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Is there a way for one-handed players to be effective in pvp? Or am I SOL?


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Is there a way for one-handed players to be effective in pvp?


I am physically handicapped, and am unable to use both the mouse and the keyboard. I have been using a play-station 3 paddle, and a keyboard emulator called xpadder. Using the paddle is great, until around level 20+, because there are simply to many key-binds for a paddle to handle. Sure, with the help of xpadder, you can get around 37+ key-binds, but you will be slower than a person who uses both a mouse and keyboard; noticeably slower.


Is there something I can do? Or am I SOL?


Pve isn't an issue, npcs have always sucked. I enjoy pvp more than anything else in this game. I might quit the game, if I cannot enjoy it.

Edited by cool-dude
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And combat isn't the be all and end all of PvP!


Remember there are strategies you can use. Guarding a captured node on Alderran gets you points and helps your team, same with Novarre Coast.


On Voidstar you can do decoy runs to take the enemies away from their objectives. Even if you are playing at a physical disadvantage, you still have your best weapon - your brain.


You could go a healer and concentrate on keeping your teamates alive - that doesn't require too many keybinds and is essential to PvP success in SWTOR.


Or you could just play a mara and spam 1-2 abilities for instant victory:)

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And combat isn't the be all and end all of PvP!


Remember there are strategies you can use. Guarding a captured node on Alderran gets you points and helps your team, same with Novarre Coast.


On Voidstar you can do decoy runs to take the enemies away from their objectives. Even if you are playing at a physical disadvantage, you still have your best weapon - your brain.


You could go a healer and concentrate on keeping your teamates alive - that doesn't require too many keybinds and is essential to PvP success in SWTOR.


Or you could just play a mara and spam 1-2 abilities for instant victory:)


wait a sec marauders can spam 1-2 abilities and win? which ones cause i dont seem to be using them:P

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Cannot speak of the alternative methods, as I do not have acccess to those. I am Twitchless to begin with, and have some nerve and balance problems to contend with, too. But using a standard set-up, the Ship Combat is playable with one hand; omly use the other to make barrel rolls and activate Ship Upgrades. Easy Peasy!


And a decent portion of the game is in making leisurely choices; be it dialogue, shopping, etc., so this is covered, too.


However, the game combat itself is a bit twitchier than others I have played, and I die often. That said, the Death penalties are fairly light; no XP penalties, and only a small repair fee for wear and tear on gear. There are options for spawning and remaining in place, which req a small amy of time, or going to a Med Station and having to trek back to the last location. Generally, not so bad either.


My advice is give it a test run. And FWIW, the best driver in my HS Drivers Ed car was a one handed student; put the rest of us to shame!

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The razer products people have mentioned are probably the way to go. Depending on which hand you can use pick either the nostromo or naga. I use both and I hardly ever even use my keyboard anymore while in game except to talk in chat.
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Is there a way for one-handed players to be effective in pvp?


I am physically handicapped, and am unable to use both the mouse and the keyboard. I have been using a play-station 3 paddle, and a keyboard emulator called xpadder. Using the paddle is great, until around level 20+, because there are simply to many key-binds for a paddle to handle. Sure, with the help of xpadder, you can get around 37+ key-binds, but you will be slower than a person who uses both a mouse and keyboard; noticeably slower.


Is there something I can do? Or am I SOL?


Pve isn't an issue, npcs have always sucked. I enjoy pvp more than anything else in this game. I might quit the game, if I cannot enjoy it.


All respect to you who want do pvp even with your physically handicap! Just dont give up because theres no enough keybinding suited for your handicap, you can make your own playstyle in pvp with fewer abilitys. Im deaf myself, I have always its pain to do hardcore(PVE) raiding in any mmo (they req vent/TS) but I dont let this stop me, I have been raiding with top guilds and did successful progress with them. I hope this will inspire you to continue with pvp in SWTOR.


You may work harder but its not impossible! Remember this!


I assume your feet is fine? Maybe try to learn move your character with your feet on a special designed keyboard (feet pedal)?


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Please list the 2 abilities maras spam. I was under the impression that a normal rotation consisted of at least 7 moves plus defensive cooldowns. and stuns and escapes and the like...


A normal sentinel rotation:


Leap, OS, ZS, caut, mercslash, slash, master strike, force stasis, defensive cooldowns worked in between.


Guess you never played one. You just assume its easy cuz you keep getting killed by them.\


Every anti mara/sent thread is filled with non facts.


and ON topic: You wanna buy a razor naga. And play a ranged class.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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