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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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Kessel and maybe also the space station inside the Maw Cluster.


Both would probably make better flashpoints or operations than fully explorable places...


But The views from the station of the Black holes in the Maw devouring massive amounts of swirling gasses is something everyone should see once. During this time period it could just be being set up and kept secret from the rest of the Empire. A gathering of crazy scientists... who unleash something...


On Kessel:

The maze of mining tunnels infested with light creatures that can move through walls and spiders that drain your heat... and the need to mine spice in pitch black darkness...

There is just so much epicness that could be done with that.

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I reall would like to see Naboo during the time of SWTOR. Refugies from the various wars, including the current one, tribal gungans, big game hunting on Vermoks. It would also be a perfect world for some water content, since even the movies did that there.



Another world from the movies that surely has some fans. Would be nice to get this world for a PvP Arnea, and maybe a flashpoint that deals with the tunnels below the planets surface (that we could see in the Clone Wars series). Geonosians are already in the game (on Tatooine), and the Lore mentines the Manalorians on Geonosis.



Even though I thought Dathomir isn't needed in SWTOR, I changed my mind on this. Dathomir was mentined as one of the worlds that the great war visited, so I would like to find out why that was worth ballteing about. Also would be nice to see some abondoned troops there, which might hate now both sides of the conflickt. The night sisters are not yet existing, but maybe the world has nevertheless something of value for force users, or has already some connection to force users, maybe a force sensitive cult. And I liked how the world looked in the Clone Wars show, would like to explore that in SWTOR.



I would like to see how the Dug society wwas before the Gran came there (or at least took the power, wouldn't mind to see already Gran there, even the lore says nothing about them already there). Malastare in known for the podracing there, I since I would like to see pod racing in SWTOR, I would like to see a track there.



World loved by the Wookiee fans, but I would like to explore that world with my Trandoshan companion. More Trandoshan stuff is always nice, and some Wookiees to kill are most welcome, but I don't mind it would be also possible to help Wookieees there (as long as I can also work against them).



Surely some KOTOR fans would like to return there, and another world for water content would be nice.



Another world dear to many KOTOR fans, also to quite a few people who read the old Tales of the Jedi comics. Was mentined in the Decieved novel and was shown in the Threat of Peace comic, so it would be nice to actually visit the world in game.

Edited by Drudenfusz
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Hapes Cluster - In Star Wars Lore this is right around the time that the Hapan Consortium isolated itself from the rest of the galaxy. It would be amazing if WE were the cause of its isolation! (I was a big fan of the Young Jedi Knights series as a kid) :)

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Hasn't anyone wanted to tour a death star - I mean the scale of those space stations are monstrous.


Death Star? Wrong time period.


The Star Forge has already been destroyed.


We've got Center Point Station as probably the only major one at this time I believe?

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both Honoghr & Geonosis are 2 planets id like to see, as well as wayland, and maybe some of the worlds of the chiss ascendancy .:wea_04:


Honoghr and Waylond really should be left out. It really makes no sense to visit these at this time period.

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anything, just new planets, and areas for 50's to go to. i would love to hang out on dromund kaas with my sorcerer, but there's nothing for him to do. similar thing with my BH and hutta. a quest here or there isn't sufficient for revisiting old planets. we need whole areas for 50's on every planet. sometimes it just seems like there is so much wasted space, where you could be putting cool areas for 50's to hang out and do dailies or explore or something.
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Death Star? Wrong time period.


The Star Forge has already been destroyed.


We've got Center Point Station as probably the only major one at this time I believe?


I'd love to see center point as well as the other planets in the Corellian system.

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how about make actual planets to be fully explorable? instead of pasting the same maps for both factions to explore. Why not just make 2 types of maps for the factions and allow the players to go into either faction zones. this will increase the pvp side even more and may help you hold subs imo.


I started as a pub and once i went to imp..i was like *** realy all they did was copy and pasted the same stupid map for the factions....

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There are so many places that would be great from other starwars titels and books so here are just some i would hope to see at some point


Yavin moon 4 with its Sith Temple in full use could be great..

I always enjoyed Manaan so there or Mon Calamari would be ideal, the game could do with a water/ underwater world


Mandalore or kessel could be good fun too

also i would like to see some space stations/ astroid basees or capital ships with sets of on board missions



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I'm not sure which planet to choose just because there's so many good ones, but what I can say is make the planet feel more alive. For example, add layered cliffs / platforms, fallen tree bridges (totally dig those at Dromund Kaas), anything to make the planet feel less 'flat' would be a huge solid.
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Death Star? Wrong time period.


The Star Forge has already been destroyed.


We've got Center Point Station as probably the only major one at this time I believe?


Thanks Deyjarl - perhaps I didnt make myself very clear - I didn't mean the 'actual' Death Star per se, but one huge epic space station in the vein of a death star / star forge.


I mean if you were to build a capital ship to scale there would have to almost be enough content in that to replicate some of the planets. But what I really like is the idea of something like 'The citadel' from Mass Effect or a Halo-esque planet (apologies for poor second example).


I think you coud have a lot of fun creating massive indoor spaces - it wouldn't necessarily have to be already established canon. Massive starships / stations are an integral part of the Star Wars saga. I think the main issue would be creating an environment where the art does not become too repetitive from other starships/stations.


My only question is that I have not done any of the operations yet, so unsure if this genre could already been done-to-death.

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Primarily Manaan or Iskalon - Waterworlds above and under the surface has the potential to be both beautiful and serene. I do recall the image of an underwater stormtrooper from somewhere, so swimming for light/medium and an underwater propellant pack for heavy armor are solutions that should fit the reality crowd ;)


Secondly, Yavin IV with so much sith lore potential is another golden nugget

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Somewhere new, please. I feel like I've explored the same planets over and over far too often.

  1. Dantooine? Boring and brown.
  2. Mustafar? What for, precisely?
  3. Naboo? Possibly, but only if the portrayal of the Gungans can subvert our expectations of the 'wacky aliens' set by Episode 1.
  4. Kashyyyk? Seems so unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Would we care if we'd never met Chewbacca?
  5. Bespin? Well Cloud City shouldn't have been built yet, and without it, Bespin might as well be any gas giant, anywhere.
  6. Dagobah? Dull, dull dull... except for a possible flashpoint where we cause a certain cave to be riddled with the Dark Side.


So yes, somewhere new. Ideas? Well, off the top of my head, what about:


Izla Archipelago, a cluster of asteroids in orbit around a gas giant, with mining colonies scattered throughout. Shuttle hops take players from area to area, as the Republic and Empire battle for control of the asteroids' resources.


Vigo, a planet where the only habitable areas are sheer cliff faces. The native populace live in verticle cities built against these cliffs.


Revan's Lost Fleet, a collection of ships lost in deep space 300 years ago, relics from the Galactic Civil War. Players have to contend with mynocks, still-functioning security droids, and scavenger gangs.

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