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Server merge or server groups for warzone NOW


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Really, this game is dead already but at least merge or add grouping of servers for warzones to make it look like people play this game. This game has been an epic failure. How do you screw up the Star Wars Universe? Just ask bioware and EA. And before you all say "see ya" and "****,' ; let me remind you that this game needs a population to be sustainable. EPIC FAILURE this game is. (yoda voice)
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Yeah..well..they said the are going to merge servers early summer.. Problem is i doubt the majority of PVPers will stick around for that long. It takes me about 20-30 mins to pop a warzone when i used to not even be able to /dance in between Qs. We need cross server Qs or else pvp is going to die on every server except for the heavily populated ones. And i hate re-rolling, so f the bull*****
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I play Choi Mai, one of the lower populated servers, republic no less.


Last night 5.2.12 i went 10-1 in PvP, i finished the daily from before the patch (was at 2/3) and then completed the entire weekly.


Was continuous Ques, only played about 4 hours.


So many negative people on these forums that dont even know what they are talking about.


SWTOR is F*#*#$ awesome!

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Sorry, Last night was 5.1.12*


This game is not going anywhere, sorry negative nancies.


I came from Everquest, remember that game??? It is, what, 15 years old? 14 expansions deep and it is STILL going.

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I play Choi Mai, one of the lower populated servers, republic no less.


Last night 5.2.12 i went 10-1 in PvP, i finished the daily from before the patch (was at 2/3) and then completed the entire weekly.


Was continuous Ques, only played about 4 hours.


So many negative people on these forums that dont even know what they are talking about.


SWTOR is F*#*#$ awesome!


Just because you got a good night of pvp doesn't mean the majority of this game's players are suffering. This game is definately crumbling. My friends list has dwindled to nothing, my guild of around 20 people have all quit except me, pvp Q's are longer in general, and there is nothing to do but level alts at this point. At this point I stick around a bit longer just because its Star Wars and the free month. After that, it may be time to move on.

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I play Choi Mai, one of the lower populated servers, republic no less.


Last night 5.2.12 i went 10-1 in PvP, i finished the daily from before the patch (was at 2/3) and then completed the entire weekly.


Was continuous Ques, only played about 4 hours.


So many negative people on these forums that dont even know what they are talking about.


SWTOR is F*#*#$ awesome!


I'm sorry, do you deny that there are servers that are so low in population that 1-2 hour queues are commonplace?


You have no idea what you are talking about. There are some extremely dead servers out there. Heck, Helm of Graush is one of the best out there and we still get 20-30 minute queues during non-peak times.

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Sorry, Last night was 5.1.12*


This game is not going anywhere, sorry negative nancies.


I came from Everquest, remember that game??? It is, what, 15 years old? 14 expansions deep and it is STILL going.


Yeah, this game would too if they merged all the servers down to about 20. EQ was good about merging and is also a very unique hardcore raiding game that I too played for 3 years. Its has its own crowd. The difference is that EQ progression and leveling takes a lot of time and is challenging. That's why people still play. This game is a cupcake console game they converted into an mmo.

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Yeah..well..they said the are going to merge servers early summer.. Problem is i doubt the majority of PVPers will stick around for that long. It takes me about 20-30 mins to pop a warzone when i used to not even be able to /dance in between Qs. We need cross server Qs or else pvp is going to die on every server except for the heavily populated ones. And i hate re-rolling, so f the bull*****


Transfers =/= Server mergers


"Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice."


The bolded part is why they won't merge servers and it's absolutely disgusting. Merging servers would solve the population imbalance while keeping the "COMMUNITY" (You remember when Bioware stated how important community was?) in tact. For any player on a "Standard" server, you're probably going to have to pay or re-roll onto a server that actually has more action if you want to continue to PVP at a higher level (Ranked WZ's).


You are accurate in people leaving before all of that comes along though. My entire team that I was going to do rated wz's with has left the game (As has half of our servers "teams") and has already expressed that they will NOT be re-subbing. It sucks, but that's all on the PVP Development team for it's tremendous let down with the World PVP and the "Rated WZ's coming in 1.2" screw up.

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one servers frequency of games isnt the litmus test for sustainability. there's to many variables at play for one server to work as an accurate picture, maybe you have more pvpers active at the same time, maybe you have players across multiple time zones playing at all times so theres a more steady population at all times, anyway you cut it's not sufficient.


As to the issue of there being queue time issues i think it has multiple causes

-population density: its server dependent, but on the servers where it's problematic you get the same 8-12 people per faction on your team on a highly freqeuent basis.


-warzone theme: playing against your same faction in a game that's set in a war time period between two factions.


-war hero gear acquisition: this is when it becomes a grind. the biggest issue is the lack of ranked warzones, causing you to grind regular coms to then exchange. the lowest cost item is 1425 ranked coms and 200 regular coms, thats 4475 regular warzone coms, or 45 wins basically for one item. the high cost items take 2 times that. 135 wins for your earpiece/implants alone is a lot of game.


-gearing rewards: the difference between bm/wh is minute. there's some changes in what stats are provided but at a certain point bm gear is more then sufficient to perform well in pvp.


-Gearing as it relates to augmenting: the cost of these items vs the rate you gain credits in pvp is laughable. You maybe get 5k credits from a win, but removing the mods from any armor is 111k for 3 mods, 148k for weapons with 4 slots, and that's before you even consider the cost of the crafted armor (either farming and making it yourself or buying it) and the cost of the augments. its nice to have customization but the cost can't be met reasonably with just pvp, and for those who prefer pvp the idea of going out and grinding credits is equally unappealing.


long story short i think a lot of people will hit a wall before server transfers come up. ranked warzone will buy you some time if they come out before then, but by the same token could just annoy people even more when they only have a finite population to compete with. Not to mention those that already have the rewards from ranked warzones prior to them being released, pretty looking armor isn't enough to keep them motivated.

Edited by goulet
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