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BH Heals still manageable post 1.2


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Run Denova on 8man (hm) with two bodyguard healers and come back and tell us how much you enjoy it.


You can fraps it and share the fun with everyone :eek:


Complaining about the difficulty of EC 8m HM when you bring 2 BH healers is a testament to bad raid comp. Who in their right mind would bring that?

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Complaining about the difficulty of EC 8m HM when you bring 2 BH healers is a testament to bad raid comp. Who in their right mind would bring that?

Nobody will bat an eye at double sorcs. Nobody will bat an eye at sorc + ops. Many people won't think 2x ops is bad.


Many people suspect and suggest that 2x BH is nigh undoable. Prove those people wrong and show us a Rakata geared Denova hard mode 8 man clear with 2 BH healers.

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Nobody will bat an eye at double sorcs. Nobody will bat an eye at sorc + ops. Many people won't think 2x ops is bad.


Many people suspect and suggest that 2x BH is nigh undoable. Prove those people wrong and show us a Rakata geared Denova hard mode 8 man clear with 2 BH healers.


After clearing 8m HM with a sorc healer with me I can definitely say trying to do Kephess with 2 BH healers is insane. I can't say it's impossible but I had a tough enough time with a really good sorc helping me.

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Best WZ spec?



Warden looks to be terrible compared to the talents you can take with the points. To me, Afterburners is more useful than Emergency Scan. Being able to interrupt a cast or channel like Master Strike seems to be worth it alone in terms of damage avoided, not to mention the knockback. People knock Improved Vents as only saving 16 heat per 2 minutes, but it's an extra 16 heat when you NEED it which is huge. It's certainly more useful than 2% crit.


After playing full Pyro for a while and just loving Sweltering Heat, my other though was to go up Pyrotech instead of Arsenal to take Sweltering Heat, perhaps even all the way up to Degauss (run with Combustible Gas Cylinder and drop Powered Insulators). But I think going up Arsenal to take Afterburners is a significantly better option.



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Complaining about the difficulty of EC 8m HM when you bring 2 BH healers is a testament to bad raid comp. Who in their right mind would bring that?


The first two boss fights involve splitting the ops group into two 4-man groups, which bodyguards can handle perfectly well.


It's only the minesweeper and kephess that introduce wider healing and stacking, and in neither case is AOE healing necessary.


It's blindingly obvious that the intent with this game is not to KO people with raid damage mechanics, but instead to expect them to manage their incoming damage properly to achieve success. Don't stand in the circles... if the circles chase you then move them away from other people... if it looks like a ball of lighning then it IS a ball of lightning... if you're not melee then don't stand IN melee. cleanse your own damn self.


If people are leaning on sorc AOE heals and using that as an argument against merc healers, then maybe you need to have a word to the people you are doing your ops with and ask them politely... not to stand in the fire.

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The first two boss fights involve splitting the ops group into two 4-man groups, which bodyguards can handle perfectly well.


It's only the minesweeper and kephess that introduce wider healing and stacking, and in neither case is AOE healing necessary.


It's blindingly obvious that the intent with this game is not to KO people with raid damage mechanics, but instead to expect them to manage their incoming damage properly to achieve success. Don't stand in the circles... if the circles chase you then move them away from other people... if it looks like a ball of lighning then it IS a ball of lightning... if you're not melee then don't stand IN melee. cleanse your own damn self.


If people are leaning on sorc AOE heals and using that as an argument against merc healers, then maybe you need to have a word to the people you are doing your ops with and ask them politely... not to stand in the fire.


By your logic salvation should be cut in half because clearly sorcerers shouldn't need it as long as the dps aren't morons.

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You think that the damage is equal on both sides of the first two fights in EC? Stormcaller side is just as easy? LOL no.


I didn't say the damage was equal on both sides. And before you ask, BH can solo-heal the stromcaller side.

I should know, I've bloody done it. (again, before you ask... it was HM.)


By your logic salvation should be cut in half because clearly sorcerers shouldn't need it as long as the dps aren't morons.


If you're talking about halving the healing it does, I think revivification is precisely as strong as it should be.


Since you argue everything I say in every post I make, I'm going to bore everybody now with the explanation of why I think revivification is perfectly fine... and what's worse, I'll justify kolto missile in the process.


Let's have a look at a 15.5 second interval.

Oddly enough, that's the cooldown on revivification, plus it's cast time.




Minhealth= 0.019

Maxhealth= 0.019

Coefficient= 0.379


X = ( 7085 * 0.019 ) + ( healing * 0.379 )

X = 134.615 + ( healing * 0.379 )


For a laugh, let's take a somewhat healthy bonus healing figure of 600.


X = 134.615 + 227.4

X = 362.015, let's round that to 362 to make life easier.


Okay, so that's before we consider sorc talents to raise their healing by percentages.

2% from Haunting presence

10% from force suffusion

6% from Penetrating Darkness


If multiplicative, which I understand them to be, these bonuses grant the following:


X = 362 * 1.02 * 1.1 * 1.06

X = 430.53


So we have a base heal per tick (10 ticks over 10 sec) of 430.53.

So we can happily say that's a bare minimum of 4305 healing over 10 seconds, per target, assuming no crits and the target doesn't leave the circle. 34440 total healing if you count all 8 targets without movement.


Orritey, comparison with Kolto Missile!


Minhealth= 0.034

Maxhealth= 0.074

Coefficient= 1.08

Cooldown 6sec. (let's just be kind and say you can do two missiles per revivification)


Let's grab the same bonus healing figure of 600.


Xmin = 240.89 + 600 * 1.08

Xmax = 524.29 + 600 * 1.08


Xmin = 888.89

Xmax = 1172.29


Now for the healing bonuses...

2% from integrated systems and 20% from mandalorian iron warheads.

(Ignoring kolto residue completely for this)


Xmin = 888.89 * 1.02 * 1.2

Xmax = 1172.29 * 1.02 * 1.2


Xmin = 1088.00136 (1088)

Xmax = 1434.88296 (1434.88)


So now we've got 4 targets, and two missiles.


Xmin = 1088 * 4 * 2

Xmax = 1434.88 * 4 * 2


Xmin = 8704

Xmax = 11479.04





Ignoring crits, obviously revivification (at 34440 total healing) is stronger than a best-case kolto missile (at 11479 total healing). Nobody was every going to try and dispute that. Even if you halve the number of targets that revivification can affect, it's still stronger over that same period of time, but that's hardly the point.


The point is, that 34.4k of heals over 10 seconds shared to 8 targets in a fixed location AOE is fabulous for healing up raid-wide damage when everybody is stacked together. Kolto missile has it's advantages in that it increases healing recieved, can shield with SCG running, is instant and targetable to where the healing is needed even when the ops is spread out, and particularly if the healer is on the run (e.g. red circles during Zorn/Toth). They are different abilities with different functions, and both excel at what they have been designed for.


Now for the actual answer to your question... they were obviously designed for different things, and revivification has clearly not been designed to counterbalance moronic DPS, because DPS wouldn't be stacked and immobile unless a strat calls for it. Bearing in mind then, that revivification is not particularly well built to deal with morons running through fire or standing in circles, I would have to say there's no compelling reason to halve it's strength.


That said though...


If you're actually talking about halving the number of targets it heals, then the healing it provides would have to be increased massively to compensate for it's cast time and the requirement for people to stay within the circle. It would be really hard to use on the right people at the right time.

Edited by Slipt
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I didn't say the damage was equal on both sides. And before you ask, BH can solo-heal the stromcaller side.

I should know, I've bloody done it. (again, before you ask... it was HM.)

Considering your posts on the other thread about secondary stats being strangely ... newbiesh, your join date, I would like a nice video proof before I'll buy that. Then again, I've said with perfect other raid member execution that it may just be possible, but that is why the point is 2x BH so crosshealing is crap too during the non-divided times ...

If you're talking about halving the healing it does, I think revivification is precisely as strong as it should be.

Yes because "heal over time" is the absolute number... oh wait, it is not. Heal per cast time is a VERY strong number, and reviv blows KM by how much exactly? Gigazillion?

and what's worse, I'll justify kolto missile in the process.

Yaddayadda. Welcome to last month. It's all very simple, KM with 3+ hits is BH best heal after KS, whoppee doo. Meanwhile a reviv on 2 people will beat the heal/casttime by zillion, and since damage usually happens in bursts (think Z&T raid annoyances, Tanks soakers / during shield phase inside the shield, minesweeper boss itself is just great for the two tanks to be sitting in the aoe, etc.), being able to throw a nutty heal/casttime to tick away and then spotheal with singles results just in way more better overall hps, and yes usable hps.


Then again, just show us that vid of 2x BH rakata geared doing Tanks 8man HM. The longer we go, the further we get from Rakata geared btw, and we don't give a rats behind about overgearing content.


PS. Couldn't care less, BH healing was made SUPER STUPID and BORING, even if it had the same sustained HPS as op/sorc it would still be freaking sucky as a healer point of view.

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Considering your posts on the other thread about secondary stats being strangely ... newbiesh, your join date, I would like a nice video proof before I'll buy that.

My secondary and tertiary stat preferences work perfectly well, thanks. "Newbieish" would be to accept all the gear as-given without giving it any consideration. Also, my join date is when the game was released, because I didn't play beta. What's the issue there?


Yes because "heal over time" is the absolute number... oh wait, it is not. Heal per cast time is a VERY strong number, and reviv blows KM by how much exactly? Gigazillion?

Heal per cast time of 2sec for 34.4k vs 3sec (GCD) for 11k. Of course revivification comes out ahead on that point, and it doesn't escape anybody's attention. What I don't understand is why you think that's important?


Yaddayadda. Welcome to last month. It's all very simple, KM with 3+ hits is BH best heal after KS, whoppee doo. Meanwhile a reviv on 2 people will beat the heal/casttime by zillion, and since damage usually happens in bursts (think Z&T raid annoyances, Tanks soakers / during shield phase inside the shield, minesweeper boss itself is just great for the two tanks to be sitting in the aoe, etc.), being able to throw a nutty heal/casttime to tick away and then spotheal with singles results just in way more better overall hps, and yes usable hps.

This reads as though you consider HP/S to be the most important part of healing. I can see why you'd think that, if you were playing as DPS and just wandered into the healing forums by mistake. Obviously mercs don't have the luxury of pushing out huge amounts of HP/S and overhealing everybody. That's a limitation of the class, but it's not impossible to work around. The trick is to heal the people whose red bars are shrinking. Pro tip.


Then again, just show us that vid of 2x BH rakata geared doing Tanks 8man HM. The longer we go, the further we get from Rakata geared btw, and we don't give a rats behind about overgearing content.

Rakata was a while back, but a few linkering mods remain.

I recognise the burden of proof is upon the claimant, but frankly I don't see the point in making a vid.


PS. Couldn't care less, BH healing was made SUPER STUPID and BORING, even if it had the same sustained HPS as op/sorc it would still be freaking sucky as a healer point of view.

I think this line gets to the point of your post.


You don't like merc healing... We get it.

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Ignoring crits, obviously revivification (at 34440 total healing) is stronger than a best-case kolto missile (at 11479 total healing).


You're also not factoring in Kolto hitting people with full health, leaving dieing members still dieing. Those extra globals we spent using Kolto, while Rev only has the intial cast.


BW doesn't seem to know how they want to balance healers atm. If sorcs are meant to heal up raids, they shouldn't hang with mercs in tank healing, unless you don't want mercs in raids. I don't understand why anyone would be happy with the current state of bodyguards. They have to work harder than the other 2 healers, can't bring the dps between heals like the other 2 and have an unforgiving resource atm. While bringing no utility and an underlining weaker hps.


Mercs need to get some kind of direction and role development.

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You're also not factoring in Kolto hitting people with full health, leaving dieing members still dieing. Those extra globals we spent using Kolto, while Rev only has the intial cast.

That's true, but I also didn't factor overheals from revivification, nor is it relevent, so it's a fair comparison.

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My secondary and tertiary stat preferences work perfectly well, thanks. "Newbieish" would be to accept all the gear as-given without giving it any consideration. Also, my join date is when the game was released, because I didn't play beta. What's the issue there?

Well you (try to) stack surge, enough said. Calculate your crit modifier (crit%*surge%+1), those huge surge numbers you aim for are ridiculously weak, as well as surge being the stat that is most prone to loss-to-overhealing. The stats you mention on the another thread were the ones I quickly calculated to examine your grasp of mathematics, and needless to say based on my previous comments, your aims were "newbieish", as in lacking methodological and mathematical examination obviously and based more on "oooh supabignumbahs!!!" Join date is a direct relationship to familiarity with the game, and any post December joindate means no-beta or no-release (okay some areas released later I guess?), lacking some insight how the game has evolved etc, that can bring useful viewpoints on things.


In short, your preference of high surge is mathematically BAD.

Heal per cast time of 2sec for 34.4k vs 3sec (GCD) for 11k. Of course revivification comes out ahead on that point, and it doesn't escape anybody's attention. What I don't understand is why you think that's important?

It's called math. Unlike dps the healing is a combination of death-by-burst and death-by-attrition, with chaotic components, which are ultimately not very well simulated. Hence the base easily calculated values of heals should be (especially as they easily can be) examined, and thought through with logical thought for ingame usability. In a 15 second time period of where a massive spike of damage has occurred, that HPS for reviv is INSANE. Just, plain, insane. _It beats KM even if it heals just 2 people_, and that can be the sorc using force-regain and _1 other_.


If we examine it to the bare bones, we get 17.2k HPS output, if we halve that for 4 persons we get 8.6k HPS, heck we can even say that the sorc didn't actually need the heal but used it for force regen and there was actually only 2 other people in range, we get 4.3k HPS. _No mercenary heal reaches that high, period._


Unlike you who seem to fixate on 1 or 2 things, as you seem to assume I do (and thus I assume YOU do, since assumptions from personal styles into other people is a very common way of assuming things), I examine the different characteristics of all skills I come in contact with my playing. I'm a spreadsheeting geek optimizing gaming, heck I even make spreadsheets and optimize playstyles for those Armorgames or Kongregate mini flash games often, that's my "playstyle" often.

This reads as though you consider HP/S to be the most important part of healing. I can see why you'd think that, if you were playing as DPS and just wandered into the healing forums by mistake. Obviously mercs don't have the luxury of pushing out huge amounts of HP/S and overhealing everybody. That's a limitation of the class, but it's not impossible to work around. The trick is to heal the people whose red bars are shrinking. Pro tip.

See above response. I am probably one of the most thoroughly skill & stat & usability examining people posting about bodyguards, usually I just tend to write about the results though not the examinations of different mathematical aspects. Meanwhile, burst healing is usually the issue in healing, as it is reliant on both maximum output (HPS) as well as healing skill (fingers, dexterity, reactions, tactics). Death-by-attrition is more the "whack-a-mole" game, unfortunately that is what healing has mostly been reduced to atm, since resources do not give any real burst healing options anymore (due to constant constriction of resources to be the throttling factor at all times almost).


Also, pre 1.2 I have healed it all, so talking about "pro tips" from a guy who suggest to stack surge to high heavens is funky. Sorry to burst your bubble, but just because your raid carries you, and you are starting to overgear Denova, doesn't mean you rock. Did you solo heal HM EV/KP pre 1.2? That was the ultimate challenge in pre-1.2 game, especially Jarg & Sorno HM 8 man solo healing, that was atleast twice as hard as any NM fight with 2 healers.


Also as I said bout the joindate / beta part and your post count, you give away exactly what I mean by this comment here. Mercs, before 1.2, were all about being able to burst to high heavens with nutsy HPS. That is GONE. Also if you played the zero alacrity style pre 1.2 already, you were in the (sadly IMHO misinformed playstyle) lucky part that were geared "wrong" for the design and thus geared "right" for the insane heat changes Bioware implemented in 1.2 that changed not only how we healed, but mostly destroyed a total playstyle of the BH high alacrity healer ...

Rakata was a while back, but a few linkering mods remain.

I recognise the burden of proof is upon the claimant, but frankly I don't see the point in making a vid.

I guess that is a concession that your raid is overgearing the content?

Edited by Ewert
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I am having no problem whatsoever with the changes the people who are complaining just need to learn to throw rapid shots in after a high heat heal I never have any issues getting heatlocked even with 600k+ heal games. Just play smart
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Well you (try to) stack surge, enough said. Calculate your crit modifier (crit%*surge%+1), those huge surge numbers you aim for are ridiculously weak, as well as surge being the stat that is most prone to loss-to-overhealing. The stats you mention on the another thread were the ones I quickly calculated to examine your grasp of mathematics, and needless to say based on my previous comments, your aims were "newbieish", as in lacking methodological and mathematical examination obviously and based more on "oooh supabignumbahs!!!"

I'm getting the feeling you don't like surge very much. That's cool, but it's a tertiary stat, and it is only in competition with alacrity... which I don't use. I don't take surge over power or aim, just over alacrity.


Join date is a direct relationship to familiarity with the game, and any post December joindate means no-beta or no-release (okay some areas released later I guess?), lacking some insight how the game has evolved etc, that can bring useful viewpoints on things.

Whatever. If you want to be biased against people over trivialities like this, that's your call.


In short, your preference of high surge is mathematically BAD.

Again, the only alternative stat is alacrity, which I don't use. Maths need not even enter the debate.


It's called math. Unlike dps the healing is a combination of death-by-burst and death-by-attrition, with chaotic components, which are ultimately not very well simulated. Hence the base easily calculated values of heals should be (especially as they easily can be) examined, and thought through with logical thought for ingame usability. In a 15 second time period of where a massive spike of damage has occurred, that HPS for reviv is INSANE. Just, plain, insane. _It beats KM even if it heals just 2 people_, and that can be the sorc using force-regain and _1 other_.

I agree with this snippet.


If we examine it to the bare bones, we get 17.2k HPS output, if we halve that for 4 persons we get 8.6k HPS, heck we can even say that the sorc didn't actually need the heal but used it for force regen and there was actually only 2 other people in range, we get 4.3k HPS. _No mercenary heal reaches that high, period._

I'd agree with that too.


Unlike you who seem to fixate on 1 or 2 things, as you seem to assume I do (and thus I assume YOU do, since assumptions from personal styles into other people is a very common way of assuming things), I examine the different characteristics of all skills I come in contact with my playing. I'm a spreadsheeting geek optimizing gaming, heck I even make spreadsheets and optimize playstyles for those Armorgames or Kongregate mini flash games often, that's my "playstyle" often.

I 'fixate' on the things I consider relevent to my healing. HPS is not among them, though HPH is.

Also, I think it's awesome that you enjoy making spreadsheets.


See above response. I am probably one of the most thoroughly skill & stat & usability examining people posting about bodyguards, usually I just tend to write about the results though not the examinations of different mathematical aspects. Meanwhile, burst healing is usually the issue in healing, as it is reliant on both maximum output (HPS) as well as healing skill (fingers, dexterity, reactions, tactics). Death-by-attrition is more the "whack-a-mole" game, unfortunately that is what healing has mostly been reduced to atm, since resources do not give any real burst healing options anymore (due to constant constriction of resources to be the throttling factor at all times almost).

I don't find burst healing to be an issue, I guess that's just me though.


Also, pre 1.2 I have healed it all, so talking about "pro tips" from a guy who suggest to stack surge to high heavens is funky. Sorry to burst your bubble, but just because your raid carries you, and you are starting to overgear Denova, doesn't mean you rock. Did you solo heal HM EV/KP pre 1.2? That was the ultimate challenge in pre-1.2 game, especially Jarg & Sorno HM 8 man solo healing, that was atleast twice as hard as any NM fight with 2 healers.

The 'pro tip' thing was a joke, but I guess you're not in a joking mood. Are you saying that you were a good healer in the format which no longer exists? I can't really see how that's useful.


Also as I said bout the joindate / beta part and your post count, you give away exactly what I mean by this comment here. Mercs, before 1.2, were all about being able to burst to high heavens with nutsy HPS. That is GONE. Also if you played the zero alacrity style pre 1.2 already, you were in the (sadly IMHO misinformed playstyle) lucky part that were geared "wrong" for the design and thus geared "right" for the insane heat changes Bioware implemented in 1.2 that changed not only how we healed, but mostly destroyed a total playstyle of the BH high alacrity healer ...


I made the shift away from default stats as a response to patch 1.2, and began to strip my alacrity out in favour of surge about then. Seemed like the logical choice at the time, and it still does.


I guess that is a concession that your raid is overgearing the content?

I'm doing HM Denova on 8man and 16 with the best gear I have been able to achieve to this point. I doubt that counts as overgearing, since I started from scratch when Aus servers opened. I am wearing a fair bit of rakata-grade stuff, 3 pc black-hole, and a bunch of columi-grade adept enhancements. When I say that rakata was a while ago, what I should have said is that I haven't been looking for upgrades from rakata for a while. If you're interested in a full list of my gear so you can make an informed opinion of it's strength relative to the content, then all you need to do is ask.

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Short and sweet of it right here for PVP:

Crit - 35-37% Tech crit

Surge - 73-75%

Power - Stack this as much as possible once the above are achieved

Alacrity - Its nice but however much comes on your gear is plenty

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Short and sweet of it right here for PVP:

Crit - 35-37% Tech crit

Surge - 73-75%

Power - Stack this as much as possible once the above are achieved

Alacrity - Its nice but however much comes on your gear is plenty


Stupid question probably, but when you say crit, I have a "crit chance" of 36.3% of which only 10.09% is "crit rating". Does that mean I need to bring the "crit rating" up to 35-37% or whatever gets me up to 35-37% "crit chance" (ie aim, etc)?


same with surg, my surg is VERY low with only one item having surg totaling only +51(weak) for only 8.09% but the crit multiplier is 58.09%, do I stack the surg till the multiplier is 75% Or the surg rating is 75%?


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Stupid question probably, but when you say crit, I have a "crit chance" of 36.3% of which only 10.09% is "crit rating". Does that mean I need to bring the "crit rating" up to 35-37% or whatever gets me up to 35-37% "crit chance" (ie aim, etc)?


same with surg, my surg is VERY low with only one item having surg totaling only +51(weak) for only 8.09% but the crit multiplier is 58.09%, do I stack the surg till the multiplier is 75% Or the surg rating is 75%?



You want your total crit chance to be in that range and I should have mentioned that I meant that with the operative 5% crit buff not self buffed. You should try and bring that surge up from 58% to the mid 70 range which should not be hard if you just grab the BM implants and a few other pieces of BM gear that have surge on them as well.

Edited by OG-Azrael
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Hi Guys,


my BH merc on Dalborra just did 598,000 heals in Civil War. I have since 1.2 struggled to get decent heals in any WZ. The heals I got, is by far the best ever healing I have done in a WZ since this game launched. Frankly I was blown aways that I could even heal this much:)


BH merc heals-Civil War


anyways have a read of the screenie I took.


you cant measure how good you are with alderaan, it is the only warzone has the potential to go for more than 15 min. voidstar, like 12 min, hutball 15 min, but with alderaan


we once had a 20 minute fight where every class got every single medal available to them, most damage was over 300k (in the 1-49 bracket) and i managed to heal several hundred k


thats why i love to get friends on both sides :D

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I just want to mention that until recently I thought BH healing was fine. Then last week I played a sage with champion gear and significantly bested the healing output of my BH in full battlemaster with a couple war hero pieces. And that with me basically having no idea how to play the class. :mad:
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I just want to mention that until recently I thought BH healing was fine. Then last week I played a sage with champion gear and significantly bested the healing output of my BH in full battlemaster with a couple war hero pieces. And that with me basically having no idea how to play the class. :mad:


You should not have taken the red pill. Welcome to the real world. Where bounty hunter healing is not completely borked as some would have you believe, but it is also at the bottom rung of the healing ladder, contrary to what others would have you believe.


Since the devs have admitted they are looking at revamping alacrity, I am hopeful that other changes occur too, but it would be better if the devs would work with us.


Unrelated to Mrip: Anyone who uses their total healing done in a war zone to measure how effective a class is, well they are not the sharpest tool in the shed. If you do not at least provide which wz it was and the DURATION of the battle, your results are irrelevant. I suck horribly at PvP yet I have put up impressive numbers in an Alderan fight that went on forever.

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Unrelated to Mrip: Anyone who uses their total healing done in a war zone to measure how effective a class is, well they are not the sharpest tool in the shed. If you do not at least provide which wz it was and the DURATION of the battle, your results are irrelevant. I suck horribly at PvP yet I have put up impressive numbers in an Alderan fight that went on forever.


Agreed. I don't use my numbers to tell me I did a good job. I like seeing a high number because it feels good, but it feels better to know that you kept your teammates alive so they could complete an objective, fight through a battle with another player, or make it across the goal in huttball. This is how I determine whether or not I had a good WZ.

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