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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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anything that feels alien. Something that would be fun to explore, so i would say kashykk as you could actually make it multi leveled(or cascading) to make different feels, and environments.(elevators do not give the feeling of vertical terrain lol). Plus theres no creepy areas in the game, somewhere dark like dagobah or the shadowlands could accomplish this(drommand kas just feels like seattle), with fog that affects visibility, or darkness. Edited by williambr
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Basically any of the previous planets from KOTOR and KOTOR 2 that we do not have right now as fully explorable. Other than that I care not for planets mentioned in ops, fps, wzs, because it really does not FEEL like I'm on that planet.
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Quick preface: more original planets! I like 'em. Expand that Universe!


But one place does stand out to me as conspicuously absent . . .


Yavin IV! The fourth moon of Yavin is a perfect fit for this game! It's got an established place in the fairly recent history of the game's events, and a rich bed in which to grow new stories. What is the place like, only a few centuries after Exar Kun's grand works were brought low by Ulic Qel-Droma's treachery? What lingering effects have remained from the great Massassi sacrifice that preserved Kun's spirit - and do his alchemical creations, deathless horrors born of twisted Sith science and cold, calculating intellect; do these nightmares still stalk the jungles and ruined temples? What ancient secrets do they guard? What Sith science and bizarre technology did the Dark Lord accrue, there at the pulsing heart of his dominion? Does any being still possess the strength necessary to destroy it . . .or harness it?


Or perhaps we could visit the odd, primitive ocean-borne dwellings of Kamino, giant raft-cities filled with a passionately curious - yet curiously serene - race of long-necked natives?


Or the once-great Onderon, now merely a historical curiosity, filled with nobles who can only dream of influencing the galactic stage again. . .unless they should chance upon a quick and easy road to such power . . .


Or the Dxun moon, where Freedon Nadd once reposed?


Or Kashyyyk - not of interest to me for its arboreal natives, but rather the relics of an old hermit who once walked a path of shadow, between darkness and light, a grey warrior who placed his mark upon Revan and perhaps led to the choices that figure eventually made? A man whose spirit, certainly, showed no signs of dimming with age, and whose spirit may even linger on centuries after? A man who did it all . . . for the Wookies?


What of Naboo? A world torn by war between humans and the amphibious natives? A war that will last for generations, ending only millennia later?


I think any of these places could be awesome, but I think the key is to make them memorable and interesting, and noteworthy in ways that can logically follow from their state in their other appearances, but are still fresh and surprising.

Edited by DarthKhyron
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The planet with the Ewoks, with the huge trees.


The forest moon of Endor!


Right now we only have planets with trees that are sparse. We don't have any planets where you can feel like you can get lost in. If they had it like the movie where the trees are like every 5 feet and you had to navigate through them without roads , that would be cool.

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How about...


M4-78 - finish this part of the Kotor 2 story

Kashyyk - time for a Bowdaar storyline

Geonosis - Gladiator fights sound like a fun Warzone idea

Mon Calamari - If you let us swim

Dantooine - Visit the old Jedi ruins from the original Kotor

Yavin 4 - Fight the massassi warriors of Naga Sadow

Kessel - Visit the spice mines

Osis - The ruins of the Jedi library may have hidden secrets

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Kashyyk, Rakata Prime, Dantooine...think of the possibilites of the Empire following Revan's footsteps and trying to make a new Star Forge or something!


And for random planets that would just be awesome to have, Mustafar, Thyferra, Bespin and Felucia come to mind.

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I'd like to see planets that associate better with the old republic era. Having been first introduced to this particular point in time by the graphic novels, when I think of old republic planets and events, images of the Great Library of Ossus and Empress Teta spring up. That said, I wouldn't be against some of the more well known planets either, but in order of preference :

  1. Empress Teta (Also known as Cinnagar or Koros Major)
  2. Ossus
  3. Onderon
  4. Ryloth
  5. Malastare
  6. Sullust
  7. Bothawui
  8. Ziost

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