even use that but more and more I am hearing people that are no longer using many of the things that I have not mentioned. So my advice is to look at where the requests are coming from and what is readily used in other games before prioritizing the work.

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Hi guys,


It has been said thousand of times, but as a healer, I need/would like/want Mouseover selection over the Operation Frame.


It should be nice to have also an option for applying a filter over buffs and debuffs on the very same Operation Frame.


My little 2 cents...


- Akkenar

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I apologize if this has been posted before, since I didn't read through the whole thread, but: I would like to be able to move a selected window/UI section with the arrow keys, not just drag and drop with the mouse. I like to get things perfectly lined up, and being able to move something just a tiny bit at a time with the arrow keys would help a great deal.



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companions to show up in ops frames


way to make debuffs more apparent at a glance. perhaps an option to have them have some kind of toggleable glow to draw attention. and of course more obvious/persistent animations are always cool.


an option to toggle an ability to tie the camera to the mouse ala a fps. would be great for fast paced situations that require moving while aiming an aoe. switch on fps mode and can position with basic keyboard movement keys while simultaneously changing the pov as if right mouse button were down but without having to hold it.

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Mouse-over casting. Ability to filter/resize buffs and debuffs. And I don't know if it qualifies but targeting (tab targeting being smarter) and improved click targeting would really help (click by nameplate above person's head, toggle for click friendlies or click enemies to target only, etc). Finally I'd like the ability to have more control over portraits and the raid frame (per user ability to re-order, ability to independently resize, ability to keybind to people in the raid frame, etc).


And super important - unless you're clicking on an item on your toolbars, accidently clicking buff bar or something should *NOT* prevent AOE targeting. I'll target an AOE and something accidently click the 'combat info' icon or an enemy buff bar and it'll prevent me from casting it until i reposition.


Ah, almost forgot - Filterable inventory. IE, Consumables, Gifts, etc. That'd make my life *SO* much easier.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Would love


1. To see all the different parts able to have there sizes customized. I may want smaller party bars but a much larger chat ect.


2. To change the colors around I like the blue but think the red or purple would go better with the Sith. Would give me the ability to color code my tweaks to personalize each character better.


3. An extra action bar or two.


4. The ability to make action buttons for emotes.

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I'd like to be able to make my own skill chains. So for example for Sith Juggernaut I could have


Skill chain 1:
Use Enrage or Sundering Assault or Pommel Strike or Savage Kick or Assault or Retaliation


Skill chain 2:
Use Retaliation or Force Scream or Smash or Backhand or Crushing Blow or Vicious Slash or Pommel Strike or Savage Kick


And then have the game do everything in the list that's available in that order or queue the first thing that comes off from cooldown.

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1. Skill target forwarding. So I can target the tank/dps person and heal them or attack their target without switching targets or using a modifier key.


2. Add the ability to reskin the interface or at the very least recolor it. The two-tone blue is hard on my eyes and my husband has blue-grey color-blindness, so it's even worse for him.


3. Key-bindable loot key. Corpses don't always stay above the terrain.


4. Key-bindable select nearest usable item.


5. Resizable crew management window, crafting window and inventory window.


6. Ability to display health text on the party vital frames (not the operation frames) and companion vitals.


7. Have companions show up in the operation frames if you have those turned on all the time.

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be handy if the action bars could snap onto each other to get them perfectly in line wtih each other.

like bartender does in wow.




I have to guess where the center is......which bugs my OCD.

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I would like to see Chat Bubbles the most.


I don't really understand why we do not have chat bubbles, and its difficult (For me at least) to keep up with the Chat box and to get people's attention in /say.


The bubbles should be for /yell, /say, and /emote. They should be toggled on by default, but able to be turned off if someone does not want them.


I just think it would be a lot easier on many folks if they would be added soon.

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tab targeting being smarter


I can't believe I forgot this. I tab-target a ton, and it only grabs the target I think it's going to grab about half the time. I don't know if it's something in the algorithm or how it works (I'm no programmer), but a smarter tab-target system would be amazing.

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As first step I like the UI features. There are a few things that for me personally I think needs to be added.


1. Make the settings stored on the server/cloud. That way if someone formatted or logged into from a different computer the settings are there.


2. Make the 1st action to get rid of the border. So the 1st action bar can look like the rest of the "plain" actionbars.


3. The ability to have more then 4 action bars. This would probably help with #2 if I could have 6 "plain" bars and I could hide the main action bar.


4. Healing frame with click healing support. Where user's can bind abilities too w/o targeting.

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