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Someone explain the LFG tool hate?


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Hey now. Don't be dissing on my Panda. I already have a name saved - Pandapoo. People may deny it, but Blizz will get a lot of subs from their new expansion - they always do. How many will they lose the months to follow it's release? We'll see.


Actually it will be extraordinarily entertaining when Blizzard gets more subs (or re-subs) in the first month after the KFP-P release than SWTOR ever had...


Or will it be sad? :confused:

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6 months in and TOR loses 25% and most of them are CASUALS. Comparing subscription loses with WoW at this point is ridiculous. WoW is a 7 year old game. People leave an old game for a variety of reasons. WoW will get more subscriptions with their new expansion too, they always do.


The loss of casuals this early on says one thing, lack of features. Hardcore players need continous content. Casuals need features.


The meaning of "casual" in the report is business jargon (meaning "picked up the game casually, not committed enough to the game to subscribe") it's not the same meaning as "casual" the way players (and even developers) might use it (i.e. casual" vs "hardcore", pertaining to the time you commit to the game ONCE YOU'RE SUBSCRIBED).

Edited by gurugeorge
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Actually it will be extraordinarily entertaining when Blizzard gets more subs (or re-subs) in the first month after the KFP-P release than SWTOR ever had...


Or will it be sad? :confused:


And so many on here hate thier cross server LFG tool and go on and on about how it caused them to lose subs. Bah, Bah, etc. Yet Blizz expands on it and today released thier latest sub figures showing they have not lost any subs sence the quarter before. Still at 10.2 million. And also said D3 has set records for presales. We think the servers in TOR are low now...wait until this time next week.

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And so many on here hate thier cross server LFG tool and go on and on about how it caused them to lose subs. Bah, Bah, etc. Yet Blizz expands on it and today released thier latest sub figures showing they have not lost any subs sence the quarter before. Still at 10.2 million. And also said D3 has set records for presales. We think the servers in TOR are low now...wait until this time next week.


With more kids than ever before

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The meaning of "casual" in the report is business jargon (meaning "picked up the game casually, not committed enough to the game to subscribe") it's not the same meaning as "casual" the way players (and even developers) might use it (i.e. casual" vs "hardcore", pertaining to the time you commit to the game ONCE YOU'RE SUBSCRIBED).


You may be right but we have to consider the spin these Executives will put on figures to save face or their Job.

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With more kids than ever before


and Doctors, Business owners, Sales Reps, Teachers, etc. I'm just naming people in my own Guild. Yes, even some of my Guildies kids have been on too. I guess that's one reason Blizz is successful, they appeal to a broad audience.

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and Doctors, Business owners, Sales Reps, Teachers, etc. I'm just naming people in my own Guild. Yes, even some of my Guildies kids have been on too. I guess that's one reason Blizz is successful, they appeal to a broad audience.


Hey, if having loot handed to you for logging on is your cup of tea, by all means, enjoy it.

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and Doctors, Business owners, Sales Reps, Teachers, etc. I'm just naming people in my own Guild. Yes, even some of my Guildies kids have been on too. I guess that's one reason Blizz is successful, they appeal to a broad audience.


Exactly. I am retired...my youngest son is a Major in the Army and plays WoW. He did 4 tours in Irag...82nd Airborne.

My oldest son is the deputy Director at my state's Department of Transportation. I still play WoW at my old age. Some on these forums are WoW bashers/haters. Makes no difference what logic you show them. They will continue with thier own preconceived concept of WoW.

Edited by Valkirus
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With more kids than ever before


So are you implying that having a LFG tool results in having a bunch of kids playing the game?


Because that makes no sense whatsoever.


I'm just curious as to your meaning.

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Hey, if having loot handed to you for logging on is your cup of tea, by all means, enjoy it.


You know i have played wow for many years now and not once have i had loot waiting for me just because i logged in!

Matter of fact the hardmode raids in wow make the raids here look like loot pinata's.


Even Rifts current top raid zone makes swtors seem childish (yes even on nightmare mode).


So you shouidnt go throwing stones when you live in a glass house.

Edited by Nitewolfe
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Hey, if having loot handed to you for logging on is your cup of tea, by all means, enjoy it.


You know that is a big exaggeration. Lets see you simply logon and do a LFR Dragon Soul raid and not do anything. In my run this morning...we kicked a player out of it who was not pulling his weight. Same would happen to you dude. And next week...going to play a ton of D3...:) Atleast I will be having fun playing , rather than standing in Fleet trying to get a grp for a FP...:p

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So are you implying that having a LFG tool results in having a bunch of kids playing the game?


Because that makes no sense whatsoever.


I'm just curious as to your meaning.


He is. He has this idea about WoW and hates it so much, he is blind to logic.

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You know i have played wow for many years now and not once have i had loot waiting for me just because i logged in!

Matter of fact the hardmode raids in wow make the raids here look like loot pinata's.


Even Rifts current top raid zone makes swtors seem childish (yes even on nightmare mode).


So you shouidnt go throwing stones when you live in a glass house.


Rift, not Rifts, has one raid, count that, one, that appeals to the hardcores for a month then it gets nerfed into the ground so the bads can have their fun.

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So are you implying that having a LFG tool results in having a bunch of kids playing the game?


Because that makes no sense whatsoever.


I'm just curious as to your meaning.


Well, he doesn't speak stupid so I'm not sure he can explain it.

Edited by Darkulous
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He is. He has this idea about WoW and hates it so much, he is blind to logic.


Lol, nope not blind. WoW is not an MMO, it's an action RPG. WoW used to be an MMO. I mean it's pretty massive that SW or Org holds that many people standing in one place waiting for queues to pop but whoopty friggin doo. Bioware has appealed to the masses of MMORPG gamers who have been looking for the genre again, and they have delivered. Again, if you find it doesn't fit your playstyle, why are you hear trying to ruin it?

Edited by Skidrowbro
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Lol, nope not blind. WoW is not an MMO, it's an action RPG. WoW used to be an MMO. I mean it's pretty massive that SW or Org holds that many people standing in one place waiting for queues to pop but whoopty friggin doo


WoW is, always has been, and always will be an mmorpg.


There may be certain things about the game you don't like, in fact you may even hate the game. But regardless of how you feel about it, it's still an mmorpg.

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Lol, nope not blind. WoW is not an MMO, it's an action RPG. WoW used to be an MMO. I mean it's pretty massive that SW or Org holds that many people standing in one place waiting for queues to pop but whoopty friggin doo


They stand there by choice, unlike Fleet. Wait....WoW is a RPG? I guess that makes SWTOR Tetris or something.

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Lol, nope not blind. WoW is not an MMO, it's an action RPG. WoW used to be an MMO. I mean it's pretty massive that SW or Org holds that many people standing in one place waiting for queues to pop but whoopty friggin doo. Bioware has appealed to the masses of MMORPG gamers who have been looking for the genre again, and they have delivered. Again, if you find it doesn't fit your playstyle, why are you hear trying to ruin it?


I am not here to ruin it as you imply. You know that is not true from many of my posts. I want TOR to succeed and hope I can play it for years to come. But at this time, I cannot see a long term future in it unless they do change and add some things. Do not worry...if those changes are not done by the time my sub runs out this mid summer...I will be gone and you can enjoy your "easy solo" little TOR world. And you misspelled "here"..:)

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I am not here to ruin it as you imply. You know that is not true from many of my posts. I want TOR to succeed and hope I can play it for years to come. But at this time, I cannot see a long term future in it unless they do change and add some things. Do not worry...if those changes are not done by the time my sub runs out this mid summer...I will be gone and you can enjoy your "easy solo" little TOR world. And you misspelled "here"..:)


Heh, good catch on the typo. Again, as this has been stated over a bazillion times, transfers will be coming and I will hop on the transfer wagon for them to seped it up and make it a priority but there is nothing holding anyone back from rolling on a hiher pop server. X-Server will not help this because a dead server will still be a dead server. What if they add some really hard world content, expect them to magically make players appear on your server to help you out?

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People. LFG. Tool. With. X-server. Toggle.


It's time to TEAM UP and ask for it. Or are you too involved with your bickering to do so?


I don't need to team up, i have no issues with getting a group and even if I did. I can find a enough things to keep me preoccupied. I don't play these games to just run dungeons/fp's all day. That's not what the game is about and if you think otherwise, D3 will be out soon.

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I don't need to team up, i have no issues with getting a group and even if I did. I can find a enough things to keep me preoccupied. I don't play these games to just run dungeons/fp's all day. That's not what the game is about and if you think otherwise, D3 will be out soon.


So now you're implying that people asking for a LFG tool only want to run dungeons and FPs all day?


Ah, why not? Makes about as much sense as saying WoW isn't an mmorpg, anyway. (shrug)

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I don't need to team up, i have no issues with getting a group and even if I did. I can find a enough things to keep me preoccupied. I don't play these games to just run dungeons/fp's all day. That's not what the game is about and if you think otherwise, D3 will be out soon.


World bosses? World arc quests? Heroics? C'mon, man....

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