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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Moving all characters from one server, then closing it down, is not a "server merge". It's a server transfer. A server merge doesn't involve moving anyone to another server. It involves meshing the economies, items, loot tables, players, etc. of two different servers into one. It's messy, buggy, convoluted, and outdated.


Server merges are not needed.


Except that there will always be people who don't want to move which is why a merge is a better option. Transfer only work as long as the options you are provided are worth transferring to. For many standard servers that is not even an options worth mentioning.

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Except that there will always be people who don't want to move which is why a merge is a better option. Transfer only work as long as the options you are provided are worth transferring to. For many standard servers that is not even an options worth mentioning.


Every "merge" I've experienced in my MMOing throughout the last decade+ has almost ALWAYS resulted in unplayability for several days due to how inherently buggy it is. Tell me, how well do you think that would go over here?


RIFT did the transfer/shut down of servers last year and it worked like a charm.

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They can't make it available now. The technology does not exist yet. Bioware has developed their transfer system, but they have to put the technology in place before they can actually offer transfers; they can't offer something that does not yet exist.


but the technology does exist...they are offering transfers for asain/pacific correct?

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That was completely manual, as in they moved everyone manually. They're building automated software for the rest of us.


well for some of us on servers with 10 people on fleet at prime time,i think they could start manually moving us. they expect us to wait 2 more months for transfers? im not sure ill be around for that,ive already missed out on to much of the game,and no re-rolling is not an option for all you people who say to do it.

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well for some of us on servers with 10 people on fleet at prime time,i think they could start manually moving us. they expect us to wait 2 more months for transfers? im not sure ill be around for that,ive already missed out on to much of the game,and no re-rolling is not an option for all you people who say to do it.


Number of people on at a given time =/= number of people on the server, though.


At launch: 1000 people on server, 110 logging in every 2 hours and playing for 12 hours at a time = appr. 660 people on at any given time, most of them in starting areas.


After launch surge dies: 1000 people on server, 110 logging in every 4 hours and playing for 4 hours at a time = appr. 110 people on at any given time, spread throughout the planets, many playing alts instead of 50s.


The population appears to have dropped down to 1/6 of what it was, and then some, when actually only the concurrent time has.


There are still 1000 people to move.


(My math is approximate, but you get the gist.)

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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With regards to the Free transfers, how much you want to make a bet EA/BW will disregard the players that stuck with this game, sucked it up and rerolled characters on more populated/active servers. What I mean by this is, come that day were you finally get that notice you are eligible for a free character transfer, your option for a new server is not a choice were your rerolled characters are located. Therefore, the free transfer is still really not an option if you want to put your low pop characters on the same server your rerolled mains are on. How's that for Legacy system huh?



ive been wraning about this for some time now,on multiple threads,but yet people still re rolled on a heavy pop server and are now gonna complain they cant move there for free. thats not the way it works,they are not going to let you move your toons,for free,to a server that does not need a population boost.its just common sense,something i fear this community is lacking.

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Number of people on at a given time =/= number of people on the server, though.


At launch: 1000 people on server, 110 logging in every 2 hours and playing for 12 hours at a time = appr. 660 people on at any given time, most of them in starting areas.


After launch surge dies: 1000 people on server, 110 logging in every 4 hours and playing for 4 hours at a time = appr. 110 people on at any given time, spread throughout the planets, many playing alts instead of 50s.


The population appears to have dropped down to 1/6 of what it was, and then some, when actually only the concurrent time has.


There are still 1000 people to move.


(My math is approximate, but you get the gist.)


not on my server,never was close to that many ever. goto talos restoration project server,at any time,and you will be disgusted,im not kidding.i can stay on for 12 hours an que for pvp,and scream for groups and wont get either all day,any day...its really sad:(

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not on my server,never was close to that many ever. goto talos restoration project server,at any time,and you will be disgusted,im not kidding.i can stay on for 12 hours an que for pvp,and scream for groups and wont get either all day,any day...its really sad:(


It was an example. BioWare has stated that subs have not declined but concurrent playtime has. Three times last week, actually.


They are trying to get the server transfer software coded and implemented as soon as possible, though. It's no simple task.

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They are trying to get the server transfer software coded and implemented as soon as possible, though. It's no simple task.


Who the hell cares? If They want to me to pay them, trasnfer my characters now, they can do that.

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It's no simple task.


but alot of armchair developers play this game.so they know all about how it goes in terms of server transfers and stuff like that


eather way,ill be sure to laugh at the reality of there free transfers when i see about 95 percent of the servers dead the day it comes out.it will also show that bioware should pay more attention to its community

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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I have been holding out, waiting for 1.2, got it, was briefly happy then realised I was still playing an an empty server, no flashpoints of any kind running pvp matches once every 30 mins for a max of 3hrs a day with always the same people.


So I figured with the news of the APAC server transfers, server transfers for everyone else are coming soon, I therefore decided to level a new character (on the same server for legacy reasons) as I couldn't really experience end game. And of course, leveling a character on an empty server has alot of downsides too - lack of all the above and group quests. So anyway happy leveling my new character thinking "well transfers soon so it's not all bad".


And now here is where i've lost my enthusiasm - character transfers coming "Early Summer" which in my experience is a very loose time frame however I will wait for the actual release date.


Not that it makes a huge amount of difference but Im much less enthusiastic about continuing playing now as there is currently no real point. Some may suggest rerolling on a more populated server (which is ignorant of legacy, and I know there will be legacy merges or the highest legacy level takes over but who knows what server I am able to transfer to?) some will suggest "quitting altogether, no one will miss you" and they'd quite likely be right as it feels like i'm playing a single player game.


Anyway my overall point is "Early Summer" can be a long times off.

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I wonder if these people even realize that most transfers offered by MMO developers are actually pay-to-use? *smh*
Why wouldn't I realize this. It only makes sense; if you're offering free character transfers to address population concerns, then it only makes sense to move folks to specific servers that are not overburdened but already boast a sustainable, though likely small, population. In doing so you strengthen the population on the destination server without generating lengthy queues. This of course means that if you're offering general transfers as well, those not designed to address population issues become a charged service. Edited by HeavensAgent
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The only thing Im gonna do about this is that I will enjoy those 30 days they gave me as much as I can and then Ill quit.I see no reason Why should I pay for this game if I cannot enjoy it on dead server and Im tired of waiting, also, because BioWare is too lazy to do something about it soon enough.


Trasnfer at early summer, what were You thinking BW? You really were not exping us to be happy about this, werent u ?


Reroll is not an option for me, I dont want to do all that stuff all over again.

They're not lazy, kid. They literally cannot offer transfers at this time. You're demanding they provide something immediately that doesn't exist. Early summer is when they project they will be able to have the technology in place and functional. In other words, transfers are going to be made available as soon as it is possible to do so.
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They're not lazy, kid. They literally cannot offer transfers at this time. You're demanding they provide something immediately that doesn't exist. Early summer is when they project they will be able to have the technology in place and functional. In other words, transfers are going to be made available as soon as it is possible to do so.


Well, they do have it.. its just not automated. And takes alot of work to do manually.

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Moving all characters from one server, then closing it down, is not a "server merge". It's a server transfer. A server merge doesn't involve moving anyone to another server. It involves meshing the economies, items, loot tables, players, etc. of two different servers into one. It's messy, buggy, convoluted, and outdated.


Server merges are not needed.

Actually, moving everyone from one server to a new one, and shutting the source server down, is exactly what a server merge is.
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well for some of us on servers with 10 people on fleet at prime time,i think they could start manually moving us. they expect us to wait 2 more months for transfers? im not sure ill be around for that,ive already missed out on to much of the game,and no re-rolling is not an option for all you people who say to do it.
If they did this, the process wouldn't be finished for at least a year. You want to advocate such a task on the off-chance that your is one of the first servers they move? What if yours was the last server to move? Would you advocate they move character by hand if it meant yours wouldn't be transferred until December?


No, they need to get the technology in place to handle full-scale transfer capabilities before offering them to the population.

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Bioware why am I waiting till early summer? I am sick and tired of this crap. This is a MAJOR issue, fix it now.


I am sick and tired of 4/5/6v8 warzones.


I am sick and tired of being outgeared/outgunned because imps win every match for the above reason.


I am sick and tired of not being able to EVER find a group for ANYTHING (because at PRIME TIME there is 4-7 people on fleet).


That is just to name 3 issues. This needs fixing now, not next week, not next month and not early summer, now.

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They're not lazy, kid. They literally cannot offer transfers at this time. You're demanding they provide something immediately that doesn't exist. Early summer is when they project they will be able to have the technology in place and functional. In other words, transfers are going to be made available as soon as it is possible to do so.


Hm, kid. That is and only their problem.We should link them TBC intro cinematic with Illidan "You are not prepared and You will pay for that"


I dont care how long it takes, the only thing I care about is I want to play, enjoy, but they are not letting me.Anyway they should trasnfer low pop account already, they can do that.So yes they are just L A Z Y , they can trasnfer us already.But they reather wait until there is noone to trasnfer.In the end there will be full and completely dead servers and mass trasnfer wont be needed that much as it is now.


They can keep working on mass trasnfer system while they manualy transfer poeple from low pop servers.


Not to mention, they could be some issues with the system and it can crash, but does anyone knows how long will it take?... So maybe u will wait even longer.

Edited by Emdix
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Bioware why am I waiting till early summer? I am sick and tired of this crap. This is a MAJOR issue, fix it now.
How about because they can't fix it now. They're incapable of doing so.

I am sick and tired of 4/5/6v8 warzones.


I am sick and tired of being outgeared/outgunned because imps win every match for the above reason.


I am sick and tired of not being able to EVER find a group for ANYTHING (because at PRIME TIME there is 4-7 people on fleet).


That is just to name 3 issues. This needs fixing now, not next week, not next month and not early summer, now.

Well, what you are asking is not possible. It leaves you with two options: wait patiently, or cancel your subscription. Best make your choice.
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Bioware why am I waiting till early summer? I am sick and tired of this crap. This is a MAJOR issue, fix it now.


I am sick and tired of 4/5/6v8 warzones.


I am sick and tired of being outgeared/outgunned because imps win every match for the above reason.


I am sick and tired of not being able to EVER find a group for ANYTHING (because at PRIME TIME there is 4-7 people on fleet).


That is just to name 3 issues. This needs fixing now, not next week, not next month and not early summer, now.


i was sick and tired of pvping being watching my warzones close due to lack of players.id rather have a 6 vs 8 pvp then have no pvp


but whatever,this game will be dead by summer anyway.thats probably why there gonna implement server transfers in the summertime.ive played casual mmos before,they arent really that active during the summertime and this game already seems not active enough

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Well, what you are asking is not possible. It leaves you with two options: wait patiently, or cancel your subscription. Best make your choice.


people should know by now your average sw tor player doesnt believe in patience.they believe in whining like a baby that just got there candy taken and then unsubscribing


the funny thing is though,i already see people complaining about guild wars 2,who do you think the people are that are complaining? my guess,the same bunch that complained here

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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Hm, kid. That is and only their problem.We should link them TBC intro cinematic with Illidan "You are not prepared and You will pay for that"


I dont care how long it takes, the only thing I care about is I want to play, enjoy, but they are not letting me.Anyway they should trasnfer low pop account already, they can do that.So yes they are just L A Z Y , they can trasnfer us already.But they reather wait until there is noone to trasnfer.In the end they will be full and completely dead servers and mass trasnfer wont be needed that much as it is now.


They can keep working on mass trasnfer system while they manualy transfer poeple from low pop servers.

OK, how many characters do you think exist on low-population servers? Considering the initial launch figure, quite a lot. In the millions. Transferring thos character manually would take an extremely long amount of time. Lets say till the game's first anniversary.


Now, let's consider: they cannot transfer all characters at once manually. So they would have to offer transfers to a few servers at a time, move on, repeat the process, and continue this until finished. What if you server was one of the last they got around to addressing? Would you still advocate they do this if it meant you would have to wait until December to have your character transferred?


The functionality will be offered when it is possible to do so. Waiting for the tech to be in place will be much faster than attempting to perform the process by hand. Grow up and be patient or leave.

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