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Companion Romance Information


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I've been playing this game since release. I have 8 characters, 2 finished their class quests, one is so close she can spit and hit it, and the others have either finished chapter 2 or just entered chapter 2. (Except my Jedi, they're being slow).


I've got 4 characters that have finished all their romanceable companions' story lines, fell in love, married and talked having babies.


Your first companion you receive, whether you can romance them or not, is the companion you go with and help them actually DO something. Vette, Corso, Mako, etc.


"Hey, boss, I have bad guys on my butt. I need to go kill them."


"Want me to join you?"


"Sure! Let's go!"


And off you go with your first companion trailing behind you, while you help them with whatever their story entails. The other 4 companions tell you they need to run off and fight a mob of fans from infiltrating their bedrooms. You ask to go with them.


"No, no! I can handle this myself. Be back in a jiffy!"


And off they go while the screen goes black and you twiddle your thumbs waiting for them to come back. Takes 2 seconds.


Take Corso for an example. You give him enough gifts to make a Kardashian jealous and he's already at max affection and you're level 20. Good for you! But you only have 3 conversations with him and you are desperately wanting to marry that farm boy and have 2.5 children with him and live on a planet with beach front property.


He's not going to talk to you again until after chapter 1, the first time. He'll give you a few dozen conversations in rapid succession. You think, 'yay, I'm about to marry him!' No.


He won't talk to you again until after chapter 2. Then he spams you with conversations. You make sweet sweet love, then he says he loves you, then you get married, and the VERY last conversation is talking about children. After that you're finished and they ignore you like real spouses do.


So, basically it goes:


(Prelude through Chapter 1)

--Chatting about their lives

--Possible kisses, making out, or hot loving (depends on companion, some are only intimate with you once and that's it. Some are forever getting into your jockeys)

--bit more convos about them or you


(End of Chapter 1)

--more talk about their lives, about you, possible kissing, and possible jockey shorts raiding


(End of Chapter 2)


---I love you!

---Marry me

---Let's have children some day


Once they mention having children with you. They will not talk to you ever again in any companion quest. Unless they are in another companion's storyline OR you have them with you when doing your class story. Otherwise, they're statues on your ship or like Jorgan, constantly counting the weapons, or Vector <3, constantly checking the cargo.


I've found it doesn't matter what level you are. My Smuggler married Corso at level 43. My Sith Warrior married Quinn at level 39. My Agent married Vector at level 36. My Bounty Hunter married Torian at level 37.


The way the game works, you could have a level 50 with you at level 1, finish all 4 chapter (this is including the prelude) and you could be married by level 10. (This is overexaggerating of course. I'm just trying to say that level doesn't matter. It's where in your story line you are. If you finish chapter 2 at level 30, you can marry that companion you have at that level)


There are exceptions of course. Some companions you can romance, you might not get until you get to say Corellia. It all depends on when you get the companion you can romance.


Feel free to add any information to this if I missed something.

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I've started a thread like this as well.


As stated in my other thread, compared to BioWares other games with companions like Dragon Age and Mass Effect, there options to intereact with your companions in TOR are rather sparce and severely lacking from previous games.


After getting them to max affection and running through all of their dialogues, they dont want anything to do with you, Even if you married them, they dont give you a "hello" or "kiss my (explicit)" or anything.

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I've started a thread like this as well.


As stated in my other thread, compared to BioWares other games with companions like Dragon Age and Mass Effect, there options to intereact with your companions in TOR are rather sparce and severely lacking from previous games.


After getting them to max affection and running through all of their dialogues, they dont want anything to do with you, Even if you married them, they dont give you a "hello" or "kiss my (explicit)" or anything.


Ah, I did not see it. Point me to it? I'd love to see your take on it. I do find it amazing that a lot of people on my server didn't even know they could marry their companion. I even had one ask me which companion is better to level with because the one they were currently using sucked. (Their words not mine). Plus, I had fun helping him get Jaesa. Brought back memories when I did it. Though my Sith is light side and he was dark.

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I'd just love to have a bit of Idle chat with my companion. Romance or not, just more of a 'tell me more about you' or just 'hey let's talk about the empire/republic'. Things like that.


Just little fun conversations to flesh out their characters, a bit more.

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I'd just love to have a bit of Idle chat with my companion. Romance or not, just more of a 'tell me more about you' or just 'hey let's talk about the empire/republic'. Things like that.


Just little fun conversations to flesh out their characters, a bit more.


I'd like to see my companions that are on the ship, actually do SOMETHING. Whether they walk from one room to another. Pretend to talk to other companions (the animations like you see on planets), say something to you when you walk by like the annoying droid did before he was neutered.


I mean, I'm glad we get bonuses now for completing all of our companions' stories in our legacy, but if TOR wants us to feel like we ARE our characters or what have you, it'd be nice to have our companions talk or interact with us more than just when we do their quests or they come with us to do our own.


I had one convo with Gault about him spending money we made together on some new outfit or advantage he added to his armor and I had the option to ask something like 'what? you don't like the armor I provide you?'


See? It's things like that that make me go 'wow, so my bounty hunter actually said what I was thinking, cool.'


Basically, we buy our companions their food, drink, clothing (on or off camera), we basically give them free room and board, and we protect them and only ask for their companionship, their help out in the field, and for them to be our crafting minions.

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Its an MMO people, we are lucky they decided to try and make such a story for our characters to follow and romance. Getting picky about it isn't going to do any good, I'm sure as official expansions come they will be expanded properly but stuff like this can't come with just every other patch.


You need to bring in VA's and make the new cutscenes with animations etc etc. Its a lot of work that a lot of people don't even bother doing, or if they do for the experience and not the actual story.

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I totally agree with you OP.


I would like to see more action on the ship and more in depth with romances.


I do understand if they can't do it within the next few patches. They do have to call up the voice actors, have them read new dialogue, edit and such the new dialogue, do animations for 8 classes and 5 companions each class to equal 40 total. Plus different convos for female or male. It won't be overnight. I DO understand this. But I hope they add something. Even if I have to wait until the first expansion, I'll happily shell out another $60 to 80 (i bought the deluxe version) JUST to have more conversations/interactions with my companions.


Other people may be here just to become uber, pvp everything that moves, and be top ranking on their sever/guild/the entire MMO, but I'm here for the most unique thing I've seen in the 4 MMOs I've played.


I'm here because of the cut scenes, the voice acting, the story lines and my companions.


I'm light side on all 8 of my characters. I treat my companions (even the most vile and annoying ones I can't stand) with respect. If they need to go do something, I let them. If they have valuable information (looks at Quinn) about something in my story, I listen and take their advice seriously.


My companions are my characters' families. There is a reason why I finish their story lines (even before Legacy) outfit them as best as I can, and get pissed off and angry when my companions are hurt by NPCs in my story lines. Because they are my characters' friends, spouses, or drinking buddies. They are family. I want to chat with them about stupid stuff even if it IS prearranged for me in the dialogue wheel.

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Its an MMO people, we are lucky they decided to try and make such a story for our characters to follow and romance. Getting picky about it isn't going to do any good, I'm sure as official expansions come they will be expanded properly but stuff like this can't come with just every other patch.


You need to bring in VA's and make the new cutscenes with animations etc etc. Its a lot of work that a lot of people don't even bother doing, or if they do for the experience and not the actual story.


I'm not picky. If I were, I'd whine and complain like the thousands of others about bugs or exploits or low populations, etc. Sure the companion stuff is just extra they didn't have to add, but if they're going to have it, it'd be nice to have more options. Granted, I haven't finished all 40 of my companions stories, but I do want more from them then just standing on my ship, picking their noses as they stare at the wall.

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I think you all spend too much time at your computers and you really need some real life.


As in, seriously.


Ask yourself how much thought you have put into SWTOR in the last week, as opposed to say... your plans for your life and accomplishments (real life accomplishments).


I unsubbed to this game because let's be honest.... it sucks. And this week I have improved my relationship with my in-laws, helped some poor kids fund the neighborhood baseball team they are making, and caught a 37 inch redfish.


All of those were good things. You all need to get some sunlight and help your body make the vitamin D that everyone is deficient in.


I'm not kidding. This entire thread is just testimony to how pathetically addicted we have allowed ourselves to become to fantasy online games because we have failed at life. I say 'we' on purpose. I'm fixing it; you should, too.

Edited by FreysFury
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I think you all spend too much time at your computers and you really need some real life.


As in, seriously.


Ask yourself how much thought you have put into SWTOR in the last week, as opposed to say... your plans for your life and accomplishments (real life accomplishments).


I unsubbed to this game because let's be honest.... it sucks. And this week I have improved my relationship with my in-laws, helped some poor kids fund the neighborhood baseball team they are making, and caught a 37 inch redfish.


All of those were good things. You all need to get some sunlight and help your body make the vitamin D that everyone is deficient in.


I'm not kidding. This entire thread is just testimony to how pathetically addicted we have allowed ourselves to become to fantasy online games because we have failed at life. I say 'we' on purpose. I'm fixing it; you should, too.


I do have a life and go outside and such. I work, pay bills, am married, have a child, etc. Just because I want more from a game, doesn't mean I don't have a life too. I don't sit at my computer 24/7 playing. I LOVE this game, but I have responsibilities too. This is my stress relief. I come home from a hard day at work or with my spouse of 15 years (he's a gamer too) and I vent via killing pixilated villains. I destress, go to bed refreshed and do it all again the next day.


if you don't like this game, that's fine, you're allowed to not like it. But just because people like me who DO enjoy this game come here and ask for a few extra things, doesn't mean we don't have lives.

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I think you all spend too much time at your computers and you really need some real life.


As in, seriously.


Ask yourself how much thought you have put into SWTOR in the last week, as opposed to say... your plans for your life and accomplishments (real life accomplishments).


I unsubbed to this game because let's be honest.... it sucks. And this week I have improved my relationship with my in-laws, helped some poor kids fund the neighborhood baseball team they are making, and caught a 37 inch redfish.


All of those were good things. You all need to get some sunlight and help your body make the vitamin D that everyone is deficient in.


I'm not kidding. This entire thread is just testimony to how pathetically addicted we have allowed ourselves to become to fantasy online games because we have failed at life. I say 'we' on purpose. I'm fixing it; you should, too.


If this is a troll, its worthy of 3/10, but 3 bonus points for never cracking character.




On the off chance you are serious, well I'd say I disprove every point you just made. A handful of happy (and geeky) kids, hot wife that loves me, good career, new truck that tows like a champ and a big blockheaded bulldog. I'm drinking a cup of good cofee and browsing the forums while my client patches. I'm happy AND I love the game! How can that be?


Why not?


Why is it you can only enjoy a cheap pastime OR "real life"? Why assume that your experience in indicative of all? It is not an automatic "addiction" because someone likes something. Did you feel compelled to log on to the forums to warn others about obsesive computer-related behaviors? Do you not see the irony? Hi pot, this is kettle!


Look, I've heard things like this from all sorts of folks since I first received a cheaply printed ruleset in the mail from Gary Gygax. You are right in one regard only, this is not the appropriate pastime for you. I wish you well, and continued luck fishing.


Fishing is something you know well... like you just caught me. 3 extra bonus points for being so convincing that I had to write a just-in-case response even knowing it was nonsense.


Well played sir!



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I too am definitely wishing and hoping that they'll expand the storyline and things you can do with your companions.


Corso was one of my favorites to romance and I was so pleased with how well he was written (in comparison to Adronikos Revel, who I thought his entire romance was really.. cheap.. with how it played out and eventually ended) that I dragged him around EVERYWHERE and shoved epic rank 5 gifts down his throat whenever I managed to have the credits to spend on them.


But because I was so interested in seeing how his storyline went, I eventually ended up finishing his romance completely right after finishing Ch. 2 in a barrage of conversations that lasted me about 20 minutes. :( Now he just sits there on the ship like a really detailed statue or turns into the meatshield whenever I'm out and about questing...


I originally got into this game because my real life buddies had all swapped from their games (WoW, LOTRO, Rift, etc) to come back together in one group like the EQ thru DAOC days. But what has made it so enjoyable even with all the bugs and certain issues (like right now social armor's pretty useless at 50 even if you're a light armor wearer) is being able to level up a character and see how you and your companion interact with each other, and other npcs in the game.


I purposely flirted with every npc it gave me the option to, just to see what Corso's reaction would be. The "Allergic to Candles" line had me laughing, and I just about choked myself to death with a glass of tea when I heard him go "Eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww." to that one guy over the Holocommunicator.


As for being addicted to characters in an animated game... to each their own. I play videogames because they're a way to deal with stress, kill boredom, and do something else than sit outside or waste $$ driving around to the mall and shop or go down to our town's crappy, dead fish filled "lake" with friends whenever I'm not stuck inside doing truckloads of homework. There are also some days where my boyfriend is being a total idjit and I'd much rather deal with a friendly and humorous companion instead of sit there and squabble with him for a few minutes to hours.


I personally find that in any sort of game where you can romance your companion (This, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, etc) it's much more enjoyable when you have that on the side as you do your main storyline/quests, and it's something extra to 'unlock' as you go along.


And while I admit to being a sucker for the exceptionally well written romanceable npc, it doesn't mean I'm obsessively addicted to it, or the game it's in overall. I can still go and get bored of the game for the day and log off and do something else.

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Other people may be here just to become uber, pvp everything that moves, and be top ranking on their sever/guild/the entire MMO, but I'm here for the most unique thing I've seen in the 4 MMOs I've played.


I'm here because of the cut scenes, the voice acting, the story lines and my companions.




My companions are my characters' families. There is a reason why I finish their story lines (even before Legacy) outfit them as best as I can, and get pissed off and angry when my companions are hurt by NPCs in my story lines. Because they are my characters' friends, spouses, or drinking buddies. They are family. I want to chat with them about stupid stuff even if it IS prearranged for me in the dialogue wheel.


This, this, and a thousand times this. I've been playing MMOs off and on for longer than I care to admit, and abandoned all but two because of the lack of an immersive story. The whole reason I'm playing TOR rather than any other game is precisely because of the story and the real opportunity to create characters -- not just avatars -- and tie them (and their companions!) into a family in ways that you just can't do in any other game. Sure, I can say that my Forsaken Mage was the best friend of my Tauran Shamen before she was killed and became undead, but it's not reflected in the game at all. It's only in TOR that my Sentinel can be the daughter of my Shadow and Nadia within the actual game. Companions are a crucial part of that as far as I'm concerned; it would be nice to see some more added to their stories.


Especially if your romance options don't become a real part of the crew until much later on, sometimes not even until you're practically at the endgame. Risha's hanging out in the cargo bay of your Smuggler's ship, but you won't be able to team up with her until after Chapter 1. Sure, Nadia is technically on your ship right at the beginning of Chapter 2, but she won't become your companion until right before you head for Voss. But even that's better than Iresso, who you don't so much as meet until you get to Hoth. I adore the both of the Consular's romance options, but I'd really like to see their stories fleshed out beyond what they have. Three letters after marriage is nice and all, (and they were such cute letters) but I miss having conversations with Padawan Genki.


tl;dr MOAR PLZ.


And I don't think it's any more over-invested than having favourite characters in, say, a TV show. If anything, it's a testament to the writers' fantastic ability to write real and believable characters and the amazing voice actors who bring them to life. With the way the developers talk in interviews, I'm fairly certain that our reactions are what they were aiming for in the first place.


I just want my female sentinel to be able to romance Kira.


Same here. :( I'm sure Doc is nice and all, but Kira is Kira.

Edited by Uathach
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Other people may be here just to become uber, pvp everything that moves, and be top ranking on their sever/guild/the entire MMO, but I'm here for the most unique thing I've seen in the 4 MMOs I've played.


I'm here because of the cut scenes, the voice acting, the story lines and my companions.




My companions are my characters' families. There is a reason why I finish their story lines (even before Legacy) outfit them as best as I can, and get pissed off and angry when my companions are hurt by NPCs in my story lines. Because they are my characters' friends, spouses, or drinking buddies. They are family. I want to chat with them about stupid stuff even if it IS prearranged for me in the dialogue wheel.


Where can I sign this? Sounds like an ultimate declaration of RP players to me :) Anyway, you are very right and since BW positioned the game as "story-driven, relation involved RP game" would also love to see their main attraction and sell point to be better then just "at least we have something".

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  • 2 months later...

I have to say tthat I agree with the majority of the people on this thread. My main is a Jedi Sage and although Jorgen proposed (and I accepted) and I got 3 letters....nada after that. To me that is just.....lazy on the part of this game. Keep the storyline going. Like another poster said, have the wife/husband move around the ship, interact on a regular basis with the character.


I would also like to bring up the possibiity of having multiple choices for romances. A trooper for example may want a more light hearted and fun type of partner (opposites attract).


Heck, don't want to get all adult on you but offering the chance for toons to play the field on multiple planets would be fun too in a role players point of view...which is exactly why I LOVE this game.


I hope the developers are listening. We want more romance, more storyline after marriage, as well as multiple choices of romance partners!

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