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Bring back the old Tracer Missile


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Switching the animations without the option to use the old one was a grave injustice. The old animation (and sound effects) was without a doubt the best thing about this game. While researching what class I'd play first at launch I saw Tracer Missile for the first time and instantly fell in love with it. The new one is just so bland and boring. I'm generally happy with the game and usually don't complain about things without giving constructive feedback on the problem, but this I just cannot let pass.


But of course I am just one person and I can't do much to change your mind. I can't threaten to unsubscribe en-masse over a silly animation, or whatever it was that made you feel the need to change it the first time. But I will do what I can to bring this plight to your attention in the hopes that you will allow the option to use the old animation again. I stopped playing last year to concentrate on university, but I came back to Swtor with the urge to blow stuff up with the old Tracer Missile. And now I have forum access so I can plead for the old TM. If not a complete animation revert then just the option of somehow using the old animation. I still love this game. I honestly don't understand why more people don't play Swtor. I posted at launch showering praise on one of the best MMO's to come out in years (which was instantly treated as a troll post). Crafting is still one of my favourite things to do. I just can't do any combat with my Merc knowing that it could and should be better.


But I am just one person and I can't do much to change your mind. But I'm going to try. Just allow the option, is all I'm asking. I've gone through the days when Arsenal was terrible in PvP. I trudged though the daily beatings in WZ's to get my full War Hero set, and I gave the best feedback I could on the situation. I took all the abuse from my server for playing Arsenal in WZ's (though most of that was spite for trolling fleet), but I never gave up on the spec or the class. I trudged though it all, but this I just cannot let pass.

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I'm not the only one who wants this change. I've talked to many people who want the old animation back as much as I do. I imagine they just don't see any chance of it coming back. That poll that was made on the forums to get the animation changed, what was it? 800 for - 60 against? Yeah there's more than 800 people playing this game, enjoying this game. Not crying on the forums for their own benefit.


Of course, I'm crying on the forums to get this changed as well, so you could call me a hypocrite for saying that. But I'm fighting a change that was made directly because of people whining on the forums to get whatever they want changed. A purely opinionated change not based on balance or math or any kind of game mechanics. A zero-sum change that was made by people unhappy with the class, ruining the game experience for people who were happy with the class, instead of just rerolling/respeccing. And now what? I'm the one expected to just accept things the way they are because a vocal minority got their way? I liked the way things were before this change. Other people out there liked the way things were before this change. I will not roll over for a bunch of whiny little brats on the forums who will demand anything they want and expect to get it. I am sick and tired of this generation of MMO players thinking they can get anything they want if they just cry about it long enough on the forums.

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i prefer the new change better.. however i think they could make it so that armors with cannons on the back actually fires from them instead... otherwise it would look pretty weird.. like having a jetpack and the animation shows the flames coming from the feet.


oh and to the poster above me.. welcome to "the vocal minority" :)

Edited by hallucigenocide
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I will not roll over for a bunch of whiny little brats on the forums who will demand anything they want and expect to get it. I am sick and tired of this generation of MMO players thinking they can get anything they want if they just cry about it long enough on the forums.


and what exactly are you doin? :D

Edited by NLrave
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Obviously they cannot please everyone, but to have the option to choose which animation to use would be more use of resources than it's actually worth. This is one of those issues that is purely down to a person's taste and will likely not get changed around again.


EDIT: By the way, name-calling is a real quick way to get this thread shut down, so I would refrain from doing so if you want this to be an actual discussion.

Edited by Cyraxe
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Obviously they cannot please everyone, but to have the option to choose which animation to use would be more use of resources than it's actually worth. This is one of those issues that is purely down to a person's taste and will likely not get changed around again.


Funny how none of this applied when they changed it the first time.

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Personally the way i looked at it was fusion missile was a 'big' attack so it seemed more fitting that it should come from the jetpack. Boba and Jango had the 1 big missile back there, and IIRC dont some of the chest pieces models have a missile back there too? tracer missile though is spammable, and just look at a lot of the other BH little missile attacks:


explosive dart - not a missile, but its still shot out of the left arm

missile blast - double missiles out of the left arm (used to be a single missile)

death from above - alternating missiles out of left and right arm

heatseeker - 3 missiles out of left arm


But then you have the fusion missile...let me say that again "FUSION" missile. When i hear the word fusion in reference to weapons, especially missiles the images that come to mind are nuclear fusion, atom bombs, mushroom clouds and fallout shelters. So that makes me think 'whoa, that must be a big missile'. Hell look at the default icon for fusion missile...it has a big ole warhead looking thing on it. Also look at EP 2 the fight on Kamino Obi Wan vs Jango Fett. Jango is shooting both his blasters and Obi Wan still advances. Jango jetpacks away to the top of a pillar and he shoots off his jetpack missile that sends Obi Wan flying. I think fusion missile used to have a more 'fire-ey' animation, but now it just sets people on fire a little.


Thats why to me it just seems more fitting to have fusion missile, the 'big' attack that you cannot spam coming from the back. While tracer missile being spammable (and even though in game does more damage) it seems fitting to have it come from the wrist.

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  • 5 months later...
I personally think the new animation looks wimpy compared to the old tracer animation. The old one felt like it had impact, this one just doesn't do it for me.


Tracer missele itself has lost it's true impact so...it should look less impressive anyway. It used to have the chance at huge spikes of damage, these day's it has been normalized to the point I can tell you how hard I will hit the enemy based on class and defenses I see on them.


Personally...I vote tracer missle gets a targeting sight from the helmet and a missle launcher pops up over our shoulder to fire it...all other types of animation just seem lackluster to me.

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You guys are gonna get back problems from being crouched over so much! That animation is so bad (when spammed) its not even funny.




Hate, hate, hate that animation. (Thank God Fuson Missile has its cooldown and is so resource-intensive without TSO, so I don't have to see/do it too often!)


The wrist-flick/launcher has such nice, quiet panache to it, the other is just....nasty.

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  • 7 months later...

Yeah bring back the old animation and I'll pay to play this game forever.


BTW, I only subbed so I could necro this thread. I won't be playing the game until the old TM animation is back.

Edited by fujeo-finel
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This thread is still going on? Wow.


Also, why the hate on swapping the animations. Shouldn't you be happy you can use the awesome animation for the huge warhead in any spec, as opposed to back in 1.1 where it was restricted to Arsenal?

I mean this is 2 years ago. I like having the Fusion Missile animation as what it is now, and it helps that Fusion Missile is so much more powerful than tracer, and so long as its used with a resource cooldown is a DPS increase.

Its 'new' animation (lets be honest, this is old news) emphasizes it being significantly more powerful than tracer, which has just had its damage dropped repeatedly over the years anyway to the point that Power Shot tends to hit harder on average (pyro spec).

So what if you aren't using your jetpack missile every 1.5 seconds! It takes time to load a jetpack missile up!

Edited by TACeMossie
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