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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Yes i understand that, and i know it happens in every mmo. but launch was almost 6 months ago, do you not notice a decline in just the last two or three months?


Only in concurrent playtimes. I have noticed, too, that while BioWare said that subs have NOT declined, neither did they say that subs were increasing.


The fact that subs are holding steady at 1.7 million for two month is a concern, definitely. The game is not growing. However, neither is it dying. It means that for as many are cancelling, that many are joining. Free weekends probably saved them.


Server transfers will make this clear for those on low-pop servers. Once they're moved to a higher pop server, it'll seem like a whole new game for them.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Yes i understand that, and i know it happens in every mmo. but launch was almost 6 months ago, do you not notice a decline in just the last two or three months?
For what it's worth, I haven't seen any evidence of significant population change since the launch bubble burst. This is including both In-game observations and outside sources.
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And I doubt anyone is suggesting to do anything with those 55 servers except maybe offer them as potential destination servers.


There are however 122 (I may have miscounted by one or two) US servers. As I mentioned before that denying some servers have population issues is just deluding yourself. Either that or it's a persistent effort by you to troll in this thread.


It is not prime time yet also its on a monday. On the weekend obviously there are a ton more. Nevermind most of the weast coast is still at work.

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It wouldn't change the effect, because the loot still only moves to one server and not the others.


well then i just dont get it then, people get a chance to get loot in an fp, why does it matter what server youre on. also *** are people selling from fp's?

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I will start with I am on a server and I wont say its is dead but I certainly have seen the drop off on population during my play times.




People complained so hard and so loud they had to wait hours to log in and the answer simple was to open more severs. Yep we all complained. Now that population has settled off some servers are dead and others are slow. Guess what in time they will merge servers and it wont be on your schedule when it happens it happens. Get over it and just wait until its here and done right.

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well then i just dont get it then, people get a chance to get loot in an fp, why does it matter what server youre on. also *** are people selling from fp's?
That's the point. It equalizes the economy across all servers. In theory it's not a bad thing. It's an issue, however, because some of those servers actually boast an economy more active than the average. The general equalization that results from cross-server activities has a significant impact on these servers, in essence putting them into recession.
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It is not prime time yet also its on a monday. On the weekend obviously there are a ton more. Nevermind most of the weast coast is still at work.


This Saturday from 7-9 pm CST there were never over 20 people on the Imperial fleet on Hanharr server. There were 4 on Belsavius which should in theory have a good chunk of players doing dailies and 2-5 on the leveling planets I went to. In fact right now it's peak for a Monday being an east coast server and there are only 10 on the fleet as I am typing this reply. Again pretending a problem doesn't exist doesn't mean that isn't there. As mentioned before if you are on a good pop server, that's great. If not, you have three basic options.

1. Bite the bullet and reroll losing all legacy. I think if it weren't for legacy most people would do that already. It's still an option I am greatly considering personally. In fact I may do that on the side while I wait for more information on this transfer news. I haven't decided.

2. Sit on a dead server and hope Bioware introduces a solution for you. Right now I am trying to be patient because there are still a couple friends on Hanharr holding a similar patience level.

3. Quit the game outright. A lot of people I know have already done that. Some just couldn't get into the game but some are tired of the population issues.


The fact is though if you are on a dead server, the game gets quite boring quite fast. It's a shame too when the game offers a lot of content that some people are unable to enjoy because they need others to do it with them.

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32 actually, in a single starter area. Approximately four times what was actually on Korriban when I checked shortly after. And that was the highest-pop of all four starting areas.


Another aspect of this issue is most people don't look to see if they have population issues on both republic and imperial. They only see the side they typically play. That doesn't mean that the problem doesn't need addressing.

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I wish you and yours the best, then.



Would be better if me friends didn't have 2-3 level 50s on a server which has been dead for over a month, and frankly the idea of re-rolling and saying goodbye to my 4 characters and 24 levels of Legacy stinks, but that's what I would have to give up Now to play on a populated server...


SO frustrating I like so much about this game, but can't keep my friends if they can't PVP (PVP queues are so long), can't raid, cause not enough to even do 8 mans anymore, can't recruit, everyone is gone or inactive

Nothing to buy on GTN because population is so low...


If you a new player stay away from Naddis Rebels server the Republic side has like 15-20 people at fleet during prime time, and Imperial side has been 30-50 during prime time... its sad...

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Another aspect of this issue is most people don't look to see if they have population issues on both republic and imperial. They only see the side they typically play. That doesn't mean that the problem doesn't need addressing.
True, but there are server where it is an issues on both factions. One the one we're referring to, for example, there were less than 20 in all four starting zones combined. The Fleet populations, looking at both factions, weren't much better. I don't believe the game is dying. I don't believe there's been any real change in subs since late January/early February. Some servers, though, are in need of attention.
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Would be better if me friends didn't have 2-3 level 50s on a server which has been dead for over a month, and frankly the idea of re-rolling and saying goodbye to my 4 characters and 24 levels of Legacy stinks, but that's what I would have to give up Now to play on a populated server...


SO frustrating I like so much about this game, but can't keep my friends if they can't PVP (PVP queues are so long), can't raid, cause not enough to even do 8 mans anymore, can't recruit, everyone is gone or inactive

Nothing to buy on GTN because population is so low...


If you a new player stay away from Naddis Rebels server the Republic side has like 15-20 people at fleet during prime time, and Imperial side has been 30-50 during prime time... its sad...

Alternatively, you and your guild might consider taking a break now, and returning when transfers are made available in a few months. Not wanting to reroll is a valid desire, but the reality of the situation needs to be recognized as well.
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LOL, ok i dont know where i got the 43 number from , but even 32 is high, there was about that many on tython on the fatman server when i was starting to level there and there were 45 minutes ques and that server is by far the highest pop server.


I just wanted to make it clear too that i dont want this game to die, and although im afraid it is getting dangerously close to the point of no return i dont think it will die.


And that i dont believe "Early Summer" is the soonest that bw could do something about this problem whether it is game wide legacies, server merges or server transfers.


In summer we might not even need it. A lot of people whether college or grade school have tons of free time in the summer. Vacations etc there will be a ton more people online then. I think they are waiting so we dont see 2 hr queues come June.

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In summer we might not even need it. A lot of people whether college or grade school have tons of free time in the summer. Vacations etc there will be a ton more people online then. I think they are waiting so we dont see 2 hr queues come June.
Wait, you think the developers are delaying transfers as well? Your comments made me think otherwise.
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Wait, you think the developers are delaying transfers as well? Your comments made me think otherwise.


Where in that did I say anything about delaying it? I do not think they are delaying it purposely. They are delaying it because it isnt done yet. I just do not get out of that how you think I said the devs were delaying it. When I said "we" did you think i meant developers? We are the players they are the developers. Im saying maybe his server this summer will be busy again to where he doesnt need to transfer. Is that clear enough?


Edit: NM I see how you could have misunderstood what I said. I said they are delaying I meant they are delaying rerolling on other servers. By they I mean people who do not want to reroll. My apologies I can see with my wording how someone could mistake what i said.

Edited by Leggomy
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Peak time Monday night, 25 people on the Republic Fleet. I've been in a warzone Q for the past 20 minutes. Gear progression is at a crawl. I'm outraged that I have to take another 2 months of this... all I want is to play with PEOPLE.


I made an alt on the Fatman. Rerolling is a really ugly word, I'm valor rank 96. But... 2 more months of nobody to play with and against.......

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Where in that did I say anything about delaying it? I do not think they are delaying it purposely. They are delaying it because it isnt done yet. I just do not get out of that how you think I said the devs were delaying it. When I said "we" did you think i meant developers? We are the players they are the developers. Im saying maybe his server this summer will be busy again to where he doesnt need to transfer. Is that clear enough?
You stated that you "... think they are waiting so we dont see 2 hr queues come June." If they are waiting until June, it implies that you feel they are capable of providing the service before then.
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You stated that you "... think they are waiting so we dont see 2 hr queues come June." If they are waiting until June, it implies that you feel they are capable of providing the service before then.


I edited the post to state I can see how you misunderstood when I said they what they meant. Poor wording sorry.

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