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Played WoW after SWTOR: My Reactions


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The amount of people claiming their mere opinions as "fact" here is hilarious. OP, I felt the same as you. I have 6 WOW 85's and I finally unsubbed the other day. If I'm going to play 2 MMO's might as well have TOR as my sub and GW2 as my f2p. Going back to WOW after TOR really does feel last gen. Although the gameplay is similar, WOW just looks so much more older and no amount of expansions will ever change that.


But then again, these are simply my opinions, not the gosepel according to MMO games...

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People can hate WoW all they want but it's still the #1 and most successful MMO out there. I'm not a huge fan of it but it's still a good game that has plenty of features.


As the other guy has said, TERA is the way to go. Some people my look at it and think it's a Korean MMO and grindy and has the "fairy" style theme but beyond that there's SO much more in that game. I thought it was just going to be an Aion 2.0 but it's actually a really fun game. You have to pay attention vs boss fights or you'll die nearly instantly. They have a GvG system, a ranked PvP/Political system, open world PvP anywhere you want, and they'll have battlegrounds and arena type PvP before the end of summer.


And the reason games like Tera don't do well is because they Movement Lock the characters during their attack animations. Lowers the technicality and speed of the game.

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This is the way I see WoW as.


WoW is ...like meth. It SUCKS and screws up your life


but you keep going back for more and more even though it SUCKS and blinds you from new things. Even if the new things are better things.


THERE we go..that's what my explanation will be :p

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This is the way I see WoW as.


WoW is ...like meth. It SUCKS and screws up your life


but you keep going back for more and more even though it SUCKS and blinds you from new things. Even if the new things are better things.


THERE we go..that's what my explanation will be :p


I'll put it in this example, wow is an evil ex, tempts you back then beats you up. Breaks all your stuff and makes everything you previously worked for worthless. Sits over you and forces you to work to get as good as you previously were whilst taking your money off you. After a while you get sick of hiding in dark corners and being shuttled off to work with random people you have never seen before until one day /SNAP.


You run away and feel free you go into a refugee where wow cannot get you. But wow is jealous and sends people out to provoke you and tempt you, tells you that you will never have it as good as when you were with your ex, that your ex deserves a second chance and if you say antyhing bad about your ex they scream at you and try to make you feel bad for leaving him and how it is your fault that things didnt work out.


Dark chillin stuff :eek:

Edited by Shingara
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Play Tera for 1 hour, that's all. You'll never accept anything less when it comes to combat mechanics. I urge everyone to do it.

No, no no no. Tera was the most Crappy game i ever have played, every thing looks bad, The swords is big as a car. Ive have no problem with anime, but no, its to much .in.my.opinion.

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I've been getting sleepy playing SWTOR lately. The forums seem to be more entertaining as of late. ;)

If you want an insane amount of abilities with a ton of action bars, I'd recommend Rift.


the boring part couldn't be you nope not at all.... you expecting a new game to be so much more than say a game that was worse than this one when released but has had 7 years to to fix things right?


get a clue people.... swtor and WoW are not the same... sure the style is the same.. but the games are two totally different games. you want to compare it to WoW.. but yet you refuse to look at the time when WoW was less than a year old and struggling and to see what features it had.


Someone above mention slow leveling... Umm it wasn't until WoW was almost 4 years old before they revamp thier quest experience.. to make questing faster. before that it took you months to make level cap because you had to run all over for just one quest. On top of that.... you didn't have the choice to fly to the point you needed via public trasportation.. you had to fly in hops which you had to chose every sinlge time you landed. Epic riding cost way more than a weeks worth of dailies (which didn't exist then) so the average joe was stuck with the beginning riding skill at level cap.


Just a few examples.... so you can stop comparing now.. because i have just showed that swtor is not doing too bad for just starting.. cause atleast they are listening and trying to put in the systems the majority is asking for.

Edited by Excorsion
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Play Tera for 1 hour, that's all. You'll never accept anything less when it comes to combat mechanics. I urge everyone to do it.


Yes, it's NOT sci-fi. I'm a huge sci-fan. However I enjoy MMOs more. As long as....they're entertaining. Combat in all current MMOs is the same, the exact same 5 or 6 animations. No thought is required.


Wow is dated, it was good while it lasted. SWTOR failed on launch day due to greed, it's on it's last breath.


Imagine a game where you have to AWAKE and pay attention or you'll die. No. SWTOR is a snoozefest.


I wold not say "only". The game I left had one of the best combat mechanics in current use. While the genaric attack pattern was the same (dependent on which weapon type/s you were using) but the active positioning required. There were no melee attacks that required you to stand still while you activated them. And honestly I can't thi I of a single spell that required you to stay stationary for the finger wiggler types. While the content got stale after 6 years the active combat system to this day still remains my favorite. DDO. Dungeons and Dragons online.

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Do NOT play Tera when its released. Unless you like the eastern minded grindfest that is. Not even the graphics was anything to get hysterical about. Nah, stick to swtor as its only getting better and better.

Tera released its headstart this weekend just gone. So far i aint seen swtor emptiying though have you.

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Play Tera for 1 hour, that's all. You'll never accept anything less when it comes to combat mechanics. I urge everyone to do it.


Yes, it's NOT sci-fi. I'm a huge sci-fan. However I enjoy MMOs more. As long as....they're entertaining. Combat in all current MMOs is the same, the exact same 5 or 6 animations. No thought is required.


Speak for yourself!


I dislike action orientated combat in my MMOs (as in dodging and skill targetting other than tabbing). I much prefer relying on character build, decent movement and correct rotations over the gimmick of dodging attacks. I find traditional MMO combat relaxing and yet tactical, whereas playing Tera or even GW2 and AoC I personally find jarring.

I end up hunkered down over my keyboard, with my nose pressed against the screen. And not because it's any harder (because frankly it's easier once you learn ways to effectively exploit the combat system) but because it requires a higher level of concentration which I don't want from my time in MMOs. I'm not saying choice is bad, but don't for one second think that action orientated MMO combat is going to become the norm.


As for SWtoR sadly I was disappointed with it too. I resubbed this week, played for an hour or so and couldn't bring myself to carry on. Can't quite put my finger on why, I just don't enjoy it as an MMO and have never really liked heavily voiced single player RPGs (which SWtoR is for me right now). Going to return in a year or so and hope that this great foundation has evolved into a great MMO too!



Forgot to say that I recently picked up WoW again (I also play Rift and LotRO) and I actually enjoy the core MMO elements (grouping, combat and general things to do to advance your toon) more than in SWtoR. I also much prefer the PvP in WoW. It's odd, I like LotRO for the world and the Warden class is fantastic (plus I'm a leader in a 5 year old kin there, best people in any online game ever by far), I like Rift for the toon creation and fiddling (and the gfx), and I enjoy WoW for the PvP tournaments. SWtoR just doesn't offer anything more in MMO terms for me.

Edited by Belegathon
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Rift is alright, it's just drab in comparison. It's "shiney" wore off fast. I really wanted SWTOR to succeed, but it's just.. boring...and more of the same old stuff.


TERA offers a lot different things guys. First and foremost is the Unreal Engine. It's gorgeous, I have stop from time to time to zoom in and check it out, not to mention the character models are perfect..and great eye candy depending upon your preferences.



yeah, I read up on Tera and well, I guess its ok if you like mouse targetting twitch game play.


For as often as it annoys me, I still prefer the TAB targetting that EQ brought into the fold and everyone else just copied. When ever I try to target via mouse I feel all tied up and what not.


I am not my character and my character is not me so my character should not be limited to reflex based targetting/combat. Might work for the 20 and under crowd but at 46, my dexterity is not what it once was.


TOR far from perfect but ill take its combat and game play over the article I read and video I watched of Tera in action.


But here the thing I dont get. If you are that in love with Tera and plan to move. Why are you on the TOR boards trying to convince others to leave with you? Are Tera projected population so low you need to actively try and grab players from other games? GW2 players to be, been doing the same junk for the last 18 months as well.


If you are leaving to a different game, then leave.

If you are staying and want to see changes to TOR, then by all means tell EAoware what you want to see changed (but talking about a game thats not released yet not a credible solution).


I have 4 months on my account left so ill play the 4 months and tell EAoware what I want changed and done to allow me to resub after those 4 months.

Telling them Im leaving to a different game is meaningless and serves no usefull purpose.


If you love Tera that much, dont let the door hit yas you know where on your way out. You should be playing the game you love with the people that love the same game. Coming to the TOR forums to say Tera doing everything right is meaningless troll fodder!

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It's pretty sad that on ''TOR vs WoW'' topic, a lot of people ''answer'' by, uh, praising TERA.


Back on topic, I have a WoW and a ToR account. I would switch to TOR only....


Issue is, I play for MMOs for, you know, group stuff. And it's very worrying that it take me more time to find a group and do a flahspoint on a healer than it take me time to complete a raid as dps


My last wed night :


WoW : Logged on my Warlock Nûriel, queued for LFR : Queue popped after 12 minutes, took 58 minutes to complet (Logged at 7 PM East)


ToR : Logged at 8:30 PM East, 90 people in fleet. Took me 36 minutes to find a group, 15 minutes to get the group to gether at the instance, and 45 minutes to clear CWG.


Hate me, throw me rocks, but LFD and LFR are brilliant ideas.

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At the end of the day, the only MMO that has managed to grip me in many a year is TOR. This is entirely due to the persistent voicing throughout and due to the storylines - and of course the excellent voice acting talent that they employed. It's wall to wall pros so you're not (often) yanked out of the suspension of disbelief by some cheesy nonsense. The story and the cutscenes you actually care about is what lifts the game above the others, in my opinion.


It's both a strength and a weakness, because after the storylines are done there had better be more storyline or else I will be moving on. I've been through the planets several times already and it's getting to be rather dull, and I'm down to doing just the main planet quest and the class quest. It's just a shame I can't do all the questing with three other people, that would be awesome. Just not practical though.


But I do know that I won't be moving to another MMO unless they can make it just as involving. Getting some text-based snippet telling me to go kill 10 rats has no meaning to it whatsoever, and neither does the notion of grinding the same stuff over and over in the endgame in order to get gear so you can grind better.

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I have to agree with the OP. While wow does run smoother, the combat is just to simple and dull.


Wow's content is also stupidly easy compared to how it was. I used to progression raid heroic 25 man in WOW and we had a harder time clearing hard mode Lost Island than 99% of the heroic raid bosses in wow.


It feels like over the last 1+ years wow has been re-modeled to suit kids or first time gamers tbh.

Edited by NasherUK
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Oh boy if this doesn't sell it I don't know what would!


On a serious note, why would I ever give up shooting lightning from my fingertips and using a lightsaber for this drivel.


LOL that was the best response to TERA I've ever read. I made it like 10 seconds into the video.

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Oh boy if this doesn't sell it I don't know what would!


On a serious note, why would I ever give up shooting lightning from my fingertips and using a lightsaber for this drivel.


I don't know what to say really.. I'm stunned, I mean I knew it looked like that but that is just... I guess you have to be some kind of anime/furry/pedo fan to appreciate the art style :confused:

Edited by Lundli
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I like SWTOR and WoW. :eek:


Apparently it's rare.


I have to agree with you here. Many people also don't realize that you can happily play a few MMOs and be.......well.....happy. I enjoyed WoW for the few years I played it. Blizzard did great things with the game and I'm sure they will continue to do good things with the Pandas. I loved my time in WoW and the only reason why I left it several times was the community and getting a tad bit bored at max level. Also the demise of my guild due to real life dramas didn't help.


I did get a chance to play around with GW2 this weekend. I really enjoyed my game experiece but I have to admit that after playing SWTOR and seeing the amazing stories, GW2 felt a bit meh to me. Nevertheless, it will be a game that I play between my SWTOR fixes. When I get tired of doing my dailies, I will pop over to GW2 and enjoy myself. I really loved the events and seeing so many players out in the world all working on an area quest. Reminded me of the early days of Rift which I also enjoyed. No harm in enjoying a couple of games.

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You what? You have to be awake in Eve? That's possibly the slowest game there is :p


I don't mine, gatecamp or get involved with sov warfare, so I really can't speak for that. I can generally find a good fight with in 10 mins of logging on & you do have to be awake for those.

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