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Get rid of Huttball


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Get rid of huttball? I want more huttball. I want more stadiums with different layouts and different kinds of traps, like sharks with freakin lasers on their heads! :D


Seriously, more huttball.



Kill voidstar if anything...


This, 9000 times this, sharks with lasers? on their freaking heads, awesome .




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It's just so dumb and based on classes.


Just wait and see the amount of specialization that will pop up across all WZs when Rateds are in full swing... Like having tanks in tank gear solo defending nodes in Novare Coast and Civil War. ;)


The pulls/leaps in Huttball, while annoying at times, are what makes the game fun and unique to SWTOR. If Huttball were to be replaced with a standard CTF map, then you'd have the boring tank flag carrier with XX healer train.


One change that needs to be made though: pulls/grapples/leaps need to have their max range lowered to 20 or 25 yds. They should not be the same 30 yards as standard ranged attacks.

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I found that if you have at least 2 Tankasin + PT combined then every class is still useful in Huttball because those 2 guys can always grapple anyone trying to do anything cute back, so you don't have to worry about getting dusted by a speedy ball carrier.


If you've less than 2 grapples, the Force-based class tends to have an advantage. Note that thte Force-based classes seem to be a bit more powerful than their non Force using counterparts to begin with, so this isn't saying much. The classes people complain about in general use Force, so it shouldn't surprise you that Force users are also favored in Huttball, but this is more of the fact that Force users just are more powerful to begin with.

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Rock on dude.


OP is just a player that needs to "L2P".

* Here is a hint OP, "You can't just run the ball by your-self".

That is not the concept of the game, your suppose to rely on teamwork.


Teamwork is not needed at all of the other 3 maps, Its just a zerg fest of who can heal,tank,dps better.

* No skill involved, just gear.


I win huttball 9/10 times for the record :/.

So... I guess I should love it, right?

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As per many others here, I LOVE hutball! it's the one warzone that's actually based mostly on skill and teamwork than pure brute power like the other warzones. Oh, I should mention that I'm playing a commando, so, no, it's not one of your clasees that's supposedly "made" for huttball.

It took me a while, but you've got to understand that huttball is not about spamming massive damage/heals. It's about running after the ball and doing your best (through passes and such) to get the ball to the goal line. I still see a lot of people hanging around the middle of the field killing one another - there's just no use for it.

By the way, I've also played huttball with my sniper and it was great. Again, concentrate on the ball handler, you've got enough CC's to stop him, and enough damage to drop him fast....


But that's just me


Actually controlling middle is an extremely important part of huttball.

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No thanks, it's a cool, funny and unique warzone. Just adjust your team setup to the needs of the wz..


Yeah, it's all well in Pugs.

People don't seem to understand how unfair it's going to be in rateds.

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Yeah, it's all well in Pugs.

People don't seem to understand how unfair it's going to be in rateds.


Why do people keep on pretend there's some secret strat in Huttball that makes them awesome?


Your premade probably wins most of them because if the enemy can't get to the middle there is literally no way you can lose the game. But if the enemy can't get to the middle that's pretty much equivalent of camping the enemy at spawn point in any other map, so of course they weren't going to win anyway.


If the opposition can contest the ball there's no real secret that'd allow you to win as a function of team composition unless the enemy team has no grapple ability.

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Why do people keep on pretend there's some secret strat in Huttball that makes them awesome?


Your premade probably wins most of them because if the enemy can't get to the middle there is literally no way you can lose the game. But if the enemy can't get to the middle that's pretty much equivalent of camping the enemy at spawn point in any other map, so of course they weren't going to win anyway.


If the opposition can contest the ball there's no real secret that'd allow you to win as a function of team composition unless the enemy team has no grapple ability.


Way to miss the point.

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Well, I am going to be one of the "I love Huttball" people. And honestly, why should they remove the game because a set of people dislike it while others enjoy, even if it is a bit unbalance? I am a Bounty Hunter and I do alright with the game, splitting wins and losses fairly evenly. I can score, I can move the ball and I can stop the ball carrier, all important to the mission, all not too difficult to accomplish if you try.


That being said, I personally hate Civil War, 9 times out of 10 my team loses Civil War, never fails. That, to me, would make it seem like it is either A) My teams just suck (and I am not excluding myself from this either, I'm not the 'I'm the world's best PvP'er type) or B) The odds are heavily stacked in favor of the Republic forces. Now, I hate Civil War, should I start a rallying cry to get rid of it because I hate it?

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Well, I am going to be one of the "I love Huttball" people. And honestly, why should they remove the game because a set of people dislike it while others enjoy, even if it is a bit unbalance? I am a Bounty Hunter and I do alright with the game, splitting wins and losses fairly evenly. I can score, I can move the ball and I can stop the ball carrier, all important to the mission, all not too difficult to accomplish if you try.


This +infinity

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I dunno, I kinda like hutball... and yes, I play a sorc.


I do think hutball would play better if the charge and rescue abilities didn't work on the ball carrier, though at least with rescue you have to get to the goal line at which point you could take a pass anyway. And even if charge didn't work if you had the ball, you could still use it to get to the goal line and take a pass. But the classes with sprint... just stun them. If resolve is full... well that's the point of resolve I guess.


Finally, I'm with the person who said MOAR HUTBALL (paraphrased :p). I'd like more layouts. In general, more flavour is best. If they had like 3 maps for each game type, and at least one more game type (lets face it, Novare Coast and Civil War are pretty much the same), then allow you to choose to not be queued for up to 3 maps, that wouldn't be so bad. You'd need cross-realm though... but to be honest, this game needs that in a bad way anyway. I dunno what crack whoever wrote the code was smoking, but my server is listed "medium" in population and there's maybe 40-60 people in fleet at any given time and quite often only one set of warzone matches going on.

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Well, I am going to be one of the "I love Huttball" people. And honestly, why should they remove the game because a set of people dislike it while others enjoy, even if it is a bit unbalance? I am a Bounty Hunter and I do alright with the game, splitting wins and losses fairly evenly. I can score, I can move the ball and I can stop the ball carrier, all important to the mission, all not too difficult to accomplish if you try.


That being said, I personally hate Civil War, 9 times out of 10 my team loses Civil War, never fails. That, to me, would make it seem like it is either A) My teams just suck (and I am not excluding myself from this either, I'm not the 'I'm the world's best PvP'er type) or B) The odds are heavily stacked in favor of the Republic forces. Now, I hate Civil War, should I start a rallying cry to get rid of it because I hate it?


Yet another reason why rateds will fail.

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rated wz should be all huttbal :( possibly with novae thrown in occasionally cos that one is pretty good too. Every class has their role and if done correctly this will significantly change the game, which is not so much in the other ones, esp voidstar that is just zerg for big numbers :/


All the op abilities people talk about can be countered with a little forethought and positioning even assassins, I mean when they get the ball and put on their resist and speed they have just gone miles away from the rest of their team (unless you have been letting their team casually stroll over to your side of the map ofc) and have just used their main tools for surviving as a ball carrier, np just kill them if you dont have any grips surely you have some dps and possibly some roots and stuff, I cannot see why there would not be at least 3 ppl rdy to get in range if you know the other team has an assassin about to recieve the ball on your side of the map.....you know what he is gonna do.....just like when a jugg gets the ball you know he is gonna be looking for people to leap to and every1 starts yelling to not let him up :p


Once you understand what your role in huttball is meant to be and start doing it, you will find other classes feel alot less op :p ur just fighting them in the wrong ways xD (positioning is very very important in huttball)


That being said playing huttball with people who dont own keyboards can be frustrating at times, however it is surprising the amount even most bad people can achieve with a couple of gentle reminders,pointers and encouragement :p



edit: also want more huttball style maps! :)

Edited by Wispsy
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Care to elaborate on this statement at all or are you just going to make vague statements without clarification?


Because people know these modes are unbalanced yet they still allow it.

Just like people thinking Marauders are fine.


You think the best PvP teams will take a Scoundrel over a Sage or Guardian?

Teams will be stacked with X,Y and Z classes while F and U won't dare get a spot.


We will just abuse the inbalance and there will be no one else to blame but yourselves for it.

Edited by Xinika
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As long as Tankasins are overpowered and PT remain viable, Huttball will be fine because having at least 2 (and most games have far mroe than 2) of those two classes combine stops every Huttball strategy including themselves. It doesn't matter how clever you can with pulls, passing, or whatever, as long as one of those two classes saw you and use their 'get over here' move, you're back to where you started. With 2+ pulls you can preemptively just pull every signle person on high ground/good position down and force them to deathmatch you, and at that point all classes are on equal ground in terms of access (some classes are still better at deathmatching but that's a different balance issue).


The only absolutely foolproof strat in Huttball is the 'control the middle' strat but that's basically a variant of the 'kill them all' strat which always works if you have the firepower to pull off.

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I just think it's stupid that the whole thing is like "Oh, you may have gotten tossed around, and you may have died a lot, but since you didn't get a medal, then you don't get any XP for it." I just died 5 times in huttball. I'm not very good at PVP as it is. I do it when I'm in that stage between levels where I need just a bit more to boost up to my next level, but what's the point if it is biased against people who aren't all that good at PVP, period?
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Because people know these modes are unbalanced yet they still allow it.

Just like people thinking Marauders are fine.


You think the best PvP teams will take a Scoundrel over a Sage or Guardian?

Teams will be stacked with X,Y and Z classes while F and U won't dare get a spot.


We will just abuse the inbalance and there will be no one else to blame but yourselves for it.


I don't think that's necessarily true. It will depend on the guild. Certain very, very serious, no-nonsense, bordering on no-fun guilds might run things this way.


Most guilds will say, hey Steve is an Ops, and we're not going to be an *** to Steve and exclude him from our premades.


On top of this, premades which are able to run with 8 people will end up developing strategies to take advantage of each classes unique abilities to contribute.


For example, operatives are generally considered pretty weak in Huttball, but I recently played a team which had a highly skilled Operative stealthed by out own goal line much of the game. When someone tried to stay back or get back to defend, he was able to chain stun and kill him with the operative's nice set of close range stun/DPS abilities. We had to dedicate a two people to eliminate him from our end, which weakened us elsewhere.

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if you cannot achieve even a single medal in a whole huttball then you really should not be pvping anyway, it is not the right kind of game for you and you will not enjoy it :p soaking up a free defender medal in voidstar and therefore getting xp doesnt mean that void star is instantly the better wz....
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I don't think that's necessarily true. It will depend on the guild. Certain very, very serious, no-nonsense, bordering on no-fun guilds might run things this way.


Most guilds will say, hey Steve is an Ops, and we're not going to be an *** to Steve and exclude him from our premades.


On top of this, premades which are able to run with 8 people will end up developing strategies to take advantage of each classes unique abilities to contribute.


For example, operatives are generally considered pretty weak in Huttball, but I recently played a team which had a highly skilled Operative stealthed by out own goal line much of the game. When someone tried to stay back or get back to defend, he was able to chain stun and kill him with the operative's nice set of close range stun/DPS abilities. We had to dedicate a two people to eliminate him from our end, which weakened us elsewhere.


And an assassin would've been a better choice for that spot. Not to mention, they could be immune to stuns/knockbacks and just sprint across the goal line when the ball was passed.


See where it all leads back to?

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And an assassin would've been a better choice for that spot. Not to mention, they could be immune to stuns/knockbacks and just sprint across the goal line when the ball was passed.


See where it all leads back to?


spec healer, be able to heal ball carrier whilst running. operatives kill faster then assassins in my experience anyway, die faster too but thats kinda how it goes

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And an assassin would've been a better choice for that spot. Not to mention, they could be immune to stuns/knockbacks and just sprint across the goal line when the ball was passed.


See where it all leads back to?


I think ops have enough of an advantage in CC ability that he was the right choice for the role. I don't die that fast to assassins or shadows who get the jump on me, because they can't keep me CCed long enough to kill me before I can burst them down.

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