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Eve Online vs SWTOR


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I know that Eve Online is in space only and pretty much a PvP and Economy based game. But I do hope SWTOR can rival Eve when it comes to the sheer size and incredible space combat system Eve has.


I know space combat is a secondary thought at launch but here's to hoping for a Eve like expansion. Yes I am getting way ahead of myself.



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:D Yeah you see.... the problem is.... people are comparing SWTOR to other mmo's but....... no other MMO has a heavy set storyline like SWTOR does with the implementation methods they used. So to compare it to other MMO's is kind of not really a comparison because it can not be compared to things which it is not like. The only thing it is like in some manners are "Hey! you can walk backwards and forwards! You can equip weapons! OBVIOUSLY WOW CLONE DUHHH *facebook girl meme here*)
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But I do hope SWTOR can rival Eve when it comes to the sheer size and incredible space combat system Eve has.





what? Did you miss the memo? The space combat in TOR is nothing more than a mini game. A shooter on rails.

If you came for the space combat, the force is not strong with you.

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Lets takea step back here...


All I am saying is Eve has a great SPACE COMBAT system. And the size of the Eve Universe is huge. Does the story line for Eve suck? yes..


I am just talking about Space Combat and Space "interaction" (for use of a better term). Thats all..

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... It was added as a minigame...


And EVE has a horrid story, so it already loses in my eyes.


In EvE the players make the story and the story in EvE blows Bioware story out of the water with ease. Obviously you know nothing about EvE Online.


You can't compare this game to EvE. SWTOR is a linear mmo clone, EvE Online is light years ahead.

Edited by Gigabytes
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what? Did you miss the memo? The space combat in TOR is nothing more than a mini game. A shooter on rails.

If you came for the space combat, the force is not strong with you.


Dude read my post again...


I know Space Combat is secondary... I am talking about an expansion (hopefully)..


The Devs did mention it

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In EvE the players make the story and the story in EvE blows Bioware story out of the water with ease. Obviously you know nothing about EvE Online.


Obviously you somehow have the ability to peer into my life completely but without regard for the 2 years I spent playing EVE.


I assure you, the story in it is terrible, and the majority of players are also some of the dreggiest you can find in society, and the back stabbing and lying and deceit... gosh you'd think we were in politics.


Your opinion is noted, and my opinion remains.

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