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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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Question for people asking for Kashyyk won't you feel sad being on this planet and not even being able to play Wookiees?


I would.

Edited by Deewe
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Mandalore. is the main one I would like. I forget the name of it, but the planet the emperor used in his ritual, dagobah, dantooine, kashyyk, kesh, centerpoint station ( I know it doesn't count as a planet but it could sure be as large as one), the other planets in the corellia system,zoist, dathomir, bathawui, yavin IV, some place in the hapan sector, mustafaar, the list goes on and on,lol
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Kashyyyk, Shadow Lands would be nice, they are mentioned in passing a few times in the Sith storylines.


Following Wookie-world I would like to see Felucia, Dantooine, Maybe some other wretched-hive type places where the war isnt so present but the Hutts are. Homeworlds would also be fantastic, Ryloth, Chiss etc any from the races in the games PC base but not shown.


But really I think what I would enjoy the most would be a nicer galaxy map and more planets added to the "Slice" so it seems more like the universe is concentrated in that area with the outliers being really fringe i.e. less cartoony map more natural appearance.


- Raith

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I disagree with Dantooine just because it would be a clone of Alderaan. But some good potential planets would include Yavin IV ( yes, I know it's technically a moon) because it has a lot of ties throughout the past with the force and the Sith more specifically. Another great planet to explore could be the planet of Mimban. Mimban would have a very unique terrain and atmosphere to it which could make for an interesting experience. Aside from those planets there are other great planets that play a huge role in the SW universe within the timeline of TOR. One such planet is Bothawui which plays a central role in the breakout of the fullscale war and has plenty of intrigue to make for a great storyline. I could go on for days, the potential for planets that would be different and interesting is extremely vast.
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Can we only choose one? Because I got a number of choices:

Lehon(Rakata Prime) -home world of the ancient Rakatas:rak_default:;I'd really like to see this world being explorable.:rak_grin:

Dathomir -I heard this is where the rancors roam. I'm interested to see what these rancors looked like in the Old Republic Era,so I would say this planet can be explorable and a destination.

Mon Calamari -I wouldn't mind seeing the :mon_trap: in person and explore places underwater.

Sullust -It doesn't matter much whether this becomes explorable or a destination. I'd just like to see a :sul_default: up close. They look funny.

Trandosha -I'm kinda interested to see :tran_default: and what their world looks like.

Kashyyyk -I chose this just because it has :w_big_grin:

Edited by plotenox
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In comment the starwars universe contains so many aliens but atm the game focuses too much on humans or near humans so my preference would be for a nonhuman world.

Edited by Waxninja
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Besides additional planets, I sure would not mind seeing more zones added to some of the existing planets. When looking at some of the wonderful landscapes I sometimes ponder what might one see on the other side of that mountain ridge or that expansive body of water if you could go there.
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Lehon/Rakata Prime


Onderon (with Dxun, use drexl as "shuttles" to get from one to the other in addition to awesome creatures to fight)

Duro (or the orbiting cities thereof)


My advice is to generally steer clear of "homeworld of Race x" planets unless they have potential for general allure.

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1. I think this would be a great addition because there are two distinct races in the area. The gungans sound very interesting and add their style to create a foreign and far off culture.


2. The Naboo Landscape is great, and this can add to a lot of interesting looking landscape that artists can exaggerate to make look spectacular.


3. There is an underwater world which can introduce underwater combat/elements to the game.


4. Its an important planet in the movies, and helps to re-captivate some of the lore from the movies into the game.

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Kashyyyk, but only if you can do it well. By that I mean you have to be able to really convey the impression that I'm surrounded by huge f**king trees - the level would have to be significantly more three-dimensional then anything done in the game so far.


What doe mean by more 3d? Like cliffs, valleys, hills, arching trees, bridges, to create an uneven landscape that feels not flat? I agree with this, since a lot of the floors in the worlds are too perfectly made by those handy construction workers of the future.

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Possible future planets? Oh, where to start? :p


Onderon and Dxun

Telos IV/Telos-4














Lehon/Rakata Prime


Flashpoint or Warzone

Malachor V


Once swimming is added


Mon Calamari


Edited to add:

Sarhkai (Nadia Grell's homeworld)

Dubrillion (Risha's homeworld)

Edited by guardian_titan
Thought of some more
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Manaan. Was definitely one of my favourite planets from KOTOR. Always had a feeling there was much more to discover about the planet. Would be very interesting to have areas above the sea and below. Could imagine having underwater bases to explore and even some missions that involve heading out onto the sea floor again, maybe having to take on another Giant Firaxan Shark as a boss. Edited by Rayd
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I'd like to see these planets: Endor, Naboo, Kashyyk, Manaan, Kamino, and Dantoine. Playable races should be made from the natural inhabitants of some of these planets. I.E. Gungans, Wookies, and maybe Ewoks
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Naboo, Just so I can get the Gungan bombing run as a daily mission, you will have to give us a rail shooter gungan mission, Bioware get on this one right away! This one mission is for both factions, everyone knows the Gungans must die!


The reason the Gungans live in underwater citys, SWTOR bombed the **** outta them!

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