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Considering dropping Merc for Powertech (PvP)


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So I've recently put some serious thought into shelving my Merc and rerolling PT. My main dilemma is that I have invested a huge amount of time on my Merc (Valor rank 81, several pieces of War Hero gear, maxed out companions/datacrons, fully augmented gear, etc) and it will be difficult to go from all of that to nothing.


Another concern is that I PvP almost exclusively and, as it stands, the Mercenary is so flawed at the moment that I can't see it being decent without a major overhaul. Arsenal is absolutely second rate compared to Pyrotech in PvP (and not because of 1.2, it's always been this way) and Pyrotech on Merc is just so pathetic compared to PT. I don't think my terrible heals make up for the lack of Quell, Grapple, taunts, Flame Burst and 90% armor penetration with Rail Shot. Also, considering that, I don't see the mechanics of Merc ever getting buffed to the point where they can compete with what PTs can do right now.


I've never been a FotM jumper and I absolutely hate rolling alts, but the imbalance between these classes makes me want to become a switcher for the first time in all of my experience playing MMOs. So my question is pretty straightforward: Is this going to be worth it? As Powertechs, do you guys think I'm glorifying the major flaws of my class or are these legitimate reasons to jump ship?

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Put it this way, I had the same dilemma that most BH's have when choosing a AC. I made the jump and picked Powertech back in December when they were still a well kept secret and have never looked back. The class gives crazy satisfaction. Does exactly what it says on the tin.

And in the end your ill always still have your Merc in-case they ever do buff it. Seems the Powertech population is jumping at the moment. I'm sure we will feel the Nerf bat soon enough and probably before EAowars anointed glow-stick fairy's.

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My main has been Powertech since beta. I've played several other classes (including Merc), but nothing compares to the diversity offered by PT. You're Valor 81, which means you've invested some considerable time into Merc in PvP, which I assume from your post was as a healer. You seem to have made the most of it. Warzones always need healers, which is something not offered by Powertech. Are you really willing to give that up?


I won't deny PT superiority over Merc on all levels. Personally, I don't see any use for Mercs on rated PvP teams because they don't bring anything unique to the table that can't be bettered by another class. In fact, for PvP, I would say that Mercs are at the bottom of the list of all 8 AC. I shelved my own Merc alt long ago, so I don't think you're glorifying the flaws of the class.


The mobility offered by Powertech is key in PvP. You can run in tank spec and protect your teammates. You can decimate just about anything as a Pyrotech. Even AP is good now since 1.2.

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There's not much overpromised with the PT now. It's alot of fun and in relatively good shape as a class goes, competitively, in PvP.


However, this is an MMO, and what goes around comes around, and by the time you hit 50 and Valor 81 again, you may well be dreading the decision you made. This class is due a smack with the nerfbat unfortunately, because already there's an influx of PTs and lots of whiners about how tough we are in warzones.

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Thanks for the input everyone. I'm going to start chipping away at my PT now (it will probably be pretty fast considering that I can safely spacebar through most of the story without missing much). I'm going to try to look at this as a long-term investment so that I will (hopefully) be more viable some day in a month or so.


Warzones always need healers, which is something not offered by Powertech. Are you really willing to give that up?


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I mainly heal. What I meant was that the fact that I can heal seems to be how they balanced my class despite the fact that my heals are really really bad unless fully spec'd into. I actually dislike heal spec on Merc. I'm Pyrotech on my Merc right now and I don't see switching presenting itself as an option any time in the future.

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I cant say enough about the sheer awesomeness of PT, so I wont bother.


I would however warn the OP against rerolling to a PT as a new main, just because we're in a good state at the moment. If there are nerfs in upcoming patches, as well as buffs to merc's/sorcs, you'll be looking around again in a few months for the next fotm class, and the vicious circle will begin.


My opinion would be to stick it out with your merc, hope you get some buffs and not throw away all the grinding you've already done with it.

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You have 8 character slots. Play one of your other 7. If you wanted to switch back and forth between whatever AC is OP this week then you have a slot for every AC.


If you wasted slots making several of the same class/ACs, then delete those characters.

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