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  • Location
    Oakland, CA
  • Interests
    Biking, Playing Video Games, Hanging with friends
  • Occupation
    Sophomore in High School
  1. Starting a discussion on Reddit about a possible Horde Mode, would be interested in other peoples opinions on why or why not.
  2. GATO from Kotor2 anyone? (I hope I spelled his name right.)
  3. Are TaunTaun Fawn Codes still usable?
  4. That's true that they can be similar tree's, but for the whole raiding part, as a BH it's not fun to learn to play one way in PvE then have to change completely because people complain about how OP they are in PvP.
  5. As it is right now it seems that you guys are doing a lot of class balancing for PvP so that no one is too overpowered. When you do that it alters players in PvE as well, most of the time for the worst. Have you guys thought about having two separate skill trees that a player can use? One that they can use in FP, OPs, and open world, and another that gets activated when they enter Warzones? That way when you nerf a class for PvP, it doesn't mess up players in PvE that don't do Warzones anyway.
  6. As it is right now it seems that you guys are doing a lot of class balancing for PvP so that no one is too overpowered. When you do that it alters players in PvE as well, most of the time for the worst. Have you guys thought about having two separate skill trees that a player can use? One that they can use in FP, OPs, and open world, and another that gets activated when they enter Warzones? That way when you nerf a class for PvP, it doesn't mess up players in PvE that don't do Warzones anyway.
  7. Simple question, since i re-rolled another character on a higher pop server, with server transfers, will i be able to transfer my 50 from my low pop to the high pop?
  8. Why not the classic Sith armor from KOTOR? http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070313005535/starwars/images/1/14/SithTroopers.jpg
  9. Just wanted some input on this build I just made for raiding, new to 50 so have some good gear but not a lot. Any info would help def. a link to a Scrapper guide!
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