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Warrior Kick's and cc's- it's to much


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Hm maybe you're right thats not them it's me!


because i have no knockback no interrupt resistance like mercenary


I have an interrupt immunity not a knockback immunity. You do have the knockback and stun immunity ability although it only lasts long enough for maybe one or two casts.


I will not claim sorcs are better at surviving than mercenaries, I think mercenaries are still a bit too strong, but you should not be dying to a single player unless you are keeping someone else alive, they are better geared, or they are better than you are. It takes a top DD to do more damage than you can maintain healing, and it takes a lot of work to time every interrupt to actually take a healer down one on one. If a warrior is killing you by himself do not suddenly think you are entitled to complain about it, he may just be a very skilled player.


The only thing I would like to see is a limit to how often 4 warriors in a single warzone can keep a group AOE stunned, but that is an issue with resolve and DR mechanics that bioware needs to fix. Warriors may piss me off sometimes but I do not think they should be nerfed because of it, they should be nerfed when their abilities are simply unfair.

Edited by Zerogates
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Its never going to change. DD outnumber healers therefore DD qq about healers is greater than healer QQ about anything.


I've pratically stopped playing all my healing toons in warzones. There are so few healers now even on my extremely busy server its laughable.


I wouldnt mind the interrupts so much if they did away with the pushback mechanic. The whole pushback system just makes healing pointless. Having both, and so much CC that also interrupts heals, and interrupts on such a short cool down makes healing utterly pointless in this game. Shield healing and hots is about all you can really rely on to be much use. Outside that unless you want to stack alacrity to stupidly high levels then the Cast time heals are fairly pointless as all of them can be outdone by a single DPS, and all take far too long to heal and most will get interrupted. (I will say you can still heal in warzones but you need to be playing some terribads, or have found the perfect hiding spot :) As soon as you are spotted you might as well start looking for a low opposition to take down or pull the enemy to the worst place possible positionally for them which in turn helps your team.


Roll a DD and go with the flow. There is no point healing its not a healer friendly game in PvP. If you really want to heal now PvE is your game.

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My group has a healer and he heals just fine in pvp. It's called healers can no longer tank 3 dps's while healing their entire team without having guard or taunt on them.


If that is the game you were looking for you are better of playing PVE, you can have 3 mobs hit you and still heal people and besides PVP might just be to hard....

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So because you wanna play healer the game shouild prefer healers default, other players classes are unimportant, you are the only one matters. How old are you?


My theory, is that all of the anger and ridiculousness on the Pvp boards is coming from HORRIBAD healing sorcerors that will NEVER get over the fact they needed those nerfs in 1.2.


They aren't reasonable, and they are legion, the fact they all decided to attack Marauders and Sentinals is just an unlucky roll o the die for those poor AC's.


The real failure of BW was to allow such an OP and ridiculous class like the launch Sorceror/Councelor to go live, cause now that the masses have seen the OP... they won't be happy till they have the OP.

Edited by VoidJustice
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Yes they can interrupt a heal every 6-8 seconds but surely sages/sorcs can interrupt their big attacks every 6-8 seconds?


Oh wait, nevermind.


oh but Sgaes can run and still cast their big heal.


oh wait, nevermind


See the problem?


DPS can out damage healing, DPS can out interrupt healers, DPS does not need to remain still when attacking. If you don't think this is a problem you are beyond help.

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