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10-49 pvp is perfect


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I never want to leave this bracket, every game can go either way, gear counts for nothing because everybody has their stats boosted to a level 49, it all comes down to teamwork and skill, this is the most fun I've had in pvp probably since tarren mill/southshore. The best part is that I run at a profit, I'm used to the WoW system of slowly having your money slip away from repairs.


My only concern is that I know if I keep playing as much as I do I'll hit 50 on my characters one day from the small xp gains. Because there are no repair bills I dump the credits into professions and companion gifts, not sure what I'll do with the money when those are maxed.



no I'm not a 49 assassin, I run a 20s operative and 30s commando


yes I've been playing since beta and had neglected 10-49 pvp all these months, big mistake

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I never want to leave this bracket, every game can go either way, gear counts for nothing because everybody has their stats boosted to a level 49, it all comes down to teamwork and skill, this is the most fun I've had in pvp probably since tarren mill/southshore. The best part is that I run at a profit, I'm used to the WoW system of slowly having your money slip away from repairs.


My only concern is that I know if I keep playing as much as I do I'll hit 50 on my characters one day from the small xp gains. Because there are no repair bills I dump the credits into professions and companion gifts, not sure what I'll do with the money when those are maxed.



no I'm not a 49 assassin, I run a 20s operative and 30s commando


yes I've been playing since beta and had neglected 10-49 pvp all these months, big mistake

Sounds like you're scared to actually fight people on equal footing at 50. :)

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Every game can go either way in 50 as well.

Gear counts in 10-49 as much as it does in 50. In 10-49 people are even more likely to have bad gear because they are leveling and may not care about gear since it's temporary. In 50 you should have at least recruit and BM is very fast to get. War hero vs BM is not that big a gap.

10-49 is heavily influenced by your AC points.


10-49 is more laid back though, probably because commendations are not so crucial in this bracket, most just want xp.

Edited by richardya
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I never want to leave this bracket, every game can go either way, gear counts for nothing because everybody has their stats boosted to a level 49, it all comes down to teamwork and skill, this is the most fun I've had in pvp probably since tarren mill/southshore. The best part is that I run at a profit, I'm used to the WoW system of slowly having your money slip away from repairs.


My only concern is that I know if I keep playing as much as I do I'll hit 50 on my characters one day from the small xp gains. Because there are no repair bills I dump the credits into professions and companion gifts, not sure what I'll do with the money when those are maxed.



no I'm not a 49 assassin, I run a 20s operative and 30s commando


yes I've been playing since beta and had neglected 10-49 pvp all these months, big mistake



Agreed, they should let us stop getting XP whenever we like.

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Sounds like you're scared to actually fight people on equal footing at 50. :)


This is pretty funny, because at levels <49 you ARE fighting people at equal footing. Hit 50 and suddenly you're roflstomped (even with recruit gear) by those who got to 50 before you and got the gear.


The GEAR defeats new 50's, not the "skill." It's so bad I hear new 50's complain every day. ZERO fun to have PvP armored foes doing so much damage they can basically camp the spawn point and prevent progression or the ability to earn even 1 medal - at which point the player gets ZERO.


There should be a minimum of 1 medal just for playing the WZ to the end so you can make SOME progress towards getting the upper end gear which totally controls who wins and who doesn't...

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Take armortech or synthweaving and keep yourself in blues.

Spend comms on weapons/implants.

Enjoy many levels of care-free PvP.


PS. Don't bother picking up un-needed recipes for armortech/synthweaving since you're going to be dropping it at 50 for Biochem anyway.

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Equal footing at 50? Thats laughable. Pre-50 is much more "equal" without expertise.


And pre 50 is never equal unless your all the same level and in the same gear.


Here's an idea...get some expertise and stop playing in the kiddie pool.

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This is pretty funny, because at levels <49 you ARE fighting people at equal footing. Hit 50 and suddenly you're roflstomped (even with recruit gear) by those who got to 50 before you and got the gear.


The GEAR defeats new 50's, not the "skill." It's so bad I hear new 50's complain every day. ZERO fun to have PvP armored foes doing so much damage they can basically camp the spawn point and prevent progression or the ability to earn even 1 medal - at which point the player gets ZERO.


There should be a minimum of 1 medal just for playing the WZ to the end so you can make SOME progress towards getting the upper end gear which totally controls who wins and who doesn't...


Level 40+ in purple gear is equal footing? Laff.


Heck, level 49 with purple mods and the expertise mods from pvp weapons is basically godmode.

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The main reason 10-49 is so fun is because theres no incentive to quit.


With one win daily 10-49 PvP winning and losing means much less than the 50 bracket where war heroes only need their 3 wins and quit out of losing matches.


Plus the difference between a lvl 10 sniper vs a lvl 49 assassin, and a lvl 50 no expertise anything against a 1200+ expertise anything is vastly different in TTK. The lvl 10 sniper has a chance to at least press a few buttons before going down.


I find lvl 50 pvp completely terrible solo queue, whereas the 10-49 bracket you can solo queue all day and have fun.

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I fail to understand why someone would not want to experience the 50's warzones. Yes you will probably bet "roflstomed", but after a week or so you should be full BM gear and that excuse will go out the window.


The new gear system is laughable. I have friends who for the most part only PvE and some have a valor rank >40 and have around 1100 expertise with a mix of BM and recruit. Its not hard at all to get gear and I could care less if you want to just get 1 medal and screw off the rest of the game.


Just my thoughts.







I hate the 10-49 brackets and I think of it as a joke.

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I levelled 2 of my char completly in PVP+main story and I made probably more then 300 match (but maybe even a lot more) 1-49 and i NEVER and i swear NEVRE met a premade


that's the only difference


1-49 gear are as different as 50 if u add up that 10-49 there are diffrence in skill point and at 50 there is difference in expertise i honestly think that a lvl 49 stomp a lvl 10 as much as a 50 in full expertise stomp a fresh 50...


the problem is that you never see a 8 people lvl 49 vs 8 people lvl 11 that's what mostly happen at lvl 50 if you add the fact that a lvl 50 people is organized in ventrilo or other voice chat


the game balance 1-49 is identical to 50 the problem is that people that is more organized so if you dont have time to organize if you play in an envirment where u can't really use voice chat if you like to group with different people everytime stay 1-49 if you like a more organized pvp go 50s

Edited by Pekish
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Let's just all agree that no matter which bracket you are in the PvP in SWTOR is horrible and...


...that the only ones who have fun are playing the unstoppable classes like Marauders, Sorcs and Assassin Tanks.


Matter of fact, let's all roll Empire.


And let's not even talk about world companion PvP...

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Let's just all agree that no matter which bracket you are in the PvP in SWTOR is horrible and...


...that the only ones who have fun are playing the unstoppable classes like Marauders, Sorcs and Assassin Tanks.


Matter of fact, let's all roll Empire.


And let's not even talk about world companion PvP...


What about PTs Op healers and snipers, or jugs? All of which are very strong classes when played properly.

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I don't see why 10-49 PvP is "perfect."


Basically if you aren't 40+ you're missing a lot of your core skills. I.E. I have a Balance Sage alt and melee trashed me before I got the 31 point spammable root talent and now I can actually get away from them. Also, everyone isn't fighting in the optimal gear and bolster doesn't really balance everything perfectly.


The bracket is also a lot less competitive. The majority of people don't have enough experience with their class or its their first time playing war zones. I'm leveling a Sage to be an endgame healer, but currently I'm DPS.


It took me a while to get a good "feel" on my Vanguard. I have youtube videos of me @ lvl 30 on my Vanguard and I look at how I play now and I'm way better.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Let's just all agree that no matter which bracket you are in the PvP in SWTOR is horrible and...


...that the only ones who have fun are playing the unstoppable classes like Marauders, Sorcs and Assassin Tanks.


Matter of fact, let's all roll Empire.


And let's not even talk about world companion PvP...


Lol im just gonna say it.... lrn2play


you might have more fun.

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tbh, i have a lot more "fun" in the 10-49 wz's than i do in the 50's, usually because it all starts to get a bit serious, i'm not a die hard pvp'er altho i've done pvp in almost every game that let me, i dont chase titles like some ppl do, and i'm fully aware there is a lot of better pvp'ers out there than me.


now i've been in bracket wz's from level 15 up to 49, in several different classes, and the usualy feeling is of ppl having fun, win or lose, level 10's do indeed go head hunting for higher level enemies, when my sentinel was 49, i'd have them swarming over me, win or lose, kill or be killed, it was fun.


now i've been in 50's wz's, when i've seen war hero's abuse a new level 50 for turning up with 12k hp, getting told to F-O and run some dailies, i've been blamed for losing a wz (which we were already losing btw) because i ran to the wrong checkpoint, altho i think it was more because i wasnt part of the pre made team that was there, all in all, not a nice experience.


now ofc, with the recent changes, its even worse, sure, if u play long enough and win enough matches, you can get a bm set in a week or 2, which is fine if you are winning matches, getting medals, earning the commendations, otherwise its just a grind, really it is, you turn up in your shiny new recruit gear, shining like a beacon to all the war heros who can insta gib you, shunned by your team mates who think they are now playing with 7 men, so they dont even bother helping you with heals, yea, level 50 pvp isnt fun

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And pre 50 is never equal unless your all the same level and in the same gear.


Here's an idea...get some expertise and stop playing in the kiddie pool.


You sound like you are the kid here TBH.

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Agreed, they should let us stop getting XP whenever we like.


NO, this would be the worst thing you could do for the bracket. If you stop XP gains, you'll start seeing the same problems you see in the 50 bracket, but adjusted for 10-49:

1) Twink Level 49's decked out in full Oranges and Purples plus Expertise mods and other high-level mods.

2) Premades


The reason 10-49 is fun to play is because this doesn't exist on a large scale. If there are people that do this, it's few and far between. People don't bust their butt to completely outgear everyone at level 49 because they know they'll have to replace it all in a day or two once they hit 50. However, once you make 49 the cap, now people will work to try to outgear everyone with best-in-slot gear plus expertise mods at level 49, so they can wipe the floor with the opponents due to gear disparity.


TLDR: The thing that has enabled 10-49 to be fun is because few people will invest heavily in it, knowing that they'll be 50 soon enough and have it all be a waste of time and money. Remove that and you ruin 10-49 PvP.

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to bad almost no one listens or even watchs the doors in the 10-49 bracket. on my 47 powertech right now it drives me crazy how bad some people are (but hey they're new so what do you expect). people rarely ever go in front of the ball carrier to catch a pass, they would rather attack the guys attacking you lol
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cool post


Are you aware of the problem it can be to get geared for one faction on 95% of the servers?


It takes a lot more time spent to get geared on rep side. Especially after 1.2, where pvp gear got a boost.

If you find PvP easy, I bet you are imperial.

Swap sides, and pick a challenge, and see the problem for yourself. Your suggestion is an ok choice/path for the average imperial player. But the average republic player, will not bother, the goal is simply a lot harder to achieve on rep side than imp side.


Ofcourse you can just buy your first set for credits. But honestly, how good is that recruit set vs BM / WH stuff. Yup, it's absolutely useless.

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