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[Legacy in 1.3] & beyond: compendium


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A search on the suggestion forums for the term "legacy" in the title, returns 500 threads.

So as a try to concatenate the most asked or discussed ideas here's... one more topic ;)



  1. Before anything else the most asked and viewed topic is about allowing players to change their legacy name.
  2. Then, not so surprisingly the second one is to part surnames (or last names) from the legacy feature.
  3. Going on we dig into the alt as companions at level 50


#1: improved as player now have a free change. Expect paid changes in the future with the cash shop.


And don't forget to turn off the legacy creation name screen popup.

[new] And the Legacy rename popup too


[new] Since Legacy names aren't anymore unique with the server consolidation, two players (or more) totally strangers one to the other, can end with the same Legacy name. Thus ruining the goal of Legacy name being making the characters of a player belonging to the same "family".

.......=> Add an option to check if a legacy name is already taken.


Now specifically about the legacy trees the requests are:

  1. More links types:
    • Adopted sibling (for if you are not making characters of the parents)
    • Aunt/Uncle
    • Cousin
    • Twin
    • Mentor or Master
    • Slave (could add a strike-through for former slave, for Inquisitors especially)
    • Alias of
    • Unaware of Existence
    • Friends (vs Ally)
    • Enemies (vs Rival)
    • *Or (better?) a blank field filled by the player

[*]Not limiting link as (Adopted)Child for the links in the middle of the legacy tree (ie: not flat legacy)

[*]Keeping dead (i.e.: deleted) characters in the tree

[*]Cross server Legacy

[*]Link legacies to characters of others players

[*]More than one legacy tree per server, with ability to link them

[*]Add companions to the legacy tree



Interestingly enough players want to use the Legacy feature between their characters for sharing:

  1. Cargo hold/Secret stash
  2. Credits pool
  3. Datacron unlocks
  4. Codex entries unlocks
  5. Social ranks
  6. Valor (since it is now purely cosmetic and has no impact on stats)
  7. Titles
  8. Achievements
  9. Crew Skills (Send other character companions on crafting missions)
  10. Gear
    • Heirloom for leveling
    • Wardrobes for look

[*]Space ship chassis

[*]Legacy Unlocks: choice of smaller fee for individual characters or more expensive for legacy-wide.

[*]Quick travel points.

[*]Reveal know maps

[*]Planetary commendations.



Now about the new stuff, players are suggesting, new:

  1. Titles
  2. Gear & droid skins
  3. Weapons & Crystal colors combinations
  4. Body customization (Hair / face / jewelry / tattoo...) for characters and companions
  5. Character species
  6. Crafting recipes
  7. Speeders (single player, multiplayer & character + companion)
  8. Pets
  9. Armor decals
  10. Emotes
  11. Titles (ex: title for getting all the datacrons)
  12. More character slots
  13. Multi-Pet: bring out more than 1 pet at a time.
  14. Linguist: Your character may now speak in alien language during cutscenes
  15. Reset all class quests for a caped character & automatically adjust quests difficulty
  16. Defect to the opposite faction and keep your class (*might not work when raising the level cap)
  17. Call in your spaceship to do a stafing or bombing run on your enemy.



For convenience features we have the following entries:

  • Travel
    • To space ship porting
    • "Home Point" bind option for quick travel ability
    • Speeder speed increase
    • Faster Quicktravel cooldown
    • Group Transport: shuttle group members to leader location
    • Increase sprint speed
    • Add a /burst feature allowing to get away from a fight
    • Speeder armoring Increases the amount of damage your speeder takes before exploding)
    • Increase current speeder speed to next tier
    • On the run mounting: you can summon your vehicle without stopping. The speeder would zoom in from behind, you jump on it, and continue forward without ever stopping.

    [*]Manage our emails with our datapad from anywhere

    [*]Access to the GTN with our datapad from anywhere

    [*]Companions send (or pickup) mail packages from the space ship for the player

    [*]Companions sell items for the player, both to traders and the GTN

    [*]Increase duration for listing GTN Items (ex: 5 days, 7 days, 10 days)

    [*]Increase max number of Items for sale per character on the GTN (ex: 25, 50, and 100 )

    [*]Discount for Credit Deposit on Item Sale (ex: 10%, 20%, and 30%)

    [*]Check mail on other characters

    [*]Drop mission items in the bank vs inventory

    [*]Dedicated crafting bags and bank slots.

    [*]Companion buy mats automatically

    [*]Being able to use crafting-restricted items

    [*]Reduced money sinks fees (1)

    [*]Use the Ship Holoterminal to have all your level faction fleet dailies and weeklies to save time on the fleet

    [*]Ship augment table

    [*]Being able to change a BoP item into a Bind On legacY (BoY)

    [*]Legacy Name as a pre-title.

    [*]Manage crafting & missions for all companions through a centralized UI

    [*]Manage all companions and character gear through a centralized UI

    [*]Queuing a character for any instanced content while playing an alt solo

    [*]Increase chance to crit on every crew mission

    [*]Summon a droid that loots items for you from killed enemies

    [*]Advanced Holocommunicator:: 'turn in' any completed quest via your holocummunicator.

    [*]Rename pet(s)

    [*]Mascot: pets gives a presence bonus

    [*]Field Training Droid that can train you new skills

    [*]Extra character slot

    [*]Remote training: learn new skills without being obliged to travel back to a trainer (ex: by holocom or a training droid)

    [*]Legacy (ship?) communication center: allow player to join global channel



Then it seems players see the legacy as a nice way to unlock some major changes to their characters after character creation

  1. Name
  2. Specie
  3. Body features
  4. Sex



On the companion system:

  1. Players have requested to be able to change their companions name with a nickname.
  2. It seems sharing companions between alts is really looked after. (ie: playing Mako with a Sith Warrior or why not a Smuggler.)
  3. Being able to use 2 companions at once, mostly was requested to solo some instances.
  4. And finally really being able to edit the companions body through a character creation tool
  5. Customized companions should have the portraits change to the new customization
  6. Add a nickname to companions (and toggle which of the name/nickname to display)
  7. Mule: your companion and/or pet can hold additional items for you


About classes now while dual specs are in the works AC to AC respec was requested and, once again IMHO would work well along the legacy system. Now to promote alt playing, this could be limited to players with already 4 capped characters or say 2 capped and a high level of legacy + a gold farmer fee :p



Note about the 1.3 speeder begin available at lower level, (LEGACY SPEEDER LICENSE) I'd suggest to lower it by 5 to 10(max) levels for each capped alt instead of lowering immediately to 10, depending on how much points or credits the player spends on that unlock tree.


Before leaving, IMHO the PORTABLE MAILBOX and maybe even the REPAIR DROID features looks like very much Wowish without making it better. Replacing these with the companion item transfer trough the ship and UPS to the player house (space ship) would be a SW improvement to them and a nice topping.



=========== ===========

I'd like to apologize in advance for all the great ideas I missed. As you can guess I did not read all the 500 topics. Still it would be my pleasure to add future entries posted here.


The Legacy is really a feature where TOR can shine, still I'd like to point at some major issues in the first iteration.

- The first being making the legacy a gold farmer dream come alive (2)

- The second being implementing features going against the lore by many players, and as such dividing the population in two opposed factions... but not in game!

- The third being penalizing players that already level characters with new species unlock as no specie switching yet.


(1, 2) Some data on the in game wealth:

Wealth distribution for level 50 chars – 80% of level 50s have less than 400k credits. . chart ends at 10 million – less than 1% have 10 million.

84% of our players have less than 1 million credits.

......=> Credits distribution is roundly

  • [0 - 400k[ = 80%
  • [400k -1M[ = 4%
  • [1M - 10M[ = 15%
  • [10M & >] = 1%


Finally I hope in the future The Legacy system will be less restrictive from not imposing a legacy name to obliging all characters to have (even not displayed) a same legacy name nor being tied one to the others.


P.S.: Gear customization and management

Edited by Deewe
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Would love more perks that help us SAVE Money. A reduce mod change outs price cut,


Maybe legacy wide mounts. so stuff like the Koreallis Commander can be on our alts.

Legacy Wide Valor/Social.


More Legacy exclusives: Perhaps

a Legacy Color Crystal(a completely new hue, not a black core)

Reduction of prices but extensions of required ranks.

Neutral Legacy Ability: I suggest it summons a 2nd companion out for x amount of seconds. (if no companion available summons generic faction trooper)

Able to use another class's ship within your faction you played through to 50, I want to chill in something else.

Promised additional class emotes with voices.

More Emote unlocks, like taking apart a lightsaber like in the Jedi start zone, playing with a holocron, etc.

Ship additions that are "New" decorations, collectables inside the ship, maybe some freaking clickable DOORS?

Edited by Magnusheart
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I would like to see some legacy crafting in there maybe.


Upon reaching 400 on a crafting skill on one character (and x legacy level globally), there would be two dimensions:


- Further legacy levels can unlock sets of special schematics in that maxed crafting skill. Importantly not just lvl 400 schematics, but a series of rarer combination schematics of all levels for that crafting skill. These would be 'unlocked' for all characters in the Legacy who use that crafting skill (depending on their crafting skill themselves). Colour crystals especially desirable, particularly given the desire for different combinations related to legacy already expressed in this thread.


- A separate purchasable legacy unlock that allows the usage of crafting-restricted items. I.e. once bought, so long as one of the characters in my Legacy has Biochemistry at e.g. level 60 at the given time, all the other characters would be able to use the Re-usable Surgical Medpacs so long as they had the required experience level.

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Wouldn't Mind a BIND ON LEGACY option, turn certain items for example that are BOP. like a peice of old gear you had on a Sith Juggernaught, you rolled a Guardian and you could totally use it, pay a fee of like 100k to alter its binding.


Perhaps a perk that increase the drop rate chance of planet commedations.


Perhaps a perk that sets the peice of gear graphic to reflect its opoeset faction. (Unlocked after getting a character to 50 on each faction.)

I.e. Set the Jedi Knight Robes to its empire side graphic making its an Vader like chestpeice and cape.


Use the Ship Holoterminal to have all your level faction fleet dailies and weeklies to save time on the fleet


Unlock a Species Racial ability if you leveled that race to 50.


FAMILY TREE SAVE FEATURE, so the list of the family tree doesnt reset in a B.S. position.


Update on the Legacy Force Storm and Orbital Strike to not show EMPIRE targeting ground icons on republic characters.


Perhaps a further update into the unify to chest option, to make it unfiy to a diffrent peice? (and perhaps an update so the empire side battlemaster sith warrior helms actually get affected BY the unify to chest.)


Edited by Magnusheart
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A very well-put-together thread there. I approve of the effort and thought that has gone into this and wish to sign my support.


I would also like to point you in the direction of my own thread about upcoming legacy additions in 1.3, as the new legacy changes are proposed to be character-specific rather than legacy-wide, something which I vigourously oppose.

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Customised companions should have the portraits change to the new cusomisation. These portraits are used on the crafting window and the conversational popup approval. I use the black Torian Cadera on one character and the new grey rakghoul Corso Riggs on another character and it's a little imersion-breaking to still see the original images appearing. Edited by svartalfimposter
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Thank you kindly :)

You're welcome.


Updated the OP with some interesting data about the credits in game. In short it looks like the 1.2 money sinks were aimed at less than 16% of the player base as only them could afford the most expansive features.

Edited by Deewe
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I'm gonna go ahead and support this topic. I'm sure I have a lot of ideas to contribute with when I'm not tired :)


Legacy is the future for SWTOR, I think. That, 3D Space Combat and Pod Racing.

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I'd like to support this thread here, also in 1.2 the augmented orange gear improves the worth of being another crew skill/crafting profession but it ruined the reason to be in a tusken raider suit or a imp pilot suit, I suggest a fix to that. There should be appearence tabs that will fix everything. Legacy wise, there should be a way to look at all your characters gear etc, without having to log on to that other character. Edited by Jonoku
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Strangely enough, the thing I most want from the Legacy system (other than the prices to buy things being drastically lowered) is the ability to display the Legacy Name as a pre-title. ie Legacy Character, instead of the way it is now - Character Legacy.... if that makes sense.



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I think this is a GREAT post. Some of my own ides:

I would like to see schematics for some of the uniforms u can buy. I would LOVE to see a schematic

(for example) for the slave girl outfit so I can get it augmentable and perhaps count as heacy armor. I will make a seperate post about this idea though. watch for it. :D

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Legacy wise, there should be a way to look at all your characters gear etc, without having to log on to that other character.

Maybe have a look here: Gear customization and management


Legacy Name as a pre-title. ie Legacy Character

Makes sense, added in the OP under convenience. Was not sure where to drop it ;)


I would like to see schematics for some of the uniforms u can buy. I would LOVE to see a schematic

(for example) for the slave girl outfit so I can get it augmentable and perhaps count as heacy armor. I will make a seperate post about this idea though. watch for it. :D

Check the podcast your answers are there: Star Wars: The Old Republic Official Podcast Episode I

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Oh another suggestion. I think it would be CRAZY awesome if we could send out the companions of all of our characters from one ui. IE


I have my main who is an artifice/archeo/treasure, and an alt who is biochem/bio analysis/diplomacy.


From one window i can see all 12 of my companions. but the companions can still only work in respec to character they belong to.


Also you can't summon other characters alts.


I think this would be really neat. I for one hate logging back and forth all day to keep my companions on missions.

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