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Too many heroics = slow progression

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I personally am pretty much ignoring the heroic quests at the moment and I will be waiting until I (and others) will be more experienced in this game; at this moment I'm just all about enjoying the main storyline and all the other amazing things about this game. What would be left for me for later period when I discover all the wonderful features of the game before it's even lauched :D:p
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Personally, I like all of these Heroics for low levels. The sooner they start playing together, the better prepared they will be for working cooperatively in Operations. People always complain about how players are never prepared for Endgame, well Heroics help players prepare for Flashpoints, and Flashpoints help players prepare for Operations. That is how I see it anyway.
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There were times early on during leveling I had to solo an elite boss or champion in a heroic and it was one of those close calls. I was two levels higher than them. It was a great challenge and I loved it. I sure would hope it was like that at higher levels but it's not. Look, we all know the social part of this game is out the window. There are far too many kids that play MMORPG's and they ruin our experience. In World of Warcraft, I would get "your mother is a ******" for asking LFG. That's the type of community we deal with in MMORPG's as of late. Socializing in these types of games is done. I'm a long time gamer from the early 90's and I've seen communities get thrown away because of it.


To sit around and be ignored or nobody wants to socialize and come to a medium on doing group quests, then what is the point? Oh yea, get guildies to help? Shouldn't get to that point if you ask me. I've met a lot of nice people and made good friends by asking for help. Again, those days are over now.


You're projecting. I can absolutely guarentee that your experience isn't universal, because I've had little to no problem socializing with others, or getting groups for heroics. Pulling group content because you have personal issues that you need to get over isn't a smart move. Plenty of people are doing these quests, and are enjoying them.


Those days are absolutely not over. I still meet a lot of nice people, a couple of which have joined the guild I'm in because of our experiences.



I was just thinking this. Way too many heroic areas. They are not hard, they just need groups and that really defeats the purpose to go back and do them when they no longer benefit you. I can't imagine running an alt in a year when things have normalized.


1-2 optional heroics in each quest-hub of 4-6 solo quests isn't "way too many heroic areas."


Amazing how having group content for those who like to group up is somehow defeating any sort of purpose.

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Personally, I like all of these Heroics for low levels. The sooner they start playing together, the better prepared they will be for working cooperatively in Operations. People always complain about how players are never prepared for Endgame, well Heroics help players prepare for Flashpoints, and Flashpoints help players prepare for Operations. That is how I see it anyway.


How do heroics prepare you for endgame? It's a champion with high HP's and no special ability or strategy to beat them. You deal with 3 mobs that are either champions or strong. It's just a headache trying to do them alone. With a group, you just DPS and heal, "THATS IT". I don't see how this helps you for flash points.

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I'm never rude and constantly ask in general every 2 minutes about flash points and heroics. Unfortunately, I haven't found anyone that wants to do them. If you put something in the game and call it a quest, I don't look at it as optional. My mission will be to do them and if not, I will feel disappointed.


I really don't see the logic in heroic. Maybe have us fight through mobs and our final fight is a boss, that could work. To make every moth strong and elite is ludicrous. I don't want to hear, "skip it for later levels". That's not the point. If the quest is my level, why not do it and get more xp instead of losing xp at later levels?


You don't have to defend bioware, this is not an attack. Just something I don't agree with and think it's quite stupid and doesn't belong. Remember rift and having to fight in rifts? That was a beautiful concept.


I agree with you honestly.its like the group content for most MMOs though,its not to bad but for this case I feel that there is way to many of them and its just basically missions that will fill up your log until you decide to go back and do it 10 levels later.

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I don't hate the heroic quests, but there are just too many of them. I would prefer 2 to 3 difficult heroic quests per planet that would need other players. Unfortunately most have way more, including those heroic AREA quests.


I don't like skipping content because I love the stories, but I hate having to wait to find a group, it disrupts an otherwise great flow of quests. I think a simple solution would be to have a difficulty toggle for all instanced heroics and leave the open world ones as they are.

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The goal is to make grouping "optional", not required, with the exception of course being the the end-game Raid encounters.


Grouping is optional, because those quests are optional. You can skip group quests, therefore grouping is optional. This is like asking to be able to "PvP against NPC's" because you want "killing players" to be optional. No, you can either choose to participate in PvP, where you will be facing other players, or choose not to PvP. Same with group quests. Group, or don't do them, it's your choice.


BioWare did not once promise that you would be able to solo the hardest quests in the game, nor quests which are designed around a group of 2-4 players.



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sigh...dude you are the exception. Do you realize how many people dualbox MMOs? It's an INCREDIBLY small amount.


In this game I can see how it would be kinda rare to dual box. In some MMO's such as L2 it is more common. In SWTOR I see no reason to dual box yet so I probably won't do it in this game. *shrug*


With that said the heroics are OK in my opinion. I haven't run across a heroic quest that me and my fiancee haven't been able to duo with our Sith Sorc+Operative combo. If people are spamming for it we will join a group to do it. After all we need to make friends somehow...

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How do heroics prepare you for endgame? It's a champion with high HP's and no special ability or strategy to beat them. You deal with 3 mobs that are either champions or strong. It's just a headache trying to do them alone. With a group, you just DPS and heal, "THATS IT". I don't see how this helps you for flash points.


It sets up the basic framework of working cooperatively, as a team; do you think you can learn that doing everything solo? The sooner people can learn to work together as a group, the better later grouping quests will be. If you are THAT shortsighted that you cannot see that, then I cannot help you.

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I love the heroic quests...but I don't like standing around looking for a group. As mentioned earlier, a lot of people already did this content in the beta and don't want to waste time grouping up.


I would love to see a separate chat 'level' for LFG. That way 1) I wouldn't have to constantly see "LFGXXXLFGXXXLFGXXX" spamming every other chat line in the general box. and 2) it would be extremely easy to type "/LFG tank" (or healer,dps, etc.)


Just a thought...:rolleyes:

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I would love to see a separate chat 'level' for LFG. That way 1) I wouldn't have to constantly see "LFGXXXLFGXXXLFGXXX" spamming every other chat line in the general box. and 2) it would be extremely easy to type "/LFG tank" (or healer,dps, etc.)


Just a thought...:rolleyes:


This is a very good idea! I would like that as well.

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I would love to see a separate chat 'level' for LFG. That way 1) I wouldn't have to constantly see "LFGXXXLFGXXXLFGXXX" spamming every other chat line in the general box. and 2) it would be extremely easy to type "/LFG tank" (or healer,dps, etc.)


Just a thought...:rolleyes:


You can already do that by changing the chat settings.

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i don't see a problem with skipping heroics, EXP in this game is easy enough to get through just solo questing, space missions, or pvp, just treat heroics as an extra; if you can't get a group for them it's no big deal, skip it and move on.
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This is also not useful, since many players will elect to ignore other players, other than buffing them for courtesy sake and helping them out in a pinch (if the player is about to die) if they are able to. I do both the former and the latter all the time, but I rarely ever invite other players for Heroic 2 or 2+ zones, since thats what my companion is for.


I noticed that as well. When I go through an area I keep my eyes open and help when someone gets stage agro or is about to drop. I also hand out my Smuggler buff but rarely receive a buff.


But this is how our world works and society accepts this kind of behavior so it is reflected in MMOs as well, ME FIRST!



As far as the Heroics go. I just accept them and keep an eye open for any "LFGs" while continuing my other quests. Sometimes I get into a group right away and other times I get side tracked by other quests. Overall I am having fun .... once I make it through the queue and into the game ;)

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They're the only interesting quests. The story and all that is fine in most filler-quests, but the actual doing of them is "kill 50 weak mobs" = zzz. But then you get a heroic and you actually get to fight and use your abilities, I like it. Like.. What was it.. Friends of Old? Something like that in western Kaas City classified as Heroic 4 quest was really fun to solo. I had to do some major LOSing and kiting to beat the boss and had fun with it.


I suppose, though, if your AC can't deal with elites/champions/bosses, it would be really boring..

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First of all - you're not forced to do those quests. You're free to skip every single one of them that you want to.


Second of all - if you're spending all your time "LFG", then you're doing it wrong. Keep questing until you find people, then gather and knock it out.


Concise and Correct, and slightly 'Trolly' tone to it. :)

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I too think the number of Heroics is annoyingly high and the way they are implemented is very old fashioned.


I think it would be a lot more fun if Heroics would be handled like public quests, optionally autogrouping all people in a certain proximity. One of the few things which really worked great in Rift.


Sure you can skip the quests but you never know if you miss out on an interesting bit of story and being a story-driven game every content should be available to all players. Just imagine what happens when the large mass of players will have gone through the content and play in endgame; it will be very hard if not almost impossible to do the Heroics in an acceptable time frame.

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They're the only interesting quests. The story and all that is fine in most filler-quests, but the actual doing of them is "kill 50 weak mobs" = zzz. But then you get a heroic and you actually get to fight and use your abilities, I like it. Like.. What was it.. Friends of Old? Something like that in western Kaas City classified as Heroic 4 quest was really fun to solo. I had to do some major LOSing and kiting to beat the boss and had fun with it.


I suppose, though, if your AC can't deal with elites/champions/bosses, it would be really boring..


So far, that was the only heroic to give me any serious trouble. The lack of healers and the overflow of DPSers on my server made getting a good group for it make me go crazy :mad:














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But then you get a heroic and you actually get to fight and use your abilities, I like it. Like.. What was it.. Friends of Old? Something like that in western Kaas City classified as Heroic 4 quest was really fun to solo.


Yeah i just did that quest a couple of days ago and it was great indeed, i did it with some people that were LFG and wanted to do it too and it was a lot of fun !!


And actually, most of the fun came from playing with other people, not to solo the Quest, in my opinion that's what makes a MMO a MMO...

There are a lot if individual instances in SWTOR (nicely called "Story Area", i really like this term over "instance"), so i try to play with other people as much as i can to get this MMO feeling :)

Besides, the group conversation thing is really fun too, cant wait to do that again !!


Only thing is, and this is true for most Heroic Quests i've done so far, i think the rewards for these quests are a bit lame, dont you agree ?

At the end of "Friends of Old", the reward i had to select was a Dromund Kaas Comendation, or a Vest that was lower-level than the one i already had from a previous solo Quest...


I'm not really complaining, cos like i said the fun was playing with other people, but dont you think the rewards for these Heroic Quests should be ... i dont know, "Heroic" ? :p

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