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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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there are quite a few id like to see, but here is my top three:


Fondor ( id do that one much like corellia, with buildings you can go in and explore though.)

Kuat ( for flaspoint ideas, protect/capture/destroy the orbital shipyards.)

Csilla (home of the chiss)

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Kashyyk please, Dantooine would be great too. I don't know if Felucia has been discovered yet in this time period, but that one would be cool too. Malachor would be fun from a lore perspective, though there isn't much left of it.


So many to choose from...

Edited by Icebergy
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Dantooine (makes sense IMHO)

Naboo (we need some GREEN in this game)

Endor (does not really fit with the Old Republic but I like the forest/mountain setting)


And please, make these fully explorable planets. Not tied to PVP or Operations as many of us do neither.



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Does anything get done on this feedback?


I welcome the chance to offer feedback but this must be the 4th ot 5th such question but nothing seems to happen and for all we know its ignored. I never see any devs discuss what is said and what will be done based on the feedback.

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Yavin IV would be a good place for a Republic/Empire conflict -- the Sith could be trying to recover artifacts of Exar Kun or Naga Sadow, which the Republic would obviously want to prevent.


Kashyyyk has been suggested plenty of times, and I would have to agree. If the Infinite Empire really were responsible for the fauna of the Shadowlands, more secrets than a Star Map would have to lie buried within.


Telos IV might also be ready for us to return, assuming it's not already in the works. There's the HK-51 droid factory, Atris's academy and the holocrons contained within...plenty of story possibilities waiting to be used.

Edited by TechnogeekSA
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Bothawui - explorable - I really think it would make a really cool, interesting planet that both the Republic and Empire would want on their side, and fitting for max level content including "normal" missions and dailies. Many Bothans died to bring you this wish...


Cato Neimoidia - Explorable - Because I think the missions and the voice acting here could be awesome!


Glee Anselm - Explorable - Because the game needs more glee, we need nice, beachy holiday planets and because it's a good, interesting place to start implementing underwater gameplay. Bonus: a planet of small islands is easier to recreate in a game world without having to add mountain chains to block access further. Also it's a perfect excuse to implement playable Nautolan. Paves the way for Manaan as well!


Kuat - Explorable AND Ops - Kuat is not only one of the earliest members in the republic, and already sporting an early version of the Drive Yards at this point in time, making it a very viable planet to add to the game, it is also a perfect opportunity to make a planet that is visually striking (plains, forests, canyons and citiscape, plus imagine looking up at the drive yards in the sky) with very, very interesting and significant Ops opportunities; they are building war ships for the Republic after all! And just imagine the possibilities with amazing views, half-built ships and workers almost at slave level to provide great graphics, interesting mechanics and plenty of dark/light situations.


Felucia - Ops - Because it's beautiful and I'm a girl, and because it's ferocious and could make a nicely different ops.


Cathar - Ops - We know the Cathar well from both Knights of the Old Republic and SWTOR, and it's about time we get to see their home as imagined by Bioware. The planet should be in the process of re-colonisation and feautes tree-cities and massive insects, so it should make for an interesting ops, or even a line of ops, with storylines TOR-fans can relate to. It could work as an explorable end-game planet, and the insects and resettlement situations could make daily missions as natural as repeat tasks can possibly be.


Naboo - Flashpoint - Naboo is in its early stages of settlement in this time period, and mostly a game hunting ground with a small permanent settlement of humans (refugees), so unless there's a way of weaving SWTOR into the increasement of Naboo's relevance on a galactic level, it would be best suited as a flashpoint, focusing on either game hunting or hunting down Jar-Jar's ancestors...either or, really.


Malastare - Flashpoint - Because pod racing has to be implemented sooner rather than later, and what better way of implementing it than in a competitive fashion! And what better location than a planet as awesome sounding AND looking as Malastare. Also: Dugs. What I imagine is a flashpoint (because Malastare's not an important world in galactic context yet) based around crime lords and investigation, in which a pod race plays an important part, where the players all participate, compete both against NPC's and each other, with a level of cooperation provided by pod-mounted weaponry, and a special achievement unlock to the winner, as well as a separate one for the best "gunner".

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