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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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June is practically next week...


Yeah june the 19 the big patch will come.


And i will get to play the new planet called earth and the zone is called Kingsmouth!


It will be fun with a cool storyline and obviously all with voice acting.


Thx BW!

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At this point, I don't think transfers will bring the game back (hope I'm wrong), most in my Guild have already left and won't be coming back. In the beginning we were the largest group on our server and continued to be, up until around a month ago. Now there are only a handful of us still playing, most have moved on to Tera or D3, waiting for Guild Wars 2 to launch. I still enjoy this game, however it is becoming a ghost town as of late and a few weeks ago our server was in the top 20 for population.


Frotunately our guild is a multi game platform so most of my friends are still around and I've been splitting my time so I can group with them in other games. I will keep playing til my subscription runs out and then decide if I should cancel it. Crossing my fingers and expecting changes for the better to arrive soon. No Ranked warzones in 1.2 was the real killer, that is when our guild members made their decisions.


As another mentioned we are losing 25% of the population each week..........

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Two Weeks ago:


"We actually addressed server issues in a previous Q&A and will have more information on character transfers very soon."


So nothing new for two weeks. Soon? I'd rather Bioware shut their pieholes completely rather than lie to us.

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Two Weeks ago:


"We actually addressed server issues in a previous Q&A and will have more information on character transfers very soon."


So nothing new for two weeks. Soon? I'd rather Bioware shut their pieholes completely rather than lie to us.


Guess when you get to my age, two weeks is a veritable blink of an eye. :p

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Guess when you get to my age, two weeks is a veritable blink of an eye. :p


Two weeks in a MMO is half the billing cycle. If they wont be out for another month minimum why should I continue to pay them? With all this restructuring going on early summer to them could be end of July.

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Guess when you get to my age, two weeks is a veritable blink of an eye. :p



I'm not so young myself. And that is precisely why I am impatient. My gaming time is precious and I don't want to waste time on a game that is going to fail. These transfers will make or break this game. We need details yesterday. Two weeks isn't "soon" by any stretch of the imagination.

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Two weeks in a MMO is half the billing cycle. If they wont be out for another month minimum why should I continue to pay them? With all this restructuring going on early summer to them could be end of July.


If there isn't anything here now that's worth paying for in your eyes, why are you still paying?

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Right now they say there are no plans for merging servers.


There isn't. Although transfer/shut-downs are not merges. I still think they're going to cull the number of servers, just not with the inherently buggy and convoluted merge method, especially with the complicating factor of Legacy involved.

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I certainly hope the 1.3 patch isnt being held up because of transfers.


I do...

It is pointless to introduce new content if there is no one to play it.

I am not rerolling either for acouple of reasons. First I have several characters that I want to continue progression on not start over. Secondly and more importantly, if I was to reroll then what server? And if that server dies then reroll again? A vicious cycle.


Jun 21 is my last day of my sub... no transfer no more sub.


Call it whining or what ever and personally I don't care what the trolls reply. Its my money and time and there are other MMOs. I like this game which I have played since Jan 2012 because I like the different storylines, interaction with NPC, etc. But most of all I like raiding and groupplay, right now there isn't any.

Edited by opus_two
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Jun 21 is my last day of my sub... no transfer no more sub.


I agree with almost everything you've said (and really everyone else since my last post). The one thing I would add, however:


"no FREE transferS no more sub."


I'm not fickle. I don't resubscribe if I cancel.


Let's hope BW will do the right thing here.

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I do...

It is pointless to introduce new content if there is no one to play it.

I am not rerolling either for acouple of reasons. First I have several characters that I want to continue progression on not start over. Secondly and more importantly, if I was to reroll then what server? And if that server dies then reroll again? A vicious cycle.


Jun 21 is my last day of my sub... no transfer no more sub.


Call it whining or what ever and personally I don't care what the trolls reply. Its my money and time and there are other MMOs. I like this game which I have played since Jan 2012 because I like the different storylines, interaction with NPC, etc. But most of all I like raiding and groupplay, right now there isn't any.


There is no new content like quests etc in 1.3. Only new game subsystems and (I hope) a lot of bug fixes.

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BW - Help us out here please - What are the details around Character Transfers?


  • Can the Guildmaster of a Guild transfer? Does the GUILD move with him/her?
  • Will the GUILD remain intact? IE: No need to buy the million dollar bays again. (Yes I'm assuming we would have to move as well to the same server - IE: No cross server guild)
  • Will Legacy remain intact with my Characters? (IE: I move ALL mine to the same new server)


I've just renewed for 60 days, but that's my last 60 day card I plan on buying if Server Merges or Character Transfers do address the dying off SUB's issue. After that I just can't stand the idea of trying to play with the same 5-10 hardcore players on my server each day.


DITTO on another persons comments around "FEE for Transfer"... I will not pay for something that should be built into the system already for lack of playability due to subscription base or lack of the same.

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BW - Help us out here please - What are the details around Character Transfers?


  • Can the Guildmaster of a Guild transfer? Does the GUILD move with him/her?
  • Will the GUILD remain intact? IE: No need to buy the million dollar bays again. (Yes I'm assuming we would have to move as well to the same server - IE: No cross server guild)
  • Will Legacy remain intact with my Characters? (IE: I move ALL mine to the same new server)


I've just renewed for 60 days, but that's my last 60 day card I plan on buying if Server Merges or Character Transfers do address the dying off SUB's issue. After that I just can't stand the idea of trying to play with the same 5-10 hardcore players on my server each day.


DITTO on another persons comments around "FEE for Transfer"... I will not pay for something that should be built into the system already for lack of playability due to subscription base or lack of the same.


BW! Tons of people want these answers. Myself, and everyone I know on my dying server included. If I am going to lose legacy or anything I have put so much time into getting. And I can't transfer to the same server as my friends/guildies are on. Then I too, am done.

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BW! Tons of people want these answers. Myself, and everyone I know on my dying server included. If I am going to lose legacy or anything I have put so much time into getting. And I can't transfer to the same server as my friends/guildies are on. Then I too, am done.


To me, the trouble area around my play schedule is that for the last two days I have spent far too much time seeking out answers to the questions all of us have. That's time I am not actually playing the game. When I do log in, I just stare at my character select screen wondering if there is even any point to clicking on one of them. I don't know if, when, or how my character list will change once the transfers start or if I'll even recognize them anymore. I keep asking myself, "what's the point?" Yes, I still enjoy playing the game when I can make myself play it.


If you are going to give us what we might consider bad news, guess what? Waiting a few more weeks to tell us the bad news only makes it worse. At least, that's how it works for me. I'm not sure which philosophy you're going with Bioware. I'm a "rip the band-aid off" kinda guy. The slowly boiling pot does not catch me by surprise. Just toss me in the microwave and be done with it. I can only assume you expect us to be unhappy with the answers. Otherwise, what is the point of delaying the details? Why not set our minds at ease? I can tell you this, though. The uncertainty keeping me staring at the character select screen or keeping me here in the forums is keeping just one more hardcore player off of the servers I play on which, in turn, only makes the initial problem worse.


Let's not forget, many of us are still paying customers. I'm not much for an entitlement mentality, but I do feel like the "paying customer" portion of my last sentence carries with it some expectation of customer service. Please, service your customers so we can know what to expect and, more importantly, plan for it.

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Sub runs out in 13 days if there is no word on xfers by then I will not be paying for this anymore. I haven't even played in 5 weeks.


Mine runs out on the 16th of June. So does my wife's account and my son's account. If I don't see any kind of definitive answer on when transfers are coming, I too will just close the door and move on.


I haven't played in weeks. Tera Online and Diablo 3 are just too much fun right now (toss in some more GW2 beta and it's nothing but good times!)


There is a rumor going around about GW2 releasing at the end of June or July. If this is true, SWTOR is in trouble if they don't have transfers by then.

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Mine runs out on the 16th of June. So does my wife's account and my son's account. If I don't see any kind of definitive answer on when transfers are coming, I too will just close the door and move on.


I haven't played in weeks. Tera Online and Diablo 3 are just too much fun right now (toss in some more GW2 beta and it's nothing but good times!)


There is a rumor going around about GW2 releasing at the end of June or July. If this is true, SWTOR is in trouble if they don't have transfers by then.


My preorder email (and i preordered from them directly not through gamestop or anything) says June 26th for GW2. So I mean really who knows. Just sharing what I got in an email.

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My preorder email (and i preordered from them directly not through gamestop or anything) says June 26th for GW2. So I mean really who knows. Just sharing what I got in an email.


GW2 is listed as that date, but it seems actual launch has been pushed to next quarter, which is after July, making it a late summer to Fall launch. Maybe not as late as Thanksgiving, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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According to the PC Gamer interview with Daniel Erickson, BW is preparing a "huge move" on the servers, which means increasing the population caps to accommodate even more players. So, I'm actually hopeing that they create 2 or 3 massive servers for everyone of the same type (3 pvp server, 3 pve server, etc).





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