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which planet you want next ?


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I never want to see Gungans in this game even if i get to crush them. They are the most annoying creation ever in the history of everything and if they become a playable race this game would be over in 2 seconds.
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How do you know TOR wouldn't be able to support it? Why not have aspects from different MMO's put into one? I don't see how adding a little sandbox flare to a predominantly "themepark" style game can be harmful in any way. That just means they can appeal to more of a broader audience. If people don't like it, they don't have to participate. Just like space combat.
Because the foundation of the two types of games are markedly different. Those difference are part of every aspect of a title. Besides, even if it were possible, the establishment of niche areas in a game is never successful. We've already seen that in SWTOR.

I'm not looking for nostalgia. I'm looking for an opportunity for me, and my guild to express themselves by utilizing a time sink in a game we already love to play.
A sense of nostalgia is exactly what you're looking for. If your intent were truly as simply as you claim, then you be willing to advocate any number of systems that would compliment the existing game without requiring a massive redesign of the game's foundation.
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Because the foundation of the two types of games are markedly different. Those difference are part of every aspect of a title. Besides, even if it were possible, the establishment of niche areas in a game is never successful. We've already seen that in SWTOR.

A sense of nostalgia is exactly what you're looking for. If your intent were truly as simply as you claim, then you be willing to advocate any number of systems that would compliment the existing game without requiring a massive redesign of the game's foundation.


So what is your definition of successful? I take it you don't take part in space combat? I don't either, but I have guildies who do and enjoy it. So should they take it away and label it as a niche feature? If they added an area where people can partake in X sandbox activity, how would that hurt as long as it doesn't interfere with the story/questing part of the game? I don't see people leaving because of a feature like this being added. I see people subscribing.


It has nothing to do with the "foundation" of the game. The foundation is Star Wars. The Old Republic was programmed with the Hero Engine, which is HIGHLY customizable and with some effort, the areas can be built upon and made quite expansive.


Try thinking out of the box and imagine a game that can appeal to fans of several types of MMO's.


Oh, and you don't know me lol so try not to presume that I yearn for nostalgia. I have a Nintendo. If I wanted to feel nostalgic, I'd play Super Mario Brothers.

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I'd love to see a 'new' world and by that I mean - not previously mentioned in the prequels, or original trilogy, or EU.


I was very happy with Voss, it was infact, one of my favourite planets - I enjoyed the story a great deal.


I'd love to see what the design team could come up with, given a blank canvas again.


That said, if it had to be established, I'd like to see Mon Cal :mon_trap: or perhaps Yavin Four, I'd like to be more inventive with my suggestions, but Yavin is very iconic, and Mon Cal would offer alot of pontential for new and interesting slants on traditional landscapes, given the aquatic nature of the inhabitants and environs.

Edited by Farstrider
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So what is your definition of successful? I take it you don't take part in space combat? I don't either, but I have guildies who do and enjoy it. So should they take it away and label it as a niche feature?
I enjoy it, actually, and others do as well. That hardly makes it successful, and also means it is a waste of resources to continue supporting it. That's why they're actively working toward a redesign.

If they added an area where people can partake in X sandbox activity, how would that hurt as long as it doesn't interfere with the story/questing part of the game? I don't see people leaving because of a feature like this being added. I see people subscribing.
Then you don't understand market economics as it relates to the service industry. To add something in, they have to provide continued support for it. If that element only appeals to a fraction of the community, they can only devote a fraction of their resources to its continued development. As such, they cannot support it properly, which in turn becomes a black mark for the game as a whole. They are then left with the choice of devoting additional resources to said niche feature in an attempt to quell general consumer unrest, thereby sacrificing support in other, more utilized areas of the game, or stick with the way things are and let the game be labelled a failure. It's a very real downward spiral that once begun is almost impossible to halt.


That's what you're recommending for SWTOR. This is not a sandbox game. It is incapable of being a sandbox game. We've known that for years now. Accept it or get lost; we don't need sandbox elements forcing SWTOR into an early grave, like they did SWG.

It has nothing to do with the "foundation" of the game. The foundation is Star Wars. The Old Republic was programmed with the Hero Engine, which is HIGHLY customizable and with some effort, the areas can be built upon and made quite expansive.
No, the foundation is the game coding and infrastructure. The Hero System is highly customizable; it was customized to support the current game. Not a sandbox title.

Try thinking out of the box and imagine a game that can appeal to fans of several types of MMO's.
Sandbox games do exactly the opposite. Then lessen the appeal of a game tothe general population. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can begin moving forward.
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for expansion zone, which planet / system you want to see 1st?


1- kasyyk home of the wookie

2- naboo home of gungans

3- endor home of ewoks

4- bespin cloud city

5- dagobah home of yoda

6- dantooine

7- kamino

8- yavin


select 3 system you want most in the expansion


None of these.....I would rather see Dathomir home of the the rancors and nightsisters.

Edited by Bostue
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That's why they're actively working toward a redesign.


Got a link to support that?


Then you don't understand market economics as it relates to the service industry. To add something in, they have to provide continued support for it. If that element only appeals to a fraction of the community, they can only devote a fraction of their resources to its continued development. As such, they cannot support it properly, which in turn becomes a black mark for the game as a whole. They are then left with the choice of devoting additional resources to said niche feature in an attempt to quell general consumer unrest, thereby sacrificing support in other, more utilized areas of the game, or stick with the way things are and let the game be labelled a failure. It's a very real downward spiral that once begun is almost impossible to halt.


Service industry? This isn't a restaurant, it's an MMO. You can't get much more niche than that. They can add a sandbox feature to it and keep it as a self-contained activity. How about the guild starship idea? Implement several models of guild starships people can choose from and make them aesthetically customizable. How much support does that really need? That is a sandbox feature that can be built upon with guild achievements, thus creating a time sink for players. Which equals longer lasting subs, and more $ for BW. Sounds win-win to me.


That's what you're recommending for SWTOR. This is not a sandbox game. It is incapable of being a sandbox game. We've known that for years now. Accept it or get lost; we don't need sandbox elements forcing SWTOR into an early grave, like they did SWG.


You obviously weren't around when SWG turned for the worse. It was actually SOE, panicking after the release of WoW and attempting to sprinkle theme park features onto a large sandbox. They simplified the skill system, made it easier to become a Jedi, and tried to put the game on rails. It failed because they attempted to reinvent the whole game. Not just add a new feature.


And no, I'm not gonna "get lost." You obviously have some sort of hate towards player-controlled content, which is OK. Like I said before, you don't have to participate if you don't want to.


No, the foundation is the game coding and infrastructure. The Hero System is highly customizable; it was customized to support the current game. Not a sandbox title.

Sandbox games do exactly the opposite. Then lessen the appeal of a game tothe general population. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can begin moving forward.


Sorry I didn't make myself clear enough before. I'm not looking for a sandbox title. I'm looking for player-controlled content in an otherwise on-rails (albeit, fun) Star Wars experience. Again, thinking inside the box you are.

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for expansion zone, which planet / system you want to see 1st?


1- kasyyk home of the wookie

2- naboo home of gungans

3- endor home of ewoks

4- bespin cloud city

5- dagobah home of yoda

6- dantooine

7- kamino

8- yavin


select 3 system you want most in the expansion


Why three from "your" list ?


Of all the planets mentioned so far, I'd like to see Felucia, a planet with translucent animals and scenery. Sunlight makes everything look like multicolored glass. I seriously doubt it would be added, because it's too different from earth. The game already has so many earth-like planets. What is the point of adding more? We already have snow, desert, and green grass. We won't see a water-world until the devs develop swimming animations.

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Service industry? This isn't a restaurant, it's an MMO. You can't get much more niche than that. They can add a sandbox feature to it and keep it as a self-contained activity. How about the guild starship idea? Implement several models of guild starships people can choose from and make them aesthetically customizable. How much support does that really need? That is a sandbox feature that can be built upon with guild achievements, thus creating a time sink for players. Which equals longer lasting subs, and more $ for BW. Sounds win-win to me.
A subscription-based service, such as an MMORPG, is the very definition of a service industry.


Customizable guild startships are not sandbox features. I have no idea why you're bringing them up.

You obviously weren't around when SWG turned for the worse. It was actually SOE, panicking after the release of WoW and attempting to sprinkle theme park features onto a large sandbox. They simplified the skill system, made it easier to become a Jedi, and tried to put the game on rails. It failed because they attempted to reinvent the whole game. Not just add a new feature.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. No, I'm talking about shortly after launch, within the first year.

And no, I'm not gonna "get lost." You obviously have some sort of hate towards player-controlled content, which is OK. Like I said before, you don't have to participate if you don't want to.
Or we could just not have sandbox features at all. Pretty sure that's the better option; the reason I'm so adamantly opposed to them is that they've destroyed every game they've been added to.

Sorry I didn't make myself clear enough before. I'm not looking for a sandbox title. I'm looking for player-controlled content in an otherwise on-rails (albeit, fun) Star Wars experience. Again, thinking inside the box you are.
Considering I've been talking about sandbox elements the entire time, and you responded to me, perhaps you're the one that needs to reevaluate what's been said. I've no issues with player controlled content, and actually advocate its addition to the game; instanced player housing, for example, is one of the things I hope for in this game the most. But you criticized comments made, specifically, about sandbox elements.
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I would love to see any planet that has a deeply contrasting art design.


We are sorely lacking an entirely volcanic world, with lava lakes and pluming volcanoes in the background.


They could also effectively double the amount of existing worlds by giving us a bloomin' day night cycle?

Apparently it disrupts the mood set on planets. I would argue a lot of mood has been - very effectively - set in the films on Tatooine in both day and night; a certain rising suns scene springs to mind.

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I would love to see any planet that has a deeply contrasting art design.


We are sorely lacking an entirely volcanic world, with lava lakes and pluming volcanoes in the background.


Good point actually. I sometimes wonder why, in these amazing fantasy and sci-fi games, we often just get grass/sand/snow. Where are the REALLY alien worlds?

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If I'm not mistaken, at this point it's a lush green and living planet. It's through the course of this Republic/Sith war that it ends up becoming as we see it in EPIII when someone strong in the Force decides to use it to move a planet out of orbit.


I might be wrong, but I do believe that this is the right time period and it does lend to some good story possibilities.

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