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Barrage/Curtain of Fire Bugged, not applying 25% more damage to Unload/Full Auto


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Just did a quick test on the WZ dummy on my ship. All looks normal.


Tests with full stacks of debuffs with and without CoF show about a 25% increase with CoF.


Non crits ticks go from about 1k to 12xx, and Crits from 17xx or so to 21xx+ (averaging).

Edited by Jherad
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Just did a quick test on the WZ dummy on my ship. All looks normal.


Tests with full stacks of debuffs with and without CoF show about a 25% increase with CoF.


Non crits ticks go from about 1k to 12xx, and Crits from 17xx or so to 21xx+ (averaging).


Interesting, you don't happen to have your crit rate numbers between the two tests and what the total damage was for the two groups? Perhaps, there is a scaling issue where it is not applied correctly at low levels of stats (wearing nothing but the assault cannon), but works fine in full gear. Thanks for your input.

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Sorry I don't - it was a quick and dirty 'does this look wrong?' test, and I didn't save the numbers.


You've probably already seen the developer post, but for everyone's sake I'll repost it here:


Hey guys, I'm not seeing this internally, but after looking at the script, I did notice that the Barrage buff is removed prematurely when you are NOT dual wielding.


In other words, as long as you're dual wielding, Barrage is working as intended. If you are only wielding a single blaster, it does appear that Barrage ends prematurely. So keep both blasters handy for maximum effectiveness!


Just in case you're single-wielding though, we've fixed this bug for a future patch. Thanks for reports.


So probably just a merc specific bug.

Edited by Jherad
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I believe Curtain of Fire is working ok, er maybe. I previously thought it was not or that it was sporadic and only sometimes worked, which may be the case. So i can't confirm wether it works correctly at all times or not atm. However the talent Deadly Cannon is NOT providing the +30% extra crit damage to Full Auto. It is however working correctly for Demolition Round. Here's the data i have for Full Auto.


non crits on champion dummy


880 lowest

1177 highest


crits on champion dummy


1545 lowest

2044 highest


My crit multiplier via paper doll is at 77%. So by math crits low and high should look as follows.


crits by math without factoring in 2 points into the Deadly Cannon talent


1558 lowest

2083 highest


Notice how accurate the crits are vs mathing it.


Now adding the +30% extra crit damage it should look instead like this.


crits by math with factoring in 2 points into the Deadly Cannon talent


1821 lowest

2436 highest


The above is what the low and high crits should have hit for. So clearly the talent Deadly Cannon is not working for Full Auto as intended.


FYI i'm using SWTOR combat log reader by Kurresh as it's the most versatile i've found so far.

Edited by deadandburied
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I believe Curtain of Fire is working ok, er maybe. I previously thought it was not or that it was sporadic and only sometimes worked, which may be the case. So i can't confirm wether it works correctly at all times or not atm. However the talent Deadly Cannon is NOT providing the +30% extra crit damage to Full Auto. It is however working correctly for Demolition Round. Here's the data i have for Full Auto.



It seems you're right, Deadly Cannon is not working how it should. At last in the log I checked my maximum Full Auto crit was about 175 % of my maximum non crit. With a 75% crit multiplier there are missing 30% DMG. Will do some testing today if Deadly Cannon works or not.


As I said, I did a bit of testing:

I had 4 test setups:


1. Deadly Cannon not skilled, Curtain of Fire procs NOT used (Control Sample)

2. Deadly Cannon not Skilled, Curtain of Fire procs used

3. Deadly Cannon skilled, Curtain of Fire procs NOT used

4. Deadly Cannon skilled, CUrtain of Fire procs used.


(critical Multiplier was 76.28 %)

with these setups i could test both, Curtain of Fire and Deadly Cannon, working or not.



Spell Count Avrg. Dmg Min. Damage Max. Damage Min. Crit. Max. Crit.

Grav Round 24 1568.08 1234 1332 2130 2361

Full Auto 23 1190.43 896 1071 1713 1902

Demolition R. 7 2815.86 1970 2032 3349 3546



Spell Avrg. Dmg Min. Damage Max. Damage Min. Crit. Max. Crit.

Grav Round 1734.73 1219 1345 2172 2349

Full Auto 1616.26 1054 1280 1930 2265

Demolition R. 2210.33 1930 2010 3416 3416



Spell Avrg. Dmg Min. Damage Max. Damage Min. Crit. Max. Crit.

Grav Round 1666.93 1242 1345 2165 2360

Demolition R. 3065.82 1826 1999 3929 4181

Full Auto 1116.37 890 1064 1635 1862



Spell Avrg. Dmg Min. Damage Max. Damage Min. Crit. Max. Crit.

Full Auto 1466.33 1053 1287 1864 2256

Grav Round 1707.26 1236 1340 2200 2364

Demolition R. 3290.38 1931 1983 3960 4177


If we take the first two samples and compare the Full Auto dmg:

min dmg

896 * 1.25 = 1120 | 2) == 1054 ~ (117 %)

max dmg

1064 * 1.25 = 1330 | 2) == 1280 ~ (120%)


Curtain of Fire is working, it is not the 25%, but this is probably because of my small sample Size.


Taking the the third of fourth sample, we see the crit Damage of Demolition Round is higher than in ther first and second Sample:

3) max dmg (Demolition Round) max crit (% of estimated value)

1999 *2,0628 = 4123, ... | == 4177 (~101,3 %)


=> Deadly Cannon is working for Demo Round

3) max dmg (FullAuto) max crit

1064 * 2,0628 = 2194, ... | == 1862 (~84,9 %)

1064 * 1,7628 = 1875, ... | == 1862 (~ 99,3 %)


=> As we can see Deadly Cannon provides no 30% Critical Damage Bonus for Full Auto as stated in the Tooltip.

Full Auto is using the standard crittical multiplier.

Edited by Howlz
Did some testing.
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Geez is my gear that bad. You're hitting way harder than me. If you aren't using the champion dummy please do in the future. The damage difference is fairly significant.


Curtain of fire increases damage via the tooltip by 18.9% instead of 25%. As we only have 55% armor penetration via armor piercing cell and a 5 stack armor debuff expect the increased damage to be quite a bit less than 18.9%. Call it a 15% increase in damage instead of 25% at a rough guess. This is why people thought curtain of fire was broke. It actually does work but it just isn't adding the correct amount of extra damage.


No doudt though, Deadly Cannon is very broke for Full Auto. Turned in a bug report in game and on the forums last week for that.

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Considering full auto accounts for about a 3rd of my PvE DPS when I spec gunnery (pretty rare these days), fixing curtain of fire and deadly cannon will be highly significant.


I'll have to check that the assault specialist crit bonus skill is working correctly too, since I use assault spec almost exclusively these days.

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Geez is my gear that bad. You're hitting way harder than me. If you aren't using the champion dummy please do in the future. The damage difference is fairly significant.


Curtain of fire increases damage via the tooltip by 18.9% instead of 25%. As we only have 55% armor penetration via armor piercing cell and a 5 stack armor debuff expect the increased damage to be quite a bit less than 18.9%. Call it a 15% increase in damage instead of 25% at a rough guess. This is why people thought curtain of fire was broke. It actually does work but it just isn't adding the correct amount of extra damage.


No doudt though, Deadly Cannon is very broke for Full Auto. Turned in a bug report in game and on the forums last week for that.


As I wrote could be a result of small Sample Size or could be bugged. Perhaps I will do some additional testing with Curtain of Fire to see if ther is some change if I shoot my target dummy for half an hour or so :-D.

Lets hope they'll fix Deadly Cannon soon.


And yes I used the Champ Dummy. (But I wouldn't say that my Gear is that great)

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My god, were ANY of our abilities not bugged when this game released?


Considering we like crit anyway, and use full auto a lot, getting something like this fixed could put us back where we should to be in terms of damage...

Edited by Arzoo
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Tonight I'll grab some guildies (we run 3 commandos in ops!) and have us all sit in front of the dummy to test full auto crits; shouldn't require any respec shenanigans since we can just compare normal hit damage vs. crit damage. I'm not a big fan of recording things rigorously so I'll just be looking at ballpark numbers for normal hits vs. crits and seeing if they are consistent with ~75% multiplier or ~105% multiplier.
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Original Thread from the Merc forums: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=436456

It appears as if the Curtain of fire proc is not adding 25% more damage to Full Auto.


I think we should have more Commandos also do testing to confirm the issue.


Tested this as Commando, there is not a problem with curtain of fire. Extensive tests on a dummy show that there is in fact no problem with curtain of fire, the damage buff is there as well as the proper chance to reset.


However, Deadly Cannon (+30% crit damage to full auto/demo round) is in fact broken. It applies the +30% to Demo round properly, but Full Auto is not receiving any bonus to crit damage, it only deals bonus equal to your surge.



Edit: Posted this without first reading the first page posts... Glad to see others have tested this just as I have. I will post in general and link to this thread, hopefully Dev's get us a fix ASAP.

Edited by ZucriyLyhdnamm
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Sat in front of the dummy for quite a while. Was seeing full auto crits consistently below 2k, despite the normal hits NEVER-EVER going below 1k, and typically hitting at around 1200. With my 74.8% surge bonus full auto should be critting higher... about 30% higher. Fancy that.
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did anyone of you observe ammo-ticks from the "cell charger" talent while using full auto?


because i do not recognise them, after hitting critically with full auto. i works fine wth the rounds.



i reported it as a bug severel days ago.

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did anyone of you observe ammo-ticks from the "cell charger" talent while using full auto?


because i do not recognise them, after hitting critically with full auto. i works fine wth the rounds.



i reported it as a bug severel days ago.


Works fine for me.

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did anyone of you observe ammo-ticks from the "cell charger" talent while using full auto?


because i do not recognise them, after hitting critically with full auto. i works fine wth the rounds.



i reported it as a bug severel days ago.


I observed the same issue too. Below is a combat that i have seen that may be showing this issue.


The below rotation are used:



Full Auto(last shot critted)

Grav Round(Crit and gain 1 ammo back)


2 hammershot were used first so i'm sure that cell charger was not on internal cooldown(3s) and then critted on the last shot of full auto which should refund 1 ammo due to cell charger but there was no mention of gaining an ammo in the log. Proceed to cast a Grav round and got a crit and 1 ammo gained. If the last crit shot of full auto actually gain an ammo but was not shown in the log, We should not be able to gain an ammo back on the following grav round crit as cell charger will be on internal cooldown if the full auto crit indeed refund an ammo but wasn't shown in the combat log.



Combat Log


09:25:42.684 *** activates Hammer Shot.

09:25:42.685 *** gains First Responder.

09:25:43.021 ***'s Hammer Shot critcally hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 199* energy damage, causing 199 threat!

09:25:43.231 ***'s Hammer Shot hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 96 energy damage, causing 96 threat.

09:25:43.232 ***'s Hammer Shot critcally hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 159* energy damage, causing 159 threat!

09:25:43.369 ***'s Hammer Shot hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 118 energy damage, causing 118 threat.

09:25:43.369 ***'s Hammer Shot hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 95 energy damage, causing 95 threat.

09:25:43.378 ***'s Hammer Shot hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 113 energy damage, causing 113 threat.

09:25:43.379 ***'s Hammer Shot critcally hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 203* energy damage, causing 203 threat!

09:25:44.416 *** activates Hammer Shot.

09:25:44.417 ***'s Dark Spike critcally hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 287* internal damage, causing 287 threat!

09:25:44.767 ***'s Hammer Shot hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 111 energy damage, causing 111 threat.

09:25:44.776 ***'s Hammer Shot hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 110 energy damage, causing 110 threat.

09:25:44.776 ***'s Hammer Shot critcally hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 200* energy damage, causing 200 threat!

09:25:44.978 ***'s Hammer Shot hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 122 energy damage, causing 122 threat.

09:25:44.979 ***'s Hammer Shot critcally hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 174* energy damage, causing 174 threat!

09:25:45.117 ***'s Hammer Shot critcally hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 180* energy damage, causing 180 threat!

09:25:45.118 ***'s Hammer Shot hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 107 energy damage, causing 107 threat.

09:25:46.325 *** activates Full Auto.

09:25:46.325 *** spends 2 .

09:25:47.336 ***'s Full Auto hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 1230 energy damage, causing 1230 threat.

09:25:48.281 ***'s Full Auto hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 1330 energy damage, causing 1330 threat.

09:25:49.142 ***'s Dark Spike hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 168 internal damage, causing 168 threat.

09:25:49.143 ***'s Full Auto critcally hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 2207* energy damage, causing 2207 threat!

09:25:49.143 *** loses Curtain of Fire.

09:25:49.546 *** activates Grav Round.

09:25:50.497 *** loses First Responder.

09:25:50.909 *** spends 2 .

09:25:50.909 *** gains Charged Barrel.

09:25:51.261 *** activates Grav Round.

09:25:51.465 ***'s Gravity Surge effect of Gravity Vortex fades from Operations Training Target MK-5.

09:25:51.466 ***'s Grav Round adds effect Gravity Vortex to Operations Training Target MK-5.

09:25:51.466 *** gains First Responder.

09:25:51.466 ***'s Grav Round effect of Gravity Vortex fades from Operations Training Target MK-5.

09:25:51.466 ***'s Gravity Surge adds effect Gravity Vortex to Operations Training Target MK-5.

09:25:51.467 *** gains 1 .

09:25:51.504 ***'s Grav Round critcally hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 2440* kinetic damage, causing 2440 threat!



Edited by Seanzz
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With 2 points into Cell Charger talent. I can confirm that Full Auto does NOT provide any ammo return. See my broken down combat log below. And oddly 1 crit Grav Round and 1 crit Demolition Round did not provide any ammo return and both were well outside of 3 seconds. I listed every ammo restore.




02:16 restore 1 ammo

02:16 crit Grav Round


02:23 restore 1 ammo

02:23 crit Grav Round


02:28 restore 1 ammo

02:28 crit Grav Round


02:38 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


02:44 crit Demolition Round (failed to restore ammo)


02:46 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)

02:47 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)

02:48 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)



02:51 restore 1 ammo

02:51 crit Grav Round


02:57 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


03:00 restore 1 ammo

03:00 crit Demolition Round


03:06 restore 1 ammo

03:06 crit Grav Round


03:21 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


03:24 restore 1 ammo

03:24 crit Demolition Round


03:31 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


03:48 restore 0 ammo (restored 0 ammo oddly)

03:48 crit Grav Round (failed to restore ammo)


03:51 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


03:58 restore 1 ammo

03:58 crit Grav Round


04:03 restore 1 ammo

04:03 crit Grav Round


04:13 restore 1 ammo

04:13 crit Grav Round


04:27 restore 2 ammo (hit Recharge Cells and Restored 2 ammo from 2 points into Cell Capacitor talent)

04:27 restore 4 ammo (Recharge Cells Restored 4 ammo)

04:27 restore 1 ammo

04:27 crit Grav Round


04:28 restore 0 ammo (Recharge Cells Restored 0 ammo as i was at full)


04:30 restore 1 ammo

04:30 crit Grav Round


04:34 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


04:38 restore 1 ammo

04:38 crit Grav Round


04:43 restore 1 ammo

04:43 crit Demolition Round


04:48 restore 1 ammo

04:48 crit Grav Round


04:53 restore 1 ammo

04:53 crit Grav Round


04:59 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


05:04 restore 1 ammo

05:04 crit Grav Round


05:09 restore 1 ammo

05:09 crit Grav Round


05:21 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)

05:22 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


05:32 restore 1 ammo

05:32 crit Grav Round


05:47 restore 1 ammo

05:47 crit Demolition Round


05:54 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


06:01 restore 1 ammo

06:01 crit Grav Round


06:14 restore 1 ammo

06:14 crit Grav Round


06:22 restore 1 ammo

06:22 crit Grav Round


06:26 restore 1 ammo

06:26 crit Grav Round


06:30 restore 1 ammo

06:30 crit Grav Round


06:36 restore 1 ammo

06:36 crit Grav Round


06:40 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)

06:41 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)

06:48 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


06:52 restore 1 ammo

06:52 crit Grav Round


06:57 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)

06:58 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


07:12 restore 1 ammo

07:12 crit Grav Round


07:23 restore 1 ammo

07:23 crit Grav Round


07:29 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)

07:30 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


07:39 restore 1 ammo

07:39 crit Grav Round


07:44 restore 1 ammo

07:44 crit Grav Round


07:49 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


07:53 restore 1 ammo

07:53 crit Grav Round

07:53 crit Demolition Round


07:58 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


08:02 restore 1 ammo

08:02 crit Grav Round


08:06 restore 1 ammo

08:06 crit Grav Round


08:15 restore 1 ammo

08:15 crit Grav Round


08:20 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


08:27 restore 1 ammo

08:27 crit Demolition Round


08:36 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


08:45 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)

08:46 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)

08:47 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


08:53 restore 1 ammo

08:53 crit Grav Round


08:57 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


09:02 restore 1 ammo

09:02 crit Grav Round


09:11 restore 1 ammo

09:11 crit Grav Round


09:16 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)

09:17 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


09:21 restore 1 ammo

09:21 crit Grav Round


09:28 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)


09:30 restore 1 ammo

09:30 crit Demolition Round


09:39 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)

09:40 crit Full Auto (failed to restore ammo)





Edited by deadandburied
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Is it possible that cell charger calculates from the attack begins rather than when it actually hits (which is when the log would post the time). Maybe that could be causing this?
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Log shows ability activate then ammo cost of 2. 1 or 2 seconds later it shows 1 ammo restored and damage done for Grav Round crits and Demo Round crits. So ammo restore seems to be on crit hit rather than activation. Except that Full Auto crits never restore ammo that is.
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Bumping, I'd like to have some kind of official statement about this...


And the full auto crit not refunding ammo would explain the feeling I've had since 1.2 that I was burning through ammo faster than normal, especially if you think how much is full auto prevalent in out rotation now.

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I'd just like it fixed. I've looked at several logs and i'm seeing over 30 seconds between Restore 1 ammo now and then. See my previous log time stamp 3:24 thru 3:58. 2 Full Autos and a Grav Round DID crit in that 34 second time frame. Yet even the Grav Round crit failed to restore 1 ammo and instead restored 0 ammo. A 34 second gap of not restoring ammo is fairly significant. Gaps like these kills my dps.
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Another patch just came through.


No fix.


Maybe consider changing the thread title to one of the bugs that are actually a problem would help? Curtain of Fire is one of hte few things that DOES work.

Edited by Arzoo
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And to update the Curtain of Fire testing. As i previously said damage is increased by 18.9% on the tooltip when it procs. This is additive +% damage to the talent Rotary Cannon and not muliplicative. Here's my tooltip damage for example. Min damage+max damge/2 to get an average.


0 points into Rotary Cannon

744-923 is what tooltip shows. 834 is the average


1 point in Rotary Cannon for 33% extra damage

989-1227 is what tooltip shows. 1108 is the average


3 points into Curtain of Fire and ability procced for 25% extra damage

1175-1458 is what tooltip shows.1317 is the average


Now for the math


Now adding 33% for Rotary Cannon


834*1.33=1109 off by only 1 damage vs the tooltip


Now adding 25% to the 33% which is 58%


834*1.58=1318 off by only 1 damage vs the tooltip


Tooltip comparison no CoF proc and during a CoF proc



1108*18.9=1317 matches tooltip exactly


If it was multiplicative as a lot of people think.

834*1.33*1.25=1387 which is off by quite a bit vs the tooltip


Since we're already talented we look at a tooltip to see if it's doing the correct amount of extra damage. So if we're already specced with Rotary Cannon the 33% extra damage is already shown on the tooltip. Now most all of us would look at that tooltip and compare Curtain of Fire when it's procced and when it's not procced. Looking at it this way it shows an 18.9% increase in damage instead of a 25% increase in damage. Which seems odd. But after showing that it's additive to the Rotary Cannon talent as i do in the math above it works out correctly. I'd rather it was muliplicative though as this is what i thought it would be.


So comparing damage in game of Full Auto without Curtain of Fire proc vs Curtain of Fire proc. In game damage will be an increase of 18.9% overall instead of 25% when Curtain of Fire procs due to it's being calculated additively instead of multiplicatively.

Edited by deadandburied
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