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Are shadows good in 1v1?


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im pretty much of a noob so i dont know, i was in hutball with my lv 18 shadow currently in balance to get upheaval,using combat technique

we were losing 4-1 3 minutes left so are team just decided to get kills, i was knocked back into the enemy territory basement level, a lv 47 marauder (full health) force leaps me (full health) . my rotation was project,double strike,double strike, i used my stun breaker to break force choke, i used force wave then used force speed then used telekinetic throw, then he threw some defensive CD on i used force stun then i used shadow strike, regular hits (forgot what they are called) then when force was up i used force potency and project 2 chunks(upheaval) crit for 1900 and 1000, then used double strike, breach , double strike right there i killed him with with enough hp to die in 1 hit. Is shadow a good 1v1 class?, i was surprised i won because he was at a much higher level then i was and probably has more experience. thanks

Edited by IronBaron
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1- kinetic shadows are 1v1 masters.. Good player 1 v 3 no problem.


2- if you find you using combat tech.. Like I did in pvp and for Theran heals to be better...

Than just go kinetic. I played balance till 35 then infil till 38 an kinetic since then.


3- shadow is one of the most overpowered classes, sentinel, gunslinger are also op.


The twist.. The thing is you use almost full dps gear to pvp in kinetic.. Which makes a swap to infil very easy.

Balance has gotten better but it's boring I think.


Every piece of tank gear you use instead of dps trades survivability for dps.. So if u need to kill em fast , pure dps gear and off hand power generator. Thwart node caps , use shield, and defensive trinket, resilience , your team should be back to hep before u die. Even 5 v1 .. They hate u.. Then u vanish...


1v1 rotation max dps



Double strike

Double strike

Potency,trinket and all other buffs u can


Slow time


... Stun

/ dance



My motto as a DK was.. Stay in tank presence..stay alive.. Win.


And I wouldn't be helping if I didn't say... Check out Powerr threads on pvp tanking (sticky)

And vids.. Like me you'll be happy your a shadow when u see his vids of shadow tank owning ilum and all else.


Good luck.. And ". There is no , try"...


Quartz- shadowkin- the Fatman

Sara- gunslinger

Barreness- sentinel

Barren- guardian

Lump- bounty hunter

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He also must of been really bad, there is no reason for a mara his level to lose a 1v1 to a 18, he has guarded by the force and force camo, he must of been terrible.


Anyway kinetic spec is 1v1 masters, infil with the stars aligned can eat someone in a few globals and balance, which is mainly my spec is more of a group orientated spec, but I pwn with it as well and 1v1 people all the the time with dots and kiting.


Kinetic IA definitly more noobs friendly and in the right hands will wreck, I do 1v3 people in KC spec, TkT just heals for to much with a adrenal + relic + force potency procced not to mention it hits like a Mack truck

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Oh .. I forgot to say..

In pvp 10-49

You get boosted to lvl 49 stats, that's y u kill higher levels and wonder how..

Check out what gear scales best and u can even be stronger.


i know they give the buff for 10 - 49 bracket. he should have had better gear, and more experience in PvP than me a lv 18 shadow vs a lv 47 marauder.

Edited by IronBaron
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3- shadow is one of the most overpowered classes, sentinel, gunslinger are also op.


Ok well I personally believe as a level 50 infiltrator shadow that they're surge rating nerf has killed our viability in 1v1s tremendously. For example before the patch you could smash people with project occasionally with 5k crits which was great on our bursts. Now we have lost most of our potency against classes because now my highest hit i have ever done was 3.9k against sages, and people may be like "oh stop complaining that's a lot" but notice guys, this is on our burst. We are sure as hell able to smash the weaker targets but on average against tanks, i hit 2.5k on crits unlike the previous 3.5k.


I can't even walk into a battle that we're losing, and burst down a healer like scoundrels or operatives can (even with my great defensive cool downs)... personally I think that if you're a burst-based DPS class and you can't even execute one target quickly and make it away alive, there's some rethinking to be done in damage...

Edited by MnniBeast
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i know they give the buff for 10 - 49 bracket. he should have had better gear, and more experience in PvP than me a lv 18 shadow vs a lv 47 marauder.


He should have eaten you alive. At level 18 you have practically nothing to work with as a Shadow other than a few low damaging skills. He would have had all of his and capable of dishing out severe amounts of damage.


You just fought a really bad marauder is all. Sentinals/Marauders are wrecking balls in lowbie PvP from the 20's onwards.

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All I read about is Kinetic this Kinetic that. Do any Shadows play Infiltration? I swear I'm the only Shadow on my server that is Infiltration spec, I don't even see the Sith equivalent to it either!


An Inf in 1v1 Will destroy any class. The best way to take us down is to keep us at bay. Range classes can be a hassle if they use their controls effectively, and watch resolve.


I've even 1 v 2 as an Infiltrator. I mean I gotta be quick and do a lot of crowd control, but it's doable. I've never spec'd anything but Infiltration.


When people say we're OP..WHAT is OP? Are they talking about Kinetic builds? Cause Infiltration seems lacking in certain areas.

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Kinetic Shadows/Darkness Assassins with decent power and crit can easily outclass basically anybody. That is, you'd probably want Spike/Spinning Kick at least to guarantee that 1v1 win. Though it isn't very easy for us since some random guy will come in and interrupt the fight :(


I tried my Shadow in a couple of warzones today and I must say I was very impressed at what it could do. I was in Kinetic Spec of course, with Wither (I HATE the name 'slow time') and was level 40. With Wither, it makes a world of difference since you slow the enemy down AND decreases damage by 5%. This helps a lot, and stops them from escaping until you dice them up nice and clean. Snipers/Gunslingers are cover based damage so they're fairly easy to kill. Just stand behind them and they're worthless, sorcerers and sages are basically sponges with bubble up so wear it down and they fall in seconds.


The hardest class to essentially 1v1 against are Marauders/Sentinels and Juggernauts/Guardians for me.

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As an infiltration shadow, I can pretty much handle any class one on one as long as they don't get the jump on me. It's a matter of movement, using CCs and CC breakers at the right time based on the particular class you're facing, and understanding how to deal with the other class.


For example, against an arsenal mercenary most fights go something like this:


- Clairvoyant Strike

- Low Slash when he tries to tracer missile

- Clairvoyant Strike

- Pop relic/Force Potency

- Force Stun as he tries to tracer missile again.

- Project

- Mind Snap to interrupt his next attempt to tracer missile

- Force Breach

- He pops medpac

- Force Cloak

- Spinning Kick

- Spinning Strike

- Win

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This is strictly talking in 1v1 only... group combat infil is still meh.


Yeah I agree with you, I haven't tried infil with my normal team and I don't think I would, I know

When we coordinate kills whenever we see yoyo saber our combat sent will do a crippling throw and we ll do an insta gib switch, I wouldn't want that to happen to me

Edited by jbuschell
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1- kinetic shadows are 1v1 masters.. Good player 1 v 3 no problem.


2- if you find you using combat tech.. Like I did in pvp and for Theran heals to be better...

Than just go kinetic. I played balance till 35 then infil till 38 an kinetic since then.


3- shadow is one of the most overpowered classes, sentinel, gunslinger are also op.


The twist.. The thing is you use almost full dps gear to pvp in kinetic.. Which makes a swap to infil very easy.

Balance has gotten better but it's boring I think.


Every piece of tank gear you use instead of dps trades survivability for dps.. So if u need to kill em fast , pure dps gear and off hand power generator. Thwart node caps , use shield, and defensive trinket, resilience , your team should be back to hep before u die. Even 5 v1 .. They hate u.. Then u vanish...


1v1 rotation max dps



Double strike

Double strike

Potency,trinket and all other buffs u can


Slow time


... Stun

/ dance



My motto as a DK was.. Stay in tank presence..stay alive.. Win.


And I wouldn't be helping if I didn't say... Check out Powerr threads on pvp tanking (sticky)

And vids.. Like me you'll be happy your a shadow when u see his vids of shadow tank owning ilum and all else.


Good luck.. And ". There is no , try"...


Quartz- shadowkin- the Fatman

Sara- gunslinger

Barreness- sentinel

Barren- guardian

Lump- bounty hunter


Sorry no, awful roatation.


Your goal as kinetic is to get 3 stacks of harnessed shadows as fast as possible.


Spinning kick is often used as an opener, I choose not to but is a good choice.


This is for 1v1 only


While stealthed;



slow time

double strike (proc'd)



if you want to be op you the finish with.


Force cloak get range to avoid interupt

while stealthed



battle readiness

unstealth with force stun

force potency

Force throw <--> they will be close to dead at this point even at lvl 50 in full bm

Force pull

Project (while drebis is in the air)

spinning strike.


I save my kick for the next target


That rotation will burn every cool down you have however, it is fun to do when you want to show off and keep 100% health while killing them. Note maras/sents in BM will eat you alive if they hit their godmode button everytime. Save force cloak for when they hit it and run away and wait.




Normal kill modes


slow time

double strike (proc'd)





spinning strike.


Same result but you will have taken some serious damage and will most likely die very soon.

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..point is there are many rotations that work..


But awfull, come on, any shadow would know that rotation is near verbatim from the best shadow guide around..stickyied.


Kick , to get in the 2 double strikes np for p.a.

Make sure particle acceleration is proceed b4 project always.


This is why that rotation doesn't open with project . A waste without p.a. Proc'd.


It didn't have tk throw, which would be at the end of the rotation anyway.

And by then it would have 2 stacks of harnessed shadows left.


Tk throw takes a long time to use, so my opinion is , there is no rush to stack harnessed before particle acceleration procs.


With the survivor 2 piece set, kick is always up for the next target. By opening with kick you start it's cd ASAP.

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Right and wrong. Opening with project is not a bad idea in 1v1 because of reasonable damage and the +1 stack of HS. You don't always need it, but against a well-geared opponent getting those quick heals might be necessary. Also, you may very well need that spinning kick in the next 20 seconds to stop your opponent from pulling off something epic on you, so I wouldn't open with it.


And for TacticalShotz' rotation: What? Why would you burn your cloak for telekinetic throw? Just force speed out of range, stun, and fire off the rocks. You might need that vanish if the bantha poodoo hits the fan. Also, why waste Battle Readiness, a heal in combat tech, during your rotation? Use it when you actually need the health.


Honestly, you shouldn't get locked into the rotation mindset. This isn't PVE; if a smart player sees you doing the same thing over and over gain, s/he will adapt, break your rhythm, and destroy you.


Edit: Shadowkins. I like that name :D

Edited by trakata
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Sorry no, awful roatation.


Your goal as kinetic is to get 3 stacks of harnessed shadows as fast as possible.


Spinning kick is often used as an opener, I choose not to but is a good choice.


This is for 1v1 only


While stealthed;



slow time

double strike (proc'd)



if you want to be op you the finish with.


Force cloak get range to avoid interupt

while stealthed



battle readiness

unstealth with force stun

force potency

Force throw <--> they will be close to dead at this point even at lvl 50 in full bm

Force pull

Project (while drebis is in the air)

spinning strike.


I save my kick for the next target


That rotation will burn every cool down you have however, it is fun to do when you want to show off and keep 100% health while killing them. Note maras/sents in BM will eat you alive if they hit their godmode button everytime. Save force cloak for when they hit it and run away and wait.




Normal kill modes


slow time

double strike (proc'd)





spinning strike.


Same result but you will have taken some serious damage and will most likely die very soon.



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Sorry no, awful roatation.


Your goal as kinetic is to get 3 stacks of harnessed shadows as fast as possible.


Spinning kick is often used as an opener, I choose not to but is a good choice.


This is for 1v1 only


While stealthed;



slow time

double strike (proc'd)



if you want to be op you the finish with.


Force cloak get range to avoid interupt

while stealthed



battle readiness

unstealth with force stun

force potency

Force throw <--> they will be close to dead at this point even at lvl 50 in full bm

Force pull

Project (while drebis is in the air)

spinning strike.


I save my kick for the next target


That rotation will burn every cool down you have however, it is fun to do when you want to show off and keep 100% health while killing them. Note maras/sents in BM will eat you alive if they hit their godmode button everytime. Save force cloak for when they hit it and run away and wait.




Normal kill modes


slow time

double strike (proc'd)





spinning strike.


Same result but you will have taken some serious damage and will most likely die very soon.






3:12 - 3:27

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I always win in 1 on 1 (Kinetic spec). Most of the time, my enemy realised he/she's going to lose and run in the middle of the way :D (we have lots of interrupts, not to mention good DPS + self heal)


Always love it when they run (Sorc + the Force Speed to run away), only to be pulled back again by my Force Pull mwahahhaha

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Is shadow a good 1v1 class?, i was surprised i won because he was at a much higher level then i was and probably has more experience. thanks


Hybrid shadow (tank tree as a main) can kill anything expect a good healer in heavy armor.


Infiltration can kill anyone if they will jump 1st. If you are getting jumped you have very low chances of survival.


Balance? Dont play balance so dont know what to say.


If you will have a duel between 2 shadows Hybrid tanks will win most of the time.

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