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Sorcerer's need buff or something!!!!!


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I'm tried of getting my but kick by every other class in PvP. Sorcerer's are useless as heals or any real damage unless protected, which in pvp is usually not the case. Were to slow, castime to long for level 50 Pvp, gear suck, no good defense and stuns not all that great. Where only basicly good for PVE. If I stay in the back to do AoE heals or dmg, assassin or shadow will just stealth, stun and kill. B.S man. Stun breaker is useless I mean you have a 2 min cool down. I get stunned, use it, then stun again by same person and I'm screwed. Just B.S. And for the trolls, it's not because I suck, but go ahead and say it if it make feels better about yourself. But I can't be the only one that thinks this way


Yep. All good points, but it doesn't look like this will be changed anytime soon. I may give SWTOR another shot if it ever is.

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I do have a real issue with the Imperial mirror of my Sage having INSTANT casts and winning all the time.


If we count to 3 and cast at same time the Imperial always wins. This would be favortism for Imperials again.


Now I do have a better computer and less lag but still lose as my animation sucks vs instant cast for Sorc.


Oh and they took away my extra damage that was to make up for the lag.

Edited by Metalmac
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Logic of some people in here: Big numbers = balance

So if you think so and look at this http://imageshack.us/f/13/screenshot2012042720121.jpg/ you get to think that sorc is op or what? These numbes just tell us that sorc is a AoE- (dps aswell as heal) and DoT- (dps only) class. PvP is about burst. Sorcs have NO burst. See the difference?


Below is my experience as a heal-sorc.

Sorc is fine as long as he is in a 1on1 against an equally geared player.

Sorc is fine as long as the enemies let him freecast.

Sorc is everything but fine if the enemy team is just halfways competent. They will focusfire the sorc with 3 people, this will result in a sorc who can't get away/kite with 3 people on him, but he also can't heal because his channeled heal will get interrupted, the small heal won't outheal just the damage of ONE Dps and the big heal won't ever get through. So he has NO way to do anything, even with cc and peels you have no chance to survive this..


Hey you just described Scoundrels/Operatives too,welcome to the party.

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I do have a real issue with the Imperial mirror of my Sage having INSTANT casts and winning all the time.


If we count to 3 and cast at same time the Imperial always wins. This would be favortism for Imperials again.


Now I do have a better computer and less lag but still lose as my animation sucks vs instant cast for Sorc.


Oh and they took away my extra damage that was to make up for the lag.

I'm also confused by this, as sorc. I get it only from an aesthetic viewpoint. And that seems like a silly reason to make it simply worse than shock.

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PvP is about burst. Sorcs have NO burst. See the difference?


We do have (some) burst, it's just that it's all RNG dependent now instead of basically "on demand" from a wrath proc. Since so much rests on a 30% proc(s), you either end up doing garbage burst, or getting spectacular back-to-back procs and burning someone down like the old days.


And yes Mr. Chief, i still rock the hybrid. It just isn't total faceroll anymore :p

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I leveled as heals, I PvE as heals and I PvP as heals. I'm consistently number one in WZ's for heals, so I must be missing something because I don't feel like we're "worthless." :confused:


Your number one prob. because your the only healer.

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I'm tried of getting my but kick by every other class in PvP. Sorcerer's are useless as heals or any real damage unless protected, which in pvp is usually not the case. Were to slow, castime to long for level 50 Pvp, gear suck, no good defense and stuns not all that great. Where only basicly good for PVE. If I stay in the back to do AoE heals or dmg, assassin or shadow will just stealth, stun and kill. B.S man. Stun breaker is useless I mean you have a 2 min cool down. I get stunned, use it, then stun again by same person and I'm screwed. Just B.S. And for the trolls, it's not because I suck, but go ahead and say it if it make feels better about yourself. But I can't be the only one that thinks this way




The only class that can faceroll us is a marauder. And if they are bad (don't use snare/roots) we can beat them.


Shadow, Vanguard and jugg are tough but doable.


DPS operatives are about even with us.


We faceroll snipers and commandos.

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The only class that can faceroll us is a marauder. And if they are bad (don't use snare/roots) we can beat them.


Shadow, Vanguard and jugg are tough but doable.


DPS operatives are about even with us.


We faceroll snipers and commandos.


Nuff said. Before I learned how to properly play my marauder, sorcs were a huge annoyance.

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I'm also confused by this, as sorc. I get it only from an aesthetic viewpoint. And that seems like a silly reason to make it simply worse than shock.


In a duel this makes a huge difference as in PVP speed is the winner and clearly they favor Imperials.


Taking away the extra damage from Sage did not help us when we are already gimped with slower animations.

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The only class that can faceroll us is a marauder. And if they are bad (don't use snare/roots) we can beat them.


Shadow, Vanguard and jugg are tough but doable.


DPS operatives are about even with us.


We faceroll snipers and commandos.


Yeeeeaaaa, non of that helped, I still stand by what I said . I play fine, their just OP, we need a buff

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Yeeeeaaaa, non of that helped, I still stand by what I said . I play fine, their just OP, we need a buff


As a healer, I can't help you. Never played a sorc healer. And you basically said everybody jumps you. That's not a problem with sorcs. That's a personal problem you're having because you're probably healing right next to your target. You need to be away from your target. As out of siight as possible. As out of sight as possible. If possible there should be a object blocking you. If the enemy group is organized then you are probably marked. That's why I switched to scrapper. Healing just wasn't fun. Maybe PvP healing is not for you either. In PvE I'm fine, but until they offer some kind of PvP/PvE dual spec this game has lost a PvE healer.


But as a DPS, you're cries are a joke. Rather you ever get good or not does not matter. We don't need a super buff just because marauders kick our ***. That would make us OP to everyone else.


What sorcs needs is a longer duration on force slow to match melee CC abilities. Chilling scream, the jugg slow, as an example, is 9 secs and has no CD. Marauder have multiple slows. So who is gonna kite who?


Also a shorter cooldown on force slow force speed and/or have our knockback distance increased to that of merc/commandos. These are things that will only improve our ability to keep range against melee. The melee classes have better CC than we do and we're the squishy ranged class. It's *** backwards in this game.


Damage is fine. I'm usually at or near the top in games like voidstar and I never try.

Edited by Dayshadow
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If Bioware just reverted the 1.2 changes, sorcs would be in a decent spot. Above average for pugs and average to below average in high-level PvP. I'm fine with nerfs to AoE healing/sustainability, but touching hybrid spec dps and conveyance/force bending for healing was wrong.


Balance/Madness still does great damage in ideal situations. But the damage is too slow (20+ second dots) and it's not fun being fodder for any melee that decides to single you out in a even situation.

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As a healer, I can't help you. Never played a sorc healer. And you basically said everybody jumps you. That's not a problem with sorcs. That's a personal problem you're having because you're probably healing right next to your target. You need to be away from your target. As out of siight as possible. As out of sight as possible. If possible there should be a object blocking you. If the enemy group is organized then you are probably marked. That's why I switched to scrapper. Healing just wasn't fun. Maybe PvP healing is not for you either. In PvE I'm fine, but until they offer some kind of PvP/PvE dual spec this game has lost a PvE healer.


But as a DPS, you're cries are a joke. Rather you ever get good or not does not matter. We don't need a super buff just because marauders kick our ***. That would make us OP to everyone else.


What sorcs needs is a longer duration on force slow to match melee CC abilities. Chilling scream, the jugg slow, as an example, is 9 secs and has no CD. Marauder have multiple slows. So who is gonna kite who?




Also a shorter cooldown on force slow force speed and/or have our knockback distance increased to that of merc/commandos. These are things that will only improve our ability to keep range against melee. The melee classes have better CC than we do and we're the squishy ranged class. It's *** backwards in this game.


Damage is fine. I'm usually at or near the top in games like voidstar and I never try.

I agree with everything you are saying, I'm not asking for a damage buff. Sorc damage is good, I would like some sort of improvement, in something, defense, short CDs or longer duration skill, any or all of the above. And 2 min CD for stun breakers is a joke.

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