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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sniper vs Vanguard


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First I have played nearly every class into the mid 20's (Except Marauder which I just can't seem to get interested in).

I really enjoy the Vanguard and at level 25 am split between the first two trees, usually I can do pretty well as a tank particularly if I tag a healer and hover around them.


There is however one instance that drives me nuts, that is when I have to deal with a sniper. From playing mine I know that they have incredible damage at long range, so my strategy is to throw cyro grenade which triggers my instance high damage attack. So as I close distance I attack with that then use as many close-mid range attacks as I can. But it doesn't matter because they can usually stun and root me then I am dead.


I don't mind dying that is what tanks do but when I can't win a one on one against a class even when I take them out of there best situation it really discourages me. I won't even go into operatives which are just annoying.

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At 50, the best played Gunslingers and Snipers I try to avoid in a full 1v1 scenario.


The only catch is if I get the drop on them or I have some pillars or objects to properly line of sight them around. (The other snipers/gunslingers you can just tank since they normally won't kill you. You'll get used to who is what on your server after awhile)


They have more than enough defenses, cooldowns, damage to destroy us (and other "melee" based classes). Their burst can easily rival ours.


If you see them Hunker Down do yourself a favor and hide somewhere and wait it out or until they move.


They are a great opponent to use Mortar Volley/DFA on though since you'll most likely be out of range rooted somewhere for awhile and need to get some damage out.

Edited by exphryl
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i never ever lost to a gunslinger/sniper in a fair fight (both with cds ready, full health, same equip) at level 50 with t2 or better quip. we have quite a lot of that classes on our server and the most known ones are considered to be excellent among the palyers on our server.


my impression is that the fights are not easy, but you can't lose if you are not doing big mistakes.


though, this most probably depends on your build. i have an IF kind of build which helps quite a lot to mitigate their damage. but i do not use shields in offhand usually.


but i must admit, this is only based on random encounters. i never did duells to take a deeper look into that balance nor do i ever felt the need to learn more about that class. so i just give here my superficial experience. nothing more.


you know, if you do not are in the need than you won't try to improve anything ;)



p.s. actually i haven't found a class and build where i got the impression that i am on the shorter side of the balance. the most tied fights are sentinels/marauders and shadows/assa (but i can't tell what kind of build they use).

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