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why weren't knights and warriors revamped during patch.


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I want to say that I like the type of skills i am seeing that were applied for Knights and Warriors 1.2


Lets face it,; they needed something and Bioware responded. The response may be positive for THOSE classes but all in all it is a negative to gameplay in general. I feel it was too much at one time to give to any class.

They are now able to deal out extreme damage with Master Strikes while being absolutely invulnerable. So, as there was a much needed improvement to these classes; they are now the absolute OP class in the game. I see WZ with 5-6 of them regularly and since there was no change in last nights patch, everyone will have to suffer through it longer. Sage healing was nerfed hard while now the sage's bane has been beefed up? Sage healing is meager to it's once viable status while scoundrel's/operatives can free cast and move while supporting their team?


Back to the point of the thread... give the knight/warrior class one or the other; either the damage or the invulnerability but NOT both. Thank you.

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They are now able to deal out extreme damage with Master Strikes while being absolutely invulnerable. .

You are mistaken. You are uninterruptable not invulnerable. Even though you can't use interrupts on Master Strike and Ravage there are many ways to interrupt it.


Stuns, Mezs, Pushbacks, or just plain walking away.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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It has a 4m range... if you dont have a stun or kb available... just stand back a little. Being a marauder myself, I dont usually get to use the full cast most of the times mainly cause of that, and please stop crying about how we are so OP because you are not sure what to do against them. Make one, and you will see for yourself how to fight against them which has always been the best way to learn how to fight against another class.
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You are mistaken. You are uninterruptable not invulnerable. Even though you can't use interrupts on Master Strike and Ravage there are many ways to interrupt it.


Stuns, Mezs, Pushbacks, or just plain walking away.


Yeaaaah, the last hit still hits you when you're 15m away.

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It has a 4m range... if you dont have a stun or kb available... just stand back a little. Being a marauder myself, I dont usually get to use the full cast most of the times mainly cause of that, and please stop crying about how we are so OP because you are not sure what to do against them. Make one, and you will see for yourself how to fight against them which has always been the best way to learn how to fight against another class.



LOL definitely NOT crying bud but i know that the class will be nerfed, just a matter of when.. thats why i was surprised they were not revamped last night. They will be though that much is true.


Listen, i understand the class needed help- i will give you that. But even the sent's in my guild say that it needs to be dumbed down a bit or something. I would hate to see the class nerfed into nothing but what would be a compromise?

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LOL definitely NOT crying bud but i know that the class will be nerfed, just a matter of when.. thats why i was surprised they were not revamped last night. They will be though that much is true.


Listen, i understand the class needed help- i will give you that. But even the sent's in my guild say that it needs to be dumbed down a bit or something. I would hate to see the class nerfed into nothing but what would be a compromise?


But what happens when we are still owning you after the nerf? another nerf? lawl

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But what happens when we are still owning you after the nerf? another nerf? lawl



doesn't happen... I would like to see it more balanced NOT nerfed into oblivion bud. I like a good fight but not lopsided one way or the other.

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You mean the classes that have no non-channeled stuns(all the good stuns are tank spec only, and tank specced knights do very little damage) are the most vulnerable to CC and have to be at 4 meters to use virtually every single attack? Those knights/warriors? Yea, there's a reason they have to be good at what they do. They're so one dimensional that the class would be utter garbage otherwise.
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You mean the classes that have no non-channeled stuns(all the good stuns are tank spec only, and tank specced knights do very little damage) are the most vulnerable to CC and have to be at 4 meters to use virtually every single attack? Those knights/warriors? Yea, there's a reason they have to be good at what they do. They're so one dimensional that the class would be utter garbage otherwise.



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doesn't happen... I would like to see it more balanced NOT nerfed into oblivion bud. I like a good fight but not lopsided one way or the other.


It will still happen unless you stop posting on forums and learn how to properly fight one... then again if you knew how to do that you wouldn't see it as unbalanced to start with

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There's no reason for Marauders/Sentinels to have the arsenal of defensive/offensive/utility cooldowns that they have.


Most games I play one team or the other has at least 5 Marauders/Sentinels/Tankasins/Tank Shadows. There's a reason for this, and it's not because the classes play more interestingly than other classes. It's because the classes are grossly overpowered.


Honestly, Marauders are probably third on the list - and they're on the list for their CD's, not their offensive output.


Tankasins/Shadow Tanks - Uninterruptible channeled self-heal from a tank class needs to go. I don't mind them having the heal, but it either needs a longer CD or needs to be interruptible.. Also, for Huttball purposes, I would suggest something be put in place to tone down the usefulness of their force sprint.

Pyro Powertechs - Burst damage is just insane right now.. Not sure how to fix it, but something needs to be done to spread their damage out a bit.

Marauders - CD's... a laundry list of cooldowns they can use - some of which buff their entire party - others that buff the entire ops group.. Ridiculous defensive self cooldowns as well..


I'd maybe put Snipers on this list, but I really don't think they're that OP. I think they're just the only counter for most of the currently OP classes.

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There's no reason for Marauders/Sentinels to have the arsenal of defensive/offensive/utility cooldowns that they have.


Most games I play one team or the other has at least 5 Marauders/Sentinels/Tankasins/Tank Shadows. There's a reason for this, and it's not because the classes play more interestingly than other classes. It's because the classes are grossly overpowered.


Honestly, Marauders are probably third on the list - and they're on the list for their CD's, not their offensive output.


Tankasins/Shadow Tanks - Uninterruptible channeled self-heal from a tank class needs to go. I don't mind them having the heal, but it either needs a longer CD or needs to be interruptible.. Also, for Huttball purposes, I would suggest something be put in place to tone down the usefulness of their force sprint.

Pyro Powertechs - Burst damage is just insane right now.. Not sure how to fix it, but something needs to be done to spread their damage out a bit.

Marauders - CD's... a laundry list of cooldowns they can use - some of which buff their entire party - others that buff the entire ops group.. Ridiculous defensive self cooldowns as well..


I'd maybe put Snipers on this list, but I really don't think they're that OP. I think they're just the only counter for most of the currently OP classes.


Yes I can see how our defensive CD's that got buffed in 1.2 lead to everyone re rolling them.... actually the reason everyone has rerolled them is because people read forums see all the bads crying and think that means our class is OP. our CD's have barely changed... you say there is no reason for a squishy melee class that has to fight in aoes and or in the middle of 6+ guys on a door to have defensive cooldowns? heh heh heh I'm glad so many people have such thoughtful insight into this unfortunately any argument with validity being made is in defense of marauders

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There's no reason for Marauders/Sentinels to have the arsenal of defensive/offensive/utility cooldowns that they have.


Actually the reason they have an "arsenal" of CDs is because they MUST be at point blank range to apply damage, meaning they are in the thick of the fight where the amount of damage they will take will be maximized. They're also wearing medium armor, meaning that if they don't have a CD up, they will melt in 4 seconds flat and most likely be stunned during that entire duration. Clearly you've never played a melee before.

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Yes I can see how our defensive CD's that got buffed in 1.2 lead to everyone re rolling them.... actually the reason everyone has rerolled them is because people read forums see all the bads crying and think that means our class is OP. our CD's have barely changed... you say there is no reason for a squishy melee class that has to fight in aoes and or in the middle of 6+ guys on a door to have defensive cooldowns? heh heh heh I'm glad so many people have such thoughtful insight into this unfortunately any argument with validity being made is in defense of marauders


I think any class that fights 6+ people should die almost instantly. And most do, not sure why you think Marauders should be fed with the silver spoon.

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There's no reason for Marauders/Sentinels to have the arsenal of defensive/offensive/utility cooldowns that they have.


Most games I play one team or the other has at least 5 Marauders/Sentinels/Tankasins/Tank Shadows. There's a reason for this, and it's not because the classes play more interestingly than other classes. It's because the classes are grossly overpowered.


Honestly, Marauders are probably third on the list - and they're on the list for their CD's, not their offensive output.


Tankasins/Shadow Tanks - Uninterruptible channeled self-heal from a tank class needs to go. I don't mind them having the heal, but it either needs a longer CD or needs to be interruptible.. Also, for Huttball purposes, I would suggest something be put in place to tone down the usefulness of their force sprint.

Pyro Powertechs - Burst damage is just insane right now.. Not sure how to fix it, but something needs to be done to spread their damage out a bit.

Marauders - CD's... a laundry list of cooldowns they can use - some of which buff their entire party - others that buff the entire ops group.. Ridiculous defensive self cooldowns as well..


I'd maybe put Snipers on this list, but I really don't think they're that OP. I think they're just the only counter for most of the currently OP classes.



makes sense to me! Now just try to got the sent/mara community to admit it along with the other classes.

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lol we do die you make it seem like 5 seconds of damage mitigation makes us godlike... not even close. silver spoon? I expect every class to have abilities that are best utilized with how you have to play the character... If you have no choice but to fight in big groups like melee classes do should they die just as easily as the ranged guy who should only be in such a situation because he doesnt know what to do? yes lets take the stuns and things that help ranged classes stay at range and scrap em! when your class has to fight a certain way the abilities you have should correspond... which they do.
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It has a 4m range... if you dont have a stun or kb available... just stand back a little. Being a marauder myself, I dont usually get to use the full cast most of the times mainly cause of that, and please stop crying about how we are so OP because you are not sure what to do against them. Make one, and you will see for yourself how to fight against them which has always been the best way to learn how to fight against another class.


It goes further than 4m, being a jedi guardian myself I know this. I can slow someone walk on top of them and master strike. They need to get about 10m away if they want to out range it.

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remember your on a thread where they believe melee classes should die just as quickly as ranged classes when standing in the middle of a fight... something that would make melee classes pointless... there is no logic behind any of it just frustrated players who find it easier to vent on the forum rather than look into what THEY are doing wrong that causes them to get owned
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It goes further than 4m, being a jedi guardian myself I know this. I can slow someone walk on top of them and master strike. They need to get about 10m away if they want to out range it.


Either way as a sent you know it's a matter of them walking in a direction, any direction for about one second to get away from it

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lol we do die you make it seem like 5 seconds of damage mitigation makes us godlike... not even close. silver spoon? I expect every class to have abilities that are best utilized with how you have to play the character... If you have no choice but to fight in big groups like melee classes do should they die just as easily as the ranged guy who should only be in such a situation because he doesnt know what to do? yes lets take the stuns and things that help ranged classes stay at range and scrap em! when your class has to fight a certain way the abilities you have should correspond... which they do.


Just because I say they have too many CD's, doesn't mean I want to get rid of ALL of their CD's. I understand your point and understand why you don't want to lose your overpowered cooldowns. I mean, why do I have to stop attacking a Marauder for 6 seconds in order to beat him? Cloak of Pain is a joke. It needs to be redesigned. This is not an ability a pure DPS class should have. I could see it on a tank, but not a Marauder. Will losing Cloak of Pain or having it redesigned to only last 10 seconds without refreshing be a huge loss?

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