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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Ye you can stay here but now TOR is in big changes and nobody knows how going to be in the future. The most stabel MMO atm is wow but also who know how is going to be there. If you dont try the game you wont find your taste but to play at empty server im not happy too. So the best way is to wait for good changes in TOR back to wow or try other big hits like GW or d3. i been on beta D3 im fan of this game and i made my decission...


Who said anything about staying with this game? I certainly didn't.


I played D3 beta and thought it was horrible. I'd rather play the decade old hard to look at D2 because its by far a better game and why shouldn't it be. D2 was made during a time that game develepors knew how to make fun games. I'm done spending 60 dollars to try games that literally only have a lottery chance of being something other than complete garbage. I'm done supporting developers who don't know how to make games that are actually fun to play.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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No, there are some servers that are that bad. It's not the majority, but they do exist. I rerolled from one.


I would say that those low pop servers are actualy very much the majority right now. how many servers do they have now 200? 170 north american servers? i

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take 5 minutes and roll a toon on my server,i dare you..you can log in any time a day,all day long and you will never see more than 20 people on fleet,or 5 people per planet...again my server is talos restoration project.. why do you think we are all lying? what would be the point? if there was even 50 people on my fleet always,you would never hear a word from me,but that simply isnt the case. just because your on one of the few good servers dosent mean that we are all liars..go check it out..ill wait


Just did there were 32 people in the newbie area where I was. I bet once I hit lvl 10 and can go to fleet there will be the same. The point you are trying to make is the server is dead. Fact is there are 32 people in the newb area alone. Why you think everyone on the server just camps fleet all day long I have no idea. Remember not everyone is lvl 50.

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I would say that those low pop servers are actualy very much the majority right now. how many servers do they have now 200? 170 north american servers? i


You would say? You have any hard numbers or anything remotely resembling facts to back this up?

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Ok this is the last time im going to bother answering you mega fanboy, i spent a long time checking out different servers before i rerolled. my original server is dark reaper and isnt even considered a very low pop server if you compare it to how bad most of the other servers are, but it is still bad. I know it is bad because ive played there since release. i know it is bad because ive seen people leave, i know its bad because i can look at my guild roster of 200 people and see that 5 people have logged on in the last week or 2. i know its bad because ive rolled 4 alts on dark reaver and played through all of the planets 2-4 times and i can see the zones are usualy empty.


You are just clueless, i dont know how someone can be so dim, dont you wonder why you and 3 other dim wits are the only people claiming everyone else is full of crap and the population isnt in full decline?


So because some people in your guild left and others arent playing as much as launch? How do you know all 200 people left? Maybe they just re-rolled cross faction or went to a different server. Maybe (just maybe) not everyone who pays gets on everyday for hours and hours. Maybe (just maybe) not everyone sits in fleet all day long and are out playing the game.


For example earlier it said there were 3 people in republic fleet on my server. I was looking at over 10 people just at the GTN. Also there are two factions one of which you cannot see on your who list. You assume a lot really. Also with your winning personality I can see why noone wants to group with you.

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And second, how does a cross server lfg tool effect a servers economy?


Games like TOR that operate on a fairly tight loot table will be affected, there's no question.


Besides, LFG probably isn't coming until AFTER server transfers, and at that point, X-server will be completely unnecessary.

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So because some people in your guild left and others arent playing as much as launch? How do you know all 200 people left? Maybe they just re-rolled cross faction or went to a different server. Maybe (just maybe) not everyone who pays gets on everyday for hours and hours. Maybe (just maybe) not everyone sits in fleet all day long and are out playing the game.


For example earlier it said there were 3 people in republic fleet on my server. I was looking at over 10 people just at the GTN. Also there are two factions one of which you cannot see on your who list. You assume a lot really. Also with your winning personality I can see why noone wants to group with you.


This is your first mmo isnt it.

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Again you have no idea what other servers are doing. You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.


Some servers do not have an issue with population and that is fine. It's great for the people on them. Trying to claim that just because there are servers with no population issues that other servers don't have serious issues is just ******tery though. No one is saying that there are not healthy servers out there, yet you keep defending them like they are soon to be ruined by potential transfers when we don't even know what the servers are going to be involved with the free service. Also paid transfers haven't impacted WoW, because they don't happen in any considerable quantity. I can't see how it would be any different here


You mentioned how do we know people are leaving. Granted if you are on a server that has 75+ during peek on fleet you probably would not know. On a server that at one time had that on the fleet and now is lucky to see 20 people during peek I would say that yes people are leaving. Whether it is to rerolls or cancellations I do not know. I can say I know in the servers I play on two of three have had steadily declining active populations. The third still has a decent one. Just because one server has no issues doesn't mean the other two are to be ignored.


I know I personally am holding out hope that they add mergers/transfers in 4-6 weeks tops. If it doesn't happen by then I will have to access if I want to keep subscribing. I have plenty of other options as do other players. Bioware needs to understand that as part of running an MMO (and I'm sure they do) is they need to address issues by any large segment of their consumer base. Even if it was 5% (which would qualify as a large segment) of their base they should look to address it.


Now there are things you have said I agree with. One is that this upcoming transfer/merge won't necessarily fix server balance. I can only hope that Bioware does look at the balance of republic vs. imperial when looking at the list of source and destination servers. It might be impossible for them to balance if there just aren't enough people playing one side vs. the other. I think that is something a lot of people need to consider as a possibility.

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Games like TOR that operate on a fairly tight loot table will be affected, there's no question.


Besides, LFG probably isn't coming until AFTER server transfers, and at that point, X-server will be completely unnecessary.


So youre saying that when bioware designed the game and set the parameters for the economy they counted on people not being able to run flashpoints very often? if thats true its rediculous.

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This is your first mmo isnt it.


Hah so you cant refute any of my facts so you say this is my first MMO. Ive been playing MMOs since they were called MUDs. I was a beta tester for legends of kesami which was before UO and you paid per hour to play. I was involved in beta testing Ultima Online, EQ, EQ2, DDO, LOTRO and SWTOR. Ive seen people like you in every single one of them. You run around screaming sky is falling you are quitting etc. Ive seen 1000 of you. Each exactly the same.

Edited by Leggomy
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Hah so you cant refute any of my facts so you say this is my first MMO. Ive been playing MMOs since they were called MUDs. I was a beta tester for legends of kesami which was before UO and you paid per hour to play. I was involved in beta testing Ultima Online, EQ, EQ2, DDO, LOTRO and SWTOR. Ive seen people like you in every single one of them. You run around screaming sky is falling you are quitting etc. Ive seen 1000 of you. Each exactly the same.


No, you just seem like you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. And im not screaming the sky is falling, just pointing out that bioware needs to fix these problems faster because people are leaving.


My server has less than half the people on it that it had 2 months ago, and you claim its because they all went empire or to a different server lol. You really dont see how rediculous you sound?

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No, you just seem like you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. And im not screaming the sky is falling, just pointing out that bioware needs to fix these problems faster because people are leaving.


My server has less than half the people on it that it had 2 months ago, and you claim its because they all went empire or to a different server lol. You really dont see how rediculous you sound?


You have no idea the population of your server. You have no idea if those people rolled new characters on imp side or on another server. You have no idea if maybe they just dont have time to play now. You are the one who sounds rediculous.

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Ula Wii caps around 50 people on peaks hours on empires side in total. If that isn't a problem i don't know what is. Saddest part is there are some servers that are even less populated but in the end result is the same, you can kiss goodbye to group content for the most part. That's not what i paid for.

I just hope they get the transfers out soon, or it wont make a difference anymore since there no one left soon to transfer on my server.

Edited by Helistin
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Some servers do not have an issue with population and that is fine.


Actually, the majority of servers do not really have an issue with population. About 30% of them do, and that is why character transfers are needed, so people can vacate them and let Bioware close them for now.


Now, some people declare that any server that is not full and with a queue at prime time has a population problem. Which is nonsense.

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So youre saying that when bioware designed the game and set the parameters for the economy they counted on people not being able to run flashpoints very often? if thats true its rediculous.


What? Let me explain, because that's WAAAYYY in left-field compared to what I'm saying.


If someone from another server joins you, wins a roll on loot from your server's loot table, he's removing that piece from your server's economy and superficially inflating his. Multiply this by the number of times FPs are run a day by the entire population, and the impact is much more than you seem to understand.


It exacerbates inflation and wild spikes/troughs.

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Actually, the majority of servers do not really have an issue with population. About 30% of them do, and that is why character transfers are needed, so people can vacate them and let Bioware close them for now.


Now, some people declare that any server that is not full and with a queue at prime time has a population problem. Which is nonsense.


55 servers are standard with 1 heavy and 1 very heavy. That sounds like normal to be. Also this is monday not even prime time yet. People on west coast are still at work.

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No, you just seem like you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. And im not screaming the sky is falling, just pointing out that bioware needs to fix these problems faster because people are leaving.


If a person can run only a mile in 4 minutes, ranting and raving that they do it in a minute and a half is not going to make it happen...

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Yeah and all you have to do is wait until summer for it. Another month or 2 of sitting on a dead server with no one to do content with while you pay Bioware for the right. Great idea. Pay money for a month or 2 for the ability to not do FPs, OPs, whatnot.
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Yeah and all you have to do is wait until summer for it. Another month or 2 of sitting on a dead server with no one to do content with while you pay Bioware for the right. Great idea. Pay money for a month or 2 for the ability to not do FPs, OPs, whatnot.


You didn't get the free month? Do something else. Come back in June. What's the problem?

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Actually, the majority of servers do not really have an issue with population. About 30% of them do, and that is why character transfers are needed, so people can vacate them and let Bioware close them for now.


Now, some people declare that any server that is not full and with a queue at prime time has a population problem. Which is nonsense.

I said some because I won't make the pretense either way about how many have issues and how many don't. As I've said several times I have characters on three different servers. I originally rolled on Grand Master Zym on republic side. I played a couple characters to the low 20s on republic side. I could go back there and work from scratch if I felt like it. I rolled on the Sith Wyrm server imperial side to have characters to play with some friends after my initial week or two at launch on Grand Master Zym. Most of those people quit playing it has a fairly good population wtih anywhere from 30-50 on the fleet during peek hours. The last server I play on is one I would qualify as a problem server. That server is Hanharr. Again I play there to again play with another group of friends. That server I have seen as low as 4 people on the fleet during peek hours. Now maybe on the republic side on the same server it's better to the point it isn't an issue. I can't speak to that with any certainty.


In my hopes I wish for Bioware to offer a transfer/merge off Hanharr to a new destination server. I honestly don't care and don't think the other two servers have issues. If by chance the destination server for Hanharr is one of the other two I play on, that's great, but I don't care if it's not. I just want to have a server with an active player base and preferably not setting me back to square one. I'm pretty patient and I would probably reroll if this whole transfer thing doesn't go as hoped. I may also quit the game. I don't know yet and I'm not going to presume to know what my choice will be a month or more from now.

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What? Let me explain, because that's WAAAYYY in left-field compared to what I'm saying.


If someone from another server joins you, wins a roll on loot from your server's loot table, he's removing that piece from your server's economy and superficially inflating his. Multiply this by the number of times FPs are run a day by the entire population, and the impact is much more than you seem to understand.


It exacerbates inflation and wild spikes/troughs.


ahhh ok, i just always assumed that cross server fps/instances were on their own servers, not on one specific server. All they need to do is change that.

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It's not that people are paying and not playing, it's that people are paying and playing LESS than at launch.


Seriously, man, this has been happening with every single MMO launch for the last 15 years. Why are we acting like this is new?


Yes i understand that, and i know it happens in every mmo. but launch was almost 6 months ago, do you not notice a decline in just the last two or three months?

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