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Married or Engaged?


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If they can't have kids together, they talk about adopting. That's the way the femtrooper/Aric conversation runs.


I know, I'm curious whether I'll get the adoption talk or not, since so far I haven't found clear info on whether humans and Mirialans are genetically compatible.

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Of course they can mate.


It's possible to mate with a staggering variety of things that you aren't genetically/reproductively compatible with. I'm actually curious as to which pairings talk about adoption instead of biological children. My only marriage thus far was human/human.

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I think all aliens get sorted into alien dialogue (adoption) while humans get the idea of having actual children, but this is a BW oversight. Twi'leks can reproduce with humans, near humans like Mirialans can reproduce with humans, even Zabrak and Sith can.


So blame BW for not having hulk babies, or just headcanon it correctly.

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Of course they can mate.


dogs and goats can "mate" with each other, but thier DNA is too different to produce offspring. Some species are so diverse that sperm and egg are unable to even join without outside help ( like injecting the sperm inside the egg)

Other times, the embryo can't survive past a certain stage before it simply dies of misalligned genes, rejection by the mother's system, incompatable organ and system mixups, ect.

one of the biggest defining characteristics of a species appart from another, verses subspecies, strains, or breeds, is reproductive exclusion. Sometimes tho, you can hybridise with some sucess, but you will have sterile offspring ( mules) or compromised integrity of the animal ( ligers have gigantism, often harm the mother due to thier size from birthing, and have mental issues due to conflicting natures of the social lion and the solitary tiger.


in short- they can go thru " the motions" but nothing will come of it if the genetics are too different.

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dogs and goats can "mate" with each other, but thier DNA is too different to produce offspring. Some species are so diverse that sperm and egg are unable to even join without outside help ( like injecting the sperm inside the egg)

Other times, the embryo can't survive past a certain stage before it simply dies of misalligned genes, rejection by the mother's system, incompatable organ and system mixups, ect.

one of the biggest defining characteristics of a species appart from another, verses subspecies, strains, or breeds, is reproductive exclusion. Sometimes tho, you can hybridise with some sucess, but you will have sterile offspring ( mules) or compromised integrity of the animal ( ligers have gigantism, often harm the mother due to thier size from birthing, and have mental issues due to conflicting natures of the social lion and the solitary tiger.


in short- they can go thru " the motions" but nothing will come of it if the genetics are too different.


YAY BIO NERD!! I'm more of a chem person but yeah, this is what I was thinking as well. Oftentimes the result will be a pregnancy but non-viable offspring - ie mom loses baby very early in her pregnancy.


Now, the physiology of Mirialans' green skin I can't figure out. Maybe they have chloroplasts? That'd be awesome.

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YAY BIO NERD!! I'm more of a chem person but yeah, this is what I was thinking as well. Oftentimes the result will be a pregnancy but non-viable offspring - ie mom loses baby very early in her pregnancy.


Now, the physiology of Mirialans' green skin I can't figure out. Maybe they have chloroplasts? That'd be awesome.


probably pigmentation simmilar to lizards and bords. only green mammal i can think of is the sloth, which gets a greenish tinge from algae growing on it's spongy, humid fur.

then theres the technology to be considered. how well can people make genetic chimeras in this time/instance?

my flagship toon is an agent, and she has her own biologist on hand, lab and all, so he could probably mix her up some designer babies if she wanted ( but i like to think things between her and vector went all naturally ;) chiss are, after all, hinted to be very simmilar to humans, if not a direct branch off them. i would worry, however, about the mix of the rate of maturity between chiss and human... what if the offspring had issues where some parts were triggered by the genetic growth triggers of the chiss, while others waited for the delayed human growth triggers? if you had a compromise between vital systems, it could be fatal.

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At least with Corso my smuggler got the option to call him on his remark and have a tiny discussion about it. No such luck with Vector.


With my smuggler:



She said, "I hope you're talking about adoption, because the only babies I plan on having are yours." (She's a twi'lek.) I assume the conversation goes differently if you are human?



My Smuggler is human, and she had the option to say "If you want me to have your babies, we'd better get practicing." Corso liked that idea. :p



My Knight is Mirialan, during the last convo with Doc she had the option to either say, "We might not be genetically compatible" to which Doc replies, "So we'll adopt!" or she can say "We'll see after the war is over." Doc liked the second response better.


I was sad Vector never mentioned kids. I want Chiss/Joiner babies! It would be amazing!

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I was sad Vector never mentioned kids. I want Chiss/Joiner babies! It would be amazing!


well, all my agent's kids have black hair and pale blue skin :3


too bad you can't have a pregnancy scene, like in harvest moon games, where you wake up, get sick, spouse freaks out, or if your male, your spouse wakes up feeling ill, you go to doctor, doctor says youre not sick, just pregnant, everyone reacts accordingly, ect.


lol i can see vector, rubbing his eyes, looking confused, muttering " TWO auras...?" and then getting all profoundly poetically sweet about the start of a new song ect ect

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well, all my agent's kids have black hair and pale blue skin :3


too bad you can't have a pregnancy scene, like in harvest moon games, where you wake up, get sick, spouse freaks out, or if your male, your spouse wakes up feeling ill, you go to doctor, doctor says youre not sick, just pregnant, everyone reacts accordingly, ect.


And then you're still forced to do all the manual labor around the farm while your hubby sits in the house all day? (At least in the earlier games, the newer ones seem to give guys a job to go to.) :p


lol i can see vector, rubbing his eyes, looking confused, muttering " TWO auras...?" and then getting all profoundly poetically sweet about the start of a new song ect ect


This sounds adorable. Do want!

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And then you're still forced to do all the manual labor around the farm while your hubby sits in the house all day? (At least in the earlier games, the newer ones seem to give guys a job to go to.) :p




This sounds adorable. Do want!


i know right? lol

and lol someone else who knows HM games :D


you know you wanna see everyones reaction to the ship's lattest addition.

broonmark: the clan grows! yaaaaay <3

quinn: * faints, gets back up, runs to closet, and comes running back* i have already prepared for this, my lord! see? newborn size uniform and footwear!\

kaliyo: someone for me to corrupt eh? sweeeeeet.

corso: really?! AWESOME! wait, are you going out pvping?! in YOUR condition? no i must insist you stay here and i will protec- OOF * femsmuggler saunters out the ship to go do quests, stepping over a doubbled-over corsdo*

blizz: blizz make many great baby toys! why boss look worried? blizz already upgraded baby crib!

temple: well... i'm not sure about the protocol for this situation, sir, but.. * also pulls out toddler size imp uniform*

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I know plenty about the process, but if Twi'lek, Zabrak, and Sith of all things can have offspring with humans then Mirialans can. And Twi'lek/Human is George canon, BW just had an oversight or left it out for some design reason or resource management with alien dialogue.


Headcanon it that you have kids and you won't be wrong, just sayin'.

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i know right? lol

and lol someone else who knows HM games :D


you know you wanna see everyones reaction to the ship's lattest addition.

broonmark: the clan grows! yaaaaay <3

quinn: * faints, gets back up, runs to closet, and comes running back* i have already prepared for this, my lord! see? newborn size uniform and footwear!\

kaliyo: someone for me to corrupt eh? sweeeeeet.

corso: really?! AWESOME! wait, are you going out pvping?! in YOUR condition? no i must insist you stay here and i will protec- OOF * femsmuggler saunters out the ship to go do quests, stepping over a doubbled-over corsdo*

blizz: blizz make many great baby toys! why boss look worried? blizz already upgraded baby crib!

temple: well... i'm not sure about the protocol for this situation, sir, but.. * also pulls out toddler size imp uniform*


roflmao the mini uniform idea is HILARIOUS but makes so, so much sense especially from those two.

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I know plenty about the process, but if Twi'lek, Zabrak, and Sith of all things can have offspring with humans then Mirialans can. And Twi'lek/Human is George canon, BW just had an oversight or left it out for some design reason or resource management with alien dialogue.


Headcanon it that you have kids and you won't be wrong, just sayin'.


if i read right, the purebloods known today were an artifically spliced hybrid with humans and sith, and now, aside from some linneages kept "pure" sometimes pops from hidden recessive genes in long-standing imperial bloodlines.

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if i read right, the purebloods known today were an artifically spliced hybrid with humans and sith, and now, aside from some linneages kept "pure" sometimes pops from hidden recessive genes in long-standing imperial bloodlines.


They were mated between Dark Jedi and ancient Sith, the term "Interbreeding" leaves little to the imagination. They found a way to mix DNA between the species through intercourse and the hybrids that followed slowly lost the features that made up the true Sith race.


It wasn't done artificially, other than the initial experimenting to figure out how to mate.

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They were mated between Dark Jedi and ancient Sith, the term "Interbreeding" leaves little to the imagination. They found a way to mix DNA between the species through intercourse and the hybrids that followed slowly lost the features that made up the true Sith race.


It wasn't done artificially, other than the initial experimenting to figure out how to mate.

ahh, i was told it was some crackpot force alchemy.

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Well, Kira and I are technically married..


so, we started with sex, and then we talked about marriage, but she said she can't, as we only talk on tython, and only for those born into the Jedi (she was NOT..) so we had sex. Then, we decided to have a secret marriage, and she said "too bad we can't celebrate it... With the crew" and so I decided to set them on "nice long missions". I did a nice proposal, and she grabbed me by he chest, and kissed me. We had sex.


We are married! The name of the mission was "a true Jedi wedding".

Then, scourge offered to train my future children as sith...

Was someone being ease-droppy?




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probably pigmentation simmilar to lizards and bords. only green mammal i can think of is the sloth, which gets a greenish tinge from algae growing on it's spongy, humid fur.

then theres the technology to be considered. how well can people make genetic chimeras in this time/instance?

my flagship toon is an agent, and she has her own biologist on hand, lab and all, so he could probably mix her up some designer babies if she wanted ( but i like to think things between her and vector went all naturally ;) chiss are, after all, hinted to be very simmilar to humans, if not a direct branch off them. i would worry, however, about the mix of the rate of maturity between chiss and human... what if the offspring had issues where some parts were triggered by the genetic growth triggers of the chiss, while others waited for the delayed human growth triggers? if you had a compromise between vital systems, it could be fatal.

Having the good doctor along to help with things would probably make that less of a worry, because it's likely that a regimen of the appropriate hormones (or something to block them, such as some of the girls in this article were being treated with iirc) would work to keep that sort of thing from becoming a problem.


(Non-bio-nerding-out) My BH is supposed to be half Chiss/half human, and she had a really messed up childhood because of it. Rates of physical growth and development and rates of mental/emotional growth didn't line up at all. (I may have given this some thought.)

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I know, I'm curious whether I'll get the adoption talk or not, since so far I haven't found clear info on whether humans and Mirialans are genetically compatible.


I'm fairly certain humans and near-humans (Mirialans, Miraluka) can have children, since it's theorised they're really sub-branches of humans which evolved a certain way due to their respective environments. (In the case of Mirialans, Mirial's sun Siel puts out a high level of radiation, which is why Mirialans have greenish skin. At least, according to the RPG books, anyway) I'm not sure about the other races, though.


As for whether my Consular is married or engaged, I can't really tell. I thought after exchanging Sarkhai vows they were, but one of Nadia's letters talked about "if we get married" so maybe it's an engagement? The marriage convo was the last one I had with her, so it's a little vague.


Was someone being ease-droppy?




I think my ship's bugged. Even Nadia's cousin somehow knew. Nice bit of lampshade hanging when she mused HOW DID SHE FIND OUT? Spies are everywhere, man.

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I'm fairly certain humans and near-humans (Mirialans, Miraluka) can have children, since it's theorised they're really sub-branches of humans which evolved a certain way due to their respective environments. (In the case of Mirialans, Mirial's sun Siel puts out a high level of radiation, which is why Mirialans have greenish skin. At least, according to the RPG books, anyway) I'm not sure about the other races, though.


As for whether my Consular is married or engaged, I can't really tell. I thought after exchanging Sarkhai vows they were, but one of Nadia's letters talked about "if we get married" so maybe it's an engagement? The marriage convo was the last one I had with her, so it's a little vague.


That's interesting, thanks! I did not know that about the green skin.

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I adore him! He's just such a good guy, but practical and the back and forth between uber confident, flustered, and sweet is just delicious. And his voice...... ......... ......... and we'll leave it at that.


Good god the voice....the voice. That's what got me to start with. The romance took so long to start but when it did...anyway I am level 39 now so I have only just started it :p



I had to click the flirt with Balkar just to see Jorgan get flustered when I asked him if he was jealous...haha. Looking forward to the last 10 levels but I kind of don't want the story to end...although my next companion quest for him is lvl 47, which is a while away for me.



I have seen several threads of people saying they don't like him as a companion, maybe because he starts out...a little rough, but honestly, what's not to love!

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Having the good doctor along to help with things would probably make that less of a worry, because it's likely that a regimen of the appropriate hormones (or something to block them, such as some of the girls in this article were being treated with iirc) would work to keep that sort of thing from becoming a problem.


(Non-bio-nerding-out) My BH is supposed to be half Chiss/half human, and she had a really messed up childhood because of it. Rates of physical growth and development and rates of mental/emotional growth didn't line up at all. (I may have given this some thought.)


i was thinking more life-threatening systems developing out of whack, like the brain growing faster than the skull, or internal organs becoming cramped in the body cavity, or not keeping up with the bone and muscle growth, leading to compromised bones and muscles latter on, due to lack of the internal organs delivering nutrients and oxygen, or periods of poor physical condition due to rapid bone growth betwe muscular growth. chiss have a faster metabolism too... you could have lifelong thyroid issues, possibly causing great strain on the cardiovascular system.


man im glad i have lokin around, he'd see this as a neat project

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I'm not sure if my Agent counts as married or not (aside from being legally married to a Voss - if you're not an Agent, long story). She's a Chiss, and had a very nice romantic sequence with another Chiss on Hoth - Aristocra Saganu (note: Aristocra is a rank). Though they have yet to see each other again, Saganu sent her a letter telling her how he'd arranged for her to be inducted into his noble family in the Chiss aristocracy.


Then again, my Agent is legally dead at this point, but I like to imagine that my legacy Chiss Jedi Consular is their daughter, whom they managed to smuggle out of the Empire rather than be taken by the Sith.

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I just watched my RL partner's female Jedi shoot Doc down, I feel bad for that set of pixels :(


I sort of wanted to pick that just to see how he reacted but I couldn't bring myself to even fake shoot him down ... and also because I was worried I wouldn't hit escape fast enough to fix it. :p

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