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Merc pyro nerfed?


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No you're not going nuts!


I too feel like there has been a secret nerf to Pyro Merc. Rail Shot and Thermal Detanator damage seems very weak. Seeing a Rail Shot hit a Sorc for 700 then watching my TD explode to 1100 makes me die a little inside. Seems the only way i can get any numbers above 2.5k with either of these abilities is by popping my relics and adrenals or picking on under geared players.


We weren't exactly the strongest class 1v1 before unless we we got some nice crits, now its not even worth trying it. I have just under 40% crit and just over 73% surge. I could get more surge with a mod swap here and there but I dont think that will make too huge a difference.


Why would anyone want to take a Pyro Merc over a PT Pyro for Rated Warzones? Escpecially since PT's seem to be melting anything they go near right now?


Sure I can still pull out decent over all damage numbers in a warzone, but thats if I spread my dots around which isnt really effective damage and is easily healed by AoE heals. You might say, but that's Pyro's strength, spreading damage to pressure opposition healers. It used to be for sure, simply because you could follow up that spread damage by some hard hitting abilities...


Pyro Merc has become an even greater RNG spec than it was before, not a good move Bioware...

Edited by Molltor
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I haven't heard much about this guys, except for this thread. Are you sure it's not just the re-working of Expertise in end-game pvp gear that's affecting your damage as a Pyro merc?
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Being Valour rank 75 and in 4 piece War Hero and rest BM, (chosen optimally as I can for now) it isnt the Expertise change. There's something more to it than that.


Both the lower end and the top end numbers for my Pyro Merc have definitely been altered. This isnt just noticeable in PvP. When out doing my Dailies (Corellia, Ilum etc) the frequency of seeing some big hits has dramatically decreased. Again, having to use Relics and Rakata Adrenal to see anything above 3.5k whilst doing these missions. I used to see TD expolde for 5k on weak and strong mobs, same for RS. Now I've seen only one or two hits over 4k on the same mobs.


I've gone back to levelling my PT, not that I wanted to cause I love my Pyro Merc and its play style and yes, it has a lot of time invested in it. But I want to be competitive for Rated Warzones so its either finish my PT levelling and get some gear or use my BM geared Sorc Healer for them. Very frustrated that I have to make this decision...

Edited by Molltor
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OK so I personally did not feel this nerf, but I had been working on a spreadsheet to help me select which stats to boost via augments. And what I found was that indeed there has been a nerf. Not to BHs specifically, but to all Force/Tech powers and to the size of Critical Damage. Basically a lot of the formulas you see on places like SithWarrior.com and linked to via this forum are now WRONG.


In particular, the Force/Tech power damage bonus differential for your main stat is now 0.20, not 0.23. And for Critical Damage, the divisor applied to your Surge Rating when calculating the exponential parameter is now 6.5 rather than 5.0 (for a level 50 toon). If you aren't familiar with the particular formulas, all you need to know is that they slightly reduced Force/Tech damage and slightly reduced the impact of Surge Rating.


Again, these aren't BH specific changes. However universal reductions in firepower do increase TTK, which is to the disadvantage of ranged classes generally and BH specifically. This shouldn't come as a surprise since further buffs to melee dps are already in the cards via this exact same methodology.

Edited by Macroecon
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... been working on a spreadsheet ... what I found was that indeed there has been a nerf ... to all Force/Tech powers and to the size of Critical Damage ... the Force/Tech power damage bonus differential for your main stat is now 0.20, not 0.23. And for Critical Damage, the divisor applied to your Surge Rating when calculating the exponential parameter is now 6.5 rather than 5.0 (for a level 50 toon).

Source please? How do you know these coefficients are changed, and if you can prove this, let's escalate to Dev-level so they can answer us. You are using specifics, I'd like to know where they come from. That means data-set, scale/scope of data, etc. Thanks.

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Source please? How do you know these coefficients are changed, and if you can prove this, let's escalate to Dev-level so they can answer us. You are using specifics, I'd like to know where they come from. That means data-set, scale/scope of data, etc. Thanks.


Escalate to a Dev of bioware ROFL LMFAO **** lol i havent laughed so much in a long time, you have a better chance at a Blizzard dev telling you ho the class's in SWTOR is doing or not doing. Your telling me you are the last person living in a fantasy realm that bioware devs actually tell there comunity anything ? give me some of teh crack your smoking plz.. <pass's the bong>

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Source please? How do you know these coefficients are changed, and if you can prove this, let's escalate to Dev-level so they can answer us. You are using specifics, I'd like to know where they come from. That means data-set, scale/scope of data, etc. Thanks.


Source? Go plug the formulas from Sithwarrior.com into an Excel spreadsheet. They don't work anymore. Use my coefficients and you can match EXACTLY the numbers displayed on your Character screen. QED.

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I and other guild members who ran EV and KP hardmodes the other night felt some of the bosses were much harder and in some cases we hit a rage timer we had not in awhile. We thought they might have retuned the missions. Now it seems they have indeed nerfed some DPS mechanics.


Just another example of Devs screwing over players in order to reduce success rates and a reason to remain unsubscribed from the game.


It's hard to believe the devs just keep screwing up. Oh well...

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