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Books written by Star Wars characters that you wouldn't buy


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its almost scary how much you sound like one of them, you didn't write their parts in TPM did you?

What the...? He's a Gungan! Get him!

I have no idea what you guys are talking about.


"Meesa Tinkin Dat Men Be From Korriban, But Women? Dey Be From Tython!" - Boss Nass

"Dat Majicul Boyo Harry Pottin' An' Da Sacred Place Where Gungans Be Going To Keepem Secrets" - J. J. Rowling

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"The ABC's of Bounty Hunting; Easy as One, Two, Three" by Calo Nord


"One, Twooey Little Bitty Accidenties," a Collection of Short Stories by Jar Jar Binks


"Your Friends will Die!" The Beginner's Guide to Forced Cooperation by Darth Sidious


"Spinning, That's a Good Trick!" an Overview of Piloting Basics by Anakin Skywalker

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I have no idea what you guys are talking about.


"Meesa Tinkin Dat Men Be From Korriban, But Women? Dey Be From Tython!" - Boss Nass

"Dat Majicul Boyo Harry Pottin' An' Da Sacred Place Where Gungans Be Going To Keepem Secrets" - J. J. Rowling


Stop the Madness!

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"The ABC's of Bounty Hunting; Easy as One, Two, Three" by Calo Nord


"One, Twooey Little Bitty Accidenties," a Collection of Short Stories by Jar Jar Binks


"Your Friends will Die!" The Beginner's Guide to Forced Cooperation by Darth Sidious


"Spinning, That's a Good Trick!" an Overview of Piloting Basics by Anakin Skywalker


Good ones. I would pick up the one by Calo Nord.

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"UUUUUUrgh RoaaaaRRRRRR UUUUUUUUUUUUUUrrr!!!" (Shyriiwook translation of "The Joy Of Sex", with new pictures) by Lowbacca


"Unusual Droid Features", by Random Jawa Droid-Vendor


"Murdering Women and Children: A guide to getting the girl" by Anakin Skywalker


"Ewoks and You: Combat Tactics for Handling Primitive Species" by Stormtrooper 627


"Ridiculously Overcomplicated Plots and How to Pull Them Off" by Emperor Palpatine


"The Droids You're Looking For" Letters to Penthutt's Special Automaton-Erotica Special


"Hives of Scum and Villainy" Frommer's Intergalactic Travelguide


"A Certain Point of View: Thoughts on Morality and Ethics" by O. W. 'Old Ben' Kenobi


"Nerf Herders: A Critical Look at Racism in the Galaxy" by H. Solo, foreword by Chewbacca


"The Case for the Force: An Imperial Officer's Refutation of Atheism" Imperial Officer's Corp Handbook


"Short for a Stormtrooper?: Erectile Dysfunction and You" by L. Organa


"Breathmasks as a Fashion Statement" by D. Malgus, D. Malak, and D. Vader


"Mesa Love You Long Time: The Diary of a Gungan Gigolo by J. J. Binks

Edited by Vorgrumm
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"Do or Dot Not- or how Sith only deal in Absolutes and other contradictions."- By O.W. Kenobi

"101 ways to use Carbonite in the bedroom." - By Han Solo

"Sticky- My adventures in the Sarlaac Pit." - By Boba Fett

"Memoirs of a Jawa Pimp."- By an anonymous Jawa.

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Extend Your Lifespan: You too can live 1000 years - Boba Fett

The Art of Misdirection: How to lull your victim into a false sense of...Blast them in the head! - Han Solo

Pave the Grand Canyon: Improvements on perfection - George Lucas

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how to sell death sticks to a jedi by that guy in the bar in ep2


That guy in the bar. Nobody knows his name so let's just call him that. I'm betting if I put my time into it I could find out.......... But I don't want too. :D

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Not sure if this has been mentioned but;


Achieving the Higher Ground by Anakin Skywalker (with a forward by Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Trolling and You co-written by Count Dooku and General Grievous (with a forward by Obi-Wan Kenobi)


... after hearing about the authors' pasts and experiences, I'd question the validity of their work. :rolleyes:

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