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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Transfer is just a non option for me, if it means only being able to transfer one of my characters from one server to another. It would break my Legacy progress too.


You take your Legacy progress with you, though, including all rewards you've unlocked...

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It should be server merges not transfers and it won't hurt the community. I say merge RP-PvP servers together, some of the PvP servers and same for the PVE servers. I could care less for my legacy name or my characters name. I want to PvP against a new group of people and wider crowed as well as playing on a RP-PvP server with like minded folks.


Im with you. I dont care if i get my legacy or my legacy perks i can just get them back. I just want to be able to play my lvl 50, and my other 3 characters, and not start all over again. even if I have to find a new guild I could do that I guess. usually Guilds that could use a well played geared marauder. Though I would really rather not have to find a new Guild. I like the guild i'm in and everyone in it.


<Evil By Default> Server Zaalbar

Edited by FaDedBriLLianCe
forgot a portion of writing
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a few more weeks for news about the transfer.


probably when the transfers finally comes (some time in summer), there aren't many people that would use it anyway, people already left for good.

well, at least it would avoid some potential high stress on the transfer system.

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Transfer is just a non option for me, if it means only being able to transfer one of my characters from one server to another. It would break my Legacy progress too.


Why worry, once they see the servers that aren't going to hold their players, they'll merge them. Unless there is a reason that they might expect a sudden and very large influx of players again, the likes of which you get when a major title shifts to a different payment model.....

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well i cansee some problems, first lets say i have several toons on server yyyyyy and have left the game for a few months, and i comeback and server yyyyyy is removed,what will the toons do?


also if everyone flocks to server XXXXX suddenly instead of getting right on and now having a 30 min wait.

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Transfer is just a non option for me, if it means only being able to transfer one of my characters from one server to another. It would break my Legacy progress too.


Yeah cause legacy is so AWESOME ain't it?! ROFL

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In all honesty, I would rather take the merge and risk losing all my characters names for the sake of being able to do operations, hard modes, normals, and pvp with a large selection of people at all hours of the day.


I feel having merges would result into a much better result. Free transfers will not completely fix the problem, because the majority of the TOR population (on heavy servers) won't just get up and leave their already stable server at a chance for a "new life" on a empty server. And even if I am proven wrong on that statement, there will still be many servers that will probably remain untouched, due to the luck of the draw. Merging several of the low population PVE servers together (pve to pve) and the low population PvP servers (pvp to pvp), with the given time periods, together would be a great idea.


In the end, I would rather spend a hour or so coming up with new names for all my characters, than spend an hour or so waiting on the imperial fleet, twiddling my thumbs, while I advertise "Geared Healer LFG any HM, pst!" in general chat.


*Fyi ~ Naddist Rebels, rejoice! *cricket* *cricket* *cricket*...

Edited by DaveD
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Complete nonsense.


Guess its true that some people are still drinking Biofail's Koolaid. Say, whats it taste like?


Truth is, some of you can come on here and try to be the Bioware fan boys/girls that you are, but low stocks, declining population numbers, and a ton of bugs speak for itself. I was a big supporter of the game for years, defended it like a parent would defend their child, but the decpetions, the lack of passion, and the over all repetitive boring nature and EA's overall attitude has put the final nail in the coffin for me, which is why I canceled, and in 20 days will move onto other games. Even the head guy over at EA says the game is not a big priority for them, nor does it current performance justifie the games current budget (( which means its about to get smaller.)) So do the math people...

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Guess its true that some people are still drinking Biofail's Koolaid. Say, whats it taste like?


Don't you get tired of regurgitating the same old crap? If you don't agree, just say you don't agree, for crying out loud. :rolleyes:


Think I'll call people that do this "forum bulimics"...

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I don't understand the logic behind some transfers being free and others not being free, well other than cash generation.


Doing so will potentially place the then premium servers in high demand - potentially creating overcrowding. Or, everyone will migrate to free servers not wanting to pay a premium and they become potentially overcrowded.


At the very least what will the premium servers have that warrants a fee to be transfered into them?


Surely server migration/transfers is a relatively easy process and should be covered by our subscriptions?

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To all you people that thik bioware and swtor is the problem. It's not. No one sems to get what the real problem is now. The problem is simple people are bored. What is the reason for this? Swtor like every other mmo now caters to casual players. If you do not have a social life and you want to stay in and play a mmo all day, I hate to tell you this you will be disappointed with every single current and future mmo. Companies have realized that the casual player is there primary customer base. Face reality here. The only cure to your problem in your complaints is to get a social life. Play your favorite im emo with your down time any won't complain anymore. Even the main new mmo that all the buzz is about GW2 is more of a casual players game. The old school games like eve and vanilla/BC wow that we are all used to and could play all day without getting bored went the way of the Dodo bird. The only reason world of warcraft still has so many players is because it's what they started with. It is all they know. From now on every new mmo will cater to the casual player. What happened with star wars what happen with every mmo. It is inevitable. Examples... Rift,GW, aion, soon to be D3, and gw2... my point here get a social life become a casual player then you will have fun in these mmos agian. Edited by Zergnaut
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I don't understand the logic behind some transfers being free and others not being free, well other than cash generation.


Doing so will potentially place the then premium servers in high demand - potentially creating overcrowding. Or, everyone will migrate to free servers not wanting to pay a premium and they become potentially overcrowded.


At the very least what will the premium servers have that warrants a fee to be transfered into them?

Surely server migration/transfers is a relatively easy process and should be covered by our subscriptions?


I agree. At this point, having any fee at all for a transfer is going to turn more players away. We need to stop the hemorrhaging, not create another reason for people to leave.

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I don't understand the logic behind some transfers being free and others not being free, well other than cash generation.


Doing so will potentially place the then premium servers in high demand - potentially creating overcrowding. Or, everyone will migrate to free servers not wanting to pay a premium and they become potentially overcrowded.


At the very least what will the premium servers have that warrants a fee to be transfered into them?


Surely server migration/transfers is a relatively easy process and should be covered by our subscriptions?


Actually, it's being done in steps. First, it will only be free transfers to select servers (most servers, according to Stephen Reid's tweet 3 days ago). That will continue for a while.


And then paid transfers will become available to probably Heavy servers to stem the flow. (Very Heavy will probably still be unavailable, unless you want to start a new character there).


It's actually a genius way to control the crowd, which, make no mistake, NEEDS to be done, while still offering the player a choice.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Actually, it's being done in steps. First, it will only be free transfers to select servers (most servers, according to Stephen Reid's tweet 3 days ago). That will continue for a while.


And then paid transfers will become available to probably Heavy servers to stem the flow. (Very Heavy will probably still be unavailable, unless you want to start a new character there).


It's actually a genius way to control the crowd, which, make no mistake, NEEDS to be done, while still offering the player a choice.


OK so the provision of applying a cost isn't being used to imply that those (heavy) servers are somehow better. The cost is actually being used as a barrier to entry to deter people from migrating to them.


OK that I get, understand and like. BioWare full of win.

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Actually, it's being done in steps. First, it will only be free transfers to select servers (most servers, according to Stephen Reid's tweet 3 days ago). That will continue for a while.


And then paid transfers will become available to probably Heavy servers to stem the flow. (Very Heavy will probably still be unavailable, unless you want to start a new character there).


It's actually a genius way to control the crowd, which, make no mistake, NEEDS to be done, while still offering the player a choice.


^ what he said

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My fleet population has not been > 15 while I've been logged on since D3's release.... I don't want to go back to blizz so please just make this transfer happen much sooner than later.


I hate to agree, however my server's Fleet Pop has dropped around 80-100 to 40-50 since D3 came out.


I wonder if all those D3 players managed to defeat that epic login boss? I heard it was a bit OP.

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I hate to agree, however my server's Fleet Pop has dropped around 80-100 to 40-50 since D3 came out.


I wonder if all those D3 players managed to defeat that epic login boss? I heard it was a bit OP.


Hehe, that it was. Ahh, no worries, though. Every game is feeling a bit of a dip due to D3. But it's not an MMO, which means the dip won't last long. ;)

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Actually, it's being done in steps. First, it will only be free transfers to select servers (most servers, according to Stephen Reid's tweet 3 days ago). That will continue for a while.


And then paid transfers will become available to probably Heavy servers to stem the flow. (Very Heavy will probably still be unavailable, unless you want to start a new character there).


It's actually a genius way to control the crowd, which, make no mistake, NEEDS to be done, while still offering the player a choice.


The transfers need to be free. If they are not that's an insta-kill for the game (I think that's pretty self-explanatory, some people will be willing to pay but majority will not and get upset to the point of leaving the game). Also they need to make sure they end up with full servers (I don't mind waiting in queue for say 5 minutes if that means that there are several hundred of people to play with.


Merge servers, give out transfers, shut dead servers, do whatever it takes Bioware - it's the only way of fixing this game.

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Merges and transfers need to happen NOW, rather than in early summer tbh.


I play on Legions of Lettow, which is apparently the 2nd most populated PvP server in the EU.

As of my time of writing, there are 9 people online in the fleet (noon), of course more will come online in the afternoon, but we're down from 40-50 people at this hour to this sad state, the same trend continues at peak hours.


I don't even want to think about the state of the light servers.


Right now, people are leaving because of the lack of population, because a large number of friends they raided and PvPed with has left. These are the people that stuck with the game through all the bad calls of the past few months, BioWare needs to hold on to them above everything.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Merges and transfers need to happen NOW, rather than in early summer tbh.


I play on Legions of Lettow, which is apparently the 2nd most populated PvP server in the EU.

As of my time of writing, there are 9 people online in the fleet (noon), of course more will come online in the afternoon, but we're down from 40-50 people at this hour to this sad state, the same trend continues at peak hours.


I don't even want to think about the state of the light servers.


Right now, people are leaving because of the lack of population, because a large number of friends they raided and PvPed with has left. These are the people that stuck with the game through all the bad calls of the past few months, BioWare needs to hold on to them above everything.




^^ Check out the amount of servers flatlined on light for a month.


It's scary to say the least.

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^^ Check out the amount of servers flatlined on light for a month.


It's scary to say the least.


Tomb of Freedon Nadd is supposed to be the most populated European server at 2.05. Lord Calypho (on which I play) is in top 10 at 1.20. From what I can see recently 1.20 means that there is nothing you can really do outside of peak time and even then there is only 10-20 people on questing planets and 50 people in the fleet.


That means Tomb of Freddon Nadd is the only server with any decent numbers and even that is nowehere it should be. PvE only players are screwed all over with top PvE server at 1.66. All other servers are on average 1.00.


Also, you can see that amongst those top 10 servers are all 4 RP servers which I think would suggest that a large portion of people still playing the game are RPers, hardcore SW fans who probably are (my private and a bit stereotypical opinion) more patient part of the community.


Same realm LFG coming 1.3 is not good enough (I was against cross realm LFG but that was when you actually had players to make groups with, I am still no fan of that tool). We need transfers and merges. Currently recruiting is near impossible.

Edited by vandana_
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