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Should SWTOR Go Free-to-Play?


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Sorry... but sub fees + more fees always costs more than sub fees alone... preschool math eludes you somehow.


There were many of sub games that STILL have cash shops.. Blizzard does it.. Rift does it.. STO used to do it.. You are confused and making up stuff as you go.. Stop before you hurt yourself.. lol

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F2P is still for failed games or games that become aparent that they are going to be sub par before they are even released.


I keep hearing people saying that f2p is the future of mmos and i just dont see it, i dont see the f2p AAA games that pump out content with the speed and quality p2p games do.


If GW2 can succeed and produce content like the p2p games without going pay 2 win ill believe its possible, but untill then there is just no example to base the claim that f2p is a good idea for a game.


I still think that if a game is worth playing, people will pay a sub.

Edited by Mallorik
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It shouldn't go free to play. Once transfers, rated PVP and LFG are in the game it should be a much better game. Right now the biggest issue is getting people to play the game and free to play would only add people that would only play for a little while then quit.


The other thing people are forgetting is that free to play would take programming and right now they have their hands full coding the things that weren't in the game at launch.


I think once everything is in the game they want, they should make the first 10 levels free similar to WoW.

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I keep hearing people saying that f2p is the future of mmos and i just dont see it, i dont see the f2p AAA games that pump out content with the speed and quality p2p games do.




Since when is BW pumping out content with speed and quality?


If they were providing so much content of such high quality, the general discussion forum wouldn't be mostly talk about the game dying, server merges, and the game going f2p.


The game is basically failing, if you can't see that, you're probably either a blind fanny or you're not even level 50 and don't play very often.

Edited by Celebrus
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F2P is still for failed games or games that become aparent that they are going to be sub par before they are even released.


I keep hearing people saying that f2p is the future of mmos and i just dont see it, i dont see the f2p AAA games that pump out content with the speed and quality p2p games do.


If GW2 can succeed and produce content like the p2p games without going pay 2 win ill believe its possible, but untill then there is just no example to base the claim that f2p is a good idea for a game.


I still think that if a game is worth playing, people will pay a sub.


Arenanet made more new content in a 2 year period for Guild Wars 1 then WoW did in 2 years. Most of the new content that WoW made in between expansions was just more raids, and most people didn't raid. SWTORs new content hasn't been very much either. I really can't think of any P2P MMO that came out with new quality content on a frequent basis that wasn't an expansion or just another raid.

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It shouldn't go free to play. Once transfers, rated PVP and LFG are in the game it should be a much better game. Right now the biggest issue is getting people to play the game and free to play would only add people that would only play for a little while then quit.


The other thing people are forgetting is that free to play would take programming and right now they have their hands full coding the things that weren't in the game at launch.


I think once everything is in the game they want, they should make the first 10 levels free similar to WoW.


I remember someone stating that Bioware programmed the game to make the switch to Free to play easy, but that was said sometime last year.

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F2P? You serious?!? So far I've had 3 MMO's that I loved go F2P and it ruined every single damn one -- for me at least. People who love F2P systems probably loved it, but I hated it. In all three cases it ended up costing me more money and flooded servers with complete prats. The worst of the three experiences happened after one of my old stomping grounds went F2P and overnight my credit card stopped being accepted for subscriptions. It took a whole month to get a response from their accounts department and that response was "go see your bank". I talked to my bank, heck I talked to Visa, and all agreed there was nothing wrong. Two more months later it still hadn't been sorted out and I finally woke up and realised that I'd been conned. During that time I'd been so desperate to play the game that I'd ended up buying all the content I'd had access to when I was a subscriber, which in total exceeded what a lifetimes subscription would have cost (we are talking two to three hundred dollars here at least) -- and the funniest part is that not once did they refuse my card when it came to buying points. Despite all the hours and the money I'd put into the game, both during the time it was a subscription game and after it went F2P, I ended up walking away in disgust and I've not been back since. The second MMO didn't stop me subscribing, but also managed to give you bugger all as a subscriber so that when new content came out it was pretty much a given you'd have to pull out your wallet and pay for that on top of your subscription. The third MMO also would have cost me a lot more money to keep playing it than I wanted to spend, but by this time I'd gotten pretty leery of the whole F2P model and I decided it was smarter this time around to just leave.


So while for some of you might have had "good" experiences with the F2P model as applied to MMO's, mine have been exceedingly negative, and as this is now pretty much the only MMO I play, I really, really hope you are wrong in predicting it will go F2P any time soon...


I must admit though that while I hate F2P with a passion, the number of MMO's I loved that are no longer with us because they were no longer financially viable actually out numbers the MMO's I've played that went F2P. I'm honestly not sure which event is worse.

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Arenanet made more new content in a 2 year period for Guild Wars 1 then WoW did in 2 years. Most of the new content that WoW made in between expansions was just more raids, and most people didn't raid. SWTORs new content hasn't been very much either. I really can't think of any P2P MMO that came out with new quality content on a frequent basis that wasn't an expansion or just another raid.


??? really? 1 new warzone, 2 new flashpoint, 1 and a half new operations, 1 new sesonal event, a bunch of new daily quests and I'm sure i'm forgeting some stuff


All in 4 months


Show me 1 MMO that has done more.

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I just want to throw out there something for all the people who say there are no games that are truly F2P.


You're wrong. There is ONE. All content is free. There is no cash shop and no microtransactions. There is no subscription. You don't even pay for the game itself. All you pay is donations, and only if you wish.


That game is Uru Live. Don't believe me? Look it up.

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??? really? 1 new warzone, 2 new flashpoint, 1 and a half new operations, 1 new sesonal event, a bunch of new daily quests and I'm sure i'm forgeting some stuff


All in 4 months


Show me 1 MMO that has done more.


Warzones, for PvP, you do the same warzones over and over again, doesn't take much development to make warzone maps. Flashpoints that last a couple of hours. Operations, but most people don't raid anyways. Seconal event that happens 1 time per year, and daily quests just to extend the grind. Sorry no, but that is not very much new content at all, definitely not $60 worth of new content. But that is how the MMO industry is, you just don't get very much new content between expansions, just things to extend the grind that you repeat over and over and over again.

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No. Please NO. ...

I cannot stand the restrictive nature of play2win, which is what free 2 play is ...


Think you meant PAY2win. The pvp servers would be dead and only filled with people who pay upwards to $50 a month to buy the gear to beat anyone who didn't pay the cash. And the pve servers would be only have people who haven't realized yet they can't beat any heroic or mission boss with out paying for gear to defeat it.


BTW IMO: why anyone would spend $50+ a month on browser or mobile games is insane and my have other social-mental issues going on. And shame on game developers that take advantage of these people's mental illnesses.


pay2play for STWOR... horrible idea, if they want to keep current players. They already have a hard enough time keeping the people who expect SWTOR to be a StarWars skinned WOW.


Pay2 Play structure are ideal for games with low overhead to develop, produce, and maintain (aka browser games, mobile games, cloned pc game). When SWTOR gets to a point were they really need to get more bucks out of the few players they have and they've downsized the dev & creative dept payrolls, then we may see some pay2play features.

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Think you meant PAY2win. The pvp servers would be dead and only filled with people who pay upwards to $50 a month to buy the gear to beat anyone who didn't pay the cash. And the pve servers would be only have people who haven't realized yet they can't beat any heroic or mission boss with out paying for gear to defeat it.



You are assuming that a free to play SWTOR would have gear to buy on the shop. There is also NCsofts free to play shops for Lineage and Aion that do not contain anything that gives anybody an advantage, just cosmetic and convenience items.


it is a fallacy to automatically assume that Free to Play automatically means Pay to Win when we have examples to show otherwise.

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You probably think this way because many MMOs who use the F2P model do so because they are not good enough to convince people to subscribe to them. SWTOR clearly is good enough. Changing the paymend model wouldn't make SWTOR a worse game.


You still believe its good enough to convince people to stay.... I think the ever increasing exodus of subs might just be telling you something you wish not to believe here....

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I can just see it now if it ever did:


You try to do a mission that gives you your ship.


"Subscribe now to get your own starship for travels around the galaxy!"


or stupid crap like that.


then probably it would have limited amount of planets you could travel to and all that crap. Limited amount of crew skills. It would just...if a game wasn't designed to be free to play from the beginning with a no pay to win system just free and cosmetic stuff..but was turned into a free to play game ...just no.


I would rather pay 50 cents a day to get it ALL rather than have to keep paying to get the stuff as I go. It would be a complete ripoff to people! F2P is such a hoax it's not even funny!!! It's NOT free at ALL!!! People...stop thinking free to play is free. You get the basic of the basic crap and have to pay to unlock more content or raids. What fun is that? games DESIGNED for free 2 play ONLY with cosmetic stuff are ok. But games that are subscription based THEN go free to play completely suck then.


I would stop playing. And this game is my life. It would be hard leaving. As for many many others. You would see more immature people come in to because it's free. It would fall under the category of just...odd if it was free to play. But..it's never going free to play so. lol. It's not like they lost a crazy amount of subs and down to 200,000 players and are star trek online and NEED to go f2p or something else lol

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A game that has monthly subs that goes to f2p is a game that failed when it was p2p and therefore went for the option that can keep the game alive. I suppose those games do better than they were doing when subs were falling but I don't think that they did better than a p2p game that is actually succesfull.


I don't see going f2p as a good option. It's simply a last ditch attempt to keep a dying game alive.


What this game needs is resolving the population issues and rebalancing and adding content. Population is too wide spread over too many servers. Crafting, especially for PvE is messed up. (where are the orange schematics for boots and gloves for example). Nerfing healers and bringing out more hard core content only made this game unfriendly to casual, causing more subs to go. Gear is not designed very well and very repetitive. Needs a better art team in my opinion.


etc etc.


So no, going f2p is not the solution. Polishing this game, bug fixing and gear acquisition should be more fun and rewarding. I mean it's killing the gtn because yeh, I can buy augmented oranges on the gtn, but you won't buy em because they look crap. Market dead. Thank you for playing.


So let's solve the things that need solving, instead of assuming the game is lost already and needs to go f2p as the last ditch attempt to save it.

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For everyone who quits, there would 5 more that would replace them and end up spending more then $15 per month put together.

yah...immature little brats that would make the community even WORSE. games that aren't f2p from the start and go f2p are horrible :/


there are VERY FEW f2p games that are good. There are a couple. but NEVER ones that go f2p from p2p.


People just want free everything these days. Get a job you smelly hippie :p

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Arenanet made more new content in a 2 year period for Guild Wars 1 then WoW did in 2 years. Most of the new content that WoW made in between expansions was just more raids, and most people didn't raid. SWTORs new content hasn't been very much either. I really can't think of any P2P MMO that came out with new quality content on a frequent basis that wasn't an expansion or just another raid.


Gw1 is not in the same ball park as wow or swtor, it never was. its even debatable that gw1 is an mmo.




Since when is BW pumping out content with speed and quality?


If they were providing so much content of such high quality, the general discussion forum wouldn't be mostly talk about the game dying, server merges, and the game going f2p.


The game is basically failing, if you can't see that, you're probably either a blind fanny or you're not even level 50 and don't play very often.


LOL the game has been out for 6 months, it already has a new operaration, two new flashpoints and a new battlground. Do i think they need to get their act together and fix the game? hell yes. but as far as putting out content they are doing great.


The problems they have arent from lack of funds or people not playing the game, it because of bad decisions and poor management.

Edited by Mallorik
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What exactly is so bad bout a mmo going F2P? I dont get that.


Well for me personaly? ive never played a f2p mmo that was worth playing. imo if a game with worth playing its worth a sub. i dont play crap just because its free. and while not always true now, most but not all f2p games arent actualy f2p.


And finaly, do you trust EA to make a f2p?

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