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1.2 owes me 2000 Warzone Commendations and I want them back


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people play the games and should not be required to read forums period. The poster has correctly pointed out that they introduced a change the devalued something that had taken then quite some time to obtain in the game.


As you all realize, BW has a ridiculous process of posting patch notes only AFTER the patch goes live from the login screen. If they really wanted to alert gamers that are not using the forums (which is not PART of the game), they should identify these key changes up front, from the login page similar to how patch notes are linked now after the patch goes live


Seriously folks, forcing people to read PTS notes if you are not a player who would ever use the PTS is just a dumb assumption as is any other mechanism that forces a player away from the game or at least provides key details from the login screen


Yes, the only out for this poster is to eat it and move on but so many of you simply defend BW on policies and procedures that BW implements that are simply not right

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people play the games and should not be required to read forums period. The poster has correctly pointed out that they introduced a change the devalued something that had taken then quite some time to obtain in the game.


As you all realize, BW has a ridiculous process of posting patch notes only AFTER the patch goes live from the login screen. If they really wanted to alert gamers that are not using the forums (which is not PART of the game), they should identify these key changes up front, from the login page similar to how patch notes are linked now after the patch goes live


Seriously folks, forcing people to read PTS notes if you are not a player who would ever use the PTS is just a dumb assumption as is any other mechanism that forces a player away from the game or at least provides key details from the login screen


Yes, the only out for this poster is to eat it and move on but so many of you simply defend BW on policies and procedures that BW implements that are simply not right


But he didn't "eat" anything! What did he lose? He got 1k WZ comms for 1k merc comms. In the old system he would have got 330 WZ comm for 1k merc comms. That is the point you guys are missing. He is complaining because he actually came out ahead. He didn't lose anything.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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so the game forces me to dig through patchnotes, to prevent to get ripped off in the future?

Yeah, GREAT concept really.


So what exactly is the sense in not offering the same exchange rate back, now that I have useless merc comms? Someone explain this in a reasonable way why they are now worth 66,66% less, which equals about playing about 20 warzones for nothing, 20 wz * 15 minutes = 5 hours worth of rewards ripped off? Yeah thanks BW, so smart of you, that is how you make your subscribers REALLY happy.

Whatever, just one more nail in the coffin, I'm done with the subscription anyway.


Actually since you spent 3:1 to get 1 warzone, and used to have to spend 3:1 merc---->wz to get back to wz ones, you GAINED comms by not having to spend 3 mercs for each 1 wz... you now get EXTRAS by about 3x past what you would have. Try to use math better.

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so the game forces me to dig through patchnotes, to prevent to get ripped off in the future?

Yeah, GREAT concept really.


So what exactly is the sense in not offering the same exchange rate back, now that I have useless merc comms? Someone explain this in a reasonable way why they are now worth 66,66% less, which equals about playing about 20 warzones for nothing, 20 wz * 15 minutes = 5 hours worth of rewards ripped off? Yeah thanks BW, so smart of you, that is how you make your subscribers REALLY happy.

Whatever, just one more nail in the coffin, I'm done with the subscription anyway.


No the game doesn't force you to look through the patch notes to prevent getting ripped off. Those of us who cared enough to peruse them were aware, Bioware did not hide this from us, we planned accordingly. You decided it wasn't worth your time to understand what changes were coming in 1.2 (I'm fairly certain you knew it was coming), and you paid the price for it.


This is why the information is published before hand, but as Bioware isn't going to be able to communicate 5 pages of patch notes in the game... Well you can do the math.



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Regardless of patch notes or not, there's really no reason for them to not give us a 3:1 ratio in the other direction too.


But to discuss the patch notes, should it be a requirement that we go to the site and read about what upcoming patches will include down to everyt little detail? This is not exactly something they advertised in the launcher pre-patch and when the patch already is installed and the launcher-link to the patch is available it's already too late.


Speaking of patches, it has annoyed me from day one that they're always late to announce upcoming patches in the launcher. It's pretty much a given by now that maintenance is on Tusdays but there's usually also something going on on Wed-Fri and I rarely get to know about it until I try to sign in and get greeted by "servers not available". Would it be that hard to put something up two days in advance?

Edited by MidichIorian
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So I was stocking up on Mercenary Commendations and have 1000 of them, I paid 3000 Warzone Commendations for it before 1.2.

Now with 1.2 Mercenary Commendations are GONE, and I can only exchange them back for 1000 Warzone Commendations, loosing 2000 WZ Commendations I originally spent?? How stupid is that? 1.2 stole 2000 WZ commedations I want the same 1.3 exchange rate back.


bioware give him his 7 champ comms and 15 cent comms already!


otherwise, you are forcing him to buy a battlemaster piece with those worthless merc comms!



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Regardless of patch notes or not, there's really no reason for them to not give us a 3:1 ratio in the other direction too.


But to discuss the patch notes, should it be a requirement that we go to the site and read about what upcoming patches will include down to everyt little detail? This is not exactly something they advertised in the launcher pre-patch and when the patch already is installed and the launcher-link to the patch is available it's already too late.


Speaking of patches, it has annoyed me from day one that they're always late to announce upcoming patches in the launcher. It's pretty much a given by now that maintenance is on Tusdays but there's usually also something going on on Wed-Fri and I rarely get to know about it until I try to sign in and get greeted by "servers not available". Would it be that hard to put something up two days in advance?


It's not required, but it still makes you a noob who just screwed themselves out of some commendations. Nobody is forcing you to go check out the patch notes.


Pro tip- When you know a huge update is coming down the pike, take 10 or 15 minutes to see what it's all about. If you are too lazy to do that I don't know what to tell you.


Did Bioware publish the incoming changes? Yes Did you take a few minutes to go read them? No


How is this Bioware's fault?

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Regardless of patch notes or not, there's really no reason for them to not give us a 3:1 ratio in the other direction too.


You are supposed to get mercenary commendations from the pvp area in tatooine, not from exchanging warzone commendations for them. He recieved valor for doing warzones, he got commendations that would have just gone to waste anyways, he recieved credits for warzone participation, and if he was leveling he got experience. If his goal was to farm mercenary commendations then he did exactly that.


More likely than not the OP is trolling. Otherwise, and including the people agreeing with his logic, I honestly feel sorry for the bioware staff and what they put up with in regards to demands. I can just imagine how many e-mails they recieve from people that would make me want to just /wrist.

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  • 2 months later...
Yeah, either way, I have to do other things than gaming so I rather consider being lazy when I play this game instead of working, but I´m certainly not caring for studying patch notes on top of that.


This game ripped me off my rewards behind my back, also I wouldn´t have exchanged to merc comms in the first place if there wouldn´t be these total brainless caps on commendations numbers.

So the game forces me to buy stuff with my comms instead of saving them up - well, you could have my stuff now if it would be possible to mail commendations, I´ve had it with this game, once and for all.

:wea_01: TOR !



and yet in JULY your still here lol. All that time wasted on posting you could have read some patch notes lol

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Most of the responses in this thread are idiotic...


The vast majority of SWTOR players never check these forums. It's the same of all MMOs. And since the patch notes aren't available until the day of the patch, how are the majority of people supposed to know about changes like these to be sure they plan accordingly?


There needs to be official announcements on the login screen when changes like these occur. Burying a note like this in a huge patch note is simply not acceptable. 2000 WZ comms might not be a huge amount, but people averaging 75 per warzone are still wasting 6-7 hours getting that many. Some people don't play that many hours per week...


Actually you're the idiot. If someone is smart enough to find the TOR forums and make a thread and post in them, they are certainly smart enough to check what's upcoming in the patch.


Game. Set. Match.

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my 2 cents...


If you have the time to come on the forums and complain, you have enough time to read the patch notes. It doesn't take that long to read them and they're all in one easy to get to spot. Really though, all MMO's have patch notes, and a good majority of them post them in a nice and easy spot on the forums. What do you want them to do, email them to you? Send you a text on every change? Send them god knows how many ingame mails to let you know about the changes? Hell, there's a link on the launcher that will take you to them EVERY time there's an update...large or small.


OH, and in no way and I defending BW in this post...

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