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What is the point of Commando's now??


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So again ............. One of you have the "______________" to asnwer the question instead of just sending out random emails saying "you have been warned"


Classy and very mature all at the same time. :rolleyes:

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LOL! Clever :)


The nerfs we've been given and the state we're currently in is pathetic. On target dummies, we're out dps'd by everyone else (DPS specd). Commando is a waste right now...an utter waste of a DPS spot.


I dont disagree, but the issue is bigger: the gap between cms and other healing classes is even larger than the gap between gunnery and other dps classes, so really, what is left for a commando at all?


Being carried by 7 others, they know it, I know it, apparently everyone but BW knows it, is a rather patetic place to be.

Edited by Bluetickone
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Just to throw in my 2c, I'm not a heavy number-cruncher, but I'm still mad enjoying my PVE commando despite the nerf. As BW intended, I stopped spamming Grav Round every fight and actually bothered to learn a real rotation. I learned ammo management, and I learned how to burst at the end of boss fights. My guild has an abundance of healers right now, so I'm subbing as DPS (especially since that's the role I lvl'd with). In mostly Tionese, I'm holding my own in DPS in every HM and Op I've been on, and that's while geared as a healer and with a hybrid dps/healer build. And more than once I've been able to time a well-placed KB or no-cast-time MP to save a teammate when the healer gets into a snag. Am I successfully contributing to my HMs and raids? Yes, though I could improve my DPS significantly with proper gear + build. Can I do as much DPS as I could before the nerf? Probably not. Would I step into PVP? Not with any dilusions of hope. Am I still having fun in PVE? Frak yes!


Well, for PVE, it's passable. In PVP, commando is simply a broken class. In a rock/paper/scissors analogy, we're scissors, and in PVP, all we see are rocks. My fresh 50 sage will outdps my commando (who is in a mix of columi and rakata) in pve, and with recruit gear will tear my full BM commando to shreds. I probably wouldn't even have to put down my beer to accomplish either of these tasks.


For those of use who used proper roations pre 1.2, the difference is almost obscene, and not in a good way.

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In PVP Commandos are a great target dummy.


If I get focused on, yes Im a great target dummy. But who isnt.


My Assualt Commando, PVP with Plasma Cell on, is awesome in PVP. (Half BM Gear & Half War Hero Gear, Augmented. Helm, Boots. Gloves, Belt, Wrist, Impant)

Commando is fun again. If Im not focused on, I just AOE like crazy and burn them up.

If Im soloing I try to kite as much as possible and burn them down with DOT's.

High Impact Bolt (HiB) is a great attack and if it procs after your full auto, you get another "free" HiB.


This is just on most scors, but I hit 3k HiB then 4k Plastique then 2k-3k Full Auto, and if procs another "Free" 3k HiB.

Then I just finish him off with stuns and kiting before he is dead. (Quick 5 to 8 sec fight)

This is the whole time being mobile, with expection of full auto, stun him before using full auto.


Will Post my Rotation later today.

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If I get focused on, yes Im a great target dummy. But who isnt.


My Assualt Commando, PVP with Plasma Cell on, is awesome in PVP. (Half BM Gear & Half War Hero Gear, Augmented. Helm, Boots. Gloves, Belt, Wrist, Impant)

Commando is fun again. If Im not focused on, I just AOE like crazy and burn them up.

If Im soloing I try to kite as much as possible and burn them down with DOT's.

High Impact Bolt (HiB) is a great attack and if it procs after your full auto, you get another "free" HiB.


This is just on most scors, but I hit 3k HiB then 4k Plastique then 2k-3k Full Auto, and if procs another "Free" 3k HiB.

Then I just finish him off with stuns and kiting before he is dead. (Quick 5 to 8 sec fight)

This is the whole time being mobile, with expection of full auto, stun him before using full auto.


Will Post my Rotation later today.



Yeah, the only problem is that damn stationary moment in order to cast CB/FA.



I would love to gather some knowledge on assault actually (yes yes, I know, Vanguards do it better).

Edited by NeverRose
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Yeah, the only problem is that damn stationary moment in order to cast CB/FA.



I would love to gather some knowledge on assault actually (yes yes, I know, Vanguards do it better).

Well you dont actually have to cast FA, just start it for a split second to proc the HiB reset. If you have the time and space, let it run its course though because its good damage.

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Yeah, the only problem is that damn stationary moment in order to cast CB/FA.



I would love to gather some knowledge on assault actually (yes yes, I know, Vanguards do it better).


They need to tailor that tree for commmandos, its really tailored for Vanguards...so I say right now its better for Vanguards YES,,,but if they make a change, i think it would be the next FOTM Class again in PVP if tailored for commandos

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They don't have to tailor it to Commandos at the expense of Vanguards. They just need to change a couple of the first tier traits in the Commando version of the tree to allow for more mobility and a more reliable Plasma Cell/CGC proc. Target Lock and Weapon Calibrations are both incredibly lackluster traits that would be good candidates for a change.
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this thread has been a good read it is sort of reassuring too hear that other commandos are having issues with BW's management of this class. I am not a math guy so i have no clue how my grav round dots are suppose to be debuffing my opponents armor and allowing me to hit him harder. that is there intended use right or are they just for getting the most out of demmo round. ... and i cant seem to be able to get high impact bolt to hit a target for any serious amount of damage :confused:
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